changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
equal deleted inserted replaced
53:57b4279d8c4e 54:03e267d67478
     1 try:
     2     # Only exists in Python 2.4+
     3     from threading import local
     4 except ImportError:
     5     # Import copy of from Python 2.4
     6     from django.utils._threading_local import local
     8 class BaseDatabaseWrapper(local):
     9     """
    10     Represents a database connection.
    11     """
    12     ops = None
    13     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    14         self.connection = None
    15         self.queries = []
    16         self.options = kwargs
    18     def _commit(self):
    19         if self.connection is not None:
    20             return self.connection.commit()
    22     def _rollback(self):
    23         if self.connection is not None:
    24             return self.connection.rollback()
    26     def close(self):
    27         if self.connection is not None:
    28             self.connection.close()
    29             self.connection = None
    31     def cursor(self):
    32         from django.conf import settings
    33         cursor = self._cursor(settings)
    34         if settings.DEBUG:
    35             return self.make_debug_cursor(cursor)
    36         return cursor
    38     def make_debug_cursor(self, cursor):
    39         from django.db.backends import util
    40         return util.CursorDebugWrapper(cursor, self)
    42 class BaseDatabaseFeatures(object):
    43     allows_group_by_ordinal = True
    44     allows_unique_and_pk = True
    45     autoindexes_primary_keys = True
    46     inline_fk_references = True
    47     needs_datetime_string_cast = True
    48     needs_upper_for_iops = False
    49     supports_constraints = True
    50     supports_tablespaces = False
    51     uses_case_insensitive_names = False
    52     uses_custom_query_class = False
    53     empty_fetchmany_value = []
    54     update_can_self_select = True
    56 class BaseDatabaseOperations(object):
    57     """
    58     This class encapsulates all backend-specific differences, such as the way
    59     a backend performs ordering or calculates the ID of a recently-inserted
    60     row.
    61     """
    62     def autoinc_sql(self, table, column):
    63         """
    64         Returns any SQL needed to support auto-incrementing primary keys, or
    65         None if no SQL is necessary.
    67         This SQL is executed when a table is created.
    68         """
    69         return None
    71     def date_extract_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name):
    72         """
    73         Given a lookup_type of 'year', 'month' or 'day', returns the SQL that
    74         extracts a value from the given date field field_name.
    75         """
    76         raise NotImplementedError()
    78     def date_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name):
    79         """
    80         Given a lookup_type of 'year', 'month' or 'day', returns the SQL that
    81         truncates the given date field field_name to a DATE object with only
    82         the given specificity.
    83         """
    84         raise NotImplementedError()
    86     def datetime_cast_sql(self):
    87         """
    88         Returns the SQL necessary to cast a datetime value so that it will be
    89         retrieved as a Python datetime object instead of a string.
    91         This SQL should include a '%s' in place of the field's name.
    92         """
    93         return "%s"
    95     def deferrable_sql(self):
    96         """
    97         Returns the SQL necessary to make a constraint "initially deferred"
    98         during a CREATE TABLE statement.
    99         """
   100         return ''
   102     def drop_foreignkey_sql(self):
   103         """
   104         Returns the SQL command that drops a foreign key.
   105         """
   106         return "DROP CONSTRAINT"
   108     def drop_sequence_sql(self, table):
   109         """
   110         Returns any SQL necessary to drop the sequence for the given table.
   111         Returns None if no SQL is necessary.
   112         """
   113         return None
   115     def field_cast_sql(self, db_type):
   116         """
   117         Given a column type (e.g. 'BLOB', 'VARCHAR'), returns the SQL necessary
   118         to cast it before using it in a WHERE statement. Note that the
   119         resulting string should contain a '%s' placeholder for the column being
   120         searched against.
   121         """
   122         return '%s'
   124     def fulltext_search_sql(self, field_name):
   125         """
   126         Returns the SQL WHERE clause to use in order to perform a full-text
   127         search of the given field_name. Note that the resulting string should
   128         contain a '%s' placeholder for the value being searched against.
   129         """
   130         raise NotImplementedError('Full-text search is not implemented for this database backend')
   132     def last_executed_query(self, cursor, sql, params):
   133         """
   134         Returns a string of the query last executed by the given cursor, with
   135         placeholders replaced with actual values.
   137         `sql` is the raw query containing placeholders, and `params` is the
   138         sequence of parameters. These are used by default, but this method
   139         exists for database backends to provide a better implementation
   140         according to their own quoting schemes.
   141         """
   142         from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, force_unicode
   144         # Convert params to contain Unicode values.
   145         to_unicode = lambda s: force_unicode(s, strings_only=True)
   146         if isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
   147             u_params = tuple([to_unicode(val) for val in params])
   148         else:
   149             u_params = dict([(to_unicode(k), to_unicode(v)) for k, v in params.items()])
   151         return smart_unicode(sql) % u_params
   153     def last_insert_id(self, cursor, table_name, pk_name):
   154         """
   155         Given a cursor object that has just performed an INSERT statement into
   156         a table that has an auto-incrementing ID, returns the newly created ID.
   158         This method also receives the table name and the name of the primary-key
   159         column.
   160         """
   161         return cursor.lastrowid
   163     def limit_offset_sql(self, limit, offset=None):
   164         """
   165         Returns a LIMIT/OFFSET SQL clause, given a limit and optional offset.
   166         """
   167         # 'LIMIT 40 OFFSET 20'
   168         sql = "LIMIT %s" % limit
   169         if offset and offset != 0:
   170             sql += " OFFSET %s" % offset
   171         return sql
   173     def lookup_cast(self, lookup_type):
   174         """
   175         Returns the string to use in a query when performing lookups
   176         ("contains", "like", etc). The resulting string should contain a '%s'
   177         placeholder for the column being searched against.
   178         """
   179         return "%s"
   181     def max_name_length(self):
   182         """
   183         Returns the maximum length of table and column names, or None if there
   184         is no limit.
   185         """
   186         return None
   188     def no_limit_value(self):
   189         """
   190         Returns the value to use for the LIMIT when we are wanting "LIMIT
   191         infinity". Returns None if the limit clause can be omitted in this case.
   192         """
   193         # FIXME: API may need to change once Oracle backend is repaired.
   194         raise NotImplementedError()
   196     def pk_default_value(self):
   197         """
   198         Returns the value to use during an INSERT statement to specify that
   199         the field should use its default value.
   200         """
   201         return 'DEFAULT'
   203     def query_class(self, DefaultQueryClass):
   204         """
   205         Given the default QuerySet class, returns a custom QuerySet class
   206         to use for this backend. Returns None if a custom QuerySet isn't used.
   207         See also BaseDatabaseFeatures.uses_custom_query_class, which regulates
   208         whether this method is called at all.
   209         """
   210         return None
   212     def quote_name(self, name):
   213         """
   214         Returns a quoted version of the given table, index or column name. Does
   215         not quote the given name if it's already been quoted.
   216         """
   217         raise NotImplementedError()
   219     def random_function_sql(self):
   220         """
   221         Returns a SQL expression that returns a random value.
   222         """
   223         return 'RANDOM()'
   225     def regex_lookup(self, lookup_type):
   226         """
   227         Returns the string to use in a query when performing regular expression
   228         lookups (using "regex" or "iregex"). The resulting string should
   229         contain a '%s' placeholder for the column being searched against.
   231         If the feature is not supported (or part of it is not supported), a
   232         NotImplementedError exception can be raised.
   233         """
   234         raise NotImplementedError
   236     def sql_flush(self, style, tables, sequences):
   237         """
   238         Returns a list of SQL statements required to remove all data from
   239         the given database tables (without actually removing the tables
   240         themselves).
   242         The `style` argument is a Style object as returned by either
   243         color_style() or no_style() in
   244         """
   245         raise NotImplementedError()
   247     def sequence_reset_sql(self, style, model_list):
   248         """
   249         Returns a list of the SQL statements required to reset sequences for
   250         the given models.
   252         The `style` argument is a Style object as returned by either
   253         color_style() or no_style() in
   254         """
   255         return [] # No sequence reset required by default.
   257     def start_transaction_sql(self):
   258         """
   259         Returns the SQL statement required to start a transaction.
   260         """
   261         return "BEGIN;"
   263     def tablespace_sql(self, tablespace, inline=False):
   264         """
   265         Returns the tablespace SQL, or None if the backend doesn't use
   266         tablespaces.
   267         """
   268         return None