changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
equal deleted inserted replaced
53:57b4279d8c4e 54:03e267d67478
     1 """
     2 BaseHTTPServer that implements the Python WSGI protocol (PEP 333, rev 1.21).
     4 Adapted from wsgiref.simple_server:
     6 This is a simple server for use in testing or debugging Django apps. It hasn't
     7 been reviewed for security issues. Don't use it for production use.
     8 """
    10 from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
    11 import mimetypes
    12 import os
    13 import re
    14 import sys
    15 import urllib
    17 from django.utils.http import http_date
    19 __version__ = "0.1"
    20 __all__ = ['WSGIServer','WSGIRequestHandler','demo_app']
    22 server_version = "WSGIServer/" + __version__
    23 sys_version = "Python/" + sys.version.split()[0]
    24 software_version = server_version + ' ' + sys_version
    26 class WSGIServerException(Exception):
    27     pass
    29 class FileWrapper(object):
    30     """Wrapper to convert file-like objects to iterables"""
    32     def __init__(self, filelike, blksize=8192):
    33         self.filelike = filelike
    34         self.blksize = blksize
    35         if hasattr(filelike,'close'):
    36             self.close = filelike.close
    38     def __getitem__(self,key):
    39         data =
    40         if data:
    41             return data
    42         raise IndexError
    44     def __iter__(self):
    45         return self
    47     def next(self):
    48         data =
    49         if data:
    50             return data
    51         raise StopIteration
    53 # Regular expression that matches `special' characters in parameters, the
    54 # existence of which force quoting of the parameter value.
    55 tspecials = re.compile(r'[ \(\)<>@,;:\\"/\[\]\?=]')
    57 def _formatparam(param, value=None, quote=1):
    58     """Convenience function to format and return a key=value pair.
    60     This will quote the value if needed or if quote is true.
    61     """
    62     if value is not None and len(value) > 0:
    63         if quote or
    64             value = value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', r'\"')
    65             return '%s="%s"' % (param, value)
    66         else:
    67             return '%s=%s' % (param, value)
    68     else:
    69         return param
    71 class Headers(object):
    72     """Manage a collection of HTTP response headers"""
    73     def __init__(self,headers):
    74         if not isinstance(headers, list):
    75             raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples")
    76         self._headers = headers
    78     def __len__(self):
    79         """Return the total number of headers, including duplicates."""
    80         return len(self._headers)
    82     def __setitem__(self, name, val):
    83         """Set the value of a header."""
    84         del self[name]
    85         self._headers.append((name, val))
    87     def __delitem__(self,name):
    88         """Delete all occurrences of a header, if present.
    90         Does *not* raise an exception if the header is missing.
    91         """
    92         name = name.lower()
    93         self._headers[:] = [kv for kv in self._headers if kv[0].lower()<>name]
    95     def __getitem__(self,name):
    96         """Get the first header value for 'name'
    98         Return None if the header is missing instead of raising an exception.
   100         Note that if the header appeared multiple times, the first exactly which
   101         occurrance gets returned is undefined.  Use getall() to get all
   102         the values matching a header field name.
   103         """
   104         return self.get(name)
   106     def has_key(self, name):
   107         """Return true if the message contains the header."""
   108         return self.get(name) is not None
   110     __contains__ = has_key
   112     def get_all(self, name):
   113         """Return a list of all the values for the named field.
   115         These will be sorted in the order they appeared in the original header
   116         list or were added to this instance, and may contain duplicates.  Any
   117         fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header list.
   118         If no fields exist with the given name, returns an empty list.
   119         """
   120         name = name.lower()
   121         return [kv[1] for kv in self._headers if kv[0].lower()==name]
   124     def get(self,name,default=None):
   125         """Get the first header value for 'name', or return 'default'"""
   126         name = name.lower()
   127         for k,v in self._headers:
   128             if k.lower()==name:
   129                 return v
   130         return default
   132     def keys(self):
   133         """Return a list of all the header field names.
   135         These will be sorted in the order they appeared in the original header
   136         list, or were added to this instance, and may contain duplicates.
   137         Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header
   138         list.
   139         """
   140         return [k for k, v in self._headers]
   142     def values(self):
   143         """Return a list of all header values.
   145         These will be sorted in the order they appeared in the original header
   146         list, or were added to this instance, and may contain duplicates.
   147         Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header
   148         list.
   149         """
   150         return [v for k, v in self._headers]
   152     def items(self):
   153         """Get all the header fields and values.
   155         These will be sorted in the order they were in the original header
   156         list, or were added to this instance, and may contain duplicates.
   157         Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header
   158         list.
   159         """
   160         return self._headers[:]
   162     def __repr__(self):
   163         return "Headers(%s)" % `self._headers`
   165     def __str__(self):
   166         """str() returns the formatted headers, complete with end line,
   167         suitable for direct HTTP transmission."""
   168         return '\r\n'.join(["%s: %s" % kv for kv in self._headers]+['',''])
   170     def setdefault(self,name,value):
   171         """Return first matching header value for 'name', or 'value'
   173         If there is no header named 'name', add a new header with name 'name'
   174         and value 'value'."""
   175         result = self.get(name)
   176         if result is None:
   177             self._headers.append((name,value))
   178             return value
   179         else:
   180             return result
   182     def add_header(self, _name, _value, **_params):
   183         """Extended header setting.
   185         _name is the header field to add.  keyword arguments can be used to set
   186         additional parameters for the header field, with underscores converted
   187         to dashes.  Normally the parameter will be added as key="value" unless
   188         value is None, in which case only the key will be added.
   190         Example:
   192         h.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment', filename='bud.gif')
   194         Note that unlike the corresponding 'email.Message' method, this does
   195         *not* handle '(charset, language, value)' tuples: all values must be
   196         strings or None.
   197         """
   198         parts = []
   199         if _value is not None:
   200             parts.append(_value)
   201         for k, v in _params.items():
   202             if v is None:
   203                 parts.append(k.replace('_', '-'))
   204             else:
   205                 parts.append(_formatparam(k.replace('_', '-'), v))
   206         self._headers.append((_name, "; ".join(parts)))
   208 def guess_scheme(environ):
   209     """Return a guess for whether 'wsgi.url_scheme' should be 'http' or 'https'
   210     """
   211     if environ.get("HTTPS") in ('yes','on','1'):
   212         return 'https'
   213     else:
   214         return 'http'
   216 _hop_headers = {
   217     'connection':1, 'keep-alive':1, 'proxy-authenticate':1,
   218     'proxy-authorization':1, 'te':1, 'trailers':1, 'transfer-encoding':1,
   219     'upgrade':1
   220 }
   222 def is_hop_by_hop(header_name):
   223     """Return true if 'header_name' is an HTTP/1.1 "Hop-by-Hop" header"""
   224     return header_name.lower() in _hop_headers
   226 class ServerHandler(object):
   227     """Manage the invocation of a WSGI application"""
   229     # Configuration parameters; can override per-subclass or per-instance
   230     wsgi_version = (1,0)
   231     wsgi_multithread = True
   232     wsgi_multiprocess = True
   233     wsgi_run_once = False
   235     origin_server = True    # We are transmitting direct to client
   236     http_version  = "1.0"   # Version that should be used for response
   237     server_software = software_version
   239     # os_environ is used to supply configuration from the OS environment:
   240     # by default it's a copy of 'os.environ' as of import time, but you can
   241     # override this in e.g. your __init__ method.
   242     os_environ = dict(os.environ.items())
   244     # Collaborator classes
   245     wsgi_file_wrapper = FileWrapper     # set to None to disable
   246     headers_class = Headers             # must be a Headers-like class
   248     # Error handling (also per-subclass or per-instance)
   249     traceback_limit = None  # Print entire traceback to self.get_stderr()
   250     error_status = "500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"
   251     error_headers = [('Content-Type','text/plain')]
   253     # State variables (don't mess with these)
   254     status = result = None
   255     headers_sent = False
   256     headers = None
   257     bytes_sent = 0
   259     def __init__(self, stdin, stdout, stderr, environ, multithread=True,
   260         multiprocess=False):
   261         self.stdin = stdin
   262         self.stdout = stdout
   263         self.stderr = stderr
   264         self.base_env = environ
   265         self.wsgi_multithread = multithread
   266         self.wsgi_multiprocess = multiprocess
   268     def run(self, application):
   269         """Invoke the application"""
   270         # Note to self: don't move the close()!  Asynchronous servers shouldn't
   271         # call close() from finish_response(), so if you close() anywhere but
   272         # the double-error branch here, you'll break asynchronous servers by
   273         # prematurely closing.  Async servers must return from 'run()' without
   274         # closing if there might still be output to iterate over.
   275         try:
   276             self.setup_environ()
   277             self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
   278             self.finish_response()
   279         except:
   280             try:
   281                 self.handle_error()
   282             except:
   283                 # If we get an error handling an error, just give up already!
   284                 self.close()
   285                 raise   # ...and let the actual server figure it out.
   287     def setup_environ(self):
   288         """Set up the environment for one request"""
   290         env = self.environ = self.os_environ.copy()
   291         self.add_cgi_vars()
   293         env['wsgi.input']        = self.get_stdin()
   294         env['wsgi.errors']       = self.get_stderr()
   295         env['wsgi.version']      = self.wsgi_version
   296         env['wsgi.run_once']     = self.wsgi_run_once
   297         env['wsgi.url_scheme']   = self.get_scheme()
   298         env['wsgi.multithread']  = self.wsgi_multithread
   299         env['wsgi.multiprocess'] = self.wsgi_multiprocess
   301         if self.wsgi_file_wrapper is not None:
   302             env['wsgi.file_wrapper'] = self.wsgi_file_wrapper
   304         if self.origin_server and self.server_software:
   305             env.setdefault('SERVER_SOFTWARE',self.server_software)
   307     def finish_response(self):
   308         """Send any iterable data, then close self and the iterable
   310         Subclasses intended for use in asynchronous servers will
   311         want to redefine this method, such that it sets up callbacks
   312         in the event loop to iterate over the data, and to call
   313         'self.close()' once the response is finished.
   314         """
   315         if not self.result_is_file() and not self.sendfile():
   316             for data in self.result:
   317                 self.write(data)
   318             self.finish_content()
   319         self.close()
   321     def get_scheme(self):
   322         """Return the URL scheme being used"""
   323         return guess_scheme(self.environ)
   325     def set_content_length(self):
   326         """Compute Content-Length or switch to chunked encoding if possible"""
   327         try:
   328             blocks = len(self.result)
   329         except (TypeError, AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
   330             pass
   331         else:
   332             if blocks==1:
   333                 self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(self.bytes_sent)
   334                 return
   335         # XXX Try for chunked encoding if origin server and client is 1.1
   337     def cleanup_headers(self):
   338         """Make any necessary header changes or defaults
   340         Subclasses can extend this to add other defaults.
   341         """
   342         if 'Content-Length' not in self.headers:
   343             self.set_content_length()
   345     def start_response(self, status, headers,exc_info=None):
   346         """'start_response()' callable as specified by PEP 333"""
   348         if exc_info:
   349             try:
   350                 if self.headers_sent:
   351                     # Re-raise original exception if headers sent
   352                     raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
   353             finally:
   354                 exc_info = None        # avoid dangling circular ref
   355         elif self.headers is not None:
   356             raise AssertionError("Headers already set!")
   358         assert isinstance(status, str),"Status must be a string"
   359         assert len(status)>=4,"Status must be at least 4 characters"
   360         assert int(status[:3]),"Status message must begin w/3-digit code"
   361         assert status[3]==" ", "Status message must have a space after code"
   362         if __debug__:
   363             for name,val in headers:
   364                 assert isinstance(name, str),"Header names must be strings"
   365                 assert isinstance(val, str),"Header values must be strings"
   366                 assert not is_hop_by_hop(name),"Hop-by-hop headers not allowed"
   367         self.status = status
   368         self.headers = self.headers_class(headers)
   369         return self.write
   371     def send_preamble(self):
   372         """Transmit version/status/date/server, via self._write()"""
   373         if self.origin_server:
   374             if self.client_is_modern():
   375                 self._write('HTTP/%s %s\r\n' % (self.http_version,self.status))
   376                 if 'Date' not in self.headers:
   377                     self._write(
   378                         'Date: %s\r\n' % http_date()
   379                     )
   380                 if self.server_software and 'Server' not in self.headers:
   381                     self._write('Server: %s\r\n' % self.server_software)
   382         else:
   383             self._write('Status: %s\r\n' % self.status)
   385     def write(self, data):
   386         """'write()' callable as specified by PEP 333"""
   388         assert isinstance(data, str), "write() argument must be string"
   390         if not self.status:
   391             raise AssertionError("write() before start_response()")
   393         elif not self.headers_sent:
   394             # Before the first output, send the stored headers
   395             self.bytes_sent = len(data)    # make sure we know content-length
   396             self.send_headers()
   397         else:
   398             self.bytes_sent += len(data)
   400         # XXX check Content-Length and truncate if too many bytes written?
   402         # If data is too large, socket will choke, so write chunks no larger
   403         # than 32MB at a time.
   404         length = len(data)
   405         if length > 33554432:
   406             offset = 0
   407             while offset < length:
   408                 chunk_size = min(33554432, length)
   409                 self._write(data[offset:offset+chunk_size])
   410                 self._flush()
   411                 offset += chunk_size
   412         else:
   413             self._write(data)
   414             self._flush()
   416     def sendfile(self):
   417         """Platform-specific file transmission
   419         Override this method in subclasses to support platform-specific
   420         file transmission.  It is only called if the application's
   421         return iterable ('self.result') is an instance of
   422         'self.wsgi_file_wrapper'.
   424         This method should return a true value if it was able to actually
   425         transmit the wrapped file-like object using a platform-specific
   426         approach.  It should return a false value if normal iteration
   427         should be used instead.  An exception can be raised to indicate
   428         that transmission was attempted, but failed.
   430         NOTE: this method should call 'self.send_headers()' if
   431         'self.headers_sent' is false and it is going to attempt direct
   432         transmission of the file1.
   433         """
   434         return False   # No platform-specific transmission by default
   436     def finish_content(self):
   437         """Ensure headers and content have both been sent"""
   438         if not self.headers_sent:
   439             self.headers['Content-Length'] = "0"
   440             self.send_headers()
   441         else:
   442             pass # XXX check if content-length was too short?
   444     def close(self):
   445         try:
   446             self.request_handler.log_request(self.status.split(' ',1)[0], self.bytes_sent)
   447         finally:
   448             try:
   449                 if hasattr(self.result,'close'):
   450                     self.result.close()
   451             finally:
   452                 self.result = self.headers = self.status = self.environ = None
   453                 self.bytes_sent = 0; self.headers_sent = False
   455     def send_headers(self):
   456         """Transmit headers to the client, via self._write()"""
   457         self.cleanup_headers()
   458         self.headers_sent = True
   459         if not self.origin_server or self.client_is_modern():
   460             self.send_preamble()
   461             self._write(str(self.headers))
   463     def result_is_file(self):
   464         """True if 'self.result' is an instance of 'self.wsgi_file_wrapper'"""
   465         wrapper = self.wsgi_file_wrapper
   466         return wrapper is not None and isinstance(self.result,wrapper)
   468     def client_is_modern(self):
   469         """True if client can accept status and headers"""
   470         return self.environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].upper() != 'HTTP/0.9'
   472     def log_exception(self,exc_info):
   473         """Log the 'exc_info' tuple in the server log
   475         Subclasses may override to retarget the output or change its format.
   476         """
   477         try:
   478             from traceback import print_exception
   479             stderr = self.get_stderr()
   480             print_exception(
   481                 exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2],
   482                 self.traceback_limit, stderr
   483             )
   484             stderr.flush()
   485         finally:
   486             exc_info = None
   488     def handle_error(self):
   489         """Log current error, and send error output to client if possible"""
   490         self.log_exception(sys.exc_info())
   491         if not self.headers_sent:
   492             self.result = self.error_output(self.environ, self.start_response)
   493             self.finish_response()
   494         # XXX else: attempt advanced recovery techniques for HTML or text?
   496     def error_output(self, environ, start_response):
   497         import traceback
   498         start_response(self.error_status, self.error_headers[:], sys.exc_info())
   499         return ['\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))]
   501     # Pure abstract methods; *must* be overridden in subclasses
   503     def _write(self,data):
   504         self.stdout.write(data)
   505         self._write = self.stdout.write
   507     def _flush(self):
   508         self.stdout.flush()
   509         self._flush = self.stdout.flush
   511     def get_stdin(self):
   512         return self.stdin
   514     def get_stderr(self):
   515         return self.stderr
   517     def add_cgi_vars(self):
   518         self.environ.update(self.base_env)
   520 class WSGIServer(HTTPServer):
   521     """BaseHTTPServer that implements the Python WSGI protocol"""
   522     application = None
   524     def server_bind(self):
   525         """Override server_bind to store the server name."""
   526         try:
   527             HTTPServer.server_bind(self)
   528         except Exception, e:
   529             raise WSGIServerException, e
   530         self.setup_environ()
   532     def setup_environ(self):
   533         # Set up base environment
   534         env = self.base_environ = {}
   535         env['SERVER_NAME'] = self.server_name
   536         env['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'] = 'CGI/1.1'
   537         env['SERVER_PORT'] = str(self.server_port)
   538         env['REMOTE_HOST']=''
   539         env['CONTENT_LENGTH']=''
   540         env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = ''
   542     def get_app(self):
   543         return self.application
   545     def set_app(self,application):
   546         self.application = application
   548 class WSGIRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
   549     server_version = "WSGIServer/" + __version__
   551     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   552         from django.conf import settings
   553         self.admin_media_prefix = settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
   554         BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   556     def get_environ(self):
   557         env = self.server.base_environ.copy()
   558         env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = self.request_version
   559         env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = self.command
   560         if '?' in self.path:
   561             path,query = self.path.split('?',1)
   562         else:
   563             path,query = self.path,''
   565         env['PATH_INFO'] = urllib.unquote(path)
   566         env['QUERY_STRING'] = query
   567         env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = self.client_address[0]
   569         if self.headers.typeheader is None:
   570             env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.headers.type
   571         else:
   572             env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.headers.typeheader
   574         length = self.headers.getheader('content-length')
   575         if length:
   576             env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = length
   578         for h in self.headers.headers:
   579             k,v = h.split(':',1)
   580             k=k.replace('-','_').upper(); v=v.strip()
   581             if k in env:
   582                 continue                    # skip content length, type,etc.
   583             if 'HTTP_'+k in env:
   584                 env['HTTP_'+k] += ','+v     # comma-separate multiple headers
   585             else:
   586                 env['HTTP_'+k] = v
   587         return env
   589     def get_stderr(self):
   590         return sys.stderr
   592     def handle(self):
   593         """Handle a single HTTP request"""
   594         self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline()
   595         if not self.parse_request(): # An error code has been sent, just exit
   596             return
   597         handler = ServerHandler(self.rfile, self.wfile, self.get_stderr(), self.get_environ())
   598         handler.request_handler = self      # backpointer for logging
   601     def log_message(self, format, *args):
   602         # Don't bother logging requests for admin images or the favicon.
   603         if self.path.startswith(self.admin_media_prefix) or self.path == '/favicon.ico':
   604             return
   605         sys.stderr.write("[%s] %s\n" % (self.log_date_time_string(), format % args))
   607 class AdminMediaHandler(object):
   608     """
   609     WSGI middleware that intercepts calls to the admin media directory, as
   610     defined by the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX setting, and serves those images.
   611     Use this ONLY LOCALLY, for development! This hasn't been tested for
   612     security and is not super efficient.
   613     """
   614     def __init__(self, application, media_dir=None):
   615         from django.conf import settings
   616         self.application = application
   617         if not media_dir:
   618             import django
   619             self.media_dir = django.__path__[0] + '/contrib/admin/media'
   620         else:
   621             self.media_dir = media_dir
   622         self.media_url = settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
   624     def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
   625         import os.path
   627         # Ignore requests that aren't under ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX. Also ignore
   628         # all requests if ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX isn't a relative URL.
   629         if self.media_url.startswith('http://') or self.media_url.startswith('https://') \
   630             or not environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith(self.media_url):
   631             return self.application(environ, start_response)
   633         # Find the admin file and serve it up, if it exists and is readable.
   634         relative_url = environ['PATH_INFO'][len(self.media_url):]
   635         file_path = os.path.join(self.media_dir, relative_url)
   636         if not os.path.exists(file_path):
   637             status = '404 NOT FOUND'
   638             headers = {'Content-type': 'text/plain'}
   639             output = ['Page not found: %s' % file_path]
   640         else:
   641             try:
   642                 fp = open(file_path, 'rb')
   643             except IOError:
   644                 status = '401 UNAUTHORIZED'
   645                 headers = {'Content-type': 'text/plain'}
   646                 output = ['Permission denied: %s' % file_path]
   647             else:
   648                 status = '200 OK'
   649                 headers = {}
   650                 mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path)[0]
   651                 if mime_type:
   652                     headers['Content-Type'] = mime_type
   653                 output = []
   654                 fp.close()
   655         start_response(status, headers.items())
   656         return output
   658 def run(addr, port, wsgi_handler):
   659     server_address = (addr, port)
   660     httpd = WSGIServer(server_address, WSGIRequestHandler)
   661     httpd.set_app(wsgi_handler)
   662     httpd.serve_forever()