changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
equal deleted inserted replaced
53:57b4279d8c4e 54:03e267d67478
     1 from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment, FreeComment
     3 from django.contrib.comments.models import MIN_PHOTO_DIMENSION, MAX_PHOTO_DIMENSION
     4 from django import template
     5 from django.template import loader
     6 from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
     7 from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
     8 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
     9 import re
    11 register = template.Library()
    13 COMMENT_FORM = 'comments/form.html'
    14 FREE_COMMENT_FORM = 'comments/freeform.html'
    16 class CommentFormNode(template.Node):
    17     def __init__(self, content_type, obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id, free,
    18         photos_optional=False, photos_required=False, photo_options='',
    19         ratings_optional=False, ratings_required=False, rating_options='',
    20         is_public=True):
    21         self.content_type = content_type
    22         if obj_id_lookup_var is not None:
    23             obj_id_lookup_var = template.Variable(obj_id_lookup_var)
    24         self.obj_id_lookup_var, self.obj_id, = obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id, free
    25         self.photos_optional, self.photos_required = photos_optional, photos_required
    26         self.ratings_optional, self.ratings_required = ratings_optional, ratings_required
    27         self.photo_options, self.rating_options = photo_options, rating_options
    28         self.is_public = is_public
    30     def render(self, context):
    31         from django.conf import settings
    32         from django.utils.text import normalize_newlines
    33         import base64
    34         context.push()
    35         if self.obj_id_lookup_var is not None:
    36             try:
    37                 self.obj_id = self.obj_id_lookup_var.resolve(context)
    38             except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
    39                 return ''
    40             # Validate that this object ID is valid for this content-type.
    41             # We only have to do this validation if obj_id_lookup_var is provided,
    42             # because do_comment_form() validates hard-coded object IDs.
    43             try:
    44                 self.content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=self.obj_id)
    45             except ObjectDoesNotExist:
    46                 context['display_form'] = False
    47             else:
    48                 context['display_form'] = True
    49         else:
    50             context['display_form'] = True
    51         context['target'] = '%s:%s' % (, self.obj_id)
    52         options = []
    53         for var, abbr in (('photos_required', PHOTOS_REQUIRED),
    54                           ('photos_optional', PHOTOS_OPTIONAL),
    55                           ('ratings_required', RATINGS_REQUIRED),
    56                           ('ratings_optional', RATINGS_OPTIONAL),
    57                           ('is_public', IS_PUBLIC)):
    58             context[var] = getattr(self, var)
    59             if getattr(self, var):
    60                 options.append(abbr)
    61         context['options'] = ','.join(options)
    62         if
    63             context['hash'] = Comment.objects.get_security_hash(context['options'], '', '', context['target'])
    64             default_form = loader.get_template(FREE_COMMENT_FORM)
    65         else:
    66             context['photo_options'] = self.photo_options
    67             context['rating_options'] = normalize_newlines(base64.encodestring(self.rating_options).strip())
    68             if self.rating_options:
    69                 context['rating_range'], context['rating_choices'] = Comment.objects.get_rating_options(self.rating_options)
    70             context['hash'] = Comment.objects.get_security_hash(context['options'], context['photo_options'], context['rating_options'], context['target'])
    71             context['logout_url'] = settings.LOGOUT_URL
    72             default_form = loader.get_template(COMMENT_FORM)
    73         output = default_form.render(context)
    74         context.pop()
    75         return output
    77 class CommentCountNode(template.Node):
    78     def __init__(self, package, module, context_var_name, obj_id, var_name, free):
    79         self.package, self.module = package, module
    80         if context_var_name is not None:
    81             context_var_name = template.Variable(context_var_name)
    82         self.context_var_name, self.obj_id = context_var_name, obj_id
    83         self.var_name, = var_name, free
    85     def render(self, context):
    86         from django.conf import settings
    87         manager = and FreeComment.objects or Comment.objects
    88         if self.context_var_name is not None:
    89             self.obj_id = self.context_var_name.resolve(context)
    90         comment_count = manager.filter(object_id__exact=self.obj_id,
    91             content_type__app_label__exact=self.package,
    92             content_type__model__exact=self.module, site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID).count()
    93         context[self.var_name] = comment_count
    94         return ''
    96 class CommentListNode(template.Node):
    97     def __init__(self, package, module, context_var_name, obj_id, var_name, free, ordering, extra_kwargs=None):
    98         self.package, self.module = package, module
    99         if context_var_name is not None:
   100             context_var_name = template.Variable(context_var_name)
   101         self.context_var_name, self.obj_id = context_var_name, obj_id
   102         self.var_name, = var_name, free
   103         self.ordering = ordering
   104         self.extra_kwargs = extra_kwargs or {}
   106     def render(self, context):
   107         from django.conf import settings
   108         get_list_function = and FreeComment.objects.filter or Comment.objects.get_list_with_karma
   109         if self.context_var_name is not None:
   110             try:
   111                 self.obj_id = self.context_var_name.resolve(context)
   112             except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
   113                 return ''
   114         kwargs = {
   115             'object_id__exact': self.obj_id,
   116             'content_type__app_label__exact': self.package,
   117             'content_type__model__exact': self.module,
   118             'site__id__exact': settings.SITE_ID,
   119         }
   120         kwargs.update(self.extra_kwargs)
   121         comment_list = get_list_function(**kwargs).order_by(self.ordering + 'submit_date').select_related()
   122         if not and settings.COMMENTS_BANNED_USERS_GROUP:
   123             comment_list = comment_list.extra(select={'is_hidden': 'user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM auth_user_groups WHERE group_id = %s)' % settings.COMMENTS_BANNED_USERS_GROUP})
   125         if not
   126             if 'user' in context and context['user'].is_authenticated():
   127                 user_id = context['user'].id
   128                 context['user_can_moderate_comments'] = Comment.objects.user_is_moderator(context['user'])
   129             else:
   130                 user_id = None
   131                 context['user_can_moderate_comments'] = False
   132             # Only display comments by banned users to those users themselves.
   133             if settings.COMMENTS_BANNED_USERS_GROUP:
   134                 comment_list = [c for c in comment_list if not c.is_hidden or (user_id == c.user_id)]
   136         context[self.var_name] = comment_list
   137         return ''
   139 class DoCommentForm:
   140     """
   141     Displays a comment form for the given params.
   143     Syntax::
   145         {% comment_form for [pkg].[py_module_name] [context_var_containing_obj_id] with [list of options] %}
   147     Example usage::
   149         {% comment_form for lcom.eventtimes with is_public yes photos_optional thumbs,200,400 ratings_optional scale:1-5|first_option|second_option %}
   151     ``[context_var_containing_obj_id]`` can be a hard-coded integer or a variable containing the ID.
   152     """
   153     def __init__(self, free):
   154 = free
   156     def __call__(self, parser, token):
   157         tokens = token.contents.split()
   158         if len(tokens) < 4:
   159             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires at least 3 arguments" % tokens[0]
   160         if tokens[1] != 'for':
   161             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Second argument in %r tag must be 'for'" % tokens[0]
   162         try:
   163             package, module = tokens[2].split('.')
   164         except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size
   165             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Third argument in %r tag must be in the format 'package.module'" % tokens[0]
   166         try:
   167             content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label__exact=package, model__exact=module)
   168         except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
   169             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag has invalid content-type '%s.%s'" % (tokens[0], package, module)
   170         obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id = None, None
   171         if tokens[3].isdigit():
   172             obj_id = tokens[3]
   173             try: # ensure the object ID is valid
   174                 content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=obj_id)
   175             except ObjectDoesNotExist:
   176                 raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag refers to %s object with ID %s, which doesn't exist" % (tokens[0],, obj_id)
   177         else:
   178             obj_id_lookup_var = tokens[3]
   179         kwargs = {}
   180         if len(tokens) > 4:
   181             if tokens[4] != 'with':
   182                 raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Fourth argument in %r tag must be 'with'" % tokens[0]
   183             for option, args in zip(tokens[5::2], tokens[6::2]):
   184                 option = smart_str(option)
   185                 if option in ('photos_optional', 'photos_required') and not
   186                     # VALIDATION ##############################################
   187                     option_list = args.split(',')
   188                     if len(option_list) % 3 != 0:
   189                         raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Incorrect number of comma-separated arguments to %r tag" % tokens[0]
   190                     for opt in option_list[::3]:
   191                         if not opt.isalnum():
   192                             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Invalid photo directory name in %r tag: '%s'" % (tokens[0], opt)
   193                     for opt in option_list[1::3] + option_list[2::3]:
   194                         if not opt.isdigit() or not (MIN_PHOTO_DIMENSION <= int(opt) <= MAX_PHOTO_DIMENSION):
   195                             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Invalid photo dimension in %r tag: '%s'. Only values between %s and %s are allowed." % (tokens[0], opt, MIN_PHOTO_DIMENSION, MAX_PHOTO_DIMENSION)
   196                     # VALIDATION ENDS #########################################
   197                     kwargs[option] = True
   198                     kwargs['photo_options'] = args
   199                 elif option in ('ratings_optional', 'ratings_required') and not
   200                     # VALIDATION ##############################################
   201                     if 2 < len(args.split('|')) > 9:
   202                         raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Incorrect number of '%s' options in %r tag. Use between 2 and 8." % (option, tokens[0])
   203                     if re.match('^scale:\d+\-\d+\:$', args.split('|')[0]):
   204                         raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Invalid 'scale' in %r tag's '%s' options" % (tokens[0], option)
   205                     # VALIDATION ENDS #########################################
   206                     kwargs[option] = True
   207                     kwargs['rating_options'] = args
   208                 elif option in ('is_public'):
   209                     kwargs[option] = (args == 'true')
   210                 else:
   211                     raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag got invalid parameter '%s'" % (tokens[0], option)
   212         return CommentFormNode(content_type, obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id,, **kwargs)
   214 class DoCommentCount:
   215     """
   216     Gets comment count for the given params and populates the template context
   217     with a variable containing that value, whose name is defined by the 'as'
   218     clause.
   220     Syntax::
   222         {% get_comment_count for [pkg].[py_module_name] [context_var_containing_obj_id] as [varname]  %}
   224     Example usage::
   226         {% get_comment_count for lcom.eventtimes as comment_count %}
   228     Note: ``[context_var_containing_obj_id]`` can also be a hard-coded integer, like this::
   230         {% get_comment_count for lcom.eventtimes 23 as comment_count %}
   231     """
   232     def __init__(self, free):
   233 = free
   235     def __call__(self, parser, token):
   236         tokens = token.contents.split()
   237         # Now tokens is a list like this:
   238         # ['get_comment_list', 'for', 'lcom.eventtimes', '', 'as', 'comment_list']
   239         if len(tokens) != 6:
   240             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires 5 arguments" % tokens[0]
   241         if tokens[1] != 'for':
   242             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Second argument in %r tag must be 'for'" % tokens[0]
   243         try:
   244             package, module = tokens[2].split('.')
   245         except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size
   246             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Third argument in %r tag must be in the format 'package.module'" % tokens[0]
   247         try:
   248             content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label__exact=package, model__exact=module)
   249         except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
   250             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag has invalid content-type '%s.%s'" % (tokens[0], package, module)
   251         var_name, obj_id = None, None
   252         if tokens[3].isdigit():
   253             obj_id = tokens[3]
   254             try: # ensure the object ID is valid
   255                 content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=obj_id)
   256             except ObjectDoesNotExist:
   257                 raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag refers to %s object with ID %s, which doesn't exist" % (tokens[0],, obj_id)
   258         else:
   259             var_name = tokens[3]
   260         if tokens[4] != 'as':
   261             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Fourth argument in %r must be 'as'" % tokens[0]
   262         return CommentCountNode(package, module, var_name, obj_id, tokens[5],
   264 class DoGetCommentList:
   265     """
   266     Gets comments for the given params and populates the template context with a
   267     special comment_package variable, whose name is defined by the ``as``
   268     clause.
   270     Syntax::
   272         {% get_comment_list for [pkg].[py_module_name] [context_var_containing_obj_id] as [varname] (reversed) %}
   274     Example usage::
   276         {% get_comment_list for lcom.eventtimes as comment_list %}
   278     Note: ``[context_var_containing_obj_id]`` can also be a hard-coded integer, like this::
   280         {% get_comment_list for lcom.eventtimes 23 as comment_list %}
   282     To get a list of comments in reverse order -- that is, most recent first --
   283     pass ``reversed`` as the last param::
   285         {% get_comment_list for lcom.eventtimes as comment_list reversed %}
   286     """
   287     def __init__(self, free):
   288 = free
   290     def __call__(self, parser, token):
   291         tokens = token.contents.split()
   292         # Now tokens is a list like this:
   293         # ['get_comment_list', 'for', 'lcom.eventtimes', '', 'as', 'comment_list']
   294         if not len(tokens) in (6, 7):
   295             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires 5 or 6 arguments" % tokens[0]
   296         if tokens[1] != 'for':
   297             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Second argument in %r tag must be 'for'" % tokens[0]
   298         try:
   299             package, module = tokens[2].split('.')
   300         except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size
   301             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Third argument in %r tag must be in the format 'package.module'" % tokens[0]
   302         try:
   303             content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label__exact=package,model__exact=module)
   304         except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
   305             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag has invalid content-type '%s.%s'" % (tokens[0], package, module)
   306         var_name, obj_id = None, None
   307         if tokens[3].isdigit():
   308             obj_id = tokens[3]
   309             try: # ensure the object ID is valid
   310                 content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=obj_id)
   311             except ObjectDoesNotExist:
   312                 raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag refers to %s object with ID %s, which doesn't exist" % (tokens[0],, obj_id)
   313         else:
   314             var_name = tokens[3]
   315         if tokens[4] != 'as':
   316             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Fourth argument in %r must be 'as'" % tokens[0]
   317         if len(tokens) == 7:
   318             if tokens[6] != 'reversed':
   319                 raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Final argument in %r must be 'reversed' if given" % tokens[0]
   320             ordering = "-"
   321         else:
   322             ordering = ""
   323         return CommentListNode(package, module, var_name, obj_id, tokens[5],, ordering)
   325 # registration comments
   326 register.tag('get_comment_list', DoGetCommentList(False))
   327 register.tag('comment_form', DoCommentForm(False))
   328 register.tag('get_comment_count', DoCommentCount(False))
   329 # free comments
   330 register.tag('get_free_comment_list', DoGetCommentList(True))
   331 register.tag('free_comment_form', DoCommentForm(True))
   332 register.tag('get_free_comment_count', DoCommentCount(True))