This is an app for automating the process of conducting and evaluating the quizzes that are conducted during FOSSEE workshops.
Setting up the quiz
1. Clone the repository
2. On terminal, navigate to the cloned repo directory
3. type "python syncdb" # this command initializes the database. Select no when prompted for a super user
4. Open question_bank.xml file. It contains questions and time allotted (in secs) for each question.
5. Modify the time limit for each question according to your need
6. Then type "python seed_que" # this command adds the questions to the database
7. Then run the django server using "python runserver <desired ip>:<desired port> "
8. Then go to "http://<server ip>:<server port>/event/admin/ditchax"
9. You have to create an event in this page
Conducting the quiz
1. Once the event has been created, the same link as in step 8 above, will now contain all the links related to that event
2. The quizzes and feedback will be closed by default and the admin has to open it
3. They can be opened using links available on event page
4. While opening a quiz, you have to select the quiz and the set of questions that belong to that quiz
5. Once you select everything and open the quiz, users can access the quiz by visiting the link "http://<server ip>:<server port> "
6. Users will be prompted for details and then they can take the quiz
Evaluating the quiz
1. Once all the users have taken the quiz, the admin can close the quiz using the link available in event page
2. When admin closes the quiz, each user is evaluated by the app and link to view the results is available on the event page
3. The page showing results contains users sorted in descending order of their score
4. Manual evaluation of a user is also possible. Every user in the results page is a link to another page
5. That page contains all the answers submitted by that particular user and a checkbox beside each answer
6. The checkbox will be checked if the user has answered correctly and unchecked other wise
7. Admin can choose to manually override the checkboxes and then save the data by clicking on the save button at the bottom of page
8. The quiz can also be evaluated question wise. Each question in the page that shows answers submitted by a user is a link to another page
9. This page contains users and answers submitted each user for that particular question and of course the checkboxes
The word "ditchax" here is the key to access the admin interface. It can be changed in the settings file. Hence change the word to something of your choice before starting the server.
Improvements to be made
Interface to modify the questions on the browser after doing seed_que
Better look and feel of the app