author nishanth
Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:17:21 +0530
changeset 50 0842b3439c3e
parent 49 3643f59f141e
child 60 8ca2734bdc99
permissions -rw-r--r--
implemented extra filter on string patterns. now string patterns will not be split like other pattersns

from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Node

from django.core.management.base import NoArgsCommand

from offline.quiz.models import QuestionBank, Quiz

name2num = {"day1quiz1" : "11",
            "day1quiz2" : "12",
            "day2quiz1" : "21",

def seed_que():
    for question in QuestionBank.objects.all():

    q_bank = parse("question_bank.xml").getElementsByTagName("question")
    for question in q_bank:
        quiz_name = question.parentNode.tagName
        quiz_num = name2num[quiz_name]

        description_node = question.getElementsByTagName("description")[0]
        description = (description_node.childNodes[0].data).strip()

        time_limit_node = question.getElementsByTagName("time_limit")[0]
        time_limit = time_limit_node.childNodes[0].data

        options_nodes = question.getElementsByTagName("options")
        options = (options_nodes[0].childNodes[0].data).strip() if options_nodes else ""

        code_nodes = question.getElementsByTagName("code")
        code = (code_nodes[0].childNodes[0].data).strip() if code_nodes else ""

        expected_ans_node = question.getElementsByTagName("expected_answer")[0]
        expected_ans = (expected_ans_node.childNodes[0].data).strip()

        new_question = QuestionBank(quiz_num = quiz_num, 
                                    description = description, 
                                    time_limit = time_limit,
                                    options = options,
                                    code = code,
                                    expected_ans = expected_ans,
class Command(NoArgsCommand):
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        """ Just copied the code from seed_db.py """