changeset 33 d28d0957a5ab
parent 29 ea1c0110e989
child 39 0fa055b8ea98
--- a/question_bank.xml	Wed Apr 21 13:21:13 2010 +0530
+++ b/question_bank.xml	Wed Apr 21 19:17:47 2010 +0530
@@ -1,91 +1,59 @@
-	<day1quiz1>
-		<question>
-			<description>
-				How will you set the x and y axis limits so that the region of interest is in the rectangle $(0, -1.5)$ (left bottom coordinate) and $(2\pi, 1.5)$ (right top coordinate)?
-			</description>
-			<time_limit>
-				30
-			</time_limit>
-			<expected_answer>
-				xlim\( 0 , 2 \* pi \) [;,\n+] ylim\( -1.5 , 1.5\)
-		       </expected_answer>
-		</question>
-		<question>
-			<description>
-				If a = [1, 2, 5, 9] then what is the value of a[0:-1]?
-			</description>
-			<time_limit>
-				30
-			</time_limit>
-			<expected_answer>
-				\[ 1 , 2 , 5 \]
-		       </expected_answer>
-		</question>
+How will you set the x and y axis limits so that the region of interest is in the rectangle (0, -1.5) and (2\pi, 1.5)?
+xlim \( 0 , 2 \* pi \) [;,\n+] ylim \( -1.5 , 1.5\)
-		<question>
-			<description>
-			A sample line from a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file:
-			  line = "Rossum, Guido, 42, 56, 34, 54"
-			  What code would you use to separate the line into fields?
-		  	</description>
-			<time_limit>
-				30
-			</time_limit>
-			<expected_answer>
-				(line\.split\( ([",']) , \2 \))
-			</expected_answer>
-		</question>
+If a = [1, 2, 5, 9] then what is the value of a[0:-1]
+\[ 1 , 2 , 5 \]
-		<question>
-			<description>
-				If a = [1, 2, 5, 9] how do you find the length of this list?
-			</description>
-			<time_limit>
-				30
-			</time_limit>
-			<expected_answer>
-				len\( a \) 
-			</expected_answer>
-		</question>
-		<question>
-			<description>
-				What is the maximum number that can be represented natively in Python.
-			</description>
-			<time_limit>
-				15
-			</time_limit>
-			<options>
-				Infinite
-				2**32
-			</options>
-			<expected_answer>
-				Infinite
-			</expected_answer>
-		</question>
+A sample line from a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file:
+line = "Rossum, Guido, 42, 56, 34, 54"
+What code would you use to separate the line into fields?
+(line\.split \( ([",']) , \2 \))
-		<question>
-			<description>
-				There is a bug in this code. What is the bug.
-			</description>
-			<time_limit>
-				30
-			</time_limit>
-			<code>
-for i in range(5):
-    plot(i,sin(i))
+If a = [1, 2, 5, 9] how do you find the length of this list?
+len \( a \) 
-			</code>
-			<expected_answer>
-				plot(i,sin(i))
-			</expected_answer>
-		</question>
-	</day1quiz1>
-	<day1quiz2>