author Madhusudan.C.S <>
Sun, 09 Aug 2009 13:04:03 +0530
changeset 21 153db75bb515
parent 14 9d720dfded68
child 22 0321f984fb16
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed data models to all new data.

{% extends "projrev/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div class="post">
	<a name="TemplateInfo"></a>	
	<h1>Submit your proposal</h1>

  {% if created_now %}
    <p>An MICR Code has been assigned and e-mailed to you. Please remember it for future reference.</p>
  {% else %}{% if micr_code %}
    <p>Edit your details and upload new version of the proposal in the form below.</p>
  {% else %}
    <p>Fill up the form below, and upload your proposal file by clicking on Browse.</p>
  {% endif %}{% endif %}

	<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">			
      {{ form.as_p }}
      {% if proposal_path %}
          <label for="id_proposal">Previous Proposal Document:</label>
          <a class="document-right" href="/site-content/{{ proposal_path }}">{{ proposal_name }}</a>
      {% endif %}
      {% if micr_code %}
          <label for="id_micr_code">MICR Code:</label>
          <input id="id_micr_code" type="text" maxlength="15" value="{{ micr_code }}" name="institution" DISABLED />
      {% endif %}
		  <br />	
		  <input class="button" type="submit" value="Submit Proposal" />		
	<p class="post-footer align-right">
		<span class="comments">Reviews:
		{% if nr_reviews %}
		  {{ nr_reviews }}
		{% else %}
		{% endif %}
		<span class="date">Last reviewed:
		{% if last_reviewed %}
      {{ last_reviewed|date:"jS F Y h:iA" }}
    {% else %}
      (<i>Not Reviewed</i>)
    {% endif %}
		<span class="date">Last submitted:
		{% if last_submitted %}
      {{ last_submitted|date:"jS F Y h:iA" }}
    {% else %}
      (<i>New Submission</i>)
    {% endif %} 
{% endblock content %}