Database name changes and import json change.
Proceedings of the 8$^{\text{th}}$ Python in Science Conference}
SciPy Conference --
Pasadena, CA, August 18-23,
Editors: \quad Ga\"el {\sc Varoquaux}, \quad
St\'efan {\sc van der Walt}, \quad K. Jarrod {\sc Millman}
The content of the articles of the {\sl Proceedings of the Python in
Science Conference} is copyrighted and owned by their original
For republication or other use of the material published, please
contact the copyright owners to obtain permission.
Proceedings of the 8th Python in Science Conference
by Ga\"el Varoquaux, St\'efan van der Walt, K. Jarrod Milllman
ISBN: 978-0-557-23212-3
\def\bfsf{\bfseries\sffamily }
{\bfsf Conference chair}&\\
K. Jarrod Millman & UC Berkeley, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, {\sc
{\bfsf Tutorial Co-chairs}&\\
Dave Peterson & Enthought Inc, Austin, {\sc USA} \\
Fernando Perez & UC Berkeley, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, {\sc
{\bfsf Program Co-chairs}&\\
Ga\"el Varoquaux & INRIA Saclay, {\sc France} \\
St\'efan van der Walt & Stellenbosh University, {\sc South Africa}\\
{\bfsf Program Committee}&\\
Michael Aivazis & Center for Advanced Computing Research, California
Institute of Technology {\sc USA}\\
Brian Granger & Physics Department, California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo {\sc USA} \\
Aric Hagberg & Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
{\sc USA} \\
Konrad Hinsen & Centre de Biophysique Mol\'eculaire, CNRS Orl\'eans {\sc
France} \\
Randall LeVeque & Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle {\sc
Travis Oliphant & Enthought Inc. {\sc USA} \\
Prabhu Ramachandran & Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
{\sc India}\\
Raphael Ritz & International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
{\sc Sweden}\\
William Stein & Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle {\sc USA}\\
{\bfsf Proceeding reviewers}&\\
Francesc Alted & Pytables {\sc Spain}\\
Philippe Ciuciu & CEA, Neurospin {\sc France}\\
Yann Cointepas & CEA, Neurospin {\sc France}\\
Emmanuelle Gouillart & CNRS Saint Gobain {\sc France}\\
Jonathan Guyer & NIST {\sc USA}\\
Ben Herbst & Stellenbosh University, {\sc South Africa}\\
Paul Kienzle & NIST {\sc USA}\\
Michael McKerns & Center for Advanced Computing Research, California
Institute of Technology {\sc
Sturla Molden & University of Oslo {\sc Norway}\\
Jean-Baptiste Poline & CEA, Neurospin {\sc France}\\
Dag Sverre Seljebotn & University of Oslo {\sc Norway}\\
Gregor Thalhammer & University of Florence {\sc Italy}\\