testing .. I am really confused about how to handle the change of repos from /home/amit to /home/hg
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed
from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed
from hgbook.comments.models import Comment, Element
class MyAtomFeed(Atom1Feed):
title_type = u'html'
class Comments(Feed):
feed_type = MyAtomFeed
title = 'Mercurial - The Definitive Guide: recent comments'
subtitle = ('Recent comments on the text of “Mercurial: The '
'Definitive Guide”, from our readers')
link = '/feeds/comments/'
author_name = 'Our readers'
def feedfilter(self, queryset):
return queryset.order_by('-date')[:20]
def items(self):
return self.feedfilter(Comment.objects)
def item_author_name(self, obj):
return obj.submitter_name
def item_pubdate(self, obj):
return obj.date
def get_object(self, bits):
if len(bits) == 0:
return self.items()
elif len(bits) > 1:
raise ObjectDoesNotExist
return self.feedfilter(Comment.objects.filter(element__chapter=bits[0],