changeset 42 1f61ee485958
parent 41 e54725be4df6
child 43 134b87b382f5
equal deleted inserted replaced
41:e54725be4df6 42:1f61ee485958
     1 <html>
     2 <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Chapter. strings_dicts</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="/review/support/styles.css" type="text/css" /><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.74.3" /><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/review/support/figs/favicon.png" /><script type="text/javascript" src="/review/support/jquery-min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/review/support/form.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/review/support/hsbook.js"></script></head>
     3 <body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="chapter" id="ch4strings_dicts">
     4 <div class="titlepage"></div>
     5 <div class="toc">
     6 <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
     7 <dl>
     8 <dt><span class="article"><a href="#id2983086">Strings</a></span></dt>
     9 <dd><dl>
    10 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id2981673">1. String Formatting</a></span></dt>
    11 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034090">2. String Methods</a></span></dt>
    12 <dd><dl>
    13 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034105">2.1. <span class="strong"><strong>find</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    14 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034135">2.2. <span class="strong"><strong>join</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    15 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034175">2.3. <span class="strong"><strong>lower</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    16 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034206">2.4. <span class="strong"><strong>replace</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    17 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034262">2.5. <span class="strong"><strong>split</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    18 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034321">2.6. <span class="strong"><strong>strip</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    19 </dl></dd>
    20 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034366">3. Introduction to the standard library</a></span></dt>
    21 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034442">4. I/O: Reading and Writing Files</a></span></dt>
    22 <dd><dl>
    23 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034472">4.1. Opening Files</a></span></dt>
    24 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034646">4.2. Reading and Writing files</a></span></dt>
    25 </dl></dd>
    26 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034811">5. Dictionaries</a></span></dt>
    27 <dd><dl>
    28 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034868">5.1. <span class="strong"><strong>dict()</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    29 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034932">5.2. Dictionary Methods</a></span></dt>
    30 </dl></dd>
    31 </dl></dd>
    32 </dl>
    33 </div>
    34 <div class="article" title="Strings">
    35 <div class="titlepage">
    36 <div><div><h2 class="title">
    37 <a name="id2983086"></a>Strings</h2></div></div>
    38 <hr />
    39 </div>
    40 <div class="toc">
    41 <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
    42 <dl>
    43 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id2981673">1. String Formatting</a></span></dt>
    44 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034090">2. String Methods</a></span></dt>
    45 <dd><dl>
    46 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034105">2.1. <span class="strong"><strong>find</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    47 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034135">2.2. <span class="strong"><strong>join</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    48 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034175">2.3. <span class="strong"><strong>lower</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    49 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034206">2.4. <span class="strong"><strong>replace</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    50 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034262">2.5. <span class="strong"><strong>split</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    51 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034321">2.6. <span class="strong"><strong>strip</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    52 </dl></dd>
    53 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034366">3. Introduction to the standard library</a></span></dt>
    54 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034442">4. I/O: Reading and Writing Files</a></span></dt>
    55 <dd><dl>
    56 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034472">4.1. Opening Files</a></span></dt>
    57 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034646">4.2. Reading and Writing files</a></span></dt>
    58 </dl></dd>
    59 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034811">5. Dictionaries</a></span></dt>
    60 <dd><dl>
    61 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034868">5.1. <span class="strong"><strong>dict()</strong></span></a></span></dt>
    62 <dt><span class="section"><a href="#id3034932">5.2. Dictionary Methods</a></span></dt>
    63 </dl></dd>
    64 </dl>
    65 </div>
    66 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_1">Strings were briefly introduced previously in the introduction document. In this
    67 section strings will be presented in greater detail. All the standard operations
    68 that can be performed on sequences such as indexing, slicing, multiplication, length
    69 minimum and maximum can be performed on string variables as well. One thing to
    70 be noted is that strings are immutable, which means that string variables are
    71 unchangeable. Hence, all item and slice assignments on strings are illegal.
    72 Let us look at a few example.</p>
    73 <pre class="programlisting">
    74 &gt;&gt;&gt; name = 'PythonFreak'
    75 &gt;&gt;&gt; print name[3]
    76 h
    77 &gt;&gt;&gt; print name[-1]
    78 k
    79 &gt;&gt;&gt; print name[6:]
    80 Freak
    81 &gt;&gt;&gt; name[6:0] = 'Maniac'
    82 Traceback (most recent call last):
    83   File "&lt;stdin&gt;", line 1, in &lt;module&gt;
    84 TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment</pre>
    85 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_2">This is quite expected, since string objects are immutable as already mentioned.
    86 The error message is clear in mentioning that 'str' object does not support item
    87 assignment.</p>
    88 <div class="section" title="1.String Formatting">
    89 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
    90 <a name="id2981673"></a>1.String Formatting</h2></div></div></div>
    91 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_3">String formatting can be performed using the string formatting operator represented
    92 as the percent (%) sign. The string placed before the % sign is formatted with
    93 the value placed to the right of it. Let us look at a simple example.</p>
    94 <pre class="programlisting">
    95 &gt;&gt;&gt; format = 'Hello %s, from PythonFreak'
    96 &gt;&gt;&gt; str1 = 'world!'
    97 &gt;&gt;&gt; print format % str1
    98 Hello world!, from PythonFreak</pre>
    99 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_4">The %s parts of the format string are called the coversion specifiers. The coversion
   100 specifiers mark the places where the formatting has to be performed in a string.
   101 In the example the %s is replaced by the value of str1. More than one value can
   102 also be formatted at a time by specifying the values to be formatted using tuples
   103 and dictionaries (explained in later sections). Let us look at an example.</p>
   104 <pre class="programlisting">
   105 &gt;&gt;&gt; format = 'Hello %s, from %s'
   106 &gt;&gt;&gt; values = ('world!', 'PythonFreak')
   107 &gt;&gt;&gt; print format % values
   108 Hello world!, from PythonFreak</pre>
   109 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_5">In this example it can be observed that the format string contains two conversion
   110 specifiers and they are formatted using the tuple of values as shown.</p>
   111 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_6">The s in %s specifies that the value to be replaced is of type string. Values of
   112 other types can be specified as well such as integers and floats. Integers are
   113 specified as %d and floats as %f. The precision with which the integer or the
   114 float values are to be represented can also be specified using a <span class="strong"><strong>.</strong></span> (<span class="strong"><strong>dot</strong></span>)
   115 followed by the precision value.</p>
   116 </div>
   117 <div class="section" title="2.String Methods">
   118 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
   119 <a name="id3034090"></a>2.String Methods</h2></div></div></div>
   120 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_7">Similar to list methods, strings also have a rich set of methods to perform various
   121 operations on strings. Some of the most important and popular ones are presented
   122 in this section.</p>
   123 <div class="section" title="2.1.find">
   124 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   125 <a name="id3034105"></a>2.1.<span class="strong"><strong>find</strong></span>
   126 </h3></div></div></div>
   127 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_8">The <span class="strong"><strong>find</strong></span> method is used to search for a substring within a given string. It
   128 returns the left most index of the first occurence of the substring. If the
   129 substring is not found in the string then it returns -1. Let us look at a few
   130 examples.</p>
   131 <pre class="programlisting">
   132 &gt;&gt;&gt; longstring = 'Hello world!, from PythonFreak'
   133 &gt;&gt;&gt; longstring.find('Python')
   134 19
   135 &gt;&gt;&gt; longstring.find('Perl')
   136 -1</pre>
   137 </div>
   138 <div class="section" title="2.2.join">
   139 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   140 <a name="id3034135"></a>2.2.<span class="strong"><strong>join</strong></span>
   141 </h3></div></div></div>
   142 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_9">The <span class="strong"><strong>join</strong></span> method is used to join the elements of a sequence. The sequence
   143 elements that are to be join ed should all be strings. Let us look at a few
   144 examples.</p>
   145 <pre class="programlisting">
   146 &gt;&gt;&gt; seq = ['With', 'great', 'power', 'comes', 'great', 'responsibility']
   147 &gt;&gt;&gt; sep = ' '
   148 &gt;&gt;&gt; sep.join(seq)
   149 'With great power comes great responsibility'
   150 &gt;&gt;&gt; sep = ',!'
   151 &gt;&gt;&gt; sep.join(seq)
   152 'With,!great,!power,!comes,!great,!responsibility'</pre>
   153 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_a"><span class="emphasis"><em>Try this yourself</em></span></p>
   154 <pre class="programlisting">
   155 &gt;&gt;&gt; seq = [12,34,56,78]
   156 &gt;&gt;&gt; sep.join(seq)</pre>
   157 </div>
   158 <div class="section" title="2.3.lower">
   159 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   160 <a name="id3034175"></a>2.3.<span class="strong"><strong>lower</strong></span>
   161 </h3></div></div></div>
   162 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_b">The <span class="strong"><strong>lower</strong></span> method, as the name indicates, converts the entire text of a string
   163 to lower case. It is specially useful in cases where the programmers deal with case
   164 insensitive data. Let us look at a few examples.</p>
   165 <pre class="programlisting">
   166 &gt;&gt;&gt; sometext = 'Hello world!, from PythonFreak'
   167 &gt;&gt;&gt; sometext.lower()
   168 'hello world!, from pythonfreak'</pre>
   169 </div>
   170 <div class="section" title="2.4.replace">
   171 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   172 <a name="id3034206"></a>2.4.<span class="strong"><strong>replace</strong></span>
   173 </h3></div></div></div>
   174 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_c">The <span class="strong"><strong>replace</strong></span> method replaces a substring with another substring within
   175 a given string and returns the new string. Let us look at an example.</p>
   176 <pre class="programlisting">
   177 &gt;&gt;&gt; sometext = 'Concise, precise and criticise is some of the words that end with ise'
   178 &gt;&gt;&gt; sometext.replace('is', 'are')
   179 'Concaree, precaree and criticaree are some of the words that end with aree'</pre>
   180 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_d">Observe here that all the occurences of the substring <span class="emphasis"><em>is</em></span> have been replaced,
   181 even the <span class="emphasis"><em>is</em></span> in <span class="emphasis"><em>concise</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>precise</em></span> and <span class="emphasis"><em>criticise</em></span> have been replaced.</p>
   182 </div>
   183 <div class="section" title="2.5.split">
   184 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   185 <a name="id3034262"></a>2.5.<span class="strong"><strong>split</strong></span>
   186 </h3></div></div></div>
   187 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_e">The <span class="strong"><strong>split</strong></span> is one of the very important string methods. split is the opposite of the
   188 <span class="strong"><strong>join</strong></span> method. It is used to split a string based on the argument passed as the
   189 delimiter. It returns a list of strings. By default when no argument is passed it
   190 splits with <span class="emphasis"><em>space</em></span> (' ') as the delimiter. Let us look at an example.</p>
   191 <pre class="programlisting">
   192 &gt;&gt;&gt; grocerylist = 'butter, cucumber, beer(a grocery item??), wheatbread'
   193 &gt;&gt;&gt; grocerylist.split(',')
   194 ['butter', ' cucumber', ' beer(a grocery item??)', ' wheatbread']
   195 &gt;&gt;&gt; grocerylist.split()
   196 ['butter,', 'cucumber,', 'beer(a', 'grocery', 'item??),', 'wheatbread']</pre>
   197 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_f">Observe here that in the second case when the delimiter argument was not set
   198 <span class="strong"><strong>split</strong></span> was done with <span class="emphasis"><em>space</em></span> as the delimiter.</p>
   199 </div>
   200 <div class="section" title="2.6.strip">
   201 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   202 <a name="id3034321"></a>2.6.<span class="strong"><strong>strip</strong></span>
   203 </h3></div></div></div>
   204 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_10">The <span class="strong"><strong>strip</strong></span> method is used to remove or <span class="strong"><strong>strip</strong></span> off any whitespaces that exist
   205 to the left and right of a string, but not the whitespaces within a string. Let
   206 us look at an example.</p>
   207 <pre class="programlisting">
   208 &gt;&gt;&gt; spacedtext = "               Where's the text??                 "
   209 &gt;&gt;&gt; spacedtext.strip()
   210 "Where's the text??"</pre>
   211 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_11">Observe that the whitespaces between the words have not been removed.</p>
   212 <pre class="programlisting">
   213 Note: Very important thing to note is that all the methods shown above do not
   214       transform the source string. The source string still remains the same.
   215       Remember that **strings are immutable**.</pre>
   216 </div>
   217 </div>
   218 <div class="section" title="3.Introduction to the standard library">
   219 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
   220 <a name="id3034366"></a>3.Introduction to the standard library</h2></div></div></div>
   221 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_12">Python is often referred to as a "Batteries included!" language, mainly because
   222 of the Python Standard Library. The Python Standard Library provides an extensive
   223 set of features some of which are available directly for use while some require to
   224 import a few <span class="strong"><strong>modules</strong></span>. The Standard Library provides various built-in functions
   225 like:</p>
   226 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="*">
   227 <li class="listitem" style="list-style-type: *"><p id="ch4strings_dicts_13"><span class="strong"><strong>abs()</strong></span></p></li>
   228 <li class="listitem" style="list-style-type: *"><p id="ch4strings_dicts_14"><span class="strong"><strong>dict()</strong></span></p></li>
   229 <li class="listitem" style="list-style-type: *"><p id="ch4strings_dicts_15"><span class="strong"><strong>enumerate()</strong></span></p></li>
   230 </ul></div>
   231 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_16">The built-in constants like <span class="strong"><strong>True</strong></span> and <span class="strong"><strong>False</strong></span> are provided by the Standard Library.
   232 More information about the Python Standard Library is available </p>
   233 <div class="reference">
   234 <div class="titlepage"><hr /></div></div>
   235 </div>
   236 <div class="section" title="4.I/O: Reading and Writing Files">
   237 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
   238 <a name="id3034442"></a>4.I/O: Reading and Writing Files</h2></div></div></div>
   239 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_17">Files are very important aspects when it comes to computing and programming.
   240 Up until now the focus has been on small programs that interacted with users
   241 through <span class="strong"><strong>input()</strong></span> and <span class="strong"><strong>raw_input()</strong></span>. Generally, for computational purposes
   242 it becomes necessary to handle files, which are usually large in size as well.
   243 This section focuses on basics of file handling.</p>
   244 <div class="section" title="4.1.Opening Files">
   245 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   246 <a name="id3034472"></a>4.1.Opening Files</h3></div></div></div>
   247 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_18">Files can be opened using the <span class="strong"><strong>open()</strong></span> method. <span class="strong"><strong>open()</strong></span> accepts 3 arguments
   248 out of which 2 are optional. Let us look at the syntax of <span class="strong"><strong>open()</strong></span>:</p>
   249 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_19"><span class="emphasis"><em>f = open( filename, mode, buffering)</em></span></p>
   250 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_1a">The <span class="emphasis"><em>filename</em></span> is a compulsory argument while the <span class="emphasis"><em>mode</em></span> and <span class="emphasis"><em>buffering</em></span> are
   251 optional. The <span class="emphasis"><em>filename</em></span> should be a string and it should be the complete path
   252 to the file to be opened (The path can be absolute or relative). Let us look at
   253 an example.</p>
   254 <pre class="programlisting">
   255 &gt;&gt;&gt; f = open ('basic_python/interim_assessment.rst')</pre>
   256 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_1b">The <span class="emphasis"><em>mode</em></span> argument specifies the mode in which the file has to be opened.
   257 The following are the valid mode arguments:</p>
   258 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_1c"><span class="strong"><strong>r</strong></span> - Read mode
   259 <span class="strong"><strong>w</strong></span> - Write mode
   260 <span class="strong"><strong>a</strong></span> - Append mode
   261 <span class="strong"><strong>b</strong></span> - Binary mode
   262 <span class="strong"><strong>+</strong></span> - Read/Write mode</p>
   263 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_1d">The read mode opens the file as a read-only document. The write mode opens the
   264 file in the Write only mode. In the write mode, if the file existed prior to the
   265 opening, the previous contents of the file are erased. The append mode opens the
   266 file in the write mode but the previous contents of the file are not erased and
   267 the current data is appended onto the file.
   268 The binary and the read/write modes are special in the sense that they are added
   269 onto other modes. The read/write mode opens the file in the reading and writing
   270 mode combined. The binary mode can be used to open a files that do not contain
   271 text. Binary files such as images should be opened in the binary mode. Let us look
   272 at a few examples.</p>
   273 <pre class="programlisting">
   274 &gt;&gt;&gt; f = open ('basic_python/interim_assessment.rst', 'r')
   275 &gt;&gt;&gt; f = open ('', 'r+')</pre>
   276 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_1e">The third argument to the <span class="strong"><strong>open()</strong></span> method is the <span class="emphasis"><em>buffering</em></span> argument. This takes
   277 a boolean value, <span class="emphasis"><em>True</em></span> or <span class="emphasis"><em>1</em></span> indicates that buffering has to be enabled on the file,
   278 that is the file is loaded on to the main memory and the changes made to the file are
   279 not immediately written to the disk. If the <span class="emphasis"><em>buffering</em></span> argument is <span class="emphasis"><em>0</em></span> or <span class="emphasis"><em>False</em></span> the
   280 changes are directly written on to the disk immediately.</p>
   281 </div>
   282 <div class="section" title="4.2.Reading and Writing files">
   283 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   284 <a name="id3034646"></a>4.2.Reading and Writing files</h3></div></div></div>
   285 <div class="section" title="4.2.1.write()">
   286 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   287 <a name="id3034655"></a>4.2.1.<span class="strong"><strong>write()</strong></span>
   288 </h4></div></div></div>
   289 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_1f"><span class="strong"><strong>write()</strong></span>, evidently, is used to write data onto a file. It takes the data to
   290 be written as the argument. The data can be a string, an integer, a float or any
   291 other datatype. In order to be able to write data onto a file, the file has to
   292 be opened in one of <span class="strong"><strong>w</strong></span>, <span class="strong"><strong>a</strong></span> or <span class="strong"><strong>+</strong></span> modes.</p>
   293 </div>
   294 <div class="section" title="">
   295 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   296 <a name="id3034694"></a>4.2.2.<span class="strong"><strong>read()</strong></span>
   297 </h4></div></div></div>
   298 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_20"><span class="strong"><strong>read()</strong></span> is used to read data from a file. It takes the number of bytes of data
   299 to be read as the argument. If nothing is specified by default it reads the entire
   300 contents from the current position to the end of file.</p>
   301 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_21">Let us look at a few examples:</p>
   302 <pre class="programlisting">
   303 &gt;&gt;&gt; f = open ('randomtextfile', 'w')
   304 &gt;&gt;&gt; f.write('Hello all, this is PythonFreak. This is a random text file.')
   305 &gt;&gt;&gt; f = open ('../randomtextfile', 'r')
   306 &gt;&gt;&gt; f = open ('../randomtextfile', 'r')
   307 &gt;&gt;&gt;
   308 'Hello'
   309 &gt;&gt;&gt;
   310 ' all, this is PythonFreak. This is a random text file.'
   311 &gt;&gt;&gt; f.close()</pre>
   312 </div>
   313 <div class="section" title="4.2.3.readline()">
   314 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   315 <a name="id3034729"></a>4.2.3.<span class="strong"><strong>readline()</strong></span>
   316 </h4></div></div></div>
   317 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_22"><span class="strong"><strong>readline()</strong></span> is used to read a file line by line. <span class="strong"><strong>readline()</strong></span> reads a line
   318 of a file at a time. When an argument is passed to <span class="strong"><strong>readline()</strong></span> it reads that
   319 many bytes from the current line.</p>
   320 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_23">One other method to read a file line by line is using the <span class="strong"><strong>read()</strong></span> and the
   321 <span class="strong"><strong>for</strong></span> construct. Let us look at this block of code as an example.</p>
   322 <pre class="programlisting">
   323 &gt;&gt;&gt; f = open('../randomtextfile', 'r')
   324 &gt;&gt;&gt; for line in f:
   325 ...     print line
   326 ...
   327 Hello all!
   329 This is PythonFreak on the second line.
   331 This is a random text file on line 3</pre>
   332 </div>
   333 <div class="section" title="4.2.4.close()">
   334 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   335 <a name="id3034788"></a>4.2.4.<span class="strong"><strong>close()</strong></span>
   336 </h4></div></div></div>
   337 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_24">One must always close all the files that have been opened. Although, files opened
   338 will be closed automatically when the program ends. When files opened in read mode
   339 are not closed it might lead to uselessly locked sometimes. In case of files
   340 opened in the write mode it is more important to close the files. This is because,
   341 Python maybe using the file in the buffering mode and when the file is not closed
   342 the buffer maybe lost completely and the changes made to the file are lost forever.</p>
   343 </div>
   344 </div>
   345 </div>
   346 <div class="section" title="5.Dictionaries">
   347 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
   348 <a name="id3034811"></a>5.Dictionaries</h2></div></div></div>
   349 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_25">A dictionary in general, are designed to be able to look up meanings of words.
   350 Similarly, the Python dictionaries are also designed to look up for a specific
   351 key and retrieve the corresponding value. Dictionaries are data structures that
   352 provide key-value mappings. Dictionaries are similar to lists except that instead
   353 of the values having integer indexes, dictionaries have keys or strings as indexes.
   354 Let us look at an example of how to define dictionaries.</p>
   355 <pre class="programlisting">
   356 &gt;&gt;&gt; dct = { 'Sachin': 'Tendulkar', 'Rahul': 'Dravid', 'Anil': 'Kumble'}</pre>
   357 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_26">The dictionary consists of pairs of strings, which are called <span class="emphasis"><em>keys</em></span> and their
   358 corresponding <span class="emphasis"><em>values</em></span> separated by <span class="emphasis"><em>:</em></span> and each of these <span class="emphasis"><em>key-value</em></span> pairs are
   359 comma(',') separated and the entire structure wrapped in a pair curly braces <span class="emphasis"><em>{}</em></span>.</p>
   360 <pre class="programlisting">
   361 Note: The data inside a dictionary is not ordered. The order in which you enter
   362 the key-value pairs is not the order in which they are stored in the dictionary.
   363 Python has an internal storage mechanism for that which is out of the purview
   364 of this document.</pre>
   365 <div class="section" title="5.1.dict()">
   366 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   367 <a name="id3034868"></a>5.1.<span class="strong"><strong>dict()</strong></span>
   368 </h3></div></div></div>
   369 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_27">The <span class="strong"><strong>dict()</strong></span> function is used to create dictionaries from other mappings or other
   370 dictionaries. Let us look at an example.</p>
   371 <pre class="programlisting">
   372 &gt;&gt;&gt; diction = dict(mat = 133, avg = 52.53)</pre>
   373 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_28"><span class="strong"><strong>String Formatting with Dictionaries:</strong></span></p>
   374 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_29">String formatting was discussed in the previous section and it was mentioned that
   375 dictionaries can also be used for formatting more than one value. This section
   376 focuses on the formatting of strings using dictionaries. String formatting using
   377 dictionaries is more appealing than doing the same with tuples. Here the <span class="emphasis"><em>keyword</em></span>
   378 can be used as a place holder and the <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span> corresponding to it is replaced in
   379 the formatted string. Let us look at an example.</p>
   380 <pre class="programlisting">
   381 &gt;&gt;&gt; player = { 'Name':'Rahul Dravid', 'Matches':133, 'Avg':52.53, '100s':26 }
   382 &gt;&gt;&gt; strng = '%(Name)s has played %(Matches)d with an average of %(Avg).2f and has %(100s)d hundreds to his name.'
   383 &gt;&gt;&gt; print strng % player
   384 Rahul Dravid has played 133 with an average of 52.53 and has 26 hundreds to his name.</pre>
   385 </div>
   386 <div class="section" title="5.2.Dictionary Methods">
   387 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
   388 <a name="id3034932"></a>5.2.Dictionary Methods</h3></div></div></div>
   389 <div class="section" title="5.2.1.clear()">
   390 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   391 <a name="id3034940"></a>5.2.1.<span class="strong"><strong>clear()</strong></span>
   392 </h4></div></div></div>
   393 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_2a">The <span class="strong"><strong>clear()</strong></span> method removes all the existing <span class="emphasis"><em>key-value</em></span> pairs from a dictionary.
   394 It returns <span class="emphasis"><em>None</em></span> or rather does not return anything. It is a method that changes
   395 the object. It has to be noted here that dictionaries are not immutable. Let us
   396 look at an example.</p>
   397 <pre class="programlisting">
   398 &gt;&gt;&gt; dct
   399 {'Anil': 'Kumble', 'Sachin': 'Tendulkar', 'Rahul': 'Dravid'}
   400 &gt;&gt;&gt; dct.clear()
   401 &gt;&gt;&gt; dct
   402 {}</pre>
   403 </div>
   404 <div class="section" title="5.2.2.copy()">
   405 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   406 <a name="id3034976"></a>5.2.2.<span class="strong"><strong>copy()</strong></span>
   407 </h4></div></div></div>
   408 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_2b">The <span class="strong"><strong>copy()</strong></span> returns a copy of a given dictionary. Let us look at an example.</p>
   409 <pre class="programlisting">
   410 &gt;&gt;&gt; dct = {'Anil': 'Kumble', 'Sachin': 'Tendulkar', 'Rahul': 'Dravid'}
   411 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy = dct.copy()
   412 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy
   413 {'Anil': 'Kumble', 'Sachin': 'Tendulkar', 'Rahul': 'Dravid'}</pre>
   414 </div>
   415 <div class="section" title="5.2.3.get()">
   416 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   417 <a name="id3035006"></a>5.2.3.<span class="strong"><strong>get()</strong></span>
   418 </h4></div></div></div>
   419 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_2c"><span class="strong"><strong>get()</strong></span> returns the <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span> for the <span class="emphasis"><em>key</em></span> passed as the argument and if the
   420 <span class="emphasis"><em>key</em></span> does not exist in the dictionary, it returns <span class="emphasis"><em>None</em></span>. Let us look at an
   421 example.</p>
   422 <pre class="programlisting">
   423 &gt;&gt;&gt; print dctcopy.get('Saurav')
   424 None
   425 &gt;&gt;&gt; print dctcopy.get('Anil')
   426 Kumble</pre>
   427 </div>
   428 <div class="section" title="5.2.4.has_key()">
   429 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   430 <a name="id3035044"></a>5.2.4.<span class="strong"><strong>has_key()</strong></span>
   431 </h4></div></div></div>
   432 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_2d">This method returns <span class="emphasis"><em>True</em></span> if the given <span class="emphasis"><em>key</em></span> is in the dictionary, else it returns
   433 <span class="emphasis"><em>False</em></span>.</p>
   434 <pre class="programlisting">
   435 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy.has_key('Saurav')
   436 False
   437 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy.has_key('Sachin')
   438 True</pre>
   439 </div>
   440 <div class="section" title="5.2.5.pop()">
   441 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   442 <a name="id3035074"></a>5.2.5.<span class="strong"><strong>pop()</strong></span>
   443 </h4></div></div></div>
   444 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_2e">This method is used to retrieve the <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span> of a given <span class="emphasis"><em>key</em></span> and subsequently
   445 remove the <span class="emphasis"><em>key-value</em></span> pair from the dictionary. Let us look at an example.</p>
   446 <pre class="programlisting">
   447 &gt;&gt;&gt; print dctcopy.pop('Sachin')
   448 Tendulkar
   449 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy
   450 {'Anil': 'Kumble', 'Rahul': 'Dravid'}</pre>
   451 </div>
   452 <div class="section" title="5.2.6.popitem()">
   453 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   454 <a name="id3035108"></a>5.2.6.<span class="strong"><strong>popitem()</strong></span>
   455 </h4></div></div></div>
   456 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_2f">This method randomly pops a <span class="emphasis"><em>key-value</em></span> pair from a dictionary and returns it.
   457 The <span class="emphasis"><em>key-value</em></span> pair returned is removed from the dictionary. Let us look at an
   458 example.</p>
   459 <pre class="programlisting">
   460 &gt;&gt;&gt; print dctcopy.popitem()
   461 ('Anil', 'Kumble')
   462 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy
   463 {'Rahul': 'Dravid'}
   465 Note that the item chosen is completely random since dictionaries are unordered
   466 as mentioned earlier.</pre>
   467 </div>
   468 <div class="section" title="5.2.7.update()">
   469 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
   470 <a name="id3035144"></a>5.2.7.<span class="strong"><strong>update()</strong></span>
   471 </h4></div></div></div>
   472 <p id="ch4strings_dicts_30">The <span class="strong"><strong>update()</strong></span> method updates the contents of one dictionary with the contents
   473 of another dictionary. For items with existing <span class="emphasis"><em>keys</em></span> their <span class="emphasis"><em>values</em></span> are updated,
   474 and the rest of the items are added. Let us look at an example.</p>
   475 <pre class="programlisting">
   476 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy.update(dct)
   477 &gt;&gt;&gt; dct
   478 {'Anil': 'Kumble', 'Sachin': 'Tendulkar', 'Rahul': 'Dravid'}
   479 &gt;&gt;&gt; dctcopy
   480 {'Anil': 'Kumble', 'Sachin': 'Tendulkar', 'Rahul': 'Dravid'}</pre>
   481 </div>
   482 </div>
   483 </div>
   484 </div>
   485 </div></body>
   486 </html>