author Madhusudan.C.S <>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 12:37:59 +0530
changeset 216 c6704d4a18bd
parent 204 87f914f38ba1
child 217 2833f0b51adc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed multiplication of list with * operator.

%Tutorial slides on Python.
% Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at>
% Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Prabhu Ramachandran

%\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm]

% Modified from:


% Taken from Fernando's slides.



% Macros
\setbeamercolor{emphbar}{bg=blue!20, fg=black}
\newcommand{\inctime}[1]{\addtocounter{time}{#1}{\tiny \thetime\ m}}


\newcommand{\kwrd}[1]{ \texttt{\textbf{\color{blue}{#1}}}  }

%%% This is from Fernando's setup.
% \usepackage{color}
% \definecolor{orange}{cmyk}{0,0.4,0.8,0.2}
% % Use and configure listings package for nicely formatted code
% \usepackage{listings}
% \lstset{
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% }

% Title page
\title[Basic Python]{Python:\\A formal approach}

\author[FOSSEE Team] {The FOSSEE Group}

\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
\date[] {1, November 2009\\Day 2, Session 1}


%% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
%% the beginning of each subsection:


% If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment
% the following command: 




  % You might wish to add the option [pausesections]

\section{Data types}

  \frametitle{Primitive Data types}
    \item Numbers: float, int, complex
    \item Strings
    \item Boolean

    \item \kwrd{int}\\ Any whole number is an \kwrd{int}, no matter what the size!
In [1]: a = 13

In [2]: b = 99999999999999999999
    \item \kwrd{float}
In [3]: fl = 3.141592

\frametitle{Complex numbers}
In [1]: cplx = 3+4j

In [2]: abs(cplx)
Out[2]: 5.0

In [3]: cplx.imag
Out[3]: 4.0

In [4]: cplx.real
Out[4]: 3.0

In [1]: t = True

In [2]: f = not t
Out[2]: False

In [3]: f or t
Out[3]: True

In [4]: f and t
Out[4]: False


Strings were introduced previously, let us now look at them in a little more detail.
In [1]: w = "hello"

In [2]: print w[0] + w[2] + w[-1]
Out[2]: hlo

In [3]: len(w) # guess what
Out[3]: 5

  \frametitle{Strings \ldots}
In [1]: w[0] = 'H' # Can't do that!
TypeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: 'str' object does not
         support item assignment

  \frametitle{String methods}
In [1]: a = 'Hello World'
In [2]: a.startswith('Hell')
Out[2]: True

In [3]: a.endswith('ld')
Out[3]: True

In [4]: a.upper()

In [5]: a.lower()
Out[5]: 'hello world'

\frametitle{Still with strings}
    \item We saw split() yesterday
    \item join() is the opposite of split()
In [1]: ''.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
Out[1]: 'abc'

\frametitle{String formatting}
In [1]: x, y = 1, 1.234

In [2]: 'x is %s, y is %s' %(x, y)
Out[2]: 'x is 1, y is 1.234'

  \frametitle{Arithematic operators}
In [1]: 1786 % 12
Out[1]: 10

In [2]: 3124 * 126789
Out[2]: 396088836

In [3]: a = 3124 * 126789

In [4]: big = 1234567891234567890 ** 3

In [5]: verybig = big * big * big * big

  \frametitle{Arithematic operators \ldots}
In [1]: 17/2
Out[1]: 8

In [2]: 17/2.0
Out[2]: 8.5

In [3]: 17.0/2
Out[3]: 8.5

In [4]: 17.0/8.5
Out[4]: 2.0

  \frametitle{String operations}
In [1]: s = 'Hello '

In [2]: p = 'World'

In [3]: s + p 
Out[3]: 'Hello World'

In [4]: s * 12 
Out[4]: 'Hello Hello Hello Hello ...'

  \frametitle{String operations \ldots}
In [1]: s * s
TypeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: can't multiply sequence by
                non-int of type 'str'

  \frametitle{Relational and logical operators}
In [1]: pos, zer, neg = 1, 0, -1
In [2]: pos == neg
Out[2]: False

In [3]: pos >= neg
Out[3]: True

In [4]: neg < zer < pos
Out[4]: True

In [5]: pos + neg != zer
Out[5]: False

In [1]: int(17/2.0)
Out[1]: 8

In [2]: float(17/2)  # Recall
Out[2]: 8.0

In [3]: str(17/2.0)
Out[3]: '8.5'

In [4]: round( 7.5 )
Out[4]: 8.0

  \frametitle{Odds and ends}
    \item Case sensitive
    \item Dynamically typed $\Rightarrow$ need not specify a type
In [1]: a = 1
In [2]: a = 1.1
In [3]: a = "Now I am a string!"
    \item Comments:
In [4]: a = 1  # In-line comments
In [5]: # Comment in a line to itself.
In [6]: a = "# This is not a comment!"

\begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{A question of good style}
    amount = 12.68
    denom = 0.05
    nCoins = round(amount/denom)
    rAmount = nCoins * denom
  \begin{block}{Style Rule \#1}
    Naming is 80\% of programming

  {A classic problem}
    {Interchange values}
    How to interchange values of two variables? 
    This Python idiom works for all types of variables.\\
They need not be of the same type!

\section{Simple IO}
\begin{frame}{Simple IO}
    {Console Input}
    \texttt{raw\_input()} waits for user input.\\Prompt string is optional.\\
    All keystrokes are Strings!\\\texttt{int()} converts string to int.
    {Console output}
    \texttt{print} is straight forward. Note the distinction between \texttt{print x} and \texttt{print x,}

\section{Control flow}
  \frametitle{Control flow constructs}  
  \item \kwrd{if/elif/else}: branching
  \item \kwrd{while}: looping
  \item \kwrd{for}: iterating 
  \item \kwrd{break, continue}: modify loop 
  \item \kwrd{pass}: syntactic filler

\subsection{Basic Conditional flow}
  \frametitle{\typ{If...elif...else} example}
x = int(raw_input("Enter an integer:"))
if x < 0:
     print 'Be positive!'
elif x == 0:
     print 'Zero'
elif x == 1:
     print 'Single'
     print 'More'

\subsection{Basic Looping}
Example: Fibonacci series
# the sum of two elements
# defines the next
a, b = 0, 1
while b < 10:
    print b,
    a, b = b, a + b 
\typ{1 1 2 3 5 8}\\  

\kwrd{range([start,] stop[, step])}\\
  \item \alert {range() returns a list of integers}
  \item \alert {The start and the step arguments are optional}  

  \frametitle{\typ{for} \ldots \typ{range()}}
Example: print squares of first \typ{n} numbers
In []: for i in range(5):
 ....:     print i, i * i
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16

\frametitle{More List methods}
In []: lst = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
In []: lst.reverse()
In []: lst
Out[]: [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

In []: lst.extend([0, -1, -2])
In []: lst
Out[]: [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1]

In []: lst.remove(0)
In []: lst
Out[]: [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1]

\frametitle{List containership}
In []: a = 8

In []: a in lst
Out[]: True

In []: b = 10
In []: b in lst
Out[]: False

In []: b not in lst
Out[]: True

\frametitle{Tuples: Immutable lists}
In []: tup = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
In []: tup[0]+tup[3]+tup[-1]
Out[]: 13
\item Tuples are immutable - cannot be changed
\item Multiple return values in a function are actually tuples
\item Tuples are working behind the scenes in exchanging values - Tuple Unpacking

\frametitle{Dictionary: Recall}
  \alert {lists and tuples: integer indexes :: dictionaries: string indexes}
In []: player = {'Mat': 134,'Inn': 233, 
           'Runs': 10823, 'Avg': 52.53}

In []: player['Avg']
Out[]: 52.530000000000001
\item Duplicate keys are not allowed!
\item Dictionaries are iterable through keys.
