changeset 317 0eca6c542fce
parent 308 d93be08d69f8
child 325 0cde91487637
--- a/day1/cheatsheet1.tex	Thu Nov 19 11:04:11 2009 +0530
+++ b/day1/cheatsheet1.tex	Thu Nov 19 22:26:00 2009 +0530
@@ -37,19 +37,52 @@
 \end{lstlisting} %$
+\typ{In []: x = linspace(start, stop, num)}\\
+\typ{linspace} returns array of length \typ{num}, for which \typ{x[0] = start} and \typ{x[num-1] = stop} \\
+\emph{Please note indices of array starts from zero(0)}
+\typ{In []: plot(X, Y)}\\
+For given arrays of equal length(above case X and Y), \typ{plot} plots the correspoding *x* and *y* pairs taken from X and Y.
+\subsection{Colors of plots}
+\typ{In []: plot(y, sin(y), 'g')}\\
+Plots graph with green color. Other options available are:
+  'r' ---> Red
+  'b' ---> Blue
+  'r' ---> Red 
+  'c' ---> Cyan 
+  'm' ---> Magenta
+  'y' ---> Yellow
+  'k' ---> Black 
+  'w' ---> White
+One can also set the line width of plot using optional argument \typ{linewidth}. For example:\\
+\typ{In []: plot(x, cos(x), 'r', linewidth=2)}\\
+Plots the line with linewidth = 2
+\subsection{label and title}
+\typ{In []: xlabel('Length') #sets *x* axis label to Length}\\ 
+\typ{In []: ylabel('Time') #sets *y* axis label to Time.}\\
+\typ{In []: title('Sinusoids') #sets title of plot}\\
 Pylab accepts TeX equation expressions in any text expression. To get something like:\\
 $\sigma_i=15$ \\
 on title of figure use: 
-  title('$\sigma_i=15$')
+In []: title('$\sigma_i=15$')
 Same way one can have TeX expression on xlabel, ylabel etc.
+\typ{In []: legend('sin(x)',loc=center)} \\
+Placec a legend on the current plot at location *loc*.\\
 Apart from \kwrd{center}, some other \kwrd{loc} which can be specified are:
 'upper right'
 'upper left'      
 'lower left'      
@@ -64,26 +97,20 @@
 In []: legend(['sin(2y)'], loc=(.8,.1)) 
-\typ{loc = 0, 1} (left top position of graph)\\
+\typ{loc = 0, 1} (top left position of graph)\\
 \typ{loc = 0.5, 0.5} (center of graph).
+\typ{In []: annotate('local max', xy=(1.5, 1))}\\
+Annotates current plot with text, 'local max', at position specified to \typ{xy}.
 \subsection{Saving figures}
-One can save figure in any of these formats: png, pdf, ps, eps and svg.
+\typ{In []: savefig('sinusoids.png')}\\
+Saves the current figure with file name 'sinusoids.png' in current working directory. One can save figure in any of these formats: png, pdf, ps, eps and svg.
-\subsection{Colors of plots}
-\typ{In []: plot(y, sin(y), 'g')}\\
-Plots graph with green color. Other options available are:
-  'r' ---> Red
-  'b' ---> Blue
-  'r' ---> Red 
-  'c' ---> Cyan 
-  'm' ---> Magenta
-  'y' ---> Yellow
-  'k' ---> Black 
-  'w' ---> White
+\typ{In []: clf() #Clears the current plot area}\\
+\typ{In []: close() #Closes the figure}
 \section{Saving and running scripts}
   \item \typ{\%hist}\\
@@ -105,14 +132,13 @@
 In []: title('Sinusoidal Waves')
 In []: legend(['sin(x)', 'cos(x)'])
 In []: annotate('origin', xy=(0, 0))
-In []: xmin, xman = xlim()           # Without arguments gets
-In []: ymin, ymax = ylim()           # values
-In []: xlim(0, 2 * pi)               # With values, sets the
-In []: ylim(ymin - 0.2, ymax + 0.2)  # specified values
+In []: xmin, xman = xlim()  # returns current X axis limits.
+In []: ymin, ymax = ylim()
+In []: xlim(0, 2 * pi) # sets the X axis limits to passed values
+In []: ylim(ymin - 0.2, ymax + 0.2) 
 In []: savefig('sin.png')   # Save figure
-In []: close()              # Closes the figure
+In []: close()              