changeset 123 7a16c80c584d
parent 105 bba1ae4ef1ae
child 134 73012a0eb878
equal deleted inserted replaced
122:70b86355e851 123:7a16c80c584d
     1 \documentclass[english]{beamer}
     3 % generated by Docutils <>
     4 \usepackage{fixltx2e} % LaTeX patches, \textsubscript
     5 \usepackage{cmap} % fix search and cut-and-paste in PDF
     6 \usepackage{babel}
     7 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
     8 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
     9 \usepackage{listings}
    10 \usepackage{amsmath}
    11 \lstset{
    12   language=TeX,
    13   basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,
    14   commentstyle=\ttfamily\color{blue},
    15   stringstyle=\ttfamily\color{orange},
    16   showstringspaces=false,
    17   breaklines=true,
    18   postbreak = \space\dots
    19 }
    21 \usepackage{ifthen}
    22 \usepackage{longtable}
    23 \usepackage{array}
    24 \setlength{\extrarowheight}{2pt}
    25 \newlength{\DUtablewidth} % internal use in tables
    27 \mode<presentation>
    28 {
    29   \usetheme{Warsaw}
    30   \useoutertheme{infolines}
    31   \setbeamercovered{transparent}
    32 }
    35 \title{\LaTeX}
    36 \author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
    37 \institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT
    38   Bombay}
    39 \date{}
    41 %% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
    42 %% the beginning of each subsection:
    43 \AtBeginSubsection[]
    44 {
    45   \begin{frame}<beamer>
    46     \frametitle{Outline}
    47     \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
    48   \end{frame}
    49 }
    51 \AtBeginSection[]
    52 {
    53   \begin{frame}<beamer>
    54     \frametitle{Outline}
    55     \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
    56   \end{frame}
    57 }
    59 \begin{document}
    61 % Document title
    62 \begin{frame}
    63   \maketitle  
    64 \end{frame}
    66 \section{Introduction}
    68 \begin{frame}
    69   \frametitle{\LaTeX~- Introduction}
    70   \begin{itemize}
    71   \item Typesetting program
    72   \item Excellently Typeset Documents - specially Math
    73   \item Anything from one page articles to books. 
    74   \item Based on \TeX
    75   \item Pronounced ``Lah-tech'' or ``Lay-tech''
    76   \end{itemize}
    77 \end{frame}
    79 \begin{frame}
    80   \frametitle{This Course}
    81   \begin{itemize}
    82   \item Look at Sample document - \texttt{sample.pdf}
    83   \item The document will be produced by the end of the course. 
    84   \item First Hour - Basic Structure
    85   \item Second Hour - Text, Tables, Figures, References
    86   \item Third Hour - Math, Bibliography, Presentations
    87   \end{itemize}
    88 \end{frame}
    91 \begin{frame}
    92   \frametitle{A Look at the Sample Document}
    93   \begin{itemize}
    94   \item Title, Author, Date
    95   \item Abstract
    96   \item Sections
    97   \item Subsections
    98   \item Appendix
    99   \item References/Bibliography
   100   \item Tables
   101   \item Figures
   102   \item Math
   103   \end{itemize}
   104 \end{frame}
   106 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   107   \frametitle{The source \& compilation}
   108   Write the following code into the file \texttt{draft.tex}.
   109   \begin{lstlisting}
   110     \documentclass{article}
   111     \begin{document}
   112     SciPy is open-source software for mathematics, 
   113     science, and engineering.   
   114     \end{document}
   115   \end{lstlisting}
   116   To compile the document, do the following in your terminal: 
   117   \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
   118     $ pdflatex draft.tex
   119   \end{lstlisting}
   120   This produces the output file \texttt{draft.pdf} %%$
   121   Note: \texttt{latex} command is often used to get \texttt{dvi}
   122   output. Throughout this course, we shall use \texttt{pdflatex} to
   123   compile our documents to \texttt{pdf} output.
   124 \end{frame}  
   126 \section{Structure of the Document}
   128 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   129   \frametitle{\lstinline+documentclass+}
   130   \begin{itemize}
   131   \item \LaTeX~typesets based on \lstinline{documentclass}
   132   \item Defines structure and formatting of a document
   133   \item \LaTeX~is a document based mark-up
   134   \item Mark-up --- a system of annotating text, adding extra
   135     information to specify structure and presentation of text
   136   \item Document based markup $\rightarrow$ you don't have to worry
   137     about each element individually 
   138   \item Allows you to focus on content, rather than appearance.
   139   \end{itemize}
   140 \end{frame}
   142 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   143   \frametitle{Environments and Commands}
   144   \lstinline{document} is an environment, present in every document. 
   145   \begin{itemize}
   146   \item Environments
   147     \begin{itemize}
   148     \item \lstinline{\begin} and \lstinline{\end} define the beginning
   149       and end of an environment
   150     \item All the content of the document is placed inside the
   151       \lstinline{document} environment 
   152     \end{itemize}
   153   \item Commands
   154     \begin{itemize}
   155     \item All commands begin with \textbackslash
   156     \item They are case-sensitive
   157     \item Only alpha caracthers; other characters terminate commands
   158     \end{itemize}
   159   \end{itemize}
   160 \end{frame}
   163 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   164   \frametitle{Top Matter}
   165   Let's add the Title, Author's name and the date to the document.
   166   \begin{itemize}
   167   \item Add title, author and date. Compile. Nothing changes.
   168   \end{itemize}
   169   \begin{lstlisting}
   170     \title{A Glimpse at Scipy}
   171     \author{FOSSEE}
   172     \date{June 2010}
   173   \end{lstlisting}
   174   \tiny{See \texttt{hg} rev1 of draft.}
   175 \end{frame}
   177 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   178   \frametitle{Top Matter \ldots}
   179   \begin{itemize}
   180   \item \lstinline{\maketitle} command inserts the top-matter.
   181   \item Compile again. 
   182   \item If no date is specified, today's date is automatically
   183     inserted.
   184   \end{itemize}
   185   \begin{lstlisting}
   186     \begin{document}
   187     \maketitle
   188     SciPy is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.   
   189     \end{document}
   190    \end{lstlisting}
   191   \tiny{See \texttt{hg} rev2 of draft.}
   192 \end{frame}
   195 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   196   \frametitle{Abstract}
   197   \begin{itemize}
   198   \item The abstract environment is placed at the location where it's
   199     put in the source. 
   200   \end{itemize}
   201   \begin{lstlisting}
   202     \begin{abstract}
   203       This document shows a glimpse of the features of Scipy that will
   204       be explored during this course.
   205     \end{abstract}
   206   \end{lstlisting}
   207   \tiny See rev3 of \texttt{hg}
   208 \end{frame}
   210 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   211   \frametitle{Sectioning}
   212   \begin{itemize}
   213   \item \lstinline{\section}, \lstinline{\subsection}
   214     \lstinline{\subsubsection}
   215   \item Auto numbered sections!
   216   \item \* to prevent numbering of a section
   217   \end{itemize}
   218   \begin{lstlisting}
   219     \section{A Glimpse of Scipy functions}
   220     \subsection{Matrix Operations}
   221     \subsubsection{Inverse}
   222   \end{lstlisting}
   223   \tiny See rev4 of \texttt{hg}
   224 \end{frame}
   226 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   227   \frametitle{Sectioning \ldots}
   228   \begin{itemize}
   229   \item Longer documents, use \lstinline{report} or \lstinline{book}
   230     class
   231   \item Chapter can be added using \lstinline{\chapter}
   232   \end{itemize}
   233   \begin{lstlisting}
   234     \documentclass{report}
   236     \chapter{One}
   237   \end{lstlisting}
   238   \begin{itemize}
   239   \item subsections do not get numbering
   240   \item Change \lstinline{secnumdepth}
   241   \end{itemize}
   242   \begin{lstlisting}
   243     \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}
   244   \end{lstlisting}
   245    \tiny See rev5 of \texttt{hg}
   246 \end{frame}
   248 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   249   \frametitle{Appendices}
   250   \begin{itemize}
   251   \item Anything following the \lstinline{\appendix} command is added
   252     to the Appendix. 
   253   \end{itemize}
   254   \begin{lstlisting}
   255     \appendix
   257     \section{Plotting using Pylab}
   258   \end{lstlisting}
   259   \tiny See rev7 of \texttt{hg}
   260 \end{frame}
   262 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   263   \frametitle{Table of Contents [TOC]}
   264   \begin{itemize}
   265   \item Our document is short, but let's learn to add a TOC.
   266   \item Add \lstinline{\tableofcontents} where you want TOC to
   267     appear.
   268   \item Compile. 
   269   \item Only headings appear. No page numbers. 
   270   \item A \lstinline{\.toc} file is generated. 
   271   \item Re-compile.
   272   \item Any numbered section/block automatically appears
   273   \end{itemize}
   274   \tiny See rev8 of \texttt{hg}
   275 \end{frame}
   277 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   278   \frametitle{TOC \ldots}
   279   \begin{itemize}
   280   \item To add un-numbered sections, use \lstinline{\addcontentsline}
   281   \end{itemize}
   282   \begin{lstlisting}
   283     \section*{Introduction}
   284     \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Intro}
   285   \end{lstlisting}
   286   \tiny See rev9 of \texttt{hg}
   287 \end{frame}
   289 \begin{frame}
   290   \frametitle{Bibliography}
   291   We shall look at Bibliographies, later in the course. 
   292 \end{frame}
   294 \section{Typesetting Text}
   295 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   296   \frametitle{Line breaks, Paragraphs}
   297   \begin{itemize}
   298   \item Add the text of second paragraph in the introduction section. 
   299   \item Compile. 
   300   \item An empty line starts a new para
   301   \item New paragraphs are indented
   302   \item Multiple spaces or empty lines are considered as one
   303   \item To start a new line \lstinline{\\} or \lstinline{\newline}
   304   \end{itemize}
   305   \tiny See rev10 of \texttt{hg}
   306 \end{frame}
   308 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   309   \frametitle{Quotation Marks}
   310   \begin{itemize}
   311   \item The quotation marks around Sigh Pie are not formatted properly
   312   \item Use \`~ (accent) for left quote
   313   \item Use \'~ (apostrophe) for right quote
   314   \item For double quotes, use them twice
   315   \end{itemize}
   316   \begin{center}
   317     \`~\`~Sigh Pie\'~\'~
   318   \end{center}
   319   \tiny See rev11 of \texttt{hg}
   320 \end{frame}
   322 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   323   \frametitle{Fonts - Emphasis, Fixed width, \ldots}
   324   \begin{itemize}
   325   \item \lstinline{\emph} gives emphasized or italic text
   326   \item \LaTeX environments can be nested
   327   \item Let's add sub-package names as text, before learning to
   328     typeset tables
   329   \item Note multiple spacing won't work
   330   \end{itemize}
   331   \begin{lstlisting}
   332     Subpackage - Description\\
   333     cluster - Clustering algorithms\\
   334     constants - Physical and mathematical constants\\
   335     fftpack - Fast Fourier Transform routines\\
   336   \end{lstlisting}
   337   \begin{center}
   338     \hspace{1in}\vdots
   339   \end{center}
   340   \tiny See rev12 of \texttt{hg}
   341 \end{frame}
   343 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   344   \frametitle{Fonts - Emphasis, Fixed width, \ldots}
   345   \begin{itemize}
   346   \item Use \lstinline{\texttt} for sub-packages names - fixed width
   347   \item \lstinline{\textbf} for bold face
   348   \item \lstinline{-} can be replaced with \lstinline{--} or
   349     \lstinline{---} for better formatting
   350   \end{itemize}
   351   \begin{lstlisting}
   352     \textbf{Subpackage} --- \textbf{Description}\\
   353     \texttt{cluster} --- Clustering algorithms\\
   354     \texttt{constants} --- Physical and mathematical constants\\
   355     \texttt{fftpack} --- Fast Fourier Transform routines\\
   356   \end{lstlisting}
   357   \begin{center}
   358     \hspace{1in}\vdots
   359   \end{center}
   360   \tiny See rev13 of \texttt{hg}
   361 \end{frame}
   363 \subsection{Lists}
   364 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   365   \frametitle{Lists}
   366   \begin{itemize}
   367   \item \lstinline{enumerate} environment is used for numbered lists
   368   \item \lstinline{itemize} environment gives un-numbered lists
   369   \item Each item in the list is specified using \lstinline{\item}
   370   \item Nested lists are also easily handled, as expected
   371   \item Example on next slide
   372   \end{itemize}
   373   \tiny See rev14 of \texttt{hg}
   374 \end{frame}
   376 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   377   \frametitle{Lists \ldots}
   378   \begin{lstlisting}
   379     \begin{enumerate}
   380     \item Plotting
   381     \item Matrix Operations
   382       \begin{itemize}
   383       \item Inverse
   384       \end{itemize}
   385     \item Solving Equations
   386       \begin{itemize}
   387       \item System of Linear equations
   388       \end{itemize}
   389     \item Integration 
   390       \begin{itemize}
   391       \item Quadrature
   392       \item ODEs
   393       \end{itemize}
   394     \end{enumerate}
   395   \end{lstlisting}
   396 \end{frame}
   398 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   399   \frametitle{Footnotes}
   400   \begin{itemize}
   401   \item Add footnote for \lstinline{pylab}
   402   \item It's easily done using \lstinline{\footnote} command 
   403   \end{itemize}
   404   \begin{lstlisting}
   405     Plotting \footnote{using \texttt{pylab} - see Appendix A} 
   406   \end{lstlisting}
   407   \begin{itemize}
   408   \item We have just written down the name of the appendix
   409   \item But if another section is added before it, the reference has
   410     to be changed
   411   \item \LaTeX provides labels and references
   412   \end{itemize}
   413   \tiny See rev15 of \texttt{hg}
   414 \end{frame}
   416 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   417   \frametitle{Labels and References}
   418   \begin{itemize}
   419   \item First add a label to the section that we wish to refer to
   420   \item \lstinline+\label{labelname}+
   421   \item Change footnote to use the reference
   422   \item \lstinline+\ref{labelname}+
   423   \item Compile twice
   424   \end{itemize}
   425   \begin{lstlisting}
   426     \section{Plotting using Pylab}\label{mpl}
   428     Plotting \footnote{using \texttt{pylab} - see Appendix \ref{mpl}} 
   429   \end{lstlisting}
   430   \tiny See rev15 of \texttt{hg}
   431 \end{frame}
   433 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   434   \frametitle{Including code}
   435   \begin{itemize}
   436   \item Instead of using \lstinline{\texttt} we could use
   437     \lstinline{\verbatim} 
   438   \item \lstinline{listings} is a powerful package
   439   \item \lstinline+\usepackage{listings}+ needs to be added 
   440   \item Tell \LaTeX the language, you are going to use
   441   \end{itemize}
   442   \begin{lstlisting}
   443     \usepackage{listings} 
   444     \lstset{language=Python,
   445       basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
   446       showstringspaces=false}
   447   \end{lstlisting}
   448   \tiny See rev16 of \texttt{hg}
   449 \end{frame}
   451 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   452   \frametitle{Including code}
   453   \begin{itemize}
   454   \item Use \lstinline{lstlisting} for a block of code
   455   \item \lstinline+\lstinline+ for inline code
   456   \item Let's add the code to Appendix
   457   \end{itemize}
   458   \begin{lstlisting}
   459     \begin{lstlisting.}
   460       In []: x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50)
   461       In []: plot(x, sin(x))
   462       In []: title('Sine Curve between 0 and $\pi$')
   463       In []: legend(['sin(x)'])
   464     \end{lstlisting.}
   465   \end{lstlisting}
   466   \tiny See rev16 of \texttt{hg}
   467 \end{frame}
   469 \section{Figures, Tables \& Floats}
   470 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   471   \frametitle{Figures}
   472   \begin{itemize}
   473   \item Let's add the figure in the Appendix
   474   \item \lstinline+\usepackage{graphicx}+
   475   \item To add a graphic, use \lstinline{\includegraphics} command
   476   \item We give the relative path to the \lstinline+.png+ image
   477   \end{itemize}
   478   \begin{lstlisting}
   479     \usepackage{graphicx}
   481     \begin{figure}[h!]
   482     \begin{center}
   483       \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{../sine.png}      
   484     \end{center}
   485     \caption{Sine Curve}
   486     \label{fig:sin}
   487     \end{figure}
   488   \end{lstlisting}
   490   \tiny See rev17 of \texttt{hg}
   491 \end{frame}
   493 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   494   \frametitle{\lstinline{includgraphics}}
   495   It takes following optional arguments
   496   \begin{itemize}
   497   \item \lstinline+scale+ --- specifies the factor by which to scale
   498     the image 
   499   \item \lstinline+height+, \lstinline+width+ --- If only one of them
   500     is specified, aspect ratio is maintained 
   501   \item \lstinline+keepaspectratio+ --- boolean value to keep aspect
   502     ratio or not 
   503   \item \lstinline+angle+ --- specify by what angle the image should
   504     be rotated 
   505   \end{itemize}
   506 \end{frame}
   508 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   509   \frametitle{Floats}
   510   \begin{itemize}
   511   \item Graphics (\& Tables) are special because they cannot be broken
   512     across pages 
   513   \item They are ``floated'' to the next page, if they don't fit in
   514     the current page 
   515   \item Enclose graphic within \lstinline+figure+ environment to make
   516     it float 
   517   \item Figure environment takes additional parameter for location of
   518     float 
   519   \end{itemize}
   520   \begin{table}
   521     \caption{Permission Specifiers}
   523     \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
   524       Specifier & Permission\\\hline
   525       t & Top of page\\
   526       b & Bottom of page\\
   527       p & Separate page for floats\\
   528       h & here (the same place where command appears in source)\\
   529       ! & override \LaTeX's internal parameters for good position
   530     \end{tabular}
   531   \end{table}
   532 \end{frame}
   534 \begin{frame}
   535   \frametitle{Captions and References}
   536   \begin{itemize}
   537   \item Figure environment allows us add a caption
   538   \item To place the image in the center we enclose it in the
   539     \lstinline+center+ environment 
   540   \item We can label images too
   541   \item label shoule be added after the caption command
   542   \item Figures are auto numbered
   543   \end{itemize}
   544   \tiny See rev17 of \texttt{hg}
   545 \end{frame}
   547 \subsection{Tables}
   549 \begin{frame}[frame]
   550   \frametitle{Tables}
   551   \begin{itemize}
   552   \item \lstinline+tabular+ is used to typeset a table
   553   \item It is enclosed in a \lstinline+table+ environment to make it a
   554     float 
   555   \item \lstinline+table+ environment also gives captions, auto
   556     numbering  
   557   \end{itemize}
   558 \end{frame}
   561 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   562   \frametitle{\lstinline+tabular+}
   563   \begin{itemize}
   564   \item tabular takes formatting of each column as argument
   565   \end{itemize}
   567   \begin{table}
   568     \caption{tabular environment}
   570     \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
   571       \lstinline+l+ & left justified column content\\\hline
   572       \lstinline+r+ & right justified column content\\\hline
   573       \lstinline+c+ & centered column content\\\hline
   574       \lstinline+|+ & produces a vertical line\\
   575     \end{tabular}
   576   \end{table}
   577   \begin{itemize}
   578   \item also takes an optional parameter for specifying position of
   579     table 
   580   \item \lstinline+t+ for top, \lstinline+b+ for bottom, \lstinline+c+
   581     for center 
   582   \item each column of table is separated by \&
   583   \item each row is separated by newline \lstinline{\\}
   584   \item \lstinline+\hline+ give a horizontal line between two rows
   585   \end{itemize}
   586   \tiny See rev18 of \texttt{hg}
   587 \end{frame}
   589 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   590   \frametitle{\lstinline+tabular+ \ldots}
   591   \begin{lstlisting}
   592     \begin{table}
   593       \caption{Sub-packages available in Scipy}
   594       \label{subpkg}
   595       \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
   596         \hline
   597         \textbf{Subpackage} & \textbf{Description}\\
   598         \texttt{constants} & Physical and mathematical constants\\
   599         \hline
   600         \texttt{fftpack} & Fast Fourier Transform routines\\
   601         \hline
   602         \end{tabular}
   603       \end{table}
   604     \end{lstlisting}
   605 \end{frame}
   607 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   608   \frametitle{List of Tables, Figures}
   609   \begin{itemize}
   610   \item \lstinline+listoftables+
   611   \item \lstinline+listoffigures+
   612   \end{itemize}
   613 \end{frame}
   616 \section{Typesetting Math}
   617 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   618   \frametitle{Math in \LaTeX}
   619   \begin{itemize}
   620   \item Math is enclosed in a pair of \lstinline{$} signs o
   621     \lstinline+\(  \)+ %$
   622   \item Used for typesetting inline Math. 
   623   \item \lstinline+\usepackage{amsmath}+
   624   \item Let's now move on to matrices. 
   625   \end{itemize}
   626 \end{frame}
   628 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   629   \frametitle{Matrices}
   630   \begin{itemize}
   631   \item \lstinline+\bmatrix+ is used to typeset the matrix A
   632   \item It works similar to ta tabular environment
   633   \item \lstinline+&+ for demarcating columns
   634   \item \lstinline+\\+ for demwarcating rows
   635   \end{itemize}
   636   \begin{lstlisting}
   637     Let $\mathbf{A}$ be the matrix 
   638     \(
   639     \begin{bmatrix}
   640       1 &3 &5\\
   641       2 &5 &1\\
   642       2 &3 &8
   643     \end{bmatrix}
   644     \)
   645   \end{lstlisting}
   646   \tiny See rev19 of \texttt{hg}    
   647 \end{frame}
   649 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   650   \frametitle{Matrices \ldots}
   651   \begin{itemize}
   652   \item There are 5 other matrix environments 
   653   \end{itemize}
   654   \begin{table}
   655     \center
   656     \begin{tabular}{c|c}
   657       \lstinline+matrix+  &  none\\
   658       \lstinline+pmatrix+ &  \lstinline+(+\\
   659       \lstinline+Bmatrix+ &  \lstinline+{+\\
   660         \lstinline+vmatrix+ &  \lstinline+|+\\  
   661         \lstinline+Vmatrix+ &  \lstinline+||+
   662     \end{tabular}
   663   \end{table}
   664 \end{frame}
   666 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   667   \frametitle{Superscripts \& Subscripts}
   668   \begin{itemize}
   669   \item \lstinline+^+ for superscripts
   670   \item To have multiple characters as sub/superscript, enclose in
   671     \lstinline+{ }+
   672   \item \lstinline+_+ for subscripts
   673   \end{itemize}
   674 \end{frame}
   676 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   677   \frametitle{Summation \& integration}
   678   \begin{itemize}
   679   \item \lstinline+\sum+ command gives the summation symbol
   680   \item The upper and lower limits are specified using the
   681     \lstinline+^+ and \lstinline+_+ symbols. 
   682   \item Similarly the integral symbol is obtained using
   683     \lstinline+\int+ command. 
   684   \end{itemize}
   685 \end{frame}
   687 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   688   \frametitle{\lstinline+displayed+ math}
   689   \begin{itemize}
   690   \item The equation in Determinants section is different. 
   691   \item It is a displayed equation. 
   692   \item \LaTeX~ or \lstinline+amsmath+ has a number of environments
   693     for ``displaying'' equations, with minor differences. 
   694   \item In general, enclose math in \lstinline+\[+ and \lstinline+\]+
   695     to get displayed math. 
   696   \item \lstinline+\begin*{equation}+ is equivalent to this.
   697   \item Use \lstinline+\begin{equation}+ to get numbered
   698     equations. %%\end{equation} 
   699   \end{itemize}
   700   \begin{lstlisting}
   701     \[ \left|\mathbf{A}\right|=\sum_{j}\left(-1\right)^{i+j}a_{ij}\mathbf{M}_{ij} \]
   702   \end{lstlisting}
   703   \tiny See rev20 of \texttt{hg}    
   704 \end{frame}
   706 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   707   \frametitle{Groups of equations}
   708   \begin{itemize}
   709   \item The \lstinline+equation+ environment allows typesetting of
   710     just 1 equation. 
   711   \item \lstinline+eqnarray+ allows typesetting of multiple equations 
   712   \item It is similar to the \lstinline+table+ environment
   713   \item The parts of the equation that need to be aligned are
   714     indicated using \& symbol.
   715   \item Each equation is separated by a \lstinline+\newline+ command
   716   \end{itemize}
   717   \begin{lstlisting}
   718     \begin{eqnarray*}
   719       x^3 - 2x^2 - \frac{1}{2}x + 1 = 0\\
   720       x^2(x-2) - \frac{1}{2}(x-2) = 0\\
   721       (x-2)(x^2 - \frac{1}{2}) = 0\\
   722       (x-2)(x - \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}})(x + \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}) = 0
   723     \end{eqnarray*}    
   724   \end{lstlisting}
   725   \tiny See rev21, 22 of \texttt{hg}    
   726 \end{frame}
   728 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   729   \frametitle{Fractions \& Surds}
   730   \begin{itemize}
   731   \item Fractions are typeset using \lstinline+\frac+ command 
   732   \item \lstinline+\frac{numerator}{denominator}+ is typeset as
   733     $\frac{numerator}{denominator}$
   734   \item Surds are typeset using \lstinline+\sqrt[n]+ command
   735   \end{itemize}
   736 \end{frame}
   738 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   739   \frametitle{Greek characters \& Spacing}
   740   \begin{itemize}
   741   \item Typesetting Greek characters is simple
   742   \item \lstinline+\alpha+, \lstinline+\beta+, \lstinline+\gamma+,
   743     \ldots \lstinline+\Alpha+, \lstinline+\Beta+, \lstinline+\Gamma+
   744     \ldots 
   745   \item To get additional spacing in Math environments ---
   746 \begin{center}
   747 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
   748 \hline
   749  Abbrev. & Spelled out & Example  \\
   750 \hline
   751  \lstinline+\,+ & \lstinline+\thinspace+ & $A\,B$ \\
   752 \hline
   753  \lstinline+\:+ & \lstinline+\medspace+ & $A\:B$ \\
   754 \hline
   755  \lstinline+\;+ & \lstinline+\thickspace+ & $A\;B$ \\
   756 \hline
   757    & \lstinline+\quad+ & $A \quad B$ \\
   758 \hline
   759    & \lstinline+\qquad+ & $A \qquad B$ \\
   760 \hline
   761  \lstinline+\!+ & \lstinline+\negthinspace+ & $A!B$ \\
   762 \hline
   763    & \lstinline+\negmedspace+ & $A \negmedspace B$ \\
   764 \hline
   765    & \lstinline+\negthickspace+ & $A \negthickspace B$ \\
   766 \hline
   768 \end{tabular}
   769 \end{center}
   770   \end{itemize}
   771 \end{frame}
   773 \section{Bibliography}
   774 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   775   \frametitle{Bibliography}
   776   \begin{itemize}
   777   \item \lstinline+thebibliography+ environment provides a clean and
   778     simple way to add a bibliography to \LaTeX documents. 
   779   \item \lstinline+\begin{thebibliography}+ takes as argument the
   780     maximum with of the label that references will have. 
   781   \item Each item of the Bibliography is similar to an item in a
   782     list. 
   783   \item \lstinline+\bibitem[label]{name}+ followed by the actual
   784     reference info. 
   785   \item label replaces auto enumeration numbers 
   786   \item \lstinline+\cite{name}+ is used to \lstinline+cite+ the
   787     \lstinline+bibitem+ 
   788   \item You will need to compile twice. 
   789   \end{itemize}
   790 \end{frame}
   792 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   793   \frametitle{Bibliography}
   794   \begin{lstlisting}
   795     \begin{thebibliography}{9}
   796     \bibitem{scipy} 
   797       Eric Jones and Travis Oliphant and Pearu Peterson and others,
   798       \emph{SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python}, 2001 -- , 
   799       \url{} 
   800   \end{lstlisting}
   801   \tiny See rev23 of \texttt{hg}    
   802 \end{frame}
   804 \section{Presentations - Beamer}
   805 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   806   \frametitle{Beamer}
   807   \begin{itemize}
   808   \item Use beamer since your report's \LaTeX~ would be re-usable.
   809   \item It is recommended to start with on of the beamer templates.
   810   \item Let's look at speaker introduction template.
   811   \item \lstinline+\documentclass{beamer}+ tells \LaTeX~ to start a
   812     beamer presentation. 
   813   \item A beamer document is very similar to any other \LaTeX~
   814     document except that content is divided into slides. 
   815   \end{itemize}
   816 \end{frame}
   818 \begin{frame}[fragile]
   819   \frametitle{Beamer \ldots}
   820   \begin{itemize}
   821   \item \lstinline+\usetheme+ command is used to specify the theme of the
   822     presentation. 
   823   \item \lstinline+\usecolortheme+ command is used to specify the color
   824     theme. 
   825   \item The content of a slide is enclosed within
   826     \lstinline+\begin{frame}{Title}{Subtitle}+ and
   827     \lstinline+\end{frame}+ 
   828   \item If the slide contains \lstinline+verbatim+
   829     \lstinline+lstlisting+ environments, the \lstinline+\begin{frame}+
   830     should be passed an additional argument \lstinline+[fragile]+
   831   \item Overlays can be achieved using the \lstinline+\pause+
   832     command. 
   833   \item To achieve more with beamer, it is highly recommended that you
   834     look at the \texttt{beameruserguide} 
   835   \end{itemize}
   836 \end{frame}
   838 \end{document} 