authorNishanth <>
Mon, 11 Oct 2010 23:36:15 +0530
changeset 303 56dc2183f1de
parent 302 04fc3e7a0480 (current diff)
parent 300 a130a1f494c3 (diff)
child 305 de16a94027f9
--- a/dictionaries/script.rst	Mon Oct 11 23:32:30 2010 +0530
+++ b/dictionaries/script.rst	Mon Oct 11 23:36:15 2010 +0530
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 {{{ start ipython interpreter by issuing command ipython -pylab }}}
+{{{ switch to next slide, Creating dictionary }}}
 Let us start by creating an empty dictionary, type the following in
 your IPython interpreter.
@@ -74,6 +76,8 @@
 in dictionaries the order cannot be predicted and you can see that the
 values are not in the order that we entered in.
+{{{ switch to next slide, accessing elements }}}
 Like in lists, the elements in a dictionary can be accessed using the
 index, here the index is the key. Try,
@@ -153,14 +157,16 @@
 exercise }}}
 Now let us try to print the data in the dictionary. We can use ``for``
-loop to iterate.
+loop to iterate. Pause here and try to do it yourself.
+It can be solved as,
     for each in extensions.keys():
         print each, "-->", extensions[each]
-{{{ switch to next slide, recap }}}
+{{{ switch to next slide, summary }}}
 This brings us to the end of this tutorial, we learned dictionaries
 and saw how to create an empty dictionary, build a dictionary with
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dictionaries/	Mon Oct 11 23:36:15 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
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+#+TITLE: Dictionaries
+#+LANGUAGE:  en
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+* Outline
+  - Creating dictionaries
+    - empty dictionaries
+    - with data
+  - Keys and values
+  - Checking for elements
+  - Iterating over elements
+* Overview of Dictionaries
+  - A dictionary contains meaning of words
+    - /Word/ is the /key/ here.
+    - /Meaning/ is the /value/ here.
+  - A Key-Value pair data structure
+    - Provide key-value mappings
+* Creating dictionary
+  - Empty dictionary
+    - ~mt_dict = {}~
+      - ~[]~ - lists
+      - ~{}~ - dictionaries
+  - With data
+    #+begin_src python
+        extensions = {'jpg' : 'JPEG Image', 
+	              'py' : 'Python script',
+                      'html' : 'Html document', 
+                      'pdf' : 'Portable Document Format'}
+    #+end_src
+   *Note* - ordering in dictionaries cannot be relied on
+* Accessing Elements
+  - syntax
+    : extensions[key]
+  : In []: print extensions['jpg']
+  : Out []: JPEG Image
+  : In []: print extensions['zip']
+* Adding and Deleting values
+  - Adding a new value
+    : In []: extension['cpp'] = 'C++ code'
+    adds a new key /cpp/ with /C++ code/ as value
+  - Deleting values
+    : In []: del extensions['pdf']
+    deletes the key-value pair identified by /pdf/
+  - Changing value associated with a key
+    : In []: extension['cpp'] = 'C++ source code'
+    changes the value of the existing key
+* Checking for container-ship of keys
+  : In []: 'py' in extensions
+  : Out []: True
+  Returns *True* if the /key/ is found.
+  : In []: 'odt' in extensions
+  : Out []: False
+  Returns *False* if the /key/ is not found.
+* Retrieve keys and values
+  - ~.keys()~ method
+    : In []: extensions.keys()
+    Returns a list of keys in the dictionary.
+  - ~.values()~ method
+    : In []: extensions.values()
+    Returns the list of values in the dictionary.
+* Exercise 1
+  Print the keys and values in the dictionary one by one.
+* Summary
+  - Creating dictionaries
+    - empty dictionaries
+    - with data
+  - ~.keys()~ method
+  - ~.values()~ method
+  - Iterating over dictionaries
+* Thank you!
+  \begin{block}{}
+  \begin{center}
+  This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
+  \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the 
+  \end{center}
+  \begin{center}
+    \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
+      Information \& Communication Technology \\ 
+      MHRD, Govt. of India}.
+  \end{center}  
+  \end{block}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dictionaries/slides.tex	Mon Oct 11 23:36:15 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+% Created 2010-10-11 Mon 23:02
+\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
+\usepackage{mathpazo,courier,euler} \usepackage[scaled=.95]{helvet}
+\lstset{language=Python, basicstyle=\ttfamily\bfseries,
+commentstyle=\color{red}\itshape, stringstyle=\color{darkgreen},
+showstringspaces=false, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries}
+\item Creating dictionaries
+\item empty dictionaries
+\item with data
+\item Keys and values
+\item Checking for elements
+\item Iterating over elements
+\frametitle{Overview of Dictionaries}
+\item A dictionary contains meaning of words
+\item \emph{Word} is the \emph{key} here.
+\item \emph{Meaning} is the \emph{value} here.
+\item A Key-Value pair data structure
+\item Provide key-value mappings
+\frametitle{Creating dictionary}
+\item Empty dictionary
+\item \texttt{mt\_dict = \{\}}
+\item \texttt{[]} - lists
+\item \texttt{\{\}} - dictionaries
+\item With data
+extensions = {'jpg' : 'JPEG Image', 
+              'py' : 'Python script',
+              'html' : 'Html document', 
+              'pdf' : 'Portable Document Format'}
+   \textbf{Note} - ordering in dictionaries cannot be relied on
+\frametitle{Accessing Elements}
+\item syntax
+     extensions[key]
+   In []: print extensions['jpg']
+   Out []: JPEG Image
+   In []: print extensions['zip']
+\frametitle{Adding and Deleting values}
+\item Adding a new value
+     In []: extension['cpp'] = 'C++ code'
+    adds a new key \emph{cpp} with \emph{C++ code} as value
+\item Deleting values
+     In []: del extensions['pdf']
+    deletes the key-value pair identified by \emph{pdf}
+\item Changing value associated with a key
+     In []: extension['cpp'] = 'C++ source code'
+    changes the value of the existing key
+\frametitle{Checking for container-ship of keys}
+   In []: 'py' in extensions
+   Out []: True
+  Returns \textbf{True} if the \emph{key} is found.
+   In []: 'odt' in extensions
+   Out []: False
+  Returns \textbf{False} if the \emph{key} is not found.
+\frametitle{Retrieve keys and values}
+\item \texttt{.keys()} method
+     In []: extensions.keys()
+    Returns a list of keys in the dictionary.
+\item \texttt{.values()} method
+     In []: extensions.values()
+    Returns the list of values in the dictionary.
+\frametitle{Exercise 1}
+  Print the keys and values in the dictionary one by one.
+\item Creating dictionaries
+\item empty dictionaries
+\item with data
+\item \texttt{.keys()} method
+\item \texttt{.values()} method
+\item Iterating over dictionaries
+\frametitle{Thank you!}
+  \begin{block}{}
+  \begin{center}
+  This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
+  \textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the 
+  \end{center}
+  \begin{center}
+    \textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
+      Information \& Communication Technology \\ 
+      MHRD, Govt. of India}.
+  \end{center}  
+  \end{block}