Getting started with strings LO - script and questions.
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#+TITLE: Parsing Data
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
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* Outline
- What is meant by parsing data?
- String operations required for parsing
- Converting between data-types.
* Question 1
Split the variable line using a space as argument. Is it same as
splitting without an argument ?
* Solution 1
We see that when we split on space, multiple whitespaces are not
clubbed as one and there is an empty string everytime there are two
consecutive spaces.
* Question 2
What happens to the white space inside the sentence when it is
* Solution 2
#+begin_src python
In []: a_str = " white space "
In []: a_str.strip()
* Question 3
What happens if you do =int("1.25")=
* Solution 3
It raises an error since converting a float string into integer
directly is not possible. It involves an intermediate step of
converting to float.
#+begin_src python
In []: dcml_str = "1.25"
In []: flt = float(dcml_str)
In []: flt
In []: number = int(flt)
In []: number
* Summary
+ How to tokenize a string using various delimiters
+ How to get rid of extra white space around
+ How to convert from one type to another
+ How to parse input data and perform computations on it
* Thank you!
This spoken tutorial has been produced by the
\textcolor{blue}{FOSSEE} team, which is funded by the
\textcolor{blue}{National Mission on Education through \\
Information \& Communication Technology \\
MHRD, Govt. of India}.