author Puneeth Chaganti <>
Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:52:11 +0530
changeset 318 a45256cc5404
parent 236 33828497b5da
permissions -rw-r--r--
Reviewed getting started with arrays, script.

Objective Questions

 1. ``a = 2.5``. What is the output of ``print "a is %d"%(a)``

   a. a is 2.5
   #. a is 2.0
   #. 2.0
   #. a is 2

   Answer: a is 2

 2. What does ``print "This is",     "a line ", "with  spaces"`` print?

   a. This is a line with spaces
   #. This is a line with  spaces
   #. This is     a line   with   spaces
   #. This is a line  with  spaces

   Answer: This is a line  with  spaces

 3. What does ``print "%2.5f"%(1.2)`` print?

   a. 1.2
   #. 1.20
   #. 1.20000
   #. 00001.2

   Answer: 1.20000

 4. What is the output of the following code::

     for i in range(1,10,2):
         print i,


      1 3 5 7 9

 5. ``a = 2`` and ``b = 4.5``. What does ``print "a is %d and b is %2.1f"%(b, a)``

   a. a is 2 and b is 4.5
   #. a is 4 and b is 2
   #. a is 4 and b is 2.0
   #. a is 4.5 and b is 2

   Answer: a is 4 and b is 2.0

 6. What is the prompt displayed by ``raw_input("Say something\nType here:")``


     Say something 
     Type here:

 6. What is the prompt displayed by ``raw_input("value of a is %d\nInput b
    value:"a)`` and ``a = 2.5``


     value of a is 2
     Input ba value:

 7. ``a = raw_input()`` and user enters ``2.5``. What is the type of a?

   a. str
   #. int
   #. float
   #. char

   Answer: str

 8. ``a = int(raw_input())`` and user enters ``4.5``. What happens?

   a. a = 4.5
   #. a = 4
   #. a = 4.0
   #. Error

   Answer: Error

 9. ``a = raw_input()`` and user enters ``"this is a string"``. What does 
    ``print a`` produce?

   a. 'this is a string'
   b. 'this is a string"
   c. "this is a string"
   #. this is a string

   Answer: "this is a string"

Larger Questions

 1. Answer to universe and everything. Keep taking input from user and print it
    back until the input is 42.


    ip = raw_input()
    while ip != "42":
        print ip