added few questions for other-type-of-plots.
Objective Questions
.. A mininum of 8 questions here (along with answers)
1. What is a log-log chart?
a. A straight line graph
#. A graph on the logarithmic scale
#. A graph on the logarithmic scale with different scales for x and
y axes
#. A graph in which x axis is represented in logarithmic scale.
Answer: A graph on the logarithmic scale with different scales for x
and y axes
2. We have two lists with us ``years`` and ``profit``, what statement
can be issued to plot a pie chart to plot the profit for each year,
and each wedge has to be labelled with the corresponding year.
Answer: pie(profit, labels=years)
Larger Questions
.. A minimum of 2 questions here (along with answers)
1. Plot a log-log chart of the equation y=4*x\ :sup:`2` + 3*x for x
from -50 to 50.
2. Plot a bar chart which is filled with white color and which is
hatched with 135\ :sup:`o` slanting lines for the data given in the
`file(company A data) <company-a-data.txt>`_ which has years and
profit percentage for each year.