Objective Questions-------------------.. A mininum of 8 questions here (along with answers)1. All arguments of a function cannot have default values. True or False? Answer: False#. When calling a function, the arguments 1. should always be in the order in which they are defined. #. can be in any order #. only keyword arguments can be in any order, but should be called at the beginning. #. only keyword arguments can be in any order, but should be called at the end. Answer: only keyword arguments can be in any order, but should be called at the end.#. Given the following function, identify the keywords with default values. :: def seperator(char, count=40, show=False): if show: print char * count return char * count Answer: ``count``, ``show``#. Given the following function, :: def seperator(char, count=40, show=False): if show: print char * count return char * count What is the output of ``separator("+", 1, True)``. Answer: ``+`` is printed and returned. #. Given the following function, :: def seperator(char, count=40, show=False): if show: print char * count return char * count What is the output of ``separator("+", True, 1)``. Answer: ``+`` is printed and returned. #. Given the following function, :: def seperator(char, count=40, show=False): if show: print char * count return char * count What is the output of ``separator("+", show=True, 1)``. Answer: SyntaxError#. The following is a valid function definition. True or False? Why? :: def seperator(count=40, char, show=False): if show: print char * count return char * count Answer: False. All parameters with default arguments should be defined at the end. #. Which of the following cannot be used as default values for arguments? a. floats #. lists #. functions #. booleans #. None of the Above Answer: None of the above. Larger Questions----------------1. 2.