changeset 334 4b1e81da1c80
parent 256 a3aa223c1662
--- a/using_sage_to_teach/quickref.tex	Tue Oct 12 11:19:09 2010 +0530
+++ b/using_sage_to_teach/quickref.tex	Tue Oct 12 11:26:09 2010 +0530
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
-Creating a tuple:\\
-{\ex \lstinline|    t = (1, "hello", 2.5)|}
+using @interact:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    @interact
+                    def f(a=5,b=[1,2],c=(0..3))|}
-Accessing elements of tuples:\\
-{\ex \lstinline|    t[index] Ex: t[2]|}
+Default argument for a field input:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    def f(a="hello")|}
+Default argument for slider:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    def f(a=(1..8))|}
+Default argument for buttons:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    def f(a=[1, 2, 3])|}
-Accessing slices of tuples:\\
-{\ex \lstinline|    t[start:stop:step]|}
+Publish worksheets:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    Use Publish option on top right corner|}
+Re-Publish worksheets:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    Check the auto re-publish option while publishing or click
+on publish and click on the re-publish option on the page.|}
-Swapping values:\\
-{\ex \lstinline|    a, b = b, a|}
+Share the worksheets:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    Click on the share button and enter the usernames|}
+Editing a published worksheet:\\
+{\ex \lstinline|    Open the worksheet and click on the edit button on top left