If you are a speaker at SciPy India 2011, here are a few tips that might be handy.
+ ++
+Session Setup
+Please arrive at the venue(VMCC Hall) at least 30 minutes in advance to prepare for the talk. This may also help you to get a feel of the venue and the audience.
+Plan B
+All participants will be provided Wi-Fi access. But you are requested to have a Plan B for Internet, in case things go wrong; which usually happens at every conferences. We don't want this to disrupt your talk.
+Timing is Everything
+Please have a final look at the schedule and make sure of the length of your talk. We would suggest you to keep a buffer of at least 3 mins for Q & A from the audience. Make sure that you don't run out of the allotted time. If you need reminders, Volunteers can aid you.
+Help Abounds
+Need help? Look out for the friendly organizers or folks(who would be wearing a blue tag) for any assistance. Just contact Kiran Kishore(07702455566) or Parth Buch(9619606610) if you don't find anyone immediately.
+Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse!
+We know this goes without saying, reiterating this step would help in more ways than imagineable.
+Looking forward to seeing to you at the conference. +
+ ++Snake Charmer +