Merged 2011 tip
Mon, 30 Jan 2012 15:19:23 +0530
changeset 522 01b130ea8d8d
parent 521 eaa64de2887f (current diff)
parent 519 5f6722c88789 (diff)
--- a/.hgignore	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/.hgignore	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@
--- a/buildout.cfg	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/buildout.cfg	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-parts = django tagging django-robots south reportlab
+parts = django tagging django-robots reportlab
 eggs = 
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 pythonpath = 
-    ${south:location}
 recipe = infrae.subversion
@@ -36,6 +35,3 @@
 recipe = zerokspot.recipe.git
 repository =
-recipe = mercurialrecipe
-repository =
--- a/project/scipycon/talk/	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/scipycon/talk/	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 from .models import Talk
 class TalkAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
-    list_display = ('title', 'speaker', 'topic', 'duration', 'audience', 'approved')
-    list_filter = ('approved', 'audience', 'topic', 'speaker')
+    list_display = ('title', 'speaker', 'topic', 'duration', 'audience', 'approved', 'submitted')
+    list_filter = ('approved', 'submitted', 'audience', 'topic', 'speaker')
     search_fields = ('slug', 'title', 'abstract')
     prepopulate_from = {'slug': ('title',)}
     fieldsets = (
Binary file project/static/css/images/marker-shadow.png has changed
Binary file project/static/css/images/marker.png has changed
Binary file project/static/css/images/popup-close.png has changed
Binary file project/static/css/images/zoom-in.png has changed
Binary file project/static/css/images/zoom-out.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/static/css/leaflet.css	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+/* required styles */
+.leaflet-overlay-pane svg,
+.leaflet-image-layer { /* TODO optimize classes */ 
+	position: absolute;
+	}
+.leaflet-container {
+	overflow: hidden;
+	}
+.leaflet-tile-pane {
+	-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
+	}
+.leaflet-marker-shadow {
+	-moz-user-select: none;
+	-webkit-user-select: none;
+	user-select: none;
+	}
+.leaflet-marker-shadow {
+	display: block;
+	}
+.leaflet-clickable {
+	cursor: pointer;
+	}
+.leaflet-container img {
+	max-width: auto;
+	}
+.leaflet-tile-pane { z-index: 2; }
+.leaflet-overlay-pane { z-index: 3; }
+.leaflet-shadow-pane { z-index: 4; }
+.leaflet-marker-pane { z-index: 5; }
+.leaflet-popup-pane { z-index: 6; }
+.leaflet-zoom-box {
+	width: 0;
+	height: 0;
+	}
+.leaflet-tile {
+	visibility: hidden;
+	}
+.leaflet-tile-loaded {
+	visibility: inherit;
+	}
+a.leaflet-active {
+	outline: 2px solid orange;
+	}
+/* Leaflet controls */
+.leaflet-control {
+	position: relative;
+	z-index: 7;
+	}
+.leaflet-bottom {
+	position: absolute;
+	}
+.leaflet-top {
+	top: 0;
+	}
+.leaflet-right {
+	right: 0;
+	}
+.leaflet-bottom {
+	bottom: 0;
+	}	
+.leaflet-left {
+	left: 0;
+	}
+.leaflet-control {
+	float: left;
+	clear: both;
+	}
+.leaflet-right .leaflet-control {
+	float: right;
+	}
+.leaflet-top .leaflet-control {
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	}
+.leaflet-bottom .leaflet-control {
+	margin-bottom: 10px;
+	}
+.leaflet-left .leaflet-control {
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	}
+.leaflet-right .leaflet-control {
+	margin-right: 10px;
+	}
+.leaflet-control-zoom {
+	padding: 5px;
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
+	-moz-border-radius: 7px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 7px;
+	border-radius: 7px;
+	}
+.leaflet-control-zoom a {
+	display: block;
+	width: 19px;
+	height: 19px;
+	background-position: 50% 50%;
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
+	-moz-border-radius: 4px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
+	border-radius: 4px;
+	}
+.leaflet-control-zoom a:hover {
+	background-color: #fff;
+	}
+.leaflet-big-buttons .leaflet-control-zoom a {
+	width: 27px;
+	height: 27px;
+	}
+.leaflet-control-zoom-in {
+	background-image: url(images/zoom-in.png);
+	margin-bottom: 5px;
+	}
+.leaflet-control-zoom-out {
+	background-image: url(images/zoom-out.png);
+	}
+.leaflet-container .leaflet-control-attribution {
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0 5px;
+	font: 11px/1.5 "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+	color: #333;
+	background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+	-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 7px #ccc;
+	-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 7px #ccc;
+	box-shadow: 0 0 7px #ccc;
+	}
+/* Fade animations */
+.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-tile {
+	opacity: 0;
+	-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	-o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	}
+.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-tile-loaded {
+	opacity: 1;
+	}
+.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-popup {
+	opacity: 0;
+	-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	-o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
+	}
+.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-map-pane .leaflet-popup {
+	opacity: 1;
+	}
+.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-tile {
+	-webkit-transition: none;
+	-moz-transition: none;
+	-o-transition: none;
+	transition: none;
+	}
+.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-objects-pane {
+	visibility: hidden;
+	}
+/* Popup layout */
+.leaflet-popup {
+	position: absolute;
+	text-align: center;
+	-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper {
+	padding: 1px;
+	text-align: left;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-content {
+	margin: 19px;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-tip-container {
+	margin: 0 auto;
+	width: 40px;
+	height: 16px;
+	position: relative;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-tip {
+	width: 15px;
+	height: 15px;
+	padding: 1px;
+	margin: -8px auto 0;
+	-moz-transform: rotate(45deg);
+	-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
+	-ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
+	-o-transform: rotate(45deg);
+	transform: rotate(45deg);
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-close-button {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: 9px;
+	right: 9px;
+	width: 10px;
+	height: 10px;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-content p {
+	margin: 18px 0;
+	}
+/* Visual appearance */
+.leaflet-container {
+	background: #ddd;
+	}
+.leaflet-container a {
+	color: #0078A8;
+	}
+.leaflet-zoom-box {
+	border: 2px dotted #05f;
+	background: white;
+	opacity: 0.5;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper, .leaflet-popup-tip {
+	background: white;
+	box-shadow: 0 1px 10px #888;
+	-moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 10px #888;
+	 -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 14px #999;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper {
+	-moz-border-radius: 20px; 
+	-webkit-border-radius: 20px;
+	border-radius: 20px;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-content {
+	font: 12px/1.4 "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+	}
+.leaflet-popup-close-button {
+	background: white url(images/popup-close.png);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/project/static/css/styles.css	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/static/css/styles.css	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-    font-size: 1.25em;
+    font-size: 1.35em;
     font-style: italic;
     color: #337799;
     margin: 0.5em 0;
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
 	font-family: arial, Georgia, "Bitstream Vera Serif", Palatino, serif;
     font-weight: normal;
     line-height: 1em;
+    color:#337799;
 ul.plain {
Binary file project/static/files/Inside_IITB.pdf has changed
Binary file project/static/files/Other_Facilities.pdf has changed
Binary file project/static/files/Reaching_IITB.pdf has changed
Binary file project/static/files/encryptedly-yours.pdf has changed
Binary file project/static/files/sentiment-analysis.pdf has changed
Binary file project/static/files/wnr.pdf has changed
Binary file project/static/img/ajith.jpg has changed
Binary file project/static/img/emma_small.jpg has changed
Binary file project/static/img/facebook-g.png has changed
Binary file project/static/img/gael.jpg has changed
Binary file project/static/img/ole.jpg has changed
Binary file project/static/img/packing.jpg has changed
Binary file project/static/img/reg-desk1.jpg has changed
Binary file project/static/img/twitter-g.png has changed
Binary file project/static/js/images/marker-shadow.png has changed
Binary file project/static/js/images/marker.png has changed
Binary file project/static/js/images/popup-close.png has changed
Binary file project/static/js/images/zoom-in.png has changed
Binary file project/static/js/images/zoom-out.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/static/js/leaflet.js	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, CloudMade, Vladimir Agafonkin
+ Leaflet is a BSD-licensed JavaScript library for map display and interaction.
+ See for more information.
+(function(a){var b={VERSION:"0.2",ROOT_URL:function(){for(var a=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),b=/^(.*\/)leaflet-?([\w-]*)\.js.*$/,e=0,f=a.length;e<f;e++){var g=a[e].src;if(g=g&&g.match(b)){if(g[2]=="include")break;return g[1]}}return"../../dist/"}(),noConflict:function(){a.L=this._originalL;return this},_originalL:a.L};window.L=b})(this);L.Util={extend:function(a){for(var,1),c=0,d=b.length,e;c<d;c++){e=b[c]||{};for(var f in e)e.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(a[f]=e[f])}return a},bind:function(a,b){return function(){return a.apply(b,arguments)}},stamp:function(){var a=0;return function(b){b._leaflet_id=b._leaflet_id||++a;return b._leaflet_id}}(),requestAnimFrame:function(){function a(a){window.setTimeout(a,1E3/60)}var b=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||
+window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||a;return function(c,d,e){c=d?L.Util.bind(c,d):d;e&&b===a?c():b(c)}}(),limitExecByInterval:function(a,b,c){function d(){e=!1;f&&(g.callee.apply(c,g),f=!1)}var e,f,g;return function(){g=arguments;e?f=!0:(e=!0,setTimeout(d,b),a.apply(c,g))}},falseFn:function(){return!1},formatNum:function(a,b){var c=Math.pow(10,b||5);return Math.round(a*c)/c},setOptions:function(a,b){a.options=L.Util.extend({},a.options,b)},getParamString:function(a){var b=
+[],c;for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&b.push(c+"="+a[c]);return"?"+b.join("&")}};L.Class=function(){};
+L.Class.extend=function(a){var b=function(){!L.Class._prototyping&&this.initialize&&this.initialize.apply(this,arguments)};L.Class._prototyping=!0;var c=new this;L.Class._prototyping=!1;c.constructor=b;b.prototype=c;c.superclass=this.prototype;a.statics&&(L.Util.extend(b,a.statics),delete a.statics);a.includes&&(L.Util.extend.apply(null,[c].concat(a.includes)),delete a.includes);if(a.options&&c.options)a.options=L.Util.extend({},c.options,a.options);L.Util.extend(c,a);b.extend=arguments.callee;b.include=
+function(a){L.Util.extend(this.prototype,a)};for(var d in this)this.hasOwnProperty(d)&&d!="prototype"&&(b[d]=this[d]);return b};L.Mixin={};
+L.Mixin.Events={addEventListener:function(a,b,c){var d=this._leaflet_events=this._leaflet_events||{};d[a]=d[a]||[];d[a].push({action:b,context:c});return this},hasEventListeners:function(a){return"_leaflet_events"in this&&a in this._leaflet_events&&this._leaflet_events[a].length>0},removeEventListener:function(a,b,c){if(!this.hasEventListeners(a))return this;for(var d=0,e=this._leaflet_events,f=e[a].length;d<f;d++)if(e[a][d].action===b&&(!c||e[a][d].context===c)){e[a].splice(d,1);break}return this},fireEvent:function(a,
+b){if(this.hasEventListeners(a)){for(var c=L.Util.extend({type:a,target:this},b),d=this._leaflet_events[a].slice(),e=0,f=d.length;e<f;e++)d[e][e].context||this,c);return this}}};L.Mixin.Events.on=L.Mixin.Events.addEventListener;;;(function(){var a=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),b=!!window.ActiveXObject,c=a.indexOf("webkit")!=-1,d=a.indexOf("mobi")!=-1,e=a.indexOf("android")!=-1,f=window.opera;L.Browser={ie:b,ie6:b&&!window.XMLHttpRequest,webkit:c,webkit3d:c&&"WebKitCSSMatrix"in window&&"m11"in new WebKitCSSMatrix,mobileWebkit:c&&(d||e),mobileOpera:d&&f,gecko:a.indexOf("gecko")!=-1,android:e};L.Browser.touch=L.Browser.mobileWebkit||L.Browser.mobileOpera})();L.Point=function(a,b,c){this.x=c?Math.round(a):a;this.y=c?Math.round(b):b};
+L.Point.prototype={add:function(a){return this.clone()._add(a)},_add:function(a){this.x+=a.x;this.y+=a.y;return this},subtract:function(a){return this.clone()._subtract(a)},_subtract:function(a){this.x-=a.x;this.y-=a.y;return this},divideBy:function(a,b){return new L.Point(this.x/a,this.y/a,b)},multiplyBy:function(a){return new L.Point(this.x*a,this.y*a)},distanceTo:function(a){var b=a.x-this.x,a=a.y-this.y;return Math.sqrt(b*b+a*a)},round:function(){return this.clone()._round()},_round:function(){this.x=
+Math.round(this.x);this.y=Math.round(this.y);return this},clone:function(){return new L.Point(this.x,this.y)},toString:function(){return"Point("+L.Util.formatNum(this.x)+", "+L.Util.formatNum(this.y)+")"}};L.Bounds=L.Class.extend({initialize:function(a,b){if(a)for(var c=a instanceof Array?a:[a,b],d=0,e=c.length;d<e;d++)this.extend(c[d])},extend:function(a){!this.min&&!this.max?(this.min=new L.Point(a.x,a.y),this.max=new L.Point(a.x,a.y)):(this.min.x=Math.min(a.x,this.min.x),this.max.x=Math.max(a.x,this.max.x),this.min.y=Math.min(a.y,this.min.y),this.max.y=Math.max(a.y,this.max.y))},getCenter:function(a){return new L.Point((this.min.x+this.max.x)/2,(this.min.y+this.max.y)/2,a)},contains:function(a){var b;
+if(a instanceof L.Bounds)b=a.min,a=a.max;return b.x>=this.min.x&&a.x<=this.max.x&&b.y>=this.min.y&&a.y<=this.max.y}});L.Transformation=L.Class.extend({initialize:function(a,b,c,d){this._a=a;this._b=b;this._c=c;this._d=d},transform:function(a,b){return this._transform(a.clone(),b)},_transform:function(a,b){b=b||1;a.x=b*(this._a*a.x+this._b);a.y=b*(this._c*a.y+this._d);return a},untransform:function(a,b){b=b||1;return new L.Point((a.x/b-this._b)/this._a,(a.y/b-this._d)/this._c)}});L.LineUtil={simplify:function(a,b){if(!b)return a.slice();a=this.reducePoints(a,b);return a=this.simplifyDP(a,b)},pointToSegmentDistance:function(a,b,c){return Math.sqrt(this._sqPointToSegmentDist(a,b,c))},simplifyDP:function(a,b){for(var c=0,d=0,e=b*b,f=1,g=a.length,h;f<g-1;f++)h=this._sqPointToSegmentDist(a[f],a[0],a[g-1]),h>c&&(d=f,c=h);return c>=e?(c=a.slice(0,d),d=a.slice(d),g=this.simplifyDP(c,b).slice(0,g-2),d=this.simplifyDP(d,b),g.concat(d)):[a[0],a[g-1]]},reducePoints:function(a,b){for(var c=
+[a[0]],d=b*b,e=1,f=0,g=a.length;e<g;e++)this._sqDist(a[e],a[f])<d||(c.push(a[e]),f=e);f<g-1&&c.push(a[g-1]);return c},clipSegment:function(a,b,c,d){var d=d?this._lastCode:this._getBitCode(a,c),e=this._getBitCode(b,c);for(this._lastCode=e;;)if(d|e)if(d&e)return!1;else{var f=d||e,g=this._getEdgeIntersection(a,b,f,c),h=this._getBitCode(g,c);f==d?(a=g,d=h):(b=g,e=h)}else return[a,b]},_getEdgeIntersection:function(a,b,c,d){var e=b.x-a.x,b=b.y-a.y,f=d.min,d=d.max;if(c&8)return new L.Point(a.x+e*(d.y-a.y)/
+b,d.y);else if(c&4)return new L.Point(a.x+e*(f.y-a.y)/b,f.y);else if(c&2)return new L.Point(d.x,a.y+b*(d.x-a.x)/e);else if(c&1)return new L.Point(f.x,a.y+b*(f.x-a.x)/e)},_getBitCode:function(a,b){var c=0;a.x<b.min.x?c|=1:a.x>b.max.x&&(c|=2);a.y<b.min.y?c|=4:a.y>b.max.y&&(c|=8);return c},_sqDist:function(a,b){var c=b.x-a.x,d=b.y-a.y;return c*c+d*d},_sqPointToSegmentDist:function(a,b,c){var d=c.x-b.x,e=c.y-b.y;if(!d&&!e)return this._sqDist(a,b);var f=((a.x-b.x)*d+(a.y-b.y)*e)/this._sqDist(b,c);if(f<
+0)return this._sqDist(a,b);if(f>1)return this._sqDist(a,c);b=new L.Point(b.x+d*f,b.y+e*f);return this._sqDist(a,b)}};L.PolyUtil={};L.PolyUtil.clipPolygon=function(a,b){var c,d=[1,4,2,8],e,f,g,h,j,k,l=L.LineUtil;e=0;for(j=a.length;e<j;e++)a[e]._code=l._getBitCode(a[e],b);for(g=0;g<4;g++){k=d[g];c=[];e=0;j=a.length;for(f=j-1;e<j;f=e++)if(h=a[e],f=a[f],h._code&k){if(!(f._code&k))f=l._getEdgeIntersection(f,h,k,b),f._code=l._getBitCode(f,b),c.push(f)}else{if(f._code&k)f=l._getEdgeIntersection(f,h,k,b),f._code=l._getBitCode(f,b),c.push(f);c.push(h)}a=c}return a};L.DomEvent={addListener:function(a,b,c,d){function e(b){return||a,b||L.DomEvent._getEvent())}var f=L.Util.stamp(c);if(L.Browser.touch&&b=="dblclick"&&this.addDoubleTapListener)this.addDoubleTapListener(a,e,f);else if("addEventListener"in a)if(b=="mousewheel")a.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll",e,!1),a.addEventListener(b,e,!1);else if(b=="mouseenter"||b=="mouseleave"){var g=e,e=function(b){if(L.DomEvent._checkMouse(a,b))return g(b)};a.addEventListener(b=="mouseenter"?"mouseover":"mouseout",
+e,!1)}else a.addEventListener(b,e,!1);else"attachEvent"in a&&a.attachEvent("on"+b,e);a["_leaflet_"+b+f]=e},removeListener:function(a,b,c){var c=L.Util.stamp(c),d="_leaflet_"+b+c;handler=a[d];L.Browser.mobileWebkit&&b=="dblclick"&&this.removeDoubleTapListener?this.removeDoubleTapListener(a,c):"removeEventListener"in a?b=="mousewheel"?(a.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll",handler,!1),a.removeEventListener(b,handler,!1)):b=="mouseenter"||b=="mouseleave"?a.removeEventListener(b=="mouseenter"?"mouseover":
+"mouseout",handler,!1):a.removeEventListener(b,handler,!1):"detachEvent"in a&&a.detachEvent("on"+b,handler);a[d]=null},_checkMouse:function(a,b){var c=b.relatedTarget;if(!c)return!0;try{for(;c&&c!=a;)c=c.parentNode}catch(d){return!1}return c!=a},_getEvent:function(){var a=window.event;if(!a)for(var b=arguments.callee.caller;b;){if((a=b.arguments[0])&&Event==a.constructor)break;b=b.caller}return a},stopPropagation:function(a){a.stopPropagation?a.stopPropagation():a.cancelBubble=!0},disableClickPropagation:function(a){L.DomEvent.addListener(a,
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+a))}});L.Map.include({locate:function(a){var b={timeout:1E4};L.Util.extend(b,a);navigator.geolocation?navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(L.Util.bind(this._handleGeolocationResponse,this),L.Util.bind(this._handleGeolocationError,this),b)"locationerror",{code:0,message:"Geolocation not supported."});return this},locateAndSetView:function(a,b){this._setViewOnLocate=!0;this._maxLocateZoom=a||Infinity;return this.locate(b)},_handleGeolocationError:function(a){var a=a.code,b=a==1?"permission denied":
+a==2?"position unavailable":"timeout";if(this._setViewOnLocate)this.fitWorld(),this._setViewOnLocate=!1;"locationerror",{code:a,message:"Geolocation error: "+b+"."})},_handleGeolocationResponse:function(a){var b=180*a.coords.accuracy/4E7,c=b*2,d=a.coords.latitude,e=a.coords.longitude,f=new L.LatLng(d-b,e-c),b=new L.LatLng(d+b,e+c),f=new L.LatLngBounds(f,b);if(this._setViewOnLocate)b=Math.min(this.getBoundsZoom(f),this._maxLocateZoom),this.setView(f.getCenter(),b),this._setViewOnLocate=!1;"locationfound",{latlng:new L.LatLng(d,e),bounds:f,accuracy:a.coords.accuracy})}});L.Map.include({openPopup:function(a){this.closePopup();this._popup=a;return this.addLayer(a)},closePopup:function(){this._popup&&this.removeLayer(this._popup);return this}});L.Map.include(!L.Transition||!L.Transition.implemented()?{}:{setView:function(a,b,c){var b=this._limitZoom(b),d=this._zoom!=b;if(this._loaded&&!c&&this._layers&&(c=this._getNewTopLeftPoint(a).subtract(this._getTopLeftPoint()),d?this._zoomToIfCenterInView&&this._zoomToIfCenterInView(a,b,c):this._panByIfClose(c)))return this;this._resetView(a,b);return this},panBy:function(a){if(!this._panTransition)this._panTransition=new L.Transition(this._mapPane,{duration:0.3}),this._panTransition.on("step",this._onPanTransitionStep,
+this),this._panTransition.on("end",this._onPanTransitionEnd,this);,"movestart");{position:L.DomUtil.getPosition(this._mapPane).subtract(a)});return this},_onPanTransitionStep:function(){"move")},_onPanTransitionEnd:function(){"moveend")},_panByIfClose:function(a){if(this._offsetIsWithinView(a))return this.panBy(a),!0;return!1},_offsetIsWithinView:function(a,b){var c=b||1,d=this.getSize();return Math.abs(a.x)<=d.x*c&&Math.abs(a.y)<=d.y*c}});L.Map.include(!L.DomUtil.TRANSITION?{}:{_zoomToIfCenterInView:function(a,b,c){if(this._animatingZoom)return!0;if(!this.options.zoomAnimation)return!1;var d=Math.pow(2,b-this._zoom),c=c.divideBy(1-1/d);if(!this._offsetIsWithinView(c,1))return!1;this._mapPane.className+=" leaflet-zoom-anim";c=this.containerPointToLayerPoint(this.getSize().divideBy(2)).add(c);this._prepareTileBg();this._runAnimation(a,b,d,c);return!0},_runAnimation:function(a,b,c,d){this._animatingZoom=!0;this._animateToCenter=a;this._animateToZoom=
+b;a=L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM;if(L.Browser.gecko||window.opera)[a]+=" translate(0,0)";[a+"Origin"]=d.x+"px "+d.y+"px",c="scale("+c+")"):c=L.DomUtil.getScaleString(c,d);L.Util.falseFn(this._tileBg.offsetWidth);d={};d[a][a]+" "+c;},_prepareTileBg:function(){if(!this._tileBg)this._tileBg=this._createPane("leaflet-tile-pane",this._mapPane),;var a=this._tilePane,b=this._tileBg;[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM]=
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/static/js/map.js	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+var map = new L.Map('map');
+var cloudmadeUrl = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+    cloudmadeAttrib = 'Map data &copy; 2011 OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery &copy; 2011 CloudMade',
+    cloudmade = new L.TileLayer(cloudmadeUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: cloudmadeAttrib});
+var london = new L.LatLng(51.505, -0.09); // geographical point (longitude and latitude)
+map.setView(london, 13).addLayer(cloudmade);
--- a/project/templates/_menu.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/templates/_menu.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -28,28 +28,24 @@
           <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/">Call for Papers</a>
-        <!-- <li>
           <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/schedule/">
-        </li> -->
-		<!-- <li>
+		<li>
           <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/conference/">
-        </li> -->
-        <!--
-            <li>
+        </li>
+        <li>
               <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/tutorial/">
             Tutorial Schedule
-            </li>
+        </li>
           <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/sprint/">
             Sprint Plan &amp; Schedule
-        -->
           <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/speakers/">
             Invited Speakers
@@ -92,6 +88,9 @@
           <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/about/reaching/">Reaching the venue</a>
+	<li>
+          <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/about/contact/">Contact us</a>
+        </li>
     <!-- <li><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/publicity/">Publicity</a></li>
@@ -103,5 +102,15 @@
     {% if user.is_superuser %}
     <li><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/manage_payments/">Manage Payments</a></li>
     {% endif %}
+    <li>Live Blog
+		<ul>
+			<li><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/about/day_zero/">Day 0</a></li>
+			<li><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/about/day_one/">Day 1</a></li>
+			<li><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/about/day_two/">Day 2</a></li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
+	<li><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/about/speakerinfo/">Speaker Info</a></li>
--- a/project/templates/_right_menu.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/templates/_right_menu.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -1,23 +1,35 @@
+<div style=" border: 1px black solid;">
+<h2 style="padding-left:2px;">News and Updates</h2>
+<li><a href="">SciPy Day 1 - Images</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Recordings of SciPy Talks</a></li>
+<h3 style="padding-left:2px;"> Documents of Aid</h3>
+<li> <a href="/static/files/Reaching_IITB.pdf">This</a> can help you in Reaching IITB.</li>
+<li> <a href="/static/files/Inside_IITB.pdf">Marauders Map</a></li>
+<li> Once you are inside <a href="/static/files/Other_Facilities.pdf">this</a> might be handy.</li>
 <div id="right-inner">
     <li><a href="/scipyin/2011/about/sponsors/">
     <img src="/static/img/fossee.jpg" alt="FOSSEE Logo" title="FOSSEE Logo"
-    width="240" /></a></li>
+    width="220" /></a></li>
+  	<li><a href="/scipyin/2011/about/sponsors/">
+    <img src="/static/img/mhrd_logo.png" alt="MHRD Logo"
+    title="MHRD Logo" width=220/><br/></a></li>
     <li><a href="/scipyin/2011/about/sponsors/">
     <img src="/static/img/enthought_logo.png" alt="Enthought Logo"
-    title="Enthought Logo"  width="240"/><br/></a></li>
-    <li><a href="/scipyin/2011/about/sponsors/">
-    <img src="/static/img/mhrd_logo.png" alt="MHRD Logo"
-    title="MHRD Logo" width=240/><br/></a></li>
+    title="Enthought Logo"  width="220"/><br/></a></li>
     <li><a href="/scipyin/2011/about/sponsors/">
-    <img src="/static/img/iitb_logo.jpg" height=180 alt="IIT-B Logo"
+    <img src="/static/img/iitb_logo.jpg" height=160 alt="IIT-B Logo"
     title="IIT-B Logo"  /><br/></a></li>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/templates/about/contact.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block content %}
+<div class="entry">
+<h1><strong>Contact us</strong></h1>
+<h2>For any queries regarding registration, accomodation or any other issues, please feel free to contact any of the following.</h2>
+    <li>
+    Anand Raj Ramachandran <br/>
+    Phone No: +919699323506 <br/>
+    Email id: <br/>
+    </li>
+    <br/><br/>
+    <li>
+    Parth Buch <br/>
+    Phone No: +919619606610 <br/>
+    Email id: <br/>
+    </li>
+    <br/><br/>
+    <li>
+    Primal Pappachan <br/>
+    Phone No: +919920149265 <br/>
+    Email id: <br/>
+    </li>
+    <br/><br/>
+    <li>
+    Deepak Kharat <br/>
+    Phone No: +919819650310 <br/>
+    Email id: <br/>
+    </li>
+    <br/><br/>
+{% endblock content %}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/templates/about/day_one.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block content %}
+<div class="entry">
+Welcome to SciPy India 2011. If you are in IIT Bombay and would like to listen to the talks at the conference without paying a penny, please feel free to drop by the venue. You would be missing the awesome food and tshirt though.
+The day started with <b>Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran</b> gave an introduction on the conference and a briefing on how it all started in the year 2009. It was followed by keynote by <b>Eric Jones</b> on <b>What matters in Scientific Software Projects? 10 years of Success and Failure Distilled</b>. Below are few of the main points of his keynote were about the requirements for a successful project. <br/>
+<li><p> Smart People</p></li>
+<li> <p>Trust and Communication</p></li>
+<li><p>Choosing where we have to pioneer</p></li>
+Next <b>Ankur Gupta</b> talked about the <b>Multiprocessing module and Gearman</b> and showed live code review of multiprocessing in Python can improve the performance of the program in multiprocessor machines. He also pointed out the logger and debugging modules. 
+<b>Kunal Puri</b> introduced the PySPH module in his talk on <b>Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Python</b>. He progressed onto explaining the architecture of PySPH and it's underlying modules. The demos on the collision of two elastic balls and a breaking dam showcased the power of this package.
+Afterwards <b>Mateusz Paprocki</b> talked on <b>Understanding importance of automated software testing.</b> He started with explaining the need of software testing and went onto show various methods of verification of computer programs like manual, automated and formal with each of them having it's share of pros and cons. The clarification that automated testing requires human assistance removed the aura of being autonomous from it.
+<p>The approaches to software testing are White box testing, Black box testing, Bottom up testing and top down testing. Program testing guidelines are to start with Defining the expected result, A programmer or an organization should test his/their own programs etc. Most of them can found in Software Engineering textbooksf. Software testing frameworks in Python are
+For testing interactive web application, Selenium could be used. He pointed out that 100% coverage doesn't imply program is perfect. It doesn't test for correctness of code or conformance to specification.
+The next talk by Invited Speaker <b>Ajith Kumar</b> on his project <b>expEYES</b> was novel to many in audience. He started with explaining how the idea stemmed from lack of equipment for students to experiment. expEyes would be useful for students, teachers, engineers and hobbyists. The statistics showed that around 800 units has been sold and it has been included in syllabus of some universities. His efforts in making experimentation in education popular has to be really appreciated. He demoed an array of Physics(electrical/sound) experiments doable with expEYES and it's amazing to see that what can be done with this inexpensive board. You can get the brochure of expEYES from the technical desk near the stage.
+<b>Sentiment Analysis</b> by <b>Bala Subramaniam</b> was next in the queue. He introduced Sentiment Analysis and went on to his demo of using it to analyze the telugu movie reviews from a website. The usage of a Naive Bayes Classifier to identify the positive, neutral and negative opinions was explained. The model used to analyze the movie review was well explained and pointed out the techniques of Natural Language Processing and Machine learning running behind it.  
+What's a scientific python conference without a talk on image processing? <b>Jayleil Dalal</b> filled that void with his detailed talk on <b>Building Embedded Systems for Image Processing using Python</b>. He explained about OpenCV, an Open Source python library for image processing and the various hardware systems he used for the same. You can check out his youtube channel for more tutorials on the same. 
+Afterwards, <b>Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran</b> talked about <b>FOSSEE: Python and Education</b>. He gave a breifing over the achievment of FOSSEE like workshops, conferences and later talked about the experience building a django app for the purpose of evaluation of answers of 650 users for 1000 Teacher's training program.
+<b>William Natharaj</b> talked about his physics project <b>Automated Measurement of Magnetic properties of Ferro-Magnetic materials using Python</b> which used Python extensively for data processing. expEYES was used for data colllection from the circuit.
+<b>Nivedita Datta</b> presented the session about the Python module PyCrypto in her talk titled <b>Encryptedly yours : Python & Cryptography.</b> She talked in detail about the following encrpytion techniques.
+<li><p>AES encrpytion</p></li>
+<li><p>ARC 4 - Private key stream cipher</p></li>
+<li><p>RSA</p> </li>
+The day concluded with <b>a lightning talk on Virtual Labs</b>. Looking forward to seeing you at the second day of the conference.
+{% endblock content %}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/templates/about/day_two.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block content %}
+<div class="entry">
+<h2> SciPy Day 2 - First Session</h2>
+Hope you enjoyed the first day of the conference. The first talk of the second day was by <b>Gaël Varoquaux</b> on <b>Machine learning as a tool for Neuroscience</b> which was one of the highlights of the conference. He started with briefly explaining parts of his talk namely Functional Brain imaging, Models of Function and Cognitive Tasks.
+He pointed the problem of the curse of dimensionality when trying to analyze the behavior of brain as the function of 50,000 voxels. This requires the expert knowledge of knowing to pick the right ones or you could use maching learning. Brain reading was the technique used for this purpose by predicting brain images from the object viewed. By this way of compressive sensing, we can reduce the amount of the brain data to be analyzed. This is an instance of supervised learning. Prediction is a selecton model metric.
+The challenging part of this analysis was that 95% of the brain activity is unrelated to the task. By using a combination of Sparsity, Spatial Continuity and Spatial Variability we can get individual maps(slightly different from each other) and combine them to form the functional region atlas. Now when trying to analyze the graphical by looking at the interaction between the regions, there are typically more than 1000's of connections. This kind of problems are being tried to be solved by Machine Learning.
+Next, he stepped onto the realm of Python for solving this problem by explaining about scikit-learn which is easy to pick up and technically efficient. The api of scikit-learn uses numpy arrays as inputs. It learns a model from the data and then predict the result from the model and further test for goodness of the result. The popular notion of python being slow was knocked out after he showed the stats depicting that scikits-learn was faster than C implementations in some cases of algorithmic implementation. The community of 57 contributors behind the module shows this project is popular. The successful ingredients are repo with developers and users and for other obvious reasons like short release cycles and test cases written.
+He then went onto talking about his other project joblib which provided Python functions on steroids. He briefed about the philosophy of the project and showed code on how it avoided recomputation to avoid dependency issues. He concluded the talk by pointing out, how to find the way in the software stack by being active on the mailing list and experimenting. If you are interested in attending his tutorial tomorrow, you should download his material which can be found <a href="">here.</a>
+{% endblock content %}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block content %}
+<div class="entry">
+<h3>The Penultimate day</h3>
+If you have previously organized an event or a conference, you would know that the busiest day is just the day before the event. After having worked for almost 4 months for this event, we(FOSSEE team) had a few last minute tasks to be done before the day ends. Writing this post was one of them and sitting down to write it at the end of day, in a way shows that every important task has been completed.
+The first priority of the day was to finalize the schedule of the event. This took a bit longer than previously thought but we finally completed it by evening. If you haven't seen it already, have a look at the talks happening tomorrow and the day after. If you love either Science or Python or Both, you would be committing a sin by being not at SciPy India 2011 for the next 4 days. By afternoon, participants started pouring into IIT Bombay for the event. The registration desk at main gate, managed by Anand, Kiran, Harish, Yogesh, Manas and others, guided people to their accomodation facilities. We had already prepared this and this which would really come in handy if you are new at IITB.
+<img  align="center" src="/static/img/reg-desk1.jpg" title="Near the main gate" height="200" width="300" />
+While the other set of the team was busy in the lab, preparing the packages for the participants which contains various information pamphlets, notepad, a pen and food coupons for all of the days. It took hours to complete the job and the efforts of Srikant, Sushma and Priya deserves a special mention here.
+<img align="center" src="/static/img/packing.jpg" title="Getting things ready" height="200" width="300" />
+Getting back to the event, it kicks off with the Keynote by Eric Jones, CEO of Enthought, talking on "What Matters in Scientific Software Projects? 10 Years of Success and Failure Distilled". All the talks in the schedule are promising and if you are low on time, talks by Invited Speakers -  Mateusz Paprocki, Ajith Kumar and Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran are something you definitely wouldn't want to miss.
+<p><h3>Follow this space for more live updates from the conference.</h3></p>
+{% endblock content %}
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 <h1>Important dates</h1>
 <div class="entry">
   <p><ul class="entry">
-    <li>October 26, 2011, Wednesday: Abstracts Due</li>
-	<li>October 31, 2011, Monday: Schedule announced</li>
-	<li>November 21, 2011, Monday: Proceedings paper submission due</li>
+    <li>November 2, 2011, Wednesday: Abstracts Due</li>
+	<li>November 7, 2011, Monday: Schedule announced</li>
+	<li>November 28, 2011, Monday: Proceedings paper submission due</li>
 	<li>December 4-5, 2011, Sunday-Monday: Conference</li>
 	<li>December 6-7 2011, Tuesday-Wednesday: Tutorials/Sprints</li>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% block content %}
+<div class="entry">
+<h3>Speaker Tips</h3>
+If you are a speaker at SciPy India 2011, here are a few tips that might be handy.
+<b>Session Setup</b><br/>
+Please arrive at the venue(VMCC Hall) at least 30 minutes in advance to prepare for the talk. This may also help you to get a feel of the venue and the audience.
+<b>Plan B</b><br/>
+All participants will be provided Wi-Fi access. But you are requested to have a Plan B for Internet, in case things go wrong; which usually happens at every conferences. We don't want this to disrupt your talk.
+<b>Timing is Everything</b><br/>
+Please have a final look at the <a href="/scipyin/2011/talks-cfp/conference/">schedule</a> and make sure of the length of your talk. We would suggest you to keep a buffer of at least 3 mins for Q & A from the audience. Make sure that you don't run out of the allotted time. If you need reminders, Volunteers can aid you.
+<b>Help Abounds</b><br/>
+Need help? Look out for the friendly organizers or folks(who would be wearing a blue tag) for any assistance. Just contact Kiran Kishore(07702455566) or Parth Buch(9619606610) if you don't find anyone immediately.
+<b>Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse! </b><br/>
+We know this goes without saying, reiterating this step would help in more ways than imagineable.
+Looking forward to seeing to you at the conference.
+<i>Snake Charmer</i>
+{% endblock content %}
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 {% extends "base.html" %}
 {% block content %}
+<h1 class="title"> 2011 Tutorial Schedule</h1>
+<h2 id="sec-1">Day 3 </h2>
+<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
+<colgroup><col class="right" /><col class="left" /><col class="left" />
+<tr><th scope="col" class="right">Time</th><th scope="col" class="left">Speaker</th><th scope="col" class="left">Title</th></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">09:00-11:00</td><td class="left">Puneeth Chaganti</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.1" >Git/Github + NumPy/SciPy/MPL basics</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">11:00-13:00</td><td class="left">Emmanuelle Gouillart</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.2">Image processing using NumPy, SciPy and scikits-image</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">13:00-14:00</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Lunch</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">14:00-15:00</td><td class="left">Ole Nielsen</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.5">Mapping and Geoprocessing with Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">15:00-18:00</td><td class="left">Gael Varoquaux</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.3">Machine learning with scikit-learn</a></td></tr>
-<h3 id="sec-1"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Intended audience </h3>
+<h2 id="sec-2">Day 4 </h2>
+<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
+<colgroup><col class="right" /><col class="left" /><col class="left" />
+<tr><th scope="col" class="right">Time</th><th scope="col" class="left">Speaker</th><th scope="col" class="left">Title</th></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">09:00-11:00</td><td class="left">Mateusz Paprocki</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.4">SymPy</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">11:00-13:00</td><td class="left">Eric Jones</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.6">Traits + Traits UI</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">13:00-14:00</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Lunch</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">14:00-16:00</td><td class="left">Prabhu Ramachandran and Gael Varoquaux</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.7">Mayavi for 3D visualization</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">16:00-17:00</td><td class="left">Puneeth Chaganti</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.8">Sage introduction/tutorial</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">17:00-18:00</td><td class="left">Pankaj Pandey and Prabhu Ramachandran</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.9">An introduction to Cython</a></td></tr>
+<h2 id="sec-1"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Intended audience </h2>
 <p>This conference is targeted at anyone who uses Python for work in science/engineering/technology/education. This includes college and university teachers/professors/lecturers from any Engineering or Science domain, students of engineering/science/education who would like to use Python for their basic computing and plotting needs, researchers who use or would like to use Python for their research, and corporate users of Python for scientific computing.
-<h3 id="sec-2"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Prerequisites </h3>
+<h2 id="sec-2"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Prerequisites </h2>
@@ -20,407 +60,261 @@
 Familiarity with using the commandline will be another plus.
-<h3 id="sec-3"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Objectives </h3>
-At the end of the program the participants will have a good understanding of the Python language, and selected libraries.
+These tutorials are all fairly advanced and require that you be familiar with Python.
-They will be able to write good modular procedural code and use objects.
-They will get a overview of the other major topics, features and libraries and be able to learn these on their own if required.
+For a good introduction it is recommended that you read the <a href="">Python Tutorial</a> completely.
-They will be able to generate 2-D plots using NumPy and Matplotlib, and 3-D plots using MayaVi2.
-They will be able to incorporate and adapt Python in their lessons
+Spoken tutorials teaching you Python are also available <a href="">here</a> please go through those.
-<h3 id="sec-4"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Coverage </h3>
+<h2 id="sec-4"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Coverage </h2>
-<h4 id="sec-1">Day 3 </h4>
+<!-- <h4 id="sec-1">Day 2 </h4> -->
-Sage (2 hr 30 min)
-getting started with Sage notebook (45 min) (<b>Prabhu</b>)
-starting the server
-the UI
-getting help
-overview of what's available in Sage
-basic calculus
-basic algebra
-basic plotting 
-symbolics &amp; calculus  &amp; basic plotting(1 hr) (<b>Bhanu</b>)
-parametric plots
-linear algebra (30 min) (<b>Nishanth</b>)
-Misc (15 min)
+<h3 id="sec2.1">Puneeth Chaganti, Git/Github + NumPy/SciPy/MPL basics (2 hrs)</h3>
-Basic Plotting (using pylab) (1 hr 30 min) (<b>Fernando</b>)
-getting started with ipython  
-using the plot command interactively
-embellishing a plot
-saving plots
-multiple plots
-saving to scripts and running them (from ipython)
-running the same thing in sage notebook 
-change language to python, import pylab, simple plot, savefig
-Plotting Experimental Data (1 hr) (<b>Puneeth</b>)
-plotting points with lists
-basic lists
-loading data from files using loadtxt
-using for loop with lists
-pendulum example
+	<li>Git/Github</li>
+	<li>NumPy and SciPy basics along with the most important Matplotlib commands.
+		This could be thought of as a quick refresher on the basic tools used in Python for scientific computing.
+	</li>
-<h4 id="sec-2">Day 4 </h4>
-Arrays (1 hr) (<b>Perry</b>)
-Why use arrays
-finding sine of a list of million numbers
-getting started with arrays
-accessing parts of arrays
-1d slicing 
-1d striding
-2d slicing
-2d striding
-lena example of above
-element wise operations
-operations on matrices like det, inv, norm.
-Scipy (1 hr 30 min) (<b>John</b>)
-least square fit
+<h3 id="sec2.2">Emmanuelle Gouillart, Image processing using NumPy, SciPy and scikits-image (2 hrs)</h3>
-introduction to functions
-Solving Equations
-revisiting functions
-Python Language: Basics (1 hr) (<b>Asokan</b>)
-basic data-types 
-for loop and its usage with range
-Python Language: Data structures (1hr 30 min) (<b>Asokan</b>)
-manipulating lists
-manipulating strings
-getting started with tuples
+	<li>This tutorial will show a bag of basic recipes in order to efficiently
+manipulate and process images in the form of NumPy arrays.
+	</li>
+	<li>Target audience: scientists and engineers working with images
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Prerequisites : being able to code Python scripts and use an
+interactive Python shell + some knowledge of NumPy
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Software requirements: IPython, NumPy, SciPy, Matplolib, <a href="">scikits-image</a>, and optionally sklearn
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Topics covered
+	<ul>
+		<li>I/O: how to open different image formats, how to open raw images, how to deal with very large raw files.</li>
+		<li>Basic visualization of images, and interaction with image data</li>
+		<li>Transforming images: changing the size, resolution, orientation of an image; image filtering; image segmentation.</li>
+		<li>Extracting information from images: measuring properties of segmented objects; image classification</li>
+	</ul>
+	<li>
+	This tutorial will by no means be a course on digital image processing.It is rather a bag of tricks on how to 
+	tinker with images, and how to use the goodies of Python/NumPy/SciPy to make this task easier. A large part 
+	of the talk will be devoted to hands-on exercises using the NumPy, SciPy 
+	and Matplotlib modules. Some other modules will be mentioned during the 
+	tutorial for more advanced uses.
+	</li>
+	<li>The course materials are available <a href="">here</a></li>
-<h4 id="sec-3">Day 5 </h4>
+<h3 id="sec2.3">Gael Varoquaux,   Machine learning with scikit-learn  (3 hrs)</h3>
-Python Language: Advanced (1 hr) (<b>Madhu</b>)
-defining functions
-keyword arguments and default arguments
+	<li>
+	Introduction to machine learning and statistical data processing with the
+	features in scikit-learn, and how to use it to solve real-world problems:
+	from handwritten digits classification to stock market prediction.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Target audience :   Engineers and scientists using Python for scientific
+	and numerical computing. No knowledge needed in statistical learning.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Prerequisites: Being able to code scripts and function in Python. Basic
+	knowledge of numpy and matplotlib.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Software requirements: IPython, scikits.learn, matplotlib.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Outline
+		<ul>
+			<li>The settings: datasets, estimators, and the prediction problem.</li>
+			<li>Regression and classification: Support Vector Machines, sparse regressions... Example: recognising hand-written digits</li>
+			<li>Model selection: choosing the right estimator, and the right parameters</li>
+			<li>Clustering: KMeans, Affinity Propagation. Example: finding structure in the stock market.</li>		
+		</ul>
+	</li>
-using python modules
-writing re-usable python scripts
+<h3 id="sec2.4">Mateusz Paprocki,  SymPy (2 hrs)</h3>
+	<li>
+	SymPy is a pure Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a
+	full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple
+	as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is
+	written entirely in Python and does not require any external libraries.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	In this tutorial we will introduce attendees to SymPy. We will start by
+	showing how to install and run SymPy. Then we will proceed with the basics
+	of constructing and manipulating mathematical expressions in SymPy. We will
+	also discuss the most common issues and differences from other computer
+	algebra systems, and how to deal with them. We will also show how to solve
+	simple, yet illustrative mathematical problems using SymPy.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Outline
+		<ul>
+			<li>Installing, configuring and running SymPy.</li>
+			<li>Basics of mathematical expressions:
+ 				<ul>
+ 					<li>symbols, dummy symbols</li>
+ 					<li>constructing expressions</li>
+ 					<li>expression traversal</li>
+ 					<li>pattern matching</li>
+				</ul>
+			</li>
+			<li>Common issues, pitfalls and differences with other CAS:
+				<ul>
+					<li>1/3 is not a rational number</li>
+ 					<li>why you shouldn't write 10**(-1000)</li>
+ 					<li>issues with caching of computation results</li>
+				</ul>
+			</li>
+			<li>Using built-in and implementing customized printers.</li>
+			<li>Arbitrary precision numerical computing.</li>
+			<li>Interaction with numerical libraries (NumPy, SciPy).</li>
+			<li>Examples.</li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
-More Numpy? (broadcasting, indexing tricks&hellip;) (1hr) (<b>Stefan</b>)
-Mayavi (1 hr) (<b>Prabhu</b>)
-Cython (1 hr) (<b>Stefan</b>)
-Version Control (Hg/Git) (15 min) (<b>Madhu</b>)
-ReST &amp; Scipy/Numpy Documentation Editor (45 min) (<b>Stefan</b>)
+<h3 id="sec2.5">Ole Nielsen: Mapping and Geoprocessing with Python (1 hr)</h3>
+	<li>
+	Putting information on a map and analyzing spatial data are fundamental to a
+ 	wide range of areas such as navigation, working with climate or geological
+ 	data, disaster management, presentation of modelling results, demographics,
+ 	social networking etc. However, making and viewing maps is just the tip of
+ 	the iceberg: to communicate spatial information much work is needed under
+ 	the hood to read, write, manipulate and process the data underpinning the
+	maps.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	T This tutorial will give a practical introduction to tools and techniques
+ 	available for processing spatial information and, through hands-on
+	 exercises, give the participants a sense of how to manipulate spatial data
+	 using Python. Depending on time, topics covered include reading and writing
+	 of important data formats for both raster and vector data, looking at the
+ 	layers with qgis, awareness of issues with datums and projections,
+ 	calculating area and centroids of polygons, performance enhancement using
+ 	vector operations, numerical stability issues, calculation of distance
+	 between points on the surface of Earth, interpolation from raster grids to
+	 points etc. The tutorial has been developed for Ubuntu Linux 11.04/11.10 and
+	 will provide source code, tests and data for this platform. However, the
+	 content and messages should be general and apply to any self-respecting
+	 platform.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	I assume that participants know how to write and run Python scripts and are
+ 	OK having a crack at implementing simple numerical operations such as
+ 	summations in Python. I don't assume any previous knowledge of mapping or
+ 	Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The tutorial depends on the
+ 	packages qgis and gdal-bin as well as the python dependencies python-numpy
+ 	and python-gdal which are preloaded on the distributed live-DVD. The
+ 	tutorial material itself will be available in the Subversion repository
+ and also on a USB
+ 	stick that I will bring along.		
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	If you have some spatial data you want to manipulate in Python feel free to
+ 	bring it along and grab me during a lunch break.
+	</li>
-<p>Any participants using their own laptops should have the required
-software installed on their machines, before coming to the venue of
-the tutorials. The installation instructions are available <a href="">here</a>.
-<h3 id="sec-5"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Methodology </h3>
+<h3 id="sec2.6">Eric Jones: Traits + Traits UI (2 hrs)</h3> 
-Completely hands on, exploratory mode with minimal lectures introducing essential concepts and techniques.
-Typically we will have short 15 - 20 minute lectures, followed by series of graduated problems. The participants will solve them exploring the documentation to do so and the solutions will be discussed.
-We shall be conducting quizzes during the course of the workshop to evaluate the degree to which the objectives have been accomplished.
+	<li>
+	Enthought’s traits package provides for a powerful object model which 
+	provides a host of useful functionality with a clean and expressive syntax.  
+	It is an open source library and forms the basis of the Enthought Tool Suite and many of 
+	Enthought’s internal commercial projects.  In this tutorial we will cover the basics of using 
+	Traits along with the UI library TraitsUI which makes it very easy to build powerful and 
+	interactive, user interfaces using Traits.
+	</li>
-<p>Laptops can be brought by participants, and additional laptops/computers can be provided for use for those required. Charging points will be available.
-As far as installations go, you would require the following:
+<h3 id="sec2.7">Prabhu Ramachandran and Gael Varoquaux, Mayavi for 3D visualization (2 hrs)</h3>
-For Debian/ Ubuntu and the like:
-(a) IPython
-(b) Python doc
-(c) the Python Profiler
-(d) Scipy/Numpy
-(e) Matplotlib
-(f) Mayavi2
-For Windows XP (x86), Windows Vista (x86), Mac OS X 10.4+ (x86), RedHat 3 (x86, amd64), RedHat 4 (x86, amd64), RedHat 5 (x86, amd64), and Solaris 10 (x86, amd64) :
-(a) get the EPD (<a href=""></a>) bundle and you'll have everything you need! This is available for free for those in academia and others can utilize the free 30 day trial version for now.
+	<li>
+	At the end of this tutorial attendees will learn how to visualize numpy
+	arrays using Mayavi's mlab interface.  They will also learn enough about
+	mayavi to be able to create their own simple datasets and visualize
+	them.  If this tutorial follows one on traits, then attendees will learn
+	how easy it is to embed 3D visualization in their own application UIs
+	(provided they are written in wxPython or PyQt).
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	In this tutorial, we first provide a rapid overview of Mayavi_ and its
+	features.  We then move on to using Mayavi via IPython_ and mlab.  This
+	is done in a hands-on fashion and introduces the audience to visualizing
+	numpy arrays and the basic mayavi visualization pipeline.  We then
+	introduce the audience to the basic objects and data sources used in
+	Mayavi.  We end with an example of creating custom dialogs using Traits
+	and embedding 3D visualization in these dialogs with Mayavi.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	Packages required
+		<ul>
+			<li><a href="">Mayavi</a></li>
+			<li><a href="">IPython</a></li>
+			<li><a href="">Traits</a></li>
+			<li>numpy, scipy</li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
-<p>In any case, we will be providing live DVDs containing all the required installations and some additional tools on site. The iso can also be downloaded from the site (<a href=""></a>).
+<h3 id="sec2.8">Puneeth Chaganti, Sage introduction/tutorial: (1 hr)</h3>
+	<li>This tutorial will feature a demonstration and a brief review of some of the capabilities of the <a href="">Sage notebook</a>.</li>
+	<li>A rough schedule of the talk would be as follows:
+		<ul>
+			<li>Introduction</li>
+			<li>Starting the server</li>
+			<li>The UI</li>
+			<li>Getting Help</li>
+			<li>Overview of what's available in Sage
+				<ul>
+					<li>Basic Algebra</li>
+					<li>Basic Calculus</li>
+					<li>Basic Plotting</li>
+				</ul>
+	</li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
+<h3 id="sec2.9">Pankaj Pandey and Prabhu Ramachandran, An introduction to Cython (1 hrs)</h3>
+	<li>
+	At some level, Cython ( can be thought of a Python to C compiler.  
+	It allows someone to write extension modules in a language very similar to Python and 
+	therefore makes it rather easy to write C-extensions.  In this tutorial we will cover 
+	the basics of building extension modules with Cython.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+		Package requirements: You will require to have Cython, the 
+		Python development headers and a working C-compiler to run the hands-on exercises.
+	</li>
 {% endblock content %}
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 <div class="entry">
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   world-renowned (and globally top-ranked) engineering school.
+<div id="map" style="height: 400px"></div>
+var map = new L.Map('map');
+var cloudmadeUrl = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+    cloudmadeAttrib = 'Map data &copy; 2011 OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery &copy; 2011 CloudMade',
+    cloudmade = new L.TileLayer(cloudmadeUrl, {maxZoom: 28, attribution: cloudmadeAttrib});
+var vmcc = new L.LatLng(19.132, 72.917); // geographical point (longitude and latitude)
+map.setView(vmcc, 15).addLayer(cloudmade);
+var maingateLocation = new L.LatLng(19.125079,72.916483);
+var maingatemarker = new L.Marker(maingateLocation);
+maingatemarker.bindPopup("IIT Bombay main gate").openPopup();
+var h1Location = new L.LatLng(19.136695,72.913844);
+var h1marker = new L.Marker(h1Location);
+h1marker.bindPopup("Hostel 1").openPopup();
+var h11Location = new L.LatLng(19.133188,72.911934);
+var h11marker = new L.Marker(h11Location);
+h11marker.bindPopup("Hostel 11").openPopup();
+var sameerLocation = new L.LatLng(19.138347,72.915314);
+var sameermarker = new L.Marker(sameerLocation);
+sameermarker.bindPopup("Sameer Guest House").openPopup();
+var vmccLocation = new L.LatLng(19.132833, 72.917342);
+var vmccmarker = new L.Marker(vmccLocation);
+vmccmarker.bindPopup("<b>VMCC</b><br />Venue:Scipy India 2011").openPopup();
 {% endblock content %}
--- a/project/templates/base.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/templates/base.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -13,6 +13,19 @@
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@@ -29,7 +42,7 @@
     width="139" height="130" /></a>
     <div id="social-badge">
     	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/static/img/twitter.png" alt="Twitter" Title="Connect to us of Twitter" /></a>
-    	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/static/img/facebook.png" alt="Facebook" Title="Connect to us of Facebook" /></a>
+    	<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/static/img/facebook.png" alt="Facebook" Title="Connect to us of Facebook" /></a>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/templates/log.txt	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,2592 @@
+changeset:   478:a88ada45cd56
+branch:      2011
+tag:         tip
+user:        primal
+date:        Sat Dec 03 07:38:45 2011 +0530
+summary:     Speaker name changed
+changeset:   477:54e05b1ec765
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Fri Dec 02 22:58:26 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changes in tutorial and schedule
+changeset:   476:b589c15fa60f
+branch:      2011
+parent:      475:6f5e358c0a10
+parent:      474:7b4e105b68ba
+user:        Primal Pappachan <>
+date:        Fri Dec 02 16:48:56 2011 +0530
+summary:     merged
+changeset:   475:6f5e358c0a10
+branch:      2011
+parent:      471:83ea39f44032
+user:        Primal Pappachan <>
+date:        Fri Dec 02 16:48:45 2011 +0530
+summary:     Outstanding changes
+changeset:   474:7b4e105b68ba
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Dec 02 16:36:14 2011 +0530
+summary:     Added news & update section and removed the notice
+changeset:   473:02ebcf395866
+branch:      2011
+parent:      472:40025d462588
+parent:      470:8474b14179cf
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Dec 02 16:12:58 2011 +0530
+summary:     merged changes from primal
+changeset:   472:40025d462588
+branch:      2011
+parent:      469:5dee004481b0
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Dec 02 16:10:48 2011 +0530
+summary:     Added map and map markers to the venue page
+changeset:   471:83ea39f44032
+branch:      2011
+parent:      468:5610783f66d6
+parent:      470:8474b14179cf
+user:        Primal Pappachan <>
+date:        Fri Dec 02 16:11:19 2011 +0530
+summary:     Merged heads
+changeset:   470:8474b14179cf
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Fri Dec 02 15:56:57 2011 +0530
+summary:     Change in schedule
+changeset:   469:5dee004481b0
+branch:      2011
+parent:      467:bbb9a44c0c14
+user:        primal
+date:        Fri Dec 02 15:15:32 2011 +0530
+summary:     Change in schedule and message on menu
+changeset:   468:5610783f66d6
+branch:      2011
+parent:      460:c8068bc1d7c3
+parent:      467:bbb9a44c0c14
+user:        Primal Pappachan <>
+date:        Thu Dec 01 19:05:43 2011 +0530
+summary:     merged branches
+changeset:   467:bbb9a44c0c14
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Thu Dec 01 15:17:45 2011 +0530
+summary:     Typo Fix
+changeset:   466:018f78781cf0
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Thu Dec 01 14:59:47 2011 +0530
+summary:     Small typo fix
+changeset:   465:cec3c7dc4138
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Thu Dec 01 14:50:55 2011 +0530
+summary:     Small fix
+changeset:   464:f54903f0c28e
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Thu Dec 01 14:09:23 2011 +0530
+summary:     Added contact page
+changeset:   463:a2f9aecd5f57
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Wed Nov 30 19:21:50 2011 +0530
+summary:     Typos in schedule
+changeset:   462:4be31211634a
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Wed Nov 30 15:39:35 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changes in Conference Schedule
+changeset:   461:4e50c25edb04
+branch:      2011
+parent:      459:6cd2a8ce6662
+user:        primal
+date:        Wed Nov 30 13:25:05 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changes in Ole Nielson Tutorial and Gael Talk
+changeset:   460:c8068bc1d7c3
+branch:      2011
+user:        Primal Pappachan <>
+date:        Wed Nov 30 12:42:05 2011 +0530
+summary:     Edited Ole Nielson's Tutorial Description
+changeset:   459:6cd2a8ce6662
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 17:42:13 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed a bit on the sprint page
+changeset:   458:65046b88b989
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 17:33:59 2011 +0530
+summary:     fixed a typo in
+changeset:   457:b29742d04112
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 17:26:19 2011 +0530
+summary:     fixed a typo in
+changeset:   456:1ea27f0622f8
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 17:22:17 2011 +0530
+summary:     fixed a typo in
+changeset:   455:a61c960d90f2
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 17:20:18 2011 +0530
+summary:     fixed a typo in
+changeset:   454:2d3479837338
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 17:18:14 2011 +0530
+summary:     Added the sprint page
+changeset:   453:62063e573649
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 16:43:31 2011 +0530
+summary:     Added Emmanuelle's bio to speakers page
+changeset:   452:cfe15b533040
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 11:35:32 2011 +0530
+summary:     Updated the Conf page with abstracts
+changeset:   451:009e28b3d11d
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 09:55:15 2011 +0530
+summary:     Updated h4 tag to add color
+changeset:   450:c4e4cee8b99a
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 09:39:22 2011 +0530
+summary:     replaced the usernames with real names on the conf schedule page
+changeset:   449:50770620ea7f
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Nov 24 09:29:05 2011 +0530
+summary:     added the complete tutorial schedule to the tutorial page
+changeset:   448:7167b896d8de
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Sat Nov 19 13:26:28 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changed the Tutorial page
+changeset:   447:f91c329e13b5
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Nov 15 02:25:12 2011 +0530
+summary:     activated the tutorials schedule
+changeset:   446:e98f6525c7b0
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Sat Nov 12 16:39:00 2011 +0530
+summary:     Declaring the conf schedule
+changeset:   445:e9d82f923cd5
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Nov 09 16:40:23 2011 +0530
+summary:     added ajith and ole's pics
+changeset:   444:3c612f342b99
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Nov 09 16:39:54 2011 +0530
+summary:     Added ole and ajith as invited guests
+changeset:   443:7fe2b15ee82f
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Nov 02 23:32:11 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changed the edit-talk link to include params.scope Bug:notified by mateusz/jarrod
+changeset:   442:6f06b1457e55
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Mon Oct 31 09:34:17 2011 +0530
+summary:     added the submitted dates to filters
+changeset:   441:1a8ed55cc335
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Mon Oct 31 09:31:04 2011 +0530
+summary:     added the submitted date to admin panel
+changeset:   440:04c3084c412b
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Mon Oct 31 09:25:37 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the fb link
+changeset:   439:da0c2e87922d
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Mon Oct 31 09:24:44 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the order of mhrd and enthought
+changeset:   438:1e4bffd3c917
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Mon Oct 31 09:22:35 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the dates in talks-cfp page as well
+changeset:   437:47dfebb899c7
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Oct 26 21:47:22 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the important dates
+changeset:   436:4899e9c34962
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Oct 04 16:01:59 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the link to registration stats
+changeset:   435:e53db918f80a
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Oct 04 15:21:05 2011 +0530
+summary:     added the real link to the facebook page :P
+changeset:   434:fbf05ff6dccc
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Oct 04 15:16:52 2011 +0530
+summary:     added important dates to CFP page as per the suggestion of Punit
+changeset:   433:803763334c6d
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Oct 04 15:08:05 2011 +0530
+summary:     added gaels image
+changeset:   432:d3d92744dc89
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Oct 04 15:05:52 2011 +0530
+summary:     Added Gael to speakers page
+changeset:   431:9674d40c44e7
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Oct 04 14:47:17 2011 +0530
+summary:     added google analytics code
+changeset:   430:54375874dac1
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Sat Oct 01 04:01:10 2011 +0530
+summary:     syntax error
+changeset:   429:cde70fd3073c
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Sat Oct 01 03:59:03 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the handler404 and handler500 to a custom view, passing scope to get proper formed urls when displaying 404 and 500 pages
+changeset:   428:d7fefdb4b947
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Sat Oct 01 03:57:37 2011 +0530
+summary:     replaced django url tags with get_absolute_url
+changeset:   427:ee98f2b50ffa
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 20:39:50 2011 +0530
+summary:     added twitter and fb on the page
+changeset:   426:8d55ce40211c
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 20:37:47 2011 +0530
+summary:     fixed typo in eric's bio, sorted out speakers
+changeset:   425:25351965cd69
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 20:03:01 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the order of speakers
+changeset:   424:2223aa09fd69
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 19:47:47 2011 +0530
+summary:     remove the badge link from account
+changeset:   423:d4316aad59ea
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 19:40:48 2011 +0530
+summary:     activated the speakers link
+changeset:   422:5a5aa1a21599
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 19:40:33 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the css for speakers page as it was not proper
+changeset:   421:32de9e8b4fad
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 19:40:09 2011 +0530
+summary:     added pics for eric and mateusz
+changeset:   420:56e520066333
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 18:53:41 2011 +0530
+summary:     removed the t-shirts thing as we are giving t-shirts to all attendes
+changeset:   419:d68f4cfebfab
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 18:53:01 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the urls to make registration page static
+changeset:   418:eac3723864c1
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 18:52:30 2011 +0530
+summary:     changes the fees page
+changeset:   417:4dd4f6d77e10
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 18:52:10 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the registration page to make it static and incorporate doattend
+changeset:   416:ddbb94b8bb22
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 18:51:39 2011 +0530
+summary:     added links to Registration and Fees page
+changeset:   415:4b10ebd2e758
+branch:      2011
+user:        parth buch<>
+date:        Fri Sep 30 15:11:36 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the database user and name
+changeset:   414:94eced40d112
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 23 13:56:17 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the date on user/accounts page to 2011
+changeset:   413:0674c2abfbd6
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 23 13:24:20 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the important dates
+changeset:   412:c38490f41551
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Tue Sep 20 18:34:36 2011 +0530
+summary:     removed the schedule from menu
+changeset:   411:0e6657d73a6a
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Sat Sep 17 18:20:01 2011 +0530
+summary:     Removing PSF from sponsors page
+changeset:   410:8266891e48ec
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Sat Sep 17 18:11:53 2011 +0530
+summary:     Removed the FSF logo
+changeset:   409:90879781b517
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 18:57:36 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed some typos and errors in reaching.html
+changeset:   408:2a34cfa6b417
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 17:02:38 2011 +0530
+summary:     removed the date from venue page
+changeset:   407:4685b1804796
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:50:16 2011 +0530
+summary:     removed about host city entry
+changeset:   406:5e4c3973d649
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:49:57 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed LTTE to LTT as suggesged by jovina
+changeset:   405:6795ae41f54b
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:27:06 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the javascript on registration page to have only four days of accomodation
+changeset:   404:17a24435fc93
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:21:56 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the 'reaching the venue' page
+changeset:   403:0c8c5343fb27
+branch:      2011
+parent:      402:2a7bae65f084
+parent:      396:c4b236ea6912
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:18:45 2011 +0530
+summary:     merged the changes from primal
+changeset:   402:2a7bae65f084
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:16:46 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the 'reaching the venue' page
+changeset:   401:415a631c6dc7
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:16:04 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed some basic styling
+changeset:   400:0912ee6cf799
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:55:07 2011 +0530
+summary:     removed publicity and organizers from the menu
+changeset:   399:f2485a99f0bc
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:53:57 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the sponsors information to 2011
+changeset:   398:09c8e955b145
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:41:09 2011 +0530
+summary:     added MHRD logo to sponsors
+changeset:   397:079ada629aaf
+branch:      2011
+parent:      393:f0f04f758f4b
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:38:37 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the venue information
+changeset:   396:c4b236ea6912
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Wed Sep 14 16:09:47 2011 +0530
+summary:     Edited the login page
+changeset:   395:85bbea53523f
+branch:      2011
+parent:      394:9f2a90e36386
+parent:      393:f0f04f758f4b
+user:        primal
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:15:04 2011 +0530
+summary:     Accomodation days reduced down to 4
+changeset:   394:9f2a90e36386
+branch:      2011
+parent:      391:6bf3c22e2a2e
+user:        primal
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:12:30 2011 +0530
+summary:     Reduced the number of days for accomodation
+changeset:   393:f0f04f758f4b
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:06:00 2011 +0530
+summary:     removed distribute setup files that can by mistake
+changeset:   392:566daf404839
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Wed Sep 14 15:04:34 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the menu to remove links not currently required
+changeset:   391:6bf3c22e2a2e
+branch:      2011
+user:        primal
+date:        Sun Sep 11 17:06:06 2011 +0530
+summary:     Modified Accomodation dates
+changeset:   390:bf3ce37fb45b
+branch:      2011
+parent:      389:fe49720e67bf
+parent:      388:c4ab8f8a0800
+user:        primal
+date:        Sun Sep 11 16:46:33 2011 +0530
+summary:     Test Commit
+changeset:   389:fe49720e67bf
+branch:      2011
+parent:      385:0e1fcd57f95d
+user:        primal
+date:        Sun Sep 11 16:34:54 2011 +0530
+summary:     Modified the registration file
+changeset:   388:c4ab8f8a0800
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 09 16:58:54 2011 +0530
+summary:     removed link to conference schedule
+changeset:   387:2c57790fdba9
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 09 16:56:38 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed a small typo
+changeset:   386:8ce19610fa03
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Fri Sep 09 16:56:13 2011 +0530
+summary:     changes made to schedule to reflect 2011 dates
+changeset:   385:0e1fcd57f95d
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 17:54:33 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changed the enthought logo to better suit the website design
+changeset:   384:9a2af07c9a60
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 17:48:44 2011 +0530
+summary:     Removed local organizers from right side
+changeset:   383:7ef2c154a31d
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 17:47:41 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changed the Sponsors information
+changeset:   382:0c66659b4807
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 16:41:31 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed the admin url to django version 1.3
+changeset:   381:0a9e3b8f6fee
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 16:24:45 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changed host city to Mumbai in menu
+changeset:   380:740cba745458
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 16:24:02 2011 +0530
+summary:     commented out links to download slides and videos
+changeset:   379:7e843a934d74
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 16:20:00 2011 +0530
+summary:     Changed the title and header to Scipy 2011
+changeset:   378:0a9aa58f0586
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 16:19:23 2011 +0530
+summary:     Modified the admin url to work with django version 1.3
+changeset:   377:bbb0f40223be
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 16:10:54 2011 +0530
+summary:     changed current scope to scipy/2011
+changeset:   376:5debb109a899
+branch:      2011
+user:        Parth buch <>
+date:        Thu Sep 08 15:35:41 2011 +0530
+summary:     Updated django to version 1.3 and replaced the django app repositories to the new ones
+changeset:   375:146fb4874a9c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Jan 10 16:37:15 2011 +0530
+summary:     Fix the Part 3 Video link and remove Part 4 video link since it does not exist.
+changeset:   374:df1fe9447ff7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 31 16:50:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Remove email ID from the email List. The spam is too much.
+changeset:   373:a004342f3425
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 27 03:51:41 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add the slides from the Conference and Tutorials to the new section.
+changeset:   372:14854e1848e8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 29 18:26:18 2010 +0530
+summary:     Update Jarrod's image again.
+changeset:   371:f2b47f5dac06
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Dec 29 15:12:28 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changes to put a download videos link and page on
+changeset:   370:58f8580cb641
+user:        Nishanth Amuluru <>
+date:        Tue Dec 28 22:43:17 2010 +0530
+summary:     Updated Jarrod's display image
+changeset:   369:7ea06f159d15
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 27 03:51:41 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add the slides from the Conference and Tutorials to the new section.
+changeset:   368:704af5be5fb9
+parent:      367:206a8a72d77c
+parent:      366:a52775d210e3
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Fri Dec 24 16:02:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merging heads
+changeset:   367:206a8a72d77c
+parent:      328:f71e17a05344
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Fri Dec 24 15:54:25 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added scipy press release
+changeset:   366:a52775d210e3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Dec 12 03:27:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add jquery UI images for CSS.
+changeset:   365:9fb175da83a5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 11 17:31:35 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add ordering for names on the CSV list.
+changeset:   364:7d3cb6c7a22f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 11 14:44:37 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Jarrod's talk abstract to the website.
+changeset:   363:6c860e686ba3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 20:30:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added all the images required to the reaching the venue page.
+changeset:   362:e321545caadf
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 20:20:51 2010 +0530
+summary:     Adding reaching venue page.
+changeset:   361:a109ce7f7758
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 19:16:36 2010 +0530
+summary:     Typos corrections suggested by KD for the about pages.
+changeset:   360:2c78e4a8e2c9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 18:58:57 2010 +0530
+summary:     CDAC talk added to scheduled talks.
+changeset:   359:9640495f5097
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 18:41:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Email to be sent to participants about contact details and registration updates just before finals.
+changeset:   358:c09beee32d9b
+user:        Nishanth Amuluru <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 16:05:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     Updated the tutorial page
+changeset:   357:bbfee5259b95
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 14:20:18 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed non-form fields from detailed fields display.
+changeset:   356:6a9bd80f5e6e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 10 14:11:23 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add phone number field to Registration Admin page.
+changeset:   355:bce85144acd5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 20:24:32 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added a talk to be given by CDAC people.
+changeset:   354:5fb620cdacf2
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 20:08:25 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add the string control character for CSV full name field.
+changeset:   353:bd083c34aa43
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 20:06:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Update gender info on CSV.
+changeset:   352:781d7bc60cc9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 20:04:51 2010 +0530
+summary:     Update male and female status and html page rendering for accommodation.
+changeset:   351:defd9ea5f143
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:50:24 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fix the all accommodation number to female requirements.
+changeset:   350:baf939071b60
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:49:27 2010 +0530
+summary:     Male and Female participants stats on website.
+changeset:   349:4a07363689b5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:34:39 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fix download PDF to download CSV and double quote all the names.
+changeset:   348:88cb9f42880c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:33:57 2010 +0530
+summary:     Number of male and female participants requesting accommodation.
+changeset:   347:8d2db7a11434
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:21:04 2010 +0530
+summary:     Put a comma in the list after City
+changeset:   346:c2edf840db70
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:19:16 2010 +0530
+summary:     User and Scope to get_or_create must be keyword arguments.
+changeset:   345:bc50906a9fee
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:15:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Creating Payment, Accommodation and Wifi objects require scope and user objects.
+changeset:   344:47db5bd2a791
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:12:05 2010 +0530
+summary:     Make the Download line more visible for downloading CSV.
+changeset:   343:debfd9506f40
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:11:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Create payment and wifi objects if they don't exist.
+changeset:   342:21dc37050a37
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 09 19:08:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Make downloadable CSV for stats page.
+changeset:   341:bc29a1bb4010
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Wed Dec 08 23:18:35 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changes to tutorial schedule.
+changeset:   340:7de34186254e
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Wed Dec 08 23:04:29 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added tutorial outline.
+changeset:   339:3f21f7e57e9d
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 08 00:39:01 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fix More Lightning talks broken link on Conference Schedule page.
+changeset:   338:5b0a6b71fd64
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Tue Dec 07 20:01:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed schedule of Day-1 to include Farhat.
+changeset:   337:f3e61d6bf78f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Dec 07 19:59:28 2010 +0530
+summary:     Updated website about Food.
+changeset:   336:ce5fbef32806
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 04 18:08:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the right hand sidebar 10008th time.
+changeset:   335:42b14ae026b0
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Sat Dec 04 14:38:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed paper submission deadline.
+changeset:   334:730b6fc145d6
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 03 19:07:23 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added a 404 handler.
+changeset:   333:142f7f94de19
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 03 18:12:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added settings static file path.
+changeset:   332:2eb286e89615
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 02 19:44:55 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added a section in buildout configuration for report lab.
+changeset:   331:2ac3cf08cd00
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 02 19:13:08 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed report lab eggs location.
+changeset:   330:2c38a7cafba9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 02 19:09:32 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add reportlab eggs.
+changeset:   329:9e2fc4b26a26
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 02 17:38:44 2010 +0530
+summary:     Push all the south migrations.
+changeset:   328:f71e17a05344
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Dec 01 19:45:16 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed a link bug on accounts.html template enables editting talks
+changeset:   327:507a1ac1fd43
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Dec 01 19:40:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added link for badge on account page
+changeset:   326:1368a770d991
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Dec 01 15:42:18 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the accomodation page table
+changeset:   325:1255f442e4f8
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Dec 01 12:20:13 2010 +0530
+summary:     Some changes to font size on badge according to recommendation
+changeset:   324:1ad0be6866d6
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Dec 01 12:14:55 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Laptop registration no to badge
+changeset:   323:5d8dd7139b49
+parent:      322:eeb66c089545
+parent:      321:fa3b368d39ea
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Tue Nov 30 18:34:59 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merging heads
+changeset:   322:eeb66c089545
+parent:      320:9414017a5589
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Tue Nov 30 18:34:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     changes to buildout for pdf generation
+changeset:   321:fa3b368d39ea
+parent:      319:26137e53781e
+parent:      320:9414017a5589
+date:        Tue Nov 30 17:53:10 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merging heads
+changeset:   320:9414017a5589
+parent:      314:d49cd84fb9c0
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Tue Nov 30 17:51:08 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added view for automatic badge generation
+changeset:   319:26137e53781e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 30 16:21:59 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed verbose names for accommodation fields from days to dates's nights.
+changeset:   318:6963bc54d5c2
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 30 16:17:05 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fix preceding accommodation which were stolen away by magic.
+changeset:   317:1f227f3b70e4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 30 16:01:52 2010 +0530
+summary:     Re-enable south in development version.
+changeset:   316:88ff5f6b43f4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 30 15:58:17 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixing accommodation typo.
+changeset:   315:566e5f783e75
+user:        Nishanth Amuluru <>
+date:        Tue Nov 30 15:51:23 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added six fields corresponding to accomodation in  the accomodation model and made corresponding changes to view and form
+changeset:   314:d49cd84fb9c0
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Tue Nov 30 15:44:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Making some small changes to accomodation page
+changeset:   313:14b5c173b344
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Mon Nov 29 23:11:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Enabling the Accomodation link
+changeset:   312:3aa069cc2ae9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 29 22:15:01 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made manage payment available only to admin not to staff, bug fix, previous commit log is misleading.
+changeset:   311:4f16278c2369
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 29 22:12:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added manage payment URL to left sidebar and made accessible only to site admins.
+changeset:   310:3541adaa5cd3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 29 21:16:22 2010 +0530
+summary:     Provide Javascript support and add all view related changes for form.
+changeset:   309:861223798fa4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 29 21:15:51 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add new fields to payment form for accommodation.
+changeset:   308:d552e3a8f7e2
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Mon Nov 29 16:16:28 2010 +0530
+summary:     changes to accomodation page added table for nearby hotels
+changeset:   307:d0e2902f5de3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 29 15:31:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Modifying Accommodation content for 2010.
+changeset:   306:3722fe245bd8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Nov 28 23:38:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed right side menu to have organizers and local organizers.
+changeset:   305:df4715226454
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Nov 28 23:29:20 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made few styling adjustments to venues page.
+changeset:   304:52982854f0fe
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Nov 28 23:26:45 2010 +0530
+summary:     Updated the venues page to include ISB and MSLC.
+changeset:   303:19dcaef9aa1b
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan <>
+date:        Sat Nov 27 14:15:04 2010 +0530
+summary:     Corrections to Mahindra Satyam description.
+changeset:   302:c875bfd3050b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Nov 26 19:33:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add new pages as html sources.
+changeset:   301:49b56af22f04
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan <>
+date:        Fri Nov 26 19:29:54 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a new page for Sponsors and all the boiler plate. Add responsibilities for each sponsor. Remove all the sponsor information from right hand menu.
+changeset:   300:6e1001230377
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan <>
+date:        Fri Nov 26 19:28:20 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a page for Important dates and all the boiler plate. Edit and improve the main page content.
+changeset:   299:3c1c0ee29c59
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 25 19:13:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add Enthought and PSF as sponsors.
+changeset:   298:b2966d61f1dc
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 25 18:46:36 2010 +0530
+summary:     Adding logo images for ISB, EnhanceEdu, Mahindra Satyam.
+changeset:   297:ccfa7953b68c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 25 18:44:38 2010 +0530
+summary:     Adding ISB, Mahindra Satyam and EnhanceEdu's logos to relevant sponsorship lists.
+changeset:   296:8323e8d7d1f4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 25 17:30:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add bank name to sample of NEFT.
+changeset:   295:e8f8a599e594
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 25 13:30:00 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Jarrod's talk title and abstract to the schedule.
+changeset:   294:7c12c63fef3b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 24 20:17:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add IIITH logo to the website right hand side menu.
+changeset:   293:f05cadb9d84b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 24 19:33:36 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add IIITH logo to the static content on the site.
+changeset:   292:bc234e6f3ae5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 24 19:05:27 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add the mail content for confirmation of fees.
+changeset:   291:182b03a1e6fe
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 24 19:05:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a way to send mail as confirmation for users for manage payments.
+changeset:   290:3ea1acce0f78
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 22 17:55:01 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add payment mode and details to the management page details.
+changeset:   289:91aeddac8b80
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Sun Nov 21 12:18:24 2010 +0530
+summary:     Capitalized USB CONNECTIVITY.
+changeset:   288:8d56bd800a81
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Fri Nov 19 21:55:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Stefan's talk.
+changeset:   287:ff1f346f9cf1
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Nov 19 17:17:22 2010 +0530
+summary:     Modify the content CSS to have a larger margin.
+changeset:   286:1c7794b1b55a
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Fri Nov 19 16:19:45 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added talk tags for special and invited talks.
+changeset:   285:b8f0cdfe8007
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Fri Nov 19 11:05:36 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Krishnakant's talk abstract
+changeset:   284:291f4bb93888
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Fri Nov 19 00:17:05 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed year in scripts/
+changeset:   283:14e8dada23e0
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 23:17:50 2010 +0530
+summary:     Minor changes to speaker_accepted_mail.html.
+changeset:   282:d12747881541
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 23:13:26 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed speaker_accepted_mail.
+changeset:   281:2c33b9ff1530
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 17:21:38 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Schedule.
+changeset:   280:7c42eb0b0fa8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 20:25:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed south from installed apps.
+changeset:   279:451cdbc98dff
+parent:      243:483641c2a98a
+parent:      278:2ea8af6851c9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 19:27:11 2010 +0530
+summary:     Make default the active branch.
+changeset:   278:2ea8af6851c9
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 19:04:24 2010 +0530
+summary:     Modify the delegate_remainder function to send mails for the registered user and add content for registration update mail.
+changeset:   277:b203f1792ed2
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 18:47:42 2010 +0530
+summary:     Reverted local test database name.
+changeset:   276:325ec5a41269
+branch:      payments
+parent:      268:2d47a3eb5ec4
+parent:      275:679a9cab4bf1
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 16:16:28 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merge payments branch with the default mainline branch.
+changeset:   275:679a9cab4bf1
+branch:      south-migration
+parent:      274:334746111891
+parent:      243:483641c2a98a
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 16:10:38 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merge the south migration branch with an additional field for Laptop registration number with default branch.
+changeset:   274:334746111891
+branch:      south-migration
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 15:03:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add autogenerated migrations to the registration app.
+changeset:   273:5129e1427557
+branch:      south-migration
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 15:02:59 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add registration_id field to initial form in the field.
+changeset:   272:4801b7adbbc5
+branch:      south-migration
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 15:02:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add registration_id field to Wifi model and make necessary changes in the form.
+changeset:   271:412b8db4a036
+branch:      south-migration
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 15:00:13 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add south to INSTALLED_APPS for both development and production.
+changeset:   270:ecab1977eea9
+branch:      south-migration
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 14:59:39 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add south location for django paths.
+changeset:   269:6910c4dff916
+branch:      south-migration
+parent:      233:394576ff8a2f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 14:21:45 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add south to the buildout configuration for migrations.
+changeset:   268:2d47a3eb5ec4
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 14:18:33 2010 +0530
+summary:     Modify the help text of payment details to reflect examples.
+changeset:   267:efdc1fa99ef7
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 18:33:10 2010 +0530
+summary:     Convert multiple conditions to nested if in template since Django has a bug with conditionals in templates.
+changeset:   266:316d522c7d43
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 18:08:30 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a long check for alertness of payment names in the template.
+changeset:   265:4b40c44d9f2d
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 18:07:25 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a alert label block with bigger font size and red color.
+changeset:   264:f80e1c78dcc0
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:38:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add javascript to submit registration form template to make sure the details are supplied only when user fills in the details.
+changeset:   263:02593358eddc
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:37:36 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made adjustments in the view to make paid field a dummy form field and not a model field. Also added confirmed field as model field.
+changeset:   262:b7c39720475a
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:36:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Remove the paid field from model form since it is now a dummy form field.
+changeset:   261:148f277e7db2
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:36:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     Typo of type field twice is fixed to details field in the form of registrantion.
+changeset:   260:c6f65d399286
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:35:03 2010 +0530
+summary:     Change the model field name of the payment from paid to confirmed.
+changeset:   259:93cc238021ae
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:34:36 2010 +0530
+summary:     Modify the help text for details field to be more harsh on users so that they are clear as to what they are supposed to provide.
+changeset:   258:41178e6ce096
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:12:38 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a new template for payment management.
+changeset:   257:e2ff0c70014d
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:11:48 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a view to manage payments.
+changeset:   256:3dedcb0a0233
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 17:11:24 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a new URL for managing payments.
+changeset:   255:b20d55891709
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 19:43:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add cookie and return message for regstats view function.
+changeset:   254:7d0bb6e94deb
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 19:38:59 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add .db files to hgignore so the database file is not tracked.
+changeset:   253:09ec121a7ebf
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 19:36:00 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a - to the title of the header for Registration Statistics page.
+changeset:   252:4e5491df6510
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 18:42:26 2010 +0530
+summary:     Use different DB for testing payments.
+changeset:   251:b99607287a52
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 15:10:08 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add payment forms and object details in edit and submit registration views.
+changeset:   250:ac52304d265d
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 15:00:35 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a fieldset for payment details on the registration template.
+changeset:   249:9d90fbae1216
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 15:00:16 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a form for Payment and respective save and clean methods.
+changeset:   248:0fc144c69e84
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 14:59:46 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add paid boolean field to payment model to know whether the user has already paid the fees or not.
+changeset:   247:2907855f18c4
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 14:59:13 2010 +0530
+summary:     Rename created variable name to acco_created for acco object creation in edit registration view function.
+changeset:   246:1bd29275df1f
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 14:07:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Change docstring for form classes form PyCON to SciPyCON.
+changeset:   245:6ba059b30281
+branch:      payments
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 14:02:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add type and detail fields for the payment model.
+changeset:   244:5e6411f210de
+branch:      payments
+parent:      209:9f826165250a
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 10 07:02:57 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a skeleton payment model.
+changeset:   243:483641c2a98a
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 12:42:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     fixed an error in fee page.
+changeset:   242:01430ed5adf5
+parent:      241:159880292f66
+parent:      240:6d719268023b
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 12:29:07 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merged heads.
+changeset:   241:159880292f66
+parent:      238:0149f28a4f74
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Nov 18 12:28:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added wire transfer details to fees page.
+changeset:   240:6d719268023b
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Thu Nov 18 12:25:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     some more template changes to get-user-dump
+changeset:   239:1973bf1a0a5d
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Thu Nov 18 12:20:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changes to the template get-user-dump
+changeset:   238:0149f28a4f74
+parent:      237:4cff1f43e4e1
+parent:      233:394576ff8a2f
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Thu Nov 18 01:29:38 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merging heads
+changeset:   237:4cff1f43e4e1
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Thu Nov 18 01:20:54 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changes to make it possible for someone to view daily dumps.
+changeset:   236:29ecd3dd6565
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Nov 17 23:25:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merging heads
+changeset:   235:62f1cb02cb88
+parent:      234:849c8e8391d5
+parent:      196:d6b0220e37ab
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Nov 03 00:58:47 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merging heads
+changeset:   234:849c8e8391d5
+parent:      188:e98146ed3dca
+user:        Amit Sethi
+date:        Wed Nov 03 00:13:52 2010 +0530
+summary:     Handling the 500's for urls
+changeset:   233:394576ff8a2f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 16 18:09:55 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fix major bug: Change hard coded registration form redirect to based on User and do int conversions for ids.
+changeset:   232:6311e71ae54c
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 19:28:57 2010 +0530
+summary:     Minor edit to schedule.
+changeset:   231:839dd1745ad2
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 15:47:29 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fix style issues.
+changeset:   230:9649b07aa4c8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 15:46:51 2010 +0530
+summary:     Change audience database value to human readable value.
+changeset:   229:18a25490c673
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 15 15:13:00 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fix the copy paste fail of Special Talk heading from 1 to 2.
+changeset:   228:1199f0510480
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Sun Nov 14 20:42:33 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed video on home page to short version.
+changeset:   227:091f3896c5e8
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan <>
+date:        Sun Nov 14 14:26:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added titles and abstracts of Prabhu, Asokan and Fernando.
+changeset:   226:53ea13a2893e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Nov 14 00:39:59 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed other from sex selection choices for Registration accommodation form.
+changeset:   225:b906582ac2bb
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan <>
+date:        Sat Nov 13 20:36:43 2010 +0530
+summary:     Misc edits to the City page.
+changeset:   224:de84ceaaa16e
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 22:13:29 2010 +0530
+summary:     fixed bug in about city page.
+changeset:   223:cfdaf8150413
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 22:08:45 2010 +0530
+summary:     changed the left menu.
+changeset:   222:5662015fc9e2
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 22:11:25 2010 +0530
+summary:     fixed a bug in conference schedule page.
+changeset:   221:ed09ea8f8ea9
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 22:03:26 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added abstracts to conference schedule page.
+changeset:   220:1633a9693efa
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 21:06:49 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the about city page.
+changeset:   219:af8a1cd6ec5a
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 20:20:31 2010 +0530
+summary:     embedded map in about city page.
+changeset:   218:0e009b0080c3
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 20:04:59 2010 +0530
+summary:     added stefan's photo.
+changeset:   217:29e341584aba
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 19:53:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added certificates page.
+changeset:   216:b64e4240e94c
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 19:11:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     fixed formatting of homepage.
+changeset:   215:1cc6fec6a964
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 19:03:55 2010 +0530
+summary:     Embedded why python video in homepage.
+changeset:   214:d3c910ce9a16
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 12:06:41 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made changes to Schedule and Tutorials page.
+changeset:   213:079c29b18517
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Nov 12 11:42:18 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made sprints page, tutorials page and conference schedule page.
+changeset:   212:047b2f49979c
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Nov 11 18:57:49 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed an error in the schedule page.
+changeset:   211:f524b52de364
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Nov 11 18:56:44 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the schedule page.
+changeset:   210:b61bcea508ee
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Nov 11 18:43:19 2010 +0530
+summary:     Updated venue page, removed unwanted content.
+changeset:   209:9f826165250a
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Tue Nov 09 12:51:22 2010 +0530
+summary:     changed schedule with PR.
+changeset:   208:d5cfc76051ed
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Tue Nov 09 12:44:24 2010 +0530
+summary:     changed organizers page and the schedule with PR.
+changeset:   207:fe78b356c1a0
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Tue Nov 09 12:37:56 2010 +0530
+summary:     changed organizers page.
+changeset:   206:db5233e2f0cb
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas <>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 21:11:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed left menu.
+changeset:   205:a7e07964feaf
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 21:10:28 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added tutorial outline.
+changeset:   204:30f4885bce04
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 20:33:22 2010 +0530
+summary:     updated schedule page.
+changeset:   203:f6123d1edf06
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 11:43:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     added perry's photo to speaker profile page.
+changeset:   202:b4391b3d5fcc
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 00:49:22 2010 +0530
+summary:     Edit views to make room for accommodation forms.
+changeset:   201:2363acb15410
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 00:47:39 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Javascript to disable accommodation fields when accommodation is not required.
+changeset:   200:e31a620a511b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 00:47:57 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add html form fields for accommodation forms.
+changeset:   199:97cbeda302a9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 00:48:28 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added accommodation Django form, wrote the save method and overwrote the cleaner.
+changeset:   198:92fbbbc4c97a
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 08 00:48:45 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Django model for accommodation forms.
+changeset:   197:44f63728e9fa
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Wed Nov 03 13:42:04 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added A3 poster to publicity page.
+changeset:   196:d6b0220e37ab
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 02 22:35:02 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add the URL in the menu template for registration statistics.
+changeset:   195:ec3f4b2e8d37
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 02 22:32:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add the tempalte to display registration details.
+changeset:   194:808abc104b55
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 02 22:32:38 2010 +0530
+summary:     View to calculate the number of registrants per event.
+changeset:   193:ed5828a90109
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 02 22:13:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Copy the download csv code that was earlier written but scraped.
+changeset:   192:d87f0cd436e6
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 02 22:09:20 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a URL for registration statistics.
+changeset:   191:0eb941d14ec3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 02 22:01:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changing the fee details in the registration form to the link.
+changeset:   190:d351d19d3589
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Sun Oct 31 12:11:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     changes dates in right menu.
+changeset:   189:ff5ee7c15f21
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Oct 31 00:17:04 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed the broken URL for edit registration.
+changeset:   188:e98146ed3dca
+user:        amit
+date:        Sat Oct 30 13:24:30 2010 +0530
+summary:     unicode fix on organizers template page
+changeset:   187:49b1ec16f6ab
+parent:      186:8bd09b59f359
+parent:      185:7071ab9a6703
+user:        amit
+date:        Sat Oct 30 11:58:42 2010 +0530
+summary:     Merging heads
+changeset:   186:8bd09b59f359
+parent:      179:851b3fe8f30c
+user:        amit
+date:        Sat Oct 30 03:33:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     Handling the password in mail problem
+changeset:   185:7071ab9a6703
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Oct 29 19:59:03 2010 +0530
+summary:     added organizers page.
+changeset:   184:889a396bf8b9
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Oct 29 19:50:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed the left menu.
+changeset:   183:bbf606e38919
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Fri Oct 29 19:47:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed the fees page.
+changeset:   182:a466306ab957
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan
+date:        Fri Oct 29 18:08:57 2010 +0530
+summary:     changed PR speaker profile photo.
+changeset:   181:6f1ddb055929
+user:        Kadambari
+date:        Fri Oct 29 17:15:11 2010 +0530
+summary:     uploaded new A4 size scipy poster.
+changeset:   180:5787f3cb8c01
+user:        Kadambari Devarajan
+date:        Fri Oct 29 17:03:15 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added the registration fee page.
+changeset:   179:851b3fe8f30c
+user:        kadambari
+date:        Fri Oct 29 15:37:13 2010 +0530
+summary:     reviewed and updated the speaker profiles.
+changeset:   178:ec36f03fdca4
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Oct 21 17:41:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed bug in menu.
+changeset:   177:3a98e4cbcfde
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Oct 21 17:29:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added poster.
+changeset:   176:6a95fa45edf2
+user:        Anoop Jacob Thomas<>
+date:        Thu Oct 21 17:27:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added publicity page.
+changeset:   175:a51d2b6e9a78
+parent:      173:d1e03263a317
+parent:      174:ccd1a896dfea
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Mon Oct 18 23:29:05 2010 +0530
+summary:     Minor changes to the content of post-registration email.
+changeset:   174:ccd1a896dfea
+parent:      172:1e3f7e6a14ba
+user:        Puneeth Chaganti <>
+date:        Mon Oct 18 20:30:01 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed the bug with sending the mail content post registration.
+changeset:   173:d1e03263a317
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Oct 18 19:35:33 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the order of speakers.
+changeset:   172:1e3f7e6a14ba
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Oct 18 14:15:41 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the deadlines.
+changeset:   171:049b0d998377
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Oct 18 13:08:44 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the link to Invited speakers.
+changeset:   170:13b97c24e6d5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Oct 18 13:08:04 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added speakers profiles and opened up the link.
+changeset:   169:c44a0bb8d642
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Oct 18 12:13:51 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added CSS for city.
+changeset:   168:0d897f4062b3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Oct 17 02:28:31 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added images to About Hyderabad.
+changeset:   167:a19d841a71c8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Oct 17 02:14:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Reverting the CSS padding change changes.
+changeset:   166:b2fc9a58b4ee
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Oct 17 01:55:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     Adding scope parameter to the host city URL.
+changeset:   165:e5c0674761e7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Oct 17 00:09:41 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added an about page for Hyderabad city and corresponding links.
+changeset:   164:3b85720e62bf
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Oct 17 00:09:13 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed CSS to fit the padding.
+changeset:   163:c6eada0e1175
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Sep 21 12:38:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added back photos of 2009 speakers.
+changeset:   162:f6a0f52f6f1f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Sep 21 12:13:27 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed the day mistake in 2010 schedule.
+changeset:   161:edbba5016ae4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Sep 21 12:06:01 2010 +0530
+summary:     Updated the schedule for 2010.
+changeset:   160:1097a7718f99
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 15:39:47 2010 +0530
+summary:     Remove Edit Column in list my talks.
+changeset:   159:3b0045bbea1b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 15:39:23 2010 +0530
+summary:     Change the order of parameters for Edit talk URL.
+changeset:   158:3bf819c654a7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 15:38:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Enable talks and CFP in templates.
+changeset:   157:640ca1c2af76
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 15:38:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Remove indentation for paragraphs.
+changeset:   156:fdbefef52e1c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 15:37:50 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add scope to context params and list my talks method.
+changeset:   155:a38a60cbc6ab
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 15:37:17 2010 +0530
+summary:     Capitalize type of audience.
+changeset:   154:d26cedf5e0d3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 15:36:49 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add my talks URL and remove talks-cfp prefix from URLs.
+changeset:   153:e617dfb5e95f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Sep 08 10:42:08 2010 +0530
+summary:     Fixed the day on for Sprint.
+changeset:   152:64d37556e457
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 22 20:17:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Reverted the template loaders path.
+changeset:   151:f85b864f5f8b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 22 19:55:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added sitemaps framework and robots framework.
+changeset:   150:9e0d3287d753
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 22 19:54:31 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the template loader names to be compliant with upcoming Django changes in 1.2.
+changeset:   149:7166c54218ef
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 22 14:44:57 2010 +0530
+summary:     Reformatted and reindented the code in the password template.
+changeset:   148:8999d67e3054
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 22 14:44:30 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed 2009 from Admin base template headers.
+changeset:   147:c085ceb4652a
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 22 14:43:55 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made some style changes.
+changeset:   146:e23e937ddcda
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 17:02:10 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed unwanted mail texts and made the texts scope compliant.
+changeset:   145:2bb21b96f246
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 03:53:04 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added contact info to footer.
+changeset:   144:27bde1b86666
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 03:29:54 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added registration and event to accounts page form.
+changeset:   143:ea9477690acd
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 03:29:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added creation of profile to user creation since signals were removed.
+changeset:   142:70fcb57d8d15
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 03:28:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added event and registrants to Registration summary page.
+changeset:   141:3a325a865252
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 03:27:56 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added get_full_name to event and used in required templates.
+changeset:   140:dd313f32bbe3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 03:26:58 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed Website author details.
+changeset:   139:6e4719bb7df0
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 03:26:01 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Registration summary to the Account page.
+changeset:   138:250e2731039d
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:07:28 2010 +0530
+summary:     Reformatted the file and imports.
+changeset:   137:ec6e58c639bf
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:06:51 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added phone number, modified Occupation to be choice field.
+changeset:   136:267d9eee024b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:05:33 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made Timeline model to refer to Event model not vice-versa.
+changeset:   135:782f958b2cb2
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:04:48 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the URL to scope based system.
+changeset:   134:6d8d8b64853e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:04:03 2010 +0530
+summary:     Reformatted and reindented the submit registration form and also URLs to comply with scope based system.
+changeset:   133:c5de36c4573e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:03:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     Reorganized registration edit form to inherit from the submit form.
+changeset:   132:88932f326d96
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:02:36 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added Proceedings submission date to the right side menu.
+changeset:   131:bf9cc0961c31
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 02:02:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Modifed the LOGIN_URL variable for new scope based system.
+changeset:   130:c435a7c430a4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 21 00:35:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a initial fixture for base models i.e Event and Timeline for 2010.
+changeset:   129:5be95b4b3ac3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:49:45 2010 +0530
+summary:     Made changes to CSS for right menu and changed the file name.
+changeset:   128:d804be977989
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:28:45 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add scope as a parameter to all view functions for user app and adjusted the URLs to accommodate scope.
+changeset:   127:328b5244aa1c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:27:51 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add scope as a parameter to all view functions for talks app and adjusted the URLs to accommodate scope.
+changeset:   126:f185cb8316cf
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:27:16 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added scope to all URLs, all reverse functions and all view methods and removed unnecessary functions.
+changeset:   125:2456984cecfc
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:26:21 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add scope as a parameter to all view functions for proceedings app.
+changeset:   124:d62d301527b3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:24:20 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added null=True for all the Timeline model fields.
+changeset:   123:d4799b7159e4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:23:40 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add scope for all the URLs and adjust the formatting and indentation.
+changeset:   122:7bdf396d4778
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:18:44 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed Wifi form from the profile summary page.
+changeset:   121:78d082337ca4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:18:04 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added PIL to buildout.
+changeset:   120:e9172b05bba5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 19:17:47 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed CSV download and re-ordered admin and comment URL patterns.
+changeset:   119:05a3e98b1fe0
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 15:49:46 2010 +0530
+summary:     Adding scope as a parameter to all the views.
+changeset:   118:78dfa383f6a3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 15:48:35 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the URLs to accommodate scope as the parameter.
+changeset:   117:1b68c8aa6091
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 15:46:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Renamed and reordered the imports.
+changeset:   116:5191e1134082
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 15:46:27 2010 +0530
+summary:     Moved Timeline model to the top of the file.
+changeset:   115:4387e68286e7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 15:45:13 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added base as a Django app.
+changeset:   114:9e20a949fd54
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 15:44:39 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added a new admin for base models.
+changeset:   113:87a87487580d
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 15:44:02 2010 +0530
+summary:     Renamed sponsors template as right side menu template.
+changeset:   112:d4ec8917713e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 03:21:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added params.scope prefix to all the URLs.
+changeset:   111:0e2c94c6a9e8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 03:20:53 2010 +0530
+summary:     Adjusted views to send the scope in params.
+changeset:   110:627cd08619ee
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 03:20:02 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added timeline and event models and readjusted ScopedBase model.
+changeset:   109:0c24d69f0631
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 03:18:54 2010 +0530
+summary:     Manipulated all URLs to recognize the scope of the entities.
+changeset:   108:147c75a8f163
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 02:51:29 2010 +0530
+summary:     Change the path of local sqlite3 db file.
+changeset:   107:d8083b07989d
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 20 02:51:03 2010 +0530
+summary:     Set the current program scope as a settings variable.
+changeset:   106:3a31881564ba
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Jul 16 01:33:33 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add a scope pattern to the URLs.
+changeset:   105:9ce5f3e887ce
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 15 01:47:43 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the content to match 2010 initial plans. Commented out most part.
+changeset:   104:1a83a26756c3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 15 00:50:38 2010 +0530
+summary:     Renamed Base Model with scope and propogated it to other models.
+changeset:   103:034dc9cd752e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jul 15 00:50:16 2010 +0530
+summary:     Altered buildout configuration files to have MySQL-Python only on production.
+changeset:   102:68fb7911c438
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 14 19:34:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed blog templates.
+changeset:   101:61fc4aa7a09a
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 14 19:34:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added base app from which all other apps inherit and made corresponding changes in other apps.
+changeset:   100:2e17fbcee0c3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 14 19:17:31 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added back the deleted images. Had accidentally removed required images also.
+changeset:   99:256d32f954b6
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 14 19:12:44 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed unwanted images and added FOSSEE logo. Changed right side menu.
+changeset:   98:d6108402f324
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 14 03:14:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed json import to accommodate for Python 2.5.
+changeset:   97:16070c71aabe
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Jul 14 00:07:09 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the heading line for
+changeset:   96:178b89a3ca4f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 13 23:40:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed unwanted files and made more changes to make SciPyCon a clean app.
+changeset:   95:f94e0cd9a862
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 13 19:57:37 2010 +0530
+summary:     Removed the context processor for Sponspors.
+changeset:   94:87e77aa18610
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Jul 13 17:59:47 2010 +0530
+summary:     Moved the files to new Django app named scipycon and modified settings.
+changeset:   93:e86755df35da
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Apr 01 11:59:35 2010 +0530
+summary:     Add admin interface and views for proceedings. Booklet is also setup to generate paper.
+changeset:   92:3743275f7291
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 21:07:03 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added submission template to the repository.
+changeset:   91:dd6426394a9a
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 21:06:43 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added dynamic form jquery plugin to the repository.
+changeset:   90:587e9c025c73
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 21:05:52 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added UserProfile import which was missing to Proceedings views.
+changeset:   89:4ad0ba26ba48
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 21:05:06 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added URL mappers for proceedings to
+changeset:   88:82702820c8a4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 19:20:14 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added migrations files for proceedings app.
+changeset:   87:1ec579a679e4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 19:19:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added two models, Paper and Attachments.
+changeset:   86:cbe77a26e7a3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 19:19:12 2010 +0530
+summary:     Combined 2 authors fields in forms to a single author field. This will be taken care by jQuery on the UI side.
+changeset:   85:07b48746fe29
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 19:18:08 2010 +0530
+summary:     Changed the URL mapper for loading static content in debug mode. Appended static/.
+changeset:   84:d01c62c2a628
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Jan 14 15:54:34 2010 +0530
+summary:     Added the initial proceedings app files and enabled them in both production and development settings.
+changeset:   83:c6557935bc28
+parent:      82:a123369b0901
+parent:      80:d26e46249ff7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 28 23:37:32 2009 +0530
+summary:     Fixed a merge conflict with RSS feeds line commenting.
+changeset:   82:a123369b0901
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 28 23:25:47 2009 +0530
+summary:     Proceedings details mail.
+changeset:   81:d03e5260947e
+parent:      79:a5d348588b5b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 16 23:25:46 2009 +0530
+summary:     Commented RSS feeds.
+changeset:   80:d26e46249ff7
+date:        Wed Dec 16 23:42:56 2009 +0530
+summary:     Commented out RSS feed again.
+changeset:   79:a5d348588b5b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 16 22:58:13 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added /static to speakers images.
+changeset:   78:795dd8aeba9f
+date:        Wed Dec 16 22:27:22 2009 +0530
+summary:     All changes freeze along with Apache static file serving.
+changeset:   77:18723c0faeb1
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 14 01:34:46 2009 +0530
+summary:     Removed sprint and tutorial schedule from conference schedule.
+changeset:   76:c1f967c47334
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 14 01:32:05 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added tutorial schedule.
+changeset:   75:26f34fe4ebf5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 14 01:04:27 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added 2009 to day 1's date in the sprint schedule page.
+changeset:   74:1f99e847a8c7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Dec 14 01:02:08 2009 +0530
+summary:     Fixed days in sprint schedule.
+changeset:   73:05e834df29ff
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Dec 13 18:28:35 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added split schedule for tutorial and sprint.
+changeset:   72:c3f1a4cfb91f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Dec 13 16:36:32 2009 +0530
+summary:     Changed Travis from VP to P.
+changeset:   71:02621b32fb59
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Dec 13 10:41:39 2009 +0530
+summary:     Updated live stream URL on the header.
+changeset:   70:4188deda8856
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sun Dec 13 09:32:34 2009 +0530
+summary:     Day 2 schedule update.
+changeset:   69:a68aa8bc0eef
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 15:09:56 2009 +0530
+summary:     Fixed inauguration typo.
+changeset:   68:34a513ae187f
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 10:14:56 2009 +0530
+summary:     Fixed time issues in the schedule.
+changeset:   67:48454b116b66
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 09:59:42 2009 +0530
+summary:     Venue and schedule update on the day 1 of conference.
+changeset:   66:fdcf8ee37f4e
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 09:55:13 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added Wifi for admin page.
+changeset:   65:282cd6aa9fd8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 03:18:18 2009 +0530
+summary:     Admin page changes to get the name and search fields.
+changeset:   64:af5a8b6cbe4b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 03:04:07 2009 +0530
+summary:     Separated days for sprint.
+changeset:   63:cda1fb74ac67
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 03:02:55 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made PAsokan's talk the ending keynote.
+changeset:   62:59190c2d1988
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 03:00:51 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added some final touches to the schedule.
+changeset:   61:959ec5eaafb1
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 02:44:13 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added last day mail.
+changeset:   60:b078d1833e58
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 02:29:33 2009 +0530
+summary:     Updated all the schedule to a common page.
+changeset:   59:1229a47c63ea
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 12 02:17:26 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added schedule.
+changeset:   58:51217f07e73a
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 11 17:31:38 2009 +0530
+summary:     Changed style of time slots of days.
+changeset:   57:6699e5c82e60
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Dec 11 17:29:23 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added time slots of days.
+changeset:   56:71488e4d8dd7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 09 23:03:27 2009 +0530
+summary:     Changed width CSS property to list all talks table.
+changeset:   55:f6bd318b71a1
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 09 23:02:31 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added width CSS property to list all talks table.
+changeset:   54:351ca8d74da8
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 09 23:00:59 2009 +0530
+summary:     Removed abstract column from talks list page.
+changeset:   53:cc2604e0333c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 09 22:57:53 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added template file for list of talks.
+changeset:   52:5a108419f709
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 09 22:57:33 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added selected talks list.
+changeset:   51:3ae979055114
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 09 22:29:44 2009 +0530
+summary:     Accommodation CSS fix.
+changeset:   50:18471b0201a7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Dec 09 22:23:23 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added accommodation details.
+changeset:   49:eaa881b6b5f3
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Dec 08 20:26:06 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added how to reach the venue document.
+changeset:   48:bb835205604b
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Dec 08 12:21:09 2009 +0530
+summary:     Summary of individual events mail to all users.
+changeset:   47:668e7e0881b6
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 05 10:12:39 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made some typo fixes to delegate reminder mail.
+changeset:   46:971ba6d7a529
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 05 10:02:10 2009 +0530
+summary:     Changed the from ID.
+changeset:   45:a7cb2566be42
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 05 10:01:38 2009 +0530
+summary:     Delegate remainder mail.
+changeset:   44:c390adb66ba6
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Sat Dec 05 09:39:02 2009 +0530
+summary:     Sponsorship for speakers mail.
+changeset:   43:cb1a447c48f4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 03 01:45:17 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added a template for sending mails to remind users of their registration.
+changeset:   42:efacdf0cd268
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Dec 03 01:44:56 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added template which sends the accepted speakes a mail.
+changeset:   41:cf02d105aea2
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 23 12:01:47 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added a template for listing my talks.
+changeset:   40:c8414e2b34ce
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Mon Nov 23 12:01:22 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added my talks list page.
+changeset:   39:a09d54338547
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 18 15:52:42 2009 +0530
+summary:     Compressed image of Chris Burns.
+changeset:   38:428f9aeb2a78
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 18 15:50:13 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added content and style for speakers page.
+changeset:   37:9b646740d5dd
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 18 15:49:53 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added images of the speakers.
+changeset:   36:a658305c5fa5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 19:19:37 2009 +0530
+summary:     Corrected ID.
+changeset:   35:49fb13408210
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 13:11:35 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added a tentative schedule.
+changeset:   34:6363f5c657dd
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 13:11:19 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made some CSS style fixes for ol and ul.
+changeset:   33:7dc40ba1b35c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 13:10:27 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added speakers section.
+changeset:   32:d56751e6bfb0
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 12:49:55 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added info about Scipy.
+changeset:   31:bb9bb88b74db
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 12:49:41 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added justify to paragraphs in CSS.
+changeset:   30:7885952631b5
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 12:49:24 2009 +0530
+summary:     Moved SPACE Keral from Sponsors to Organizers.
+changeset:   29:32b000ad43b9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 12 12:49:02 2009 +0530
+summary:     Commented the print line.
+changeset:   28:09032925ad9d
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 16:03:10 2009 +0530
+summary:     Removed link to invoice on edit profile page.
+changeset:   27:1d772726c9d7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 15:59:32 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made a small textual change in the registrations template for activation page.
+changeset:   26:e3e4bcbc7c19
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 15:57:57 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made a small textual change in the registrations template.
+changeset:   25:ad091ba95653
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 15:56:21 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added i18 loader in one of the registration templates.
+changeset:   24:bb1f31e9c3ab
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 15:52:26 2009 +0530
+summary:     Fixed Activation.
+changeset:   23:3cb3f853a193
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 15:36:08 2009 +0530
+summary:     Moved ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS to and added name as a template variable.
+changeset:   22:2294c71a61ea
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 15:28:46 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made final changes to the mail to be sent.
+changeset:   21:127b772a3af4
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 11 12:55:39 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made changes to the activation mail and changed the activation dates.
+changeset:   20:486cfc8dd611
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Tue Nov 10 12:28:24 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added registration confirmation page.
+changeset:   19:fe95eee8ca3c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Nov 06 12:06:19 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made registration fixes.
+changeset:   18:42bc8a9c20bd
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 15:42:22 2009 +0530
+summary:     Reorganized sponsors and organizers.
+changeset:   17:b150327aaf38
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 15:36:14 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added sponsors for the event.
+changeset:   16:443f0c122c8c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 14:41:33 2009 +0530
+summary:     css changes.
+changeset:   15:07e4c036a0e7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 14:37:18 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added venue information.
+changeset:   14:290f37228707
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 14:25:03 2009 +0530
+summary:     Made a fix by adding ^$ to the home url mapper.
+changeset:   13:1de2f4008a5d
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 14:20:58 2009 +0530
+summary:     Forgot to add home.html in previous commit. Adding it now.
+changeset:   12:39f05885c9e7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 14:19:47 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added home page in and its template. Also added important dates.
+changeset:   11:ccd48e1468bd
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 13:54:57 2009 +0530
+summary:     Removed unnecessary fields from talk views.
+changeset:   10:6bb24e2e6d9c
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 03:48:50 2009 +0530
+summary:     Changed Jarrod's link with his name in the organizers section.
+changeset:   9:e0b9c2f8c433
+parent:      8:bffb109e23c1
+parent:      6:f6851340fc73
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 03:24:06 2009 +0530
+summary:     Merged Mainline and Madhu branches.
+changeset:   8:bffb109e23c1
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 03:19:10 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added cfp related changes.
+changeset:   7:ac5a1c60c2bc
+parent:      4:f9757a637d04
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Thu Nov 05 03:01:40 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added initial migrates.
+changeset:   6:f6851340fc73
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Wed Nov 04 16:51:32 2009 -0500
+summary:     Added apache directory to .hgignore.
+changeset:   5:44bbc75fdd85
+date:        Wed Nov 04 16:49:51 2009 -0500
+summary:     Added local changes after first push to the server.
+changeset:   4:f9757a637d04
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Oct 30 16:09:59 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added few more items to .hgignore.
+changeset:   3:46bc6652d644
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Oct 30 16:07:49 2009 +0530
+summary:     Removed all unwanted files.
+changeset:   2:5d9dfa859761
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Oct 30 15:13:23 2009 +0530
+summary:     Changed the content of the Schedule and CfP pages.
+changeset:   1:fda1c66b25f9
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Oct 30 15:09:12 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added all the files from kiwipycon and the changes made for
+changeset:   0:9a77edda77b7
+user:        Madhusudan.C.S <>
+date:        Fri Oct 30 15:08:20 2009 +0530
+summary:     Added .hgignore file.
--- a/project/templates/talk/conf_schedule.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/templates/talk/conf_schedule.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {% extends "base.html" %}
 {% block content %}
-<h1 class="title"> 2010 Conference Schedule</h1>
+<h1 class="title"> 2011 Conference Schedule</h1>
 <h2 id="sec-1">Day 1 </h2>
@@ -13,37 +13,28 @@
 <tr><th scope="col" class="right">Time</th><th scope="col" class="left">Speaker</th><th scope="col" class="left">Title</th></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">09:00-09:30</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Inauguration</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">09:30-10:30</td><td class="left">Perry Greenfield</td><td class="left"><b>Keynote</b>: <a href="#sec-3_1">How Python Slithered into Astronomy</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">10:30-10:45</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Tea Break</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">10:45-11:30</td><td class="left">Fernando Perez</td><td class="left"><b>Special Talk</b>: <a href="#sec-3_2">IPython : Beyond the Simple Shell</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">11:30-11:50</td><td class="left">Farhat Habib</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_1">Python as a Platform for Scientific Computing Literacy for 10+2 Students: Weighing the Balance</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">11:50-12:10</td><td class="left">Jayesh Gandhi</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_14">Microcontroller experiment and its simulation using Python</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">12:10-12:40</td><td class="left">Vaidhy Mayilrangam</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_17">Natural Language Processing Using Python</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">12:40-13:10</td><td class="left">Georges Khaznadar</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_10">Live media for training in experimental sciences</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">13:10-14:10</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Lunch</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:10-14:20</td><td class="left">Shubham Chakraborty</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_11">Use of Python and Phoenix-M interface in Robotics</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:20-14:30</td><td class="left">Erroju Rama Krishna</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_8">Simplified and effective Network Simulation using ns-3</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:30-14:40</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">More Lightning Talks</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:40-15:10</td><td class="left">Asokan Pichai</td><td class="left"><b>Invited Talk</b>:  <a href="#sec-3_3">Teaching Programming with Python</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">15:10-15:30</td><td class="left">Hemanth Chandran</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_19">Performance Evaluation of HYBRID MAC for 802.11ad: Next Generation Multi-Gbps Wi-Fi using SimPy</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">15:30-15:50</td><td class="left">Karthikeyan selvaraj</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_9">PyCenter</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">15:50-16:10</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Tea Break</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">16:10-16:40</td><td class="left">Satrajit Ghosh</td><td class="left"><b>Invited Talk</b>: <a href="#sec-3_6">Nipype: Opensource platform for unified and replicable interaction with existing neuroimaging tools</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">16:40-17:00</td><td class="left">Nek Sharan</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_7">Parallel Computation of Axisymmetric Jets</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">17:00-17:20</td><td class="left">pankaj pandey</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_20">PySPH: Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics with Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">09:00-09:15</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Inauguration</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">09:15-10:15</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Eric Jones</td><td class="left"><b>Keynote: What Matters in Scientific Software Projects? 10 Years of Success and Failure Distilled</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">10:15-10:45</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Tea Break</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">10:45-11:05</td><td class="left">Ankur Gupta</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.2">Multiprocessing module and Gearman</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">11:05-11:35</td><td class="left">Kunal Puri</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.9">Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">11:35-12:20</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Mateusz Paprocki</td><td class="left"><b><a href = "#sec2.26">Understanding importance of automated software testing</b></a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">12:20-13:20</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><b>Lunch</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">13:20-14:05</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Ajith Kumar</td><td class="left"><b>Invited Talk</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">14:05-14:25</td><td class="left">Bala Subrahmanyam Varanasi</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.6">Sentiment Analysis</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">14:25-14:55</td><td class="left">Jayneil Dalal</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.8">Building Embedded Systems for Image Processing using Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">14:55-15:05</td><td class="left">IITB Students[Changed to Day 2 lightning talk slot]</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.24">Project Presentation</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">15:05-15:35</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><b>Tea Break</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">15:35-16:20</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Prabhu Ramachandran</td><td class="left"><b>Invited Talk</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">16:20-16:40</td><td class="left">William Natharaj P.S</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.3">Automated Measurement of Magnetic properties of Ferro-Magnetic materials using Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">16:40-17:00</td><td class="left">Nivedita Datta</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.10">Encryptedly yours : Python & Cryptography</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">17:10-17:30</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><b>Lightning Talks</b></td></tr>
 <h2 id="sec-2">Day 2 </h2>
 <table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
 <colgroup><col class="right" /><col class="left" /><col class="left" />
@@ -52,1434 +43,446 @@
 <tr><th scope="col" class="right">Time</th><th scope="col" class="left">Speaker</th><th scope="col" class="left">Title</th></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">09:00-10:00</td><td class="left">John Hunter</td><td class="left"><b>Special Talk</b>: <a href="#sec-3_4">matplotlib: Beyond the simple plot</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">10:00-10:45</td><td class="left">Prabhu Ramachandran</td><td class="left"><b>Invited Talk</b>: <a href="#sec-3_5">Mayavi : Bringing Data to Life</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">10:45-11:00</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Tea</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">11:00-11:45</td><td class="left">Stéfan van der Walt</td><td class="left"><b>Invited Talk</b>: <a href="#sec-3_7">In Pursuit of a Pythonic PhD</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">11:45-12:15</td><td class="left">Dharhas Pothina</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_6">HyPy &amp; HydroPic: Using python to analyze hydrographic survey data</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">12:15-12:35</td><td class="left">Prashant Agrawal</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_18">A Parallel 3D Flow Solver in Python Based on Vortex Methods</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">12:35-13:05</td><td class="left">Ajith Kumar</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_12">Python in Science Experiments using Phoenix</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">13:05-14:05</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Lunch</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:05-14:15</td><td class="left">Harikrishna</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_23">Python based Galaxy workflow integration on GARUDA Grid</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:15-14:25</td><td class="left">Arun C. H.</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_3">Automation of an Optical Spectrometer</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:25-14:35</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><a href="#More==Lightning==Talks">More Lightning Talks</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:35-14:55</td><td class="left">Krishnakant Mane</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_22">Convincing Universities to include Python</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">14:55-15:15</td><td class="left">Shantanu Choudhary</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_4">"Python" Swiss army knife for Prototyping, Research and Fun.</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">15:15-15:35</td><td class="left">Puneeth Chaganti</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_21">Pictures, Songs and Python</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">15:35-15:55</td><td class="left">Hrishikesh Deshpande</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_5">Wavelet based denoising of ECG using Python</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">15:55-16:10</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left">Tea-Break</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">16:10-16:40</td><td class="left">Jarrod Millman</td><td class="left"><b>Invited Talk</b><a href="#sec-3_8">Building an open development community for neuroimaging analysis</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">16:40-17:00</td><td class="left">Ramakrishna Reddy Yekulla</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_13">Building and Packaging your Scientific Python Application For Linux Distributions</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">17:00-17:20</td><td class="left">Yogesh Karpate</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_16">Automatic Proteomic Finger Printing using Scipy</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="right">17:20-17:40</td><td class="left">Manjusha Joshi</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec-4_15">SAGE for Scientific computing and Education enhancement</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">09:00-09:45</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Gaël Varoquaux</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.23"><b>Machine learning as a tool for Neuroscience</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">09:45-10:15</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Kannan Moudgalya</td><td class="left"><b>National Mission on Education Through ICT</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">10:15-10:45</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><b>Tea</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">10:45-11:05</td><td class="left">Hrishikesh Deshpande</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.14">Higher Order Statistics in Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">11:05-11:25</td><td class="left">Jaidev Deshpande</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.18">A Python Toolbox for the Hilbert-Huang Transform</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">11:25-12:10</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Emmanuelle Gouillart</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.27"><b>3-D image processing and visualization with the scientific-Python stack</b></a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">12:10-13:10</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><b>Lunch</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">13:10-13:50</td><td class="left">[Invited Speaker] Ole Nielsen/Panel Discussion with Invited Speakers</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.25"><b>7 Steps to Python Software That Works<a/> / Community Building in Open Source Projects</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">13:50-14:20</td><td class="left">Kunal Puri</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.21">GPU Accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics with Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">14:20-14:50</td><td class="left">Chetan Giridhar</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.19">Diving in to Byte-code optimization in Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">14:50-15:20</td><td class="left">Vishal Kanaujia</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.7">Exploiting the power of multicore for scientific computing in Python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">15:20-15:50</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><b>Tea</b></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">15:50-16:10</td><td class="left">Mahendra Naik</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.13">Large amounts of data downloading and processing in python with facebook data as reference</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">16:10-16:20</td><td class="left">Sachin Shinde</td><td class="left"><a href="#sec2.22">Reverse Engineering and python</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="right">16:20-17:00</td><td class="left"></td><td class="left"><b>Lightning Talks</b></td></tr>
-<h2 id="sec-3">Invited Talks </h2>
-<h3 id="sec-3_1">How Python Slithered into Astronomy </h3>
-<p>Perry Greenfield
-<h4 id="sec-3_1_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>I will talk about how Python was used to solve our problems for
-the Hubble Space Telescope. From humble beginnings as a glue
-element for our legacy software, it has become a cornerstone of
-our scientific software for HST and the next large space
-telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope, as well as many other
-astronomy projects. The talk will also cover some of the history
-of essential elements for scientific Python and where future
-work is needed, and why Python is so well suited for scientific
-<h3 id="sec-3_2">IPython : Beyond the Simple Shell </h3>
-<p>Fernando Perez
-<h4 id="sec-3_2_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>IPython is a widely used system for interactive computing in
-Python that extends the capabilities of the Python shell with
-operating system access, powerful object introspection,
-customizable "magic" commands and many more features. It also
-contains a set of tools to control parallel computations via
-high-level interfaces that can be used either interactively or
-in long-running batch mode. In this talk I will outline some of
-the main features of IPython as it has been widely adopted by
-the scientific Python user base, and will then focus on recent
-developments. Using the high performance ZeroMQ networking
-library, we have recently restructured IPython to decouple the
-kernel executing user code from the control interface. This
-allows us to expose multiple clients with different
-capabilities, including a terminal-based one, a rich Qt client
-and a web-based one with full matplotlib support. In conjunction
-with the new HTML5 matplotlib backend, this architecture opens
-the door for a rich web-based environment for interactive,
-collaborative and parallel computing. There is much interesting
-development to be done on this front, and I hope to encourage
-participants at the sprints during the conference to join this
+<h2> Coverage</h2>
+<h3 id="sec2.2">Ankur Gupta : Multiprocessing module and Gearman</h3>
+<p class="abstract">Large Data Sets and Multi-Core computers are becoming a common place in today's world. 
+Code that utilizes all cores at disposal is prerequisite to process large data sets. 
+Scaling over multiple machines/cluster allows for horizontal scaling. 
+Drawing on experience of working with a Team at HP that created an near real time 
+early warning software named OSSA. OSSA processed over 40TB+ compressed data at HP using 32 cores spread over 
+a cluster of machine. Multiprocessing and Gearman ( a distributed job queue with Python bindings ) allows 
+any simple python script to go distributed with minimal refactoring.</p>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<h3 id="sec-3_3">Teaching Programming with Python </h3>
-<p>Asokan Pichai
-<h4 id="sec-3_3_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>As a trainer I have been engaged a lot for teaching fresh
-Software Engineers and software job aspirants. Before starting
-on the language, platform specific areas I teach a part I refer
-to as Problem Solving and Programming Logic. I have used Python
-for this portion of training in the last 12+years. In this talk
-I wish to share my experiences and approaches. This talk is
-intended at Teachers, Trainers, Python Evangelists, and HR
-Managers [if they lose their way and miraculously find
-themselves in SciPy :-)]
-<h3 id="sec-3_4">matplotlib: Beyond the simple plot </h3>
-<p>John Hunter
+<h3 id="sec2.3">William Natharaj P.S: Automated Measurement of Magnetic properties of Ferro-Magnetic materials using Python</h3>
+<p>Hysterisis is basically a phenomenon where the behaviour of a system depends on the way the system moves.  
+On increasing the magnetizing field H applied to a magnetic material ,  
+the corresponding induction B traces a different path when it increases from that when the field  
+decreases tracing a loop. It is often referred to as the  B-H loop.</p> 
+<p>A ferromagnetic  specimen is placed co-axially in an applied magnetic field. 
+The specimen gets magnetised and  the magnetisation undergoes a variation due to the varying field . 
+This variation is picked up by a pickup coil which is placed co-axially with the specimen.  
+The dB/dt signal thus pickedup  is propotional to dB/dt, which on integration gives the desired  B. 
+The H field is sampled as proportional  to the energyzing current.</p>
+<p>Data  acquisition of  H and dB/dt  is done using a microcontroller 
+based Data acquisition system which is implimented in Python. 
+The signal is acquired alternately choosing the H and the dB/dt. 
+The acquired data is nose reduced by averaging over various cycles. 
+The processed signal dB/dt  is integrated numerically making sure that 
+the constant of integration chosen makes B swing equally on both sides of the H axis .  
+The electronic circuitry used introduces an extra phase shift. 
+This is nulled by running the experiment in air  where B-H curve is only a straight line. 
+The retentivity, coercivity and the susceptibility of the specimen are calculated as the modulus 
+of the  X and the modulus of the  Y intercepts . 
+The result for steel agrees with reported values. 
+This method also gives a way of calculating the hysterysis loss in the sample percycle.  
-<h4 id="sec-3_4_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>matplotlib, a python package for making sophisticated
-publication quality 2D graphics, and some 3D, has long supported
-a wide variety of basic plotting types such line graphs, bar
-charts, images, spectral plots, and more. In this talk, we will
-look at some of the new features and performance enhancements in
-matplotlib as well as some of the comparatively undiscovered
-features such as interacting with your data and graphics, and
-animating plot elements with the new animations API. We will
-explore the performance with large datasets utilizing the new
-path simplification algorithm, and discuss areas where
-performance improvements are still needed. Finally, we will
-demonstrate the new HTML5 backend, which in combination with the
-new HTML5 IPython front-end under development, will enable an
-interactive Python shell with interactive graphics in a web
-<h3 id="sec-3_5">Mayavi : Bringing Data to Life </h3>
-<p>Prabhu Ramachandran
-<h4 id="sec-3_5_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>Mayavi is a powerful 3D plotting package implemented in
-Python. It includes both a standalone user interface along with
-a powerful yet simple scripting interface. The key feature of
-Mayavi though is that it allows a Python user to rapidly
-visualize data in the form of NumPy arrays. Apart from these
-basic features, Mayavi has some advanced features. These
-include, automatic script recording, embedding into a custom
-user dialog and application. Mayavi can also be run in an
-offscreen mode and be embedded in a sage notebook
-(<a href=""></a>). We will first rapidly demonstrate
-these key features of Mayavi. We will then discuss some of the
-underlying technologies like enthought.traits, traitsUI and TVTK
-that form the basis of Mayavi. The objective of this is to
-demonstrate the wide range of capabilities that both Mayavi and
-its underlying technologies provide the Python programmer.
-<h3 id="sec-3_6">Nipype: Opensource platform for unified and replicable interaction with existing neuroimaging tools </h3>
-<p>Satrajit Ghosh
-<h4 id="sec-3_6_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<h3 id="sec2.6">Bala Subrahmanyam Varanasi : Sentiment Analysis</h3>
+<p>This talk will start with a quick overview of my topic - Sentiment analysis, its 
+Applications, Opportunities and various Challenges involved in Sentiment Mining. 
+Later, we present our machine learning experiments conducted using Natural Language Tool Kit 
+(NLTK) with regard to sentiment analysis for the language "Telugu", where this work is less implemented.</p> 
+<p>We have developed a Sentiment analyzer for Telugu Language.  
+For that we developed movie review corpus from a popular website as our 
+data set which is classified according to subjectivity/objectivity and negative/positive attitude.  
+We used different approaches in extracting text features such as bag-of-words model, 
+using large movie reviews corpus, restricting to adjectives and adverbs, 
+handling negations and bounding word frequencies by a threshold. 
+We conclude our study with explanation of observed trends in accuracy rates and providing directions for future work.</p>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
+<h3 id="sec2.7">Vishal Kanaujia : Exploiting the power of multicore for scientific computing in Python</h3>
+<p>Multicore systems offer abundant potential for parallel computing, 
+and Python developers are flocking to tap this power. 
+Python is gaining popularity in high performance computing with rich set of libraries and frameworks.</p>
+<p>Typically, scientific applications viz. modeling weather patterns, 
+seismographic data, astronomical analysis etc, deal with huge data-set. 
+Processing of this raw data for further analysis is a highly CPU-intensive task. 
+Hence it is critical that design and development of these applications should 
+look towards utilizing multiple CPU cores in an efficient manner for high performance.</p>
-<p>Current neuroimaging software offer users an incredible
-opportunity to analyze their data in different ways, with
-different underlying assumptions. However, this has resulted in
-a heterogeneous collection of specialized applications without
-transparent interoperability or a uniform operating
-interface. Nipype, an open-source, community-developed
-initiative under the umbrella of Nipy, is a Python project that
-solves these issues by providing a uniform interface to existing
-neuroimaging software and by facilitating interaction between
-these packages within a single workflow. Nipype provides an
-environment that encourages interactive exploration of
-neuroimaging algorithms from different packages, eases the
-design of workflows within and between packages, and reduces the
-learning curve necessary to use different packages. Nipype is
-creating a collaborative platform for neuroimaging software
-development in a high-level language and addressing limitations
-of existing pipeline systems.
-<h3 id="sec-3_7">In Pursuit of a Pythonic PhD </h3>
-<p>Stéfan van der Walt
-<h4 id="sec-3_7_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>In May of 2005, I started a pilgrimage to transform myself into
-a doctor of engineering. Little did I know, then, that my
-journey would bring me in touch with some of the most creative,
-vibrant and inspiring minds in the open source world, and that
-an opportunity would arise to help realise their (and now my)
-dream: a completely free and open environment for performing
-cutting edge science. In this talk, I take you on my journey,
-and along the way introduce the NumPy and SciPy projects, our
-community, the early days of packaging, our documentation
-project, the publication of conference proceedings as well as
-work-shops and sprints around the world. I may even tell you a
-bit about my PhD on super-resolution imaging!
+<p>This talk discusses different methods to achieve parallelism in 
+Python applications and analyze these methods for effectiveness and suitability.</p> 
-<h3 id="sec-3_8">Building an open development community for neuroimaging analysis</h3>
-<p>Jarrod Millman
-<h4 id="sec-3_8_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>Programming is becoming increasingly important to scientific activity.  As its
-importance grows, the need for better software tools becomes more and more
-central to scientific practice.  However, many fields of science rely on
-badly written, poorly documented, and insufficiently tested codebases.  
-Moreover, scientific software packages often implement only the approaches
-and algorithms needed or promoted by the specific lab where the software
-was written.</p>
-<p>In this talk, I will illustrate this situation by discussing some of the
-weaknesses of the software ecosystem for neuroimaging analysis circa 2004.
-I will then describe how several of my colleagues and I are attempting
-to rectify this situation with a project called Neuroimaging in Python
-(  Specifically, I will discuss the approach we've taken
-(e.g., using Python) and the lessons we've learned.
-<h2 id="sec-4">Submitted Talks </h2>
+	<li>Problem context: Big data problem</li>
+	<li>Designing Python programs for multicores</li>
+	<li>Achieving parallelism
+		<ul>
+			<li>Multithreading and the infamous GIL</li>
+			<li>Exploring multiprocessing</li>
+			<li>Jython concurrency</li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<h3 id="sec-4_1">Python as a Platform for Scientific Computing Literacy for 10+2 Students: Weighing the Balance </h3>
-<p>Farhat Habib
-<h4 id="sec-4_1_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>The use of Python as a language for introducing computing is
-becoming increasingly widespread.  Here we report out findings
-from two years of running an introduction to computing course
-with Python as the programming language, and building upon it,
-using SciPy as a scientific computing language in a course on
-scientific computing.
+<h3 id="sec2.8">Jayneil Dalal : Building Embedded Systems for Image Processing using Python</h3>
+<p>I plan to teach everyone how to import the very popular and powerful 
+OpenCV library to Python and use it for image processing. 
+I will also cover the installation of the same as it is a very 
+cumbersome and a bit difficult task. Then we will do basic image processing programs . 
+Then I will teach how to interact with an embedded system(Arduino) using Pyserial 
+module and carry out different actions(Turn on LED etc.) 
+So finally we will develop a full fledged embedded system. 
+For e.g.: We will do image processing to detect a certain object in a given 
+image and based on the output of that, the embedded system will do a certain task. 
+If in a given image using facial recognition, a face is detected then an LED will be turned ON! All using python.
-The course is designed as a general computing course for
-introducing computing to first year undergraduate students of
-science. We find that a large majority of our incoming students
-have no prior exposure to programming and none of the students
-had any exposure to Python. Thus, the design of the course is
-such that it allows everybody to be brought up to speed with
-general programming concepts.  Later, the students will later
-specialize in varied topics from Biology to pure Mathematics,
-thus, the course emphasizes general computing concepts over
-specialized techniques. At a second course in Scien- tific
-Computing numerical methods are introduced with the aid of
-Scipy. The introduction to computing course has been taught
-twice in Fall 2009 and 2010 to batches of around 100 students
-each. In this paper we report our experience with teaching
-Python and student and faculty feedback related to the course.
-<h3 id="sec-4_2">Usb Connectivity Using Python </h3>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>Arun C. H. 
-<h4 id="sec-4_2_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<h3 id="sec2.9">Kunal Puri : Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Python</h3>
+<p>We present PySPH as a framework for smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations in Python. 
+PySPH can be used for a wide class of problems including fluid dynamics, solid mechanics and 
+compressible gas dynamics. We demonstrate how to run simulations and view the results with PySPH from the end-user's perspective.
-<p>Host software using Python interpreter language to communicate
-with the USB Mass Storage class device is developed and
-tested. The <sub>usic18F4550</sub>.pyd module encapsulating all the
-functions needed to configure USB is developed. The Python
-extension .pyd using C/C++ functions compatible for Windows make
-use of SWIG, distutils and MinGW. SWIG gives the flexibility to
-access lower level C/C++ code through more convenient and higher
-level languages such as Python, Java, etc. Simplified Wrapper and
-Interface Generator (SWIG) is a middle interface between Python
-and C/C++. The purpose of the Python interface is to allow the
-user to initialize and configure USB through a convenient
-scripting layer. The module is built around libusb which can
-control an USB device with just a few lines. Libusb-win32 is a
-port of the USB library to the Windows operating system. The
-library allows user space applications to access any USB device on
-Windows in a generic way without writing any line of kernel driver
-code. A simple data acquisition system for measuring analog
-voltage, setting and reading the status of a particular pin of the
-micro controller is fabricated. It is interfaced to PC using USB
-port that confirms to library USB win32 device. The USB DAQ
-hardware consists of a PIC18F4550 micro-controller and the
-essential components needed for USB configuration.
-<h3 id="sec-4_3">Automation of an Optical Spectrometer </h3>
+<p>Note: This is intended to be a magazine-style article as the PySPH architecture is discussed elsewhere.</p>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>Arun C. H. 
-<h4 id="sec-4_3_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>This paper describes the automation performed for an Optical
-Spectrometer in order to precisely monitor angles, change
-dispersing angle and hence measure wave length of light using a
-data logger, necessary hardware and Python. Automating instruments
-through programs provides great deal of power, flexibility and
-precision. Optical Spectrometers are devices which analyze the
-wave length of light, and are typically used to identify
-materials, and study their optical properties. A broad spectrum of
-light is dispersed using a grating and the dispersed light is
-measured using a photo transistor. The signal is processed and
-acquired using a data logger. Transfer of data, changing angle of
-diffraction are all done using the Python. The angle of
-diffraction is varied by rotating the detector to pick up lines
-using a stepper motor. The Stepper motor has 180 steps or 2
-degrees per step. A resolution of 0.1 degree is achieved in the
-spectrometer by using the proper gear ratio. The data logger is
-interfaced to the computer through a serial port. The stepper
-motor is also interfaced to the computer through another serial
-port. Python is chosen here for its succinct notation and is
-implemented in a Linux environment.
-<h3 id="sec-4_4">"Python" Swiss army knife for Prototyping, Research and Fun. </h3>
-<p>Shantanu Choudhary 
+<h3 id="sec2.10">Nivedita Datta : Encryptedly yours : Python & Cryptography</h3>
+<p>In today's world, the hard truth about protecting electronic messages and 
+transactions is that no matter how advanced the technology being used, 
+there is no guarantee of absolute security. As quickly as researchers develop 
+ever-more-rigorous methods for keeping private information private, 
+others figure out how to skirt those safeguards. That's particularly worrisome as our 
+society becomes more and more dependent on e-commerce. Scientists say that even measures 
+now considered virtually 'unbreakable' might someday be broken, by either mathematicians or 
+computers that develop new algorithms to crack the protective code.
-<h4 id="sec-4_4_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>This talk would be covering usage of Python in different scenarios which helped me through my work:
-Small mlab(Mayavi) scripts which helped in better understanding
-of problem statement.
-Python3.0 and its blender API's for writing plugins which are
-used for Open Source Animation movie project
-PyOpenCL Python's interfacing for OpenCL which helped in
-prototyping and speed up of application.
+	<li>What is cryptography</li>
+	<li>Why cryptography</li>
+	<li>Basic terminologies</li>
+	<li>
+		Classification of cryptographic algorithms
+		<ul>
+			<li>Stream cipher and block ciphers</li>
+			<li>Public key and private key algorithms</li>
+		</ul>
+	</li>
+	<li>Introduction to hashing</li>
+	<li>Introduction to pycrypto module</li>
+	<li>pycrypto installation steps</li>
+	<li>Code for few cryptographic and hashing algorithms</li>
-<h3 id="sec-4_5">Wavelet based denoising of ECG using Python </h3>
-<p>Hrishikesh Deshpande 
-<h4 id="sec-4_5_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>The python module "RemNoise" is presented. It allows user to
-automatically denoise one-dimensional signal using wavelet
-transform. It also removes baseline wandering and motion
-artifacts. While RemNoise is developed primarily for biological
-signals like ECG, its design is generic enough that it should be
-useful to applications involving one-dimensional signals. The
-basic idea behind this work is to use multi-resolution property of
-wavelet transform that allows to study non-stationary signals in
-greater depth. Any signal can be decomposed into detail and
-approximation coefficients, which can further be decomposed into
-higher levels and this approach can be used to analyze the signal
-in time-frequency domain. The very first step in any
-data-processing application is to pre-process the data to make it
-noise-free. Removing noise using wavelet transform involves
-transforming the dataset into wavelet domain, zero out all
-transform coefficients using suitable thresholding method and
-reconstruct the data by taking its inverse wavelet transform. This
-module makes use of PyWavelets, Numpy and Matplotlib libraries in
-Python, and involves thresholding wavelet coefficients of the data
-using one of the several thresholding methods. It also allows
-multiplicative threshold rescaling to take into consideration
-detail coefficients in each level of wavelet decomposition. The
-user can select wavelet family and level of decompositions as
-required. To evaluate the module, we experimented with several
-complex one-dimensional signals and compared the results with
-equivalent procedures in MATLAB. The results showed that RemNoise
-is excellent module to preprocess data for noise-removal.
+<h3 id="sec2.13">Mahendra Naik : Large amounts of data downloading and processing in python with facebook data as reference</h3>
+<p>Python is an easy to learn language which helps for rapid development of applications. 
+The only visbile hindrance to python is the speed of processing ,primarily because it is a scripting language. 
+Scientific computing involves processing large amounts of data in a very short period of time. 
+This paper talks about an efficient algorithm to process massive(GB's) textual data in time interval of less than a second. 
+There will not be any changes to core python. 
+The existing python libraries will be used to process this data. 
+The main aspect of the project is that we will not be dealing with the old data stored in the filesystem . 
+We will be downloading data from the internet and the processing will happen in real-time. 
+So, an effective caching , if any used should be implemented. 
+A database like MYSQL will be used to store the data.</p> 
+<p>Pythreads will be used for parallel downloading and processing of data. 
+So a constant stream of huge data will be downloaded and later processed for the required data. 
+This algorithm can find use in scientific applications where a large data needs to processes in real-time. 
+And this will be achieved without making any changes to core python. 
+The data we will be processing on would be retrieved from facebook. 
+Facebook was choosen because of its massive userbase and the massive data stored for almost every user. 
+Another reason for choosing facebook was the availability of api's to access data. 
+Facebook exposes its data to developers through facebook platform. 
+We will be using facebook's graph api to download data from facebook. 
+Graph api stores each and every element from facebook as an id. 
+The data from all the id's from 1 to a very huge number (eg:10 billion) 
+will be extracted from facebook and will be processed to retrieve the required data. 
+The main intention of the project is to implement an algorithm to process massive amounts of data in real time using python . 
+As explained above we will take facebook as the reference data.</p>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<h3 id="sec-4_6">HyPy &amp; HydroPic: Using python to analyze hydrographic survey data </h3>
-<p>Dharhas Pothina 
-<h4 id="sec-4_6_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<h3 id="sec2.14">Hrishikesh Deshpande : Higher Order Statistics in Python</h3>
+<p>In many signal and image processing applications, correlation and power spectrum have been used as primary tools; the information contained in the power spectrum is provided by auto-correlation and is sufficient for complete statistical descriptions of Gaussian signals of known means. However, there exist some practical situations where one needs to look beyond auto-correlation operation to extract information pertaining to deviation from Gaussianity and the presence of phase relations. Higher Order Statistics (HOS) are the extensions of second order measures to higher orders and have proven to be useful in problems where non-gaussianity, non-minimal phase or non-linearity has some role to play. In recent years, the field of HOS has continued its expansion, and applications have been found in fields as diverse as economics, speech, medical, seismic data processing, plasma physics and optics. In this paper, we present a module named PyHOS, which provides elementary higher order statistics functions in Python and further discuss an application of HOS for biomedical signals. This module makes use of SciPy, Numpy and Matplotlib libraries in Python. To evaluate the module, we experimented with several complex signals and compared the results with equivalent procedures in MATLAB. The results showed that PyHOS is excellent module to analyze or study signals using their higher order statistics features.</p>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-The Texas Water Development Board(TWDB) collects hydrographic
-survey data in lakes, rivers and estuaries. The data collected
-includes single, dual and tri-frequency echo sounder data
-collected in conjunction with survey grade GPS systems. This raw
-data is processed to develop accurate representations of
-bathymetry and sedimentation in the water bodies surveyed.
-This talk provides an overview of how the Texas Water Development
-Board (TWDB) is using python to streamline and automate the
-process of converting raw hydrographic survey data to finished
-products that can then be used in other engineering applications
-such as hydrodynamic models, determining lake
-elevation-area-capacity relationships and sediment contour maps,
-The first part of this talk will present HyPy, a python module
-(i.e. function library) for hydrographic survey data
-analysis. This module contains functions to read in data from
-several brands of depth sounders, conduct anisotropic
-interpolations along river channels, apply tidal and elevation
-corrections, apply corrections to boat path due to loss of GPS
-signals as well as a variety of convenience functions for dealing
-with spatial data.
+<h3 id="sec2.18">Jaidev Deshpande : A Python Toolbox for the Hilbert-Huang Transform</h3>
+<p>This paper introduces the PyHHT project. The aim of the project is to develop a Python toolbox for the Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) for nonlinear and nonstationary data analysis. The HHT is an algorithmic tool particularly useful for the time-frequency analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary data. It uses an iterative algorithm called Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to break a signal down into so-called Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). These IMFs are characterized by being piecewise narrowband and amplitude/frequency modulated, thus making them suitable for Hilbert spectral analysis.</p>
+<p>HHT is primarily an algorithmic tool and is relatively simple to implement. Therefore, even a crude implementation of the HHT is quite powerful for a given class of signals. Thus, one of the motivations for building a toolbox is to sustain the power of HHT across a variety of applications. This can be achieved by bringing together different heuristics associated with HHT on one programming platform (since HHT is largely algorithmic, there are a great many heuristics). It is thus the purpose of the toolbox to provide those implementations of the HHT that are popular in the literature. Along with making the application of HHT more dexterous and flexible, the toolbox will also be a good research tool as it provides a platform for comparison of different HHT implementations. It also supports comparison with conventional data analysis tools like Fourier and Wavelets.</p>
+<p>Most of the existing implementations of the HHT have functions that are drawn from different numerical computing packages, and hence are generalized, not optimized particularly for HHT. PyHHT includes functions that are optimized specifically for analysis with HHT. They are designed to operate at the least possible computational complexity, thus greatly increasing the performance of the analysis. The paper includes examples of such components of EMD which have been optimized to operate at the least possible expense – in comparison with conventional implementations. This optimization can be done in a number of ways. One example of optimizing conventional algorithms for PyHHT discussed in the paper is that of cubic spline interpolation. It is a major bottleneck in the EMD method (needs to be performed twice over the entire range of the signal in a single iteration). Most implementations for cubic splines involve the use of Gaussian elimination, whereas for PyHHT the much simpler tridiagonal system of equations will suffice. Furthermore, it can be improved using many different methods like using NumPy vectorization, the weave and blitz functions in SciPy, or by using the Python-C/C++ API. Thus, the portability of Python comes in handy when optimizing the algorithm on so many different levels. The paper also discusses the possibility of further improving such functions that are the biggest bottlenecks in the EMD algorithm.</p>
+<p>Other heuristics of the HHT include imposing different stopping conditions for the iterative EMD process. Once the IMFs of the original signal are obtained, their time-frequency-energy distributions can be obtained. PyHHT uses Matplotlib to visualize the distributions. The IMFs can further be used in computer vision and machine learning applications. PyHHT uses a number of statistical and information theoretic screening tools to detect the useful IMFs from among the decomposed data.</p>
+<p>Finally we perform HHT on a few test signals and compare it with the corresponding Fourier and Wavelet analyses. We comment on the advantages and limitations of the HHT method and discuss future improvements in the PyHHT project.</p>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
+<h3 id="sec2.19">Chetan Giridhar : Diving in to Byte-code optimization in Python</h3>
+<p>The rapid development cycle and performance makes Python as a preferred choice for HPC applications. Python is an interpreted language , running on Python Virtual Machine. Python VM then translates and executes byte-code on native platform. A Python application follows classical phases of compilation and byte-code generation is very similar to intermediate code. The byte-codes are platform neutral and enables Python applications with the power of portability. Performance of a Python application could factored on:
+	<li>Quality of generated byte-code</li> 
+	<li>Efficiency of Python VM</li>
-In the second part of the talk we present HydroPic, a simple
-Traits based application built of top of HyPy. HydroPic is
-designed to semi-automate the determination of sediment volume in
-a lake. Current techniques require the visual inspection of images
-of echo sounder returns along each individual profile. We show
-that this current methodology is slow and subject to high human
-variability. We present a new technique that uses computer vision
-edge detection algorithms available in python to semi-automate
-this process. HydroPic wraps these algorithms into a easy to use
-interface that allows efficient processing of data for an entire
+<p>This talk discusses the internals of Python byte code, generation and potential optimization to improve run time performance of applications.</p>
-<h3 id="sec-4_7">Parallel Computation of Axisymmetric Jets </h3>
+<ul>Python Virtual Machine: internals
+<li>Reverse engineering: Python byte code ("pyc" files)
+    <ul><li>Exploring Python dis-assembler for pyc</li></ul></li>
+<li>Optimizing python byte code for time-efficiency
+   <ul><li>Peephole optimization</li>
+   <li>Tweaking the Python VM</li></ul></li>
+<li>Does PyPy helps?</li>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>Nek Sharan 
-<h4 id="sec-4_7_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<h3 id="sec2.21">Kunal puri : GPU Accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics with Python</h3>
+<p>Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a field dominated by code that
+is written in either Fortran or C/C++. An example is the well known
+open source CFD tool, OpenFOAM, that adopts C++ as the language of
+implementation.\newline A language like Python would be the ideal
+choice but for the performance penalty incurred. Indeed, equivalent
+Python code is at least an order of magnitude slower than C/C++ or
-<p>Flow field for imperfectly expanded jet has been simulated using
-Python for prediction of jet screech frequency. This plays an
-important role in the design of advanced aircraft engine nozzle,
-since screech could cause sonic fatigue failure. For computation,
-unsteady axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equation is solved using fifth
-order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme with a
-subgrid scale Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model. Smagorinsky’s
-eddy viscosity model is used for subgrid scale modeling with
-second order (Total Variation Diminishing) TVD Runge Kutta time
-stepping. The performance of Python code is enhanced by using
-different Cython constructs like declaration of variables and
-numpy arrays, switching off bound check and wrap around etc. Speed
-up obtained from these methods have been individually clocked and
-compared with the Python code as well as an existing in-house C
-code. Profiling was used to highlight and eliminate the expensive
-sections of the code.
+<p>A common approach is to combine the best of both worlds wherein the
+computationally expensive routines that form a small core is written
+in a high performance language and the rest of the software framework
+is built around this core using Python. We adopt such a model to
+develop a code for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations using
+OpenCL as the underlying language and target graphics processing units
+(GPUs) as the execution device.
-Further, both shared and distributed memory architectures have
-been employed for parallelization. Shared memory parallel
-processing is implemented through a thread based model by manual
-release of Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). GIL ensures safe and
-exclusive access of Python interpreter internals to running
-thread. Hence while one thread is running with GIL the other
-threads are put on hold until the running thread ends or is forced
-to wait. Therefore to run two threads simultaneously, GIL was
-manually released using "with nogil" statement. The relative
-independence of radial and axial spatial derivative computation
-provides an option of putting them in parallel threads. On the
-other hand, distributed memory parallel processing is through MPI
-based domain decomposition, where the domain is split radially
-with an interface of three grid points. Each sub-domain is
-delegated to a different processor and communication, in the form
-of message transmission, ensures update of interface grid
-points. Performance analyses with increase in number of processors
-indicate a trade-off between computation and communication. A
-combined thread and MPI based model is attempted to harness the
-benefits from both forms of architectures.
-<h3 id="sec-4_8">Simplified and effective Network Simulation using ns-3 </h3>
-<p>Erroju Rama Krishna 
-<h4 id="sec-4_8_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-Network simulation has great significance in the research areas of
-modern networks. The ns-2 is the popular simulation tool which
-proved this, in the successive path of ns-2 by maintaining the
-efficiency of the existing mechanism it has been explored with a
-new face and enhanced power of python scripting in ns-3. Python
-scripting can be added to legacy projects just as well as new
-ones, so developers don't have to abandon their old C/C++ code
-libraries, but in the ns-2 it is not possible to run a simulation
-purely from C++ (i.e., as a main() program without any OTcl), ns-3
-does have new capabilities (such as handling multiple interfaces
-on nodes correctly, use of IP addressing and more alignment with
-Internet protocols and designs, more detailed 802.11 models, etc.)
-In ns-3, the simulator is written entirely in C++, with optional
-Python bindings. Simulation scripts can therefore be written in
-C++ or in Python. The results of some simulations can be
-visualized by nam, but new animators are under development. Since
-ns-3 generates pcap packet trace files, other utilities can be
-used to analyze traces as well.
-In this paper the efficiency and effectiveness of IP addressing
-simulation model of ns-3 is compared with the ns-2 simulation
-model,ns-3 model consisting of the scripts written in Python which
-makes the modeling simpler and effective
-<h3 id="sec-4_9">PyCenter </h3>
-<p>Karthikeyan selvaraj 
-<h4 id="sec-4_9_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>The primary objective is defining a centralized testing
-environment and a model of testing framework which integrates all
-projects in testing in a single unit. 
-The implementation of concurrent processing systems and adopting
-client server architecture and with partitioned server zones for
-environment manipulation, allows the server to run test requests
-from different projects with different environment and testing
-requests. The implementation provides features of auto-test
-generation, scheduled job run from server, thin and thick clients.
+The data-parallel nature of most CFD algorithms renders them ideal for
+execution on the highly parallel GPU architectures, which are designed
+to run tens of thousands of light-weight threads simultaneously. The
+result is that well designed GPU code can outperform it's CPU
+counterpart by an order of magnitude in terms of speed.
-The core engine facilitates the management of tests from all the
-clients with priority and remote scheduling. It has an extended
-configuration utility to manipulate test parameters and watch
-dynamic changes. It not only acts as a request pre-preprocessor
-but also a sophisticated test bed by its implementation. It is
-provided with storage and manipulation segment for every
-registered project in the server zone. The system schedules and
-records events and user activities thereby the results can be
-drilled and examined to core code level with activates and system
-states at the test event point.
-The system generates test cases both in human readable as well as
-executable system formats. The generated tests are based on a
-pre-defined logic in the system which can be extended to adopt new
-cases based on user requests. These are facilitated by a template
-system which has a predefined set of cases for various test types
-like compatibility, load, performance, code coverage, dependency
-and compliance testing. It is also extended with capabilities like
-centralized directory systems for user management with roles and
-privileges for authentication and authorization, global mailer
-utilities, Result consolidator and Visualizer.
-With the effective implementation of the system with its minimal
-requirements, the entire testing procedure can be automated with
-the testers being effectively used for configuring, ideating and
-managing the test system and scenarios. The overhead of managing
-the test procedures like environment pre-processing, test
-execution, results collection and presentation are completely
-evaded from the testing life cycle.
-<h3 id="sec-4_10">Live media for training in experimental sciences </h3>
-<p>Georges Khaznadar 
-<h4 id="sec-4_10_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>A system for distance learning in the field of Physics and
-Electricity has been used for three years with some success for 15
-years old students. The students are given a little case
-containing a PHOENIX box (see
-<a href=""></a>) featuring electric analog
-and digital I/O interfaces, some unexpensive discrete components
-and a live (bootable) USB stick.
-The PHOENIX project was started by Inter University Accelerator
-Centre in New Delhi, with the objective of improving the
-laboratory facilities at Indian Universities, and growing with the
-support of the user community. PHOENIX depends heavily on Python
-language. The data acquisition, analysis and writing simulation
-programs to teach science and computation.
-The hardware design of PHOENIX box is freely available. 
-The live bootable stick provides a free/libre operating system,
-and a few dozens educational applications, including applications
-developed with Scipy to drive the PHOENIX box and manage the
-acquired measurements. The user interface has been made as
-intuitive as possible: the main window shows a photo of the front
-face of the PHOENIX acquisition device, its connections behaving
-like widgets to express their states, and a subwindow displays in
-real time the signals connected to it. A booklet gives
-general-purpose hints for the usage of the acquisition device. The
-educational interaction is done with a free learning management
-The talk will show how such live media can be used as powerful
-training systems, allowing students to access at home exactly the
-same environment they can find in the school, and providing them a
-lot of structured examples.
-This talk addresses people who are involved in education and
-training in scientific fields. It describes one method which
-allows distance learning (however requiring a few initial lessons
-to be given non-remotely), and enables students to become fluent
-with Python and its scientific extensions, while learning physics
-and electricity. This method uses Internet connections to allow
-remote interactions, but does not rely on a wide bandwidth, as the
-complete learning environment is provided by the live medium,
-which is shared by teacher and students after their beginning
-<h3 id="sec-4_11">Use of Python and Phoenix-M interface in Robotics </h3>
-<p>Shubham Chakraborty 
-<h4 id="sec-4_11_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>In this paper I will show how to use Python programming with a
-computer interface such as Phoenix-M to drive simple robots. In my
-quest towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) I am experimenting with
-a lot of different possibilities in Robotics. This one is trying
-to mimic the working of a simple insect's autonomous nervous
-system using hard wiring and some minimal software usage. This is
-the precursor to my advanced robotics and AI integration where I
-plan to use an new paradigm of AI based on Machine Learning and
-Self Consciousness via Knowledge Feedback and Update process.
-<h3 id="sec-4_12">Python in Science Experiments using Phoenix </h3>
-<p>Ajith Kumar 
-<h4 id="sec-4_12_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>Phoenix is a hardware plus software framework for developing
-computer interfaced science experiments. Sensor and control
-elements connected to Phoenix can be accessed using Python. Text
-based and GUI programs are available for several
-experiments. Python programming language is used as a tool for
-data acquisition, analysis and visualization.
-Objective of the project is to improve the laboratory facilities
-at the Universities and also to utilize computers in a better
-manner to teach science. The hardware design is freely
-available. The project is based on Free Software tools and the
-code is distributed under GNU General Public License.
-<h3 id="sec-4_13">Building and Packaging your Scientific Python Application For Linux Distributions </h3>
-<p>Ramakrishna Reddy  Yekulla 
+We use the Python binding for OpenCL, PyOpenCL to run the code on the
+GPU. The result is an almost pure Python CFD code that is faster than
+it's CPU counterpart and is relatively easy to extend to more
+complicated problems.  We consider only two dimensional domains with
+structured Cartesian meshes for simplicity. We focus on GPU specific
+optimizations of the code like memory coalescing, cache utilization
+and memory transfer bandwidth which are essential for good
+performance. Our target platform is a system with four Tesla c2050
+Nvidia GPUs, each having 3 Gigabytes of global memory.\newline The
+code is validated against solutions from an equivalent CPU version and
+we present results for the transient incompressible flow past an
+impulsively started cylinder.
-<h4 id="sec-4_13_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>If you are an Independent Researcher, Academic Project or an
-Enterprise software Company building large scale scientific python
-applications, there is a huge community of packagers who look at
-upstream python projects to get those packages into upstream
-distributions. This talk focuses on practices, making your
-applications easy to package so that they can be bundled with
-Linux distributions. Additionally this talk would be more hands
-on, more like a workshop. The audience are encouraged to bring as
-many python applications possible, using the techniques showed in
-the talk and help them package it for fedora.
+<h3 id="sec2.22">Sachin Shinde : Reverse Engineering and python</h3>
+<p>The paper is about how we can use python for writing tools for reverse engineering and assembly code analysis it will talk about basic and modules those are available for doing reverse engineering. </p>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<h3 id="sec-4_14">Microcontroller experiment and its simulation using Python </h3>
-<p>Jayesh Gandhi 
-<h4 id="sec-4_14_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>Electronics in industrial has been passing through revolution due
-to extensive use of Microcontroller. These electronic devices are
-having a high capability to handle multiple events. Their
-capability to communicate with the computers has made the
-revolution possible. Therefore it is very important to have
-trained Personnel in Microcontroller. In the present work
-experiments for study of Microcontrollers and its peripherals with
-Simulation using Python is carried out. This facilitates the
-teachers to demonstrate the experiments in the classroom sessions
-using simulations. Then the same experiments can be carried out in
-the labs (using the same simulation setup) and the microcontroller
-hardware to visualize and understand the experiments. Python is
-selected due to its versatility and also to promote the use of
-open source software in the education.
+<h3 id="sec2.23">Gael Varoquaux(Affiliation: INRIA Parietal, Neurospin, Saclay, France): Machine learning as a tool for Neuroscience</h3>
+<p>For now two decades, functional brain imaging has provided a tool for
+building models of cognitive processes. However, these models are
+ultimately introduced without a formal data analysis step. Indeed,
+cognition arise from the interplay of many elementary functions. There
+are an exponential amount of competing possible models, that cannot be
+discriminated with a finite amount of data. This data analysis problem is
+common in many experimental science settings, although seldom diagnosed.
+In statistics, it is known as the <b>curse of dimensionality</b>, and can be
+tackled efficiently with machine learning tools.</p>
+For these reasons, imaging neuroscience has recently seen a
+multiplication of complex data analysis methods. Yet, machine learning is
+a rapidly-evolving research field, often leading to impenetrable
+publication and challenging algorithms, of which neuroscience data
+analysts only scratch the surface. 
-Here we demonstrate the experiment of driving seven segment
-displays by microcontroller. Four seven segment displays are
-interfaced with the microcontroller through a single BCD to seven
-segments Display Decoder/Driver (74LS47) and switching
-transistors. The microcontroller switches on the first transistor
-connected to the first display and puts the number to be displayed
-on 74LS47. Then it pause a while, switches off the first display
-and puts the number to be displayed on the second display and
-switches it on. A similar action is carried out for all the
-display and the cycle is repeated again and again. Now we can
-control the microcontroller action using the serial port of the
-computer through python. Simulating the seven segment display
-using VPYTHON module and communicating the same action to the
-microcontroller, we can demonstrate the switching action of the
-display at a very slow rate. It is possible to actually see each
-display glowing individually one after another. Now we can
-gradually increase the rate of switching the display. You see each
-display glowing for a few milliseconds. Finally the refresh rate
-is taken very high to around more than 25 times a second we see
-that all the display glowing simultaneously.
+I will present our efforts to foster a general-purpose machine-learning
+Python module, <b>scikit-learn</b>, for scientific data analysis. As it aims
+to bridge the gap between machine-learning researchers and end-users, the
+package is focused on ease of use and high-quality documentation while
+maintaining state-of-the-art performance. It is enjoying a growing
+success in research laboratories, but also in communities with strong
+industrial links such as web-analytics or natural language processing. 
+We combine this module with high-end interactive
+visualization using <b>Mayavi</b> and neuroimaging-specific tools in <b>nipy</b> to
+apply state of the art machine learning techniques to neuroscience:
+learning from the data new models of brain activity, focused on
+predictive or descriptive power. These models can be used to perform
+"brain reading": predicting behavior our thoughts from brain images. This
+is a well-posed <b>supervised learning</b> problem. In <b>unsupervised</b>
+settings, that is in the absence of behavioral observations, we focus on
+learning probabilistic models of the signal. For instance, interaction
+graphs between brain regions at rest reveal structures well-known to be
+recruited in tasks. 
-Hence it is possible to simulate and demonstrate experiments and
-understand the capabilities of the microcontroller with a lot of
-ease and at a very low cost.
-<h3 id="sec-4_15">SAGE for Scientific computing and Education enhancement </h3>
-<p>Manjusha Joshi 
-<h4 id="sec-4_15_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-Sage is Free open source software for Mathematics.
-Sage can handle long integer computations, symbolic computing,
-Matrices etc. Sage is used for Cryptography, Number Theory, Graph
-Theory in education field. Note book feature in Sage, allow user
-to record all work on worksheet for future use. These worksheets
-can be publish for information sharing, students and trainer can
-exchange knowledge, share, experiment through worksheets.
+Optimal use of the data available from a brain imaging session raises
+computational challenges that are well-known in large data analytics. The
+<b>scipy</b> stack, including <b>Cython</b> and <b>scikit-learn</b>, used with care, can
+provide a high-performance environment, matching dedicated solutions. I
+will highlight how the <b>scikit-learn</b> performs efficient data analysis in
-Sage is an advanced computing tool which can enhance education in
+The challenges discussed here go beyond neuroscience. Imaging
+neuroscience is a test bed for advanced data analysis in science, as it
+faces the challenge of integrating new data without relying on
+well-established fundamental laws. However, with the data available in
+experimental sciences growing rapidly, high-dimensional statistical
+inference and data processing are becoming key in many other fields.
+Python is set to provide a thriving ecosystem for these tasks, as it
+unites scientific communities and web-based industries.
-<h3 id="sec-4_16">Automatic Proteomic Finger Printing using Scipy </h3>
-<p>Yogesh Karpate 
-<h4 id="sec-4_16_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>The idea is to demonstrate the PyProt (Python Proteomics), an
-approach to classify mass spectrometry data and efficient use of
-statistical methods to look for the potential prevalent disease
-markers and proteomic pattern diagnostics. Serum proteomic pattern
-diagnostics can be used to differentiate samples from the patients
-with and without disease. Profile patterns are generated using
-surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization (SELDI) protein
-mass spectrometry. This technology has the potential to improve
-clinical diagnostic tests for cancer pathologies. There are two
-datasets used in this study which are taken from the FDA-NCI
-Clinical Proteomics Program Databank. First data is of ovarian
-cancer and second is of Premalignant Pancreatic Cancer .The Pyprot
-uses the high-resolution ovarian cancer data set that was
-generated using the WCX2 protein array. The ovarian cancer dataset
-includes 95 controls and 121 ovarian cancer sets, where as
-pancreatic cancer dataset has 101 controls and 80 pancreatic
-cancer sets. There are two modules designed and implemented in
-python using Numpy , Scipy and Matplotlib. There are two different
-kinds of classifications implemented here, first to classify the
-ovarian cancer data set. Second type focuses on randomly
-commingled study set of murine sera. it explores the ability of
-the low molecular weight information archive to classify and
-discriminate premalignant pancreatic cancer compared to the
-control animals.
+<h3 id="sec2.24">IITB Students : Project Presentation</h3>
+The following 2 projects(part of the <a href="">SDES</a> course) which obtained the highest marks;  
+would be presented by respective project members.
+<li>Digital Logic circuit simulator</li>
+<li>Analysis and modelling of cellular systems</li>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
+<h3 id="sec2.25">Dr Ole Nielsen : 7 Steps to Python Software That Works</h3>
+I will give an overview of Python projects I have been leading over
+the past decade in academia, science agencies and government. These
+include large scale datamining, parallel computing, hydrodynamic
+modelling of tsunami impact and analysis of impact from natural
+disasters. All projects are based on Python (and numpy). The purpose
+of this talk is to summarise the practices I have come to see as
+essential to produce software that works robustly and sensibly
+is user and developer friendly, i.e. can be used and developed by a
+diverse and changing team eventually takes on a life of its own 
+without input from the core development team.
-A crucial issue for classification is feature selection which
-selects the relevant features in order to focus the learning
-search. A relaxed setting for feature selection is known as
-feature ranking, which ranks the features with respect to their
-relevance. Pyprot comprises of two modules; First includes
-implementation of feature ranking in Python using fisher ratio and
-t square statistical test to avoid large feature space. In second
-module, Multilayer perceptron (MLP) feed forward neural network
-model with static back propagation algorithm is used to classify
-.The results are excellent and matched with databank results and
-concludes that PyProt is useful tool for proteomic finger
+Much of this will be known to many of you, but having worked in this
+field for some time now and seen much software it is my view that
+there is still a lot of Python code that could really shine if
+testing, source control, style guides, exception handling etc were
+observed more generally. To keep it real, I'll show real examples where appropriate.
-<h3 id="sec-4_17">Natural Language Processing Using Python </h3>
-<p>Vaidhy Mayilrangam 
-<h4 id="sec-4_17_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<p>The purpose of this talk is to give a high-level overview of
-various text mining techniques, the statistical approaches and the
-interesting problems.
+<h3 id="sec2.26">Mateusz Paprocki : Understanding importance of automated software testing</h3>
-The talk will start with a short summary of two key areas – namely
-information retrieval (IR) and information extraction (IE). We
-will then discuss how to use the knowledge gained for
-summarization and translation. We will talk about how to measure
-the correctness of results. As part of measuring the correctness,
-we will discuss about different kinds of statistical approaches
-for classifying and clustering data.
+Development of scientific programs isn't much different than development of computer programs of any other kind. One of the key characteristic of computer programs is correctness. No matter whether we create programs for our own purpose or for other parties, we do not want to spent hours or days waiting for results of computations that will be flawed from the very beginning. As long as programs consist of few lines of code, we may be able to verify correctness of all cases in those programs manually after every change or even try to prove their correctness. However, real life programs consist of thousands, hundred thousands or even millions of lines of code, and even more states. In such a setup we need tools and methods that would allow to automate the process of software testing.
-We will do a short dive into NLP specific problems - identifying
-sentence boundaries, parts of speech, noun and verb phrases and
-named entities. We will also have a sample session on how to use
-Python’s NLTK to accomplish these tasks.
-<h3 id="sec-4_18">A Parallel 3D Flow Solver in Python Based on Vortex Methods </h3>
-<p>Prashant Agrawal 
-<h4 id="sec-4_18_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>A 3D flow solver for incompressible flow around arbitrary 3D
-bodies is developed. The solver is based on vortex methods whose
-grid-free nature makes it very general. It uses vortex particles
-to represent the flow-field. Vortex particles (or blobs) are
-released from the boundary, and these advect, stretch and diffuse
-according to the Navier-Stokes equations.
-The solver is based on a generic and extensible design. This has
-been made possible mainly by following a universal theme of using
-blobs in every component of the solver.  Advection of the
-particles is implemented using a parallel fast multipole
-method. Diffusion is simulated using the Vorticity Redistribution
-Technique (VRT). To control the number of blobs, merging of nearby
-blobs is also performed.
-Each component of the solver is parallelized. The boundary,
-advection and stretching algorithms are based on the same parallel
-velocity algorithm. Domain decomposition for parallel velocity
-calculator is performed using Space Filling Curves. Diffusion,
-which requires knowledge of each particle's neighbours, uses a
-parallelized fast neighbour finder which is based on a bin data
-structure. The same neighbour finder is used in merging also.
-The code is written completely in Python. It is well-documented
-and well-tested. The code base is around 4500 lines long. The
-design follows an object oriented approach which makes it
-extensible enough to add new features and alternate algorithms to
-perform specific tasks.
-The solver is also designed to run in a parallel environment
-involving multiple processors. This parallel implementation is
-written using mpi4py, an MPI implementation in Python.
-Rigorous testing is performed using Python's unittest module. Some
-standard example cases are also solved using the present solver.
+Python, a programming language with a weak dynamic type system, makes the use of automated software testing even more important because in this case test suites and the testing framework of choice have to accommodate for the weaknesses of the language. Also, agile software development techniques may intrinsically require automated testing as their core component to guarantee effectiveness of those methods.
-In this talk we will outline the overall design of the solver and
-the algorithms used. We discuss the benefits of Python and also
-some of the current limitations with respect to parallel testing.
+In this talk I will show how to do automated testing of programs written in Python. Test automation tools will be described and common issues and pitfalls outlined. I will also discuss the notion of code coverage with tests and testing via examples (doctests).
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<h3 id="sec-4_19">Performance Evaluation of HYBRID MAC for 802.11ad: Next Generation Multi-Gbps Wi-Fi using SimPy </h3>
-<p>Hemanth Chandran 
-<h4 id="sec-4_19_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+<h3 id="sec2.27">Emmanuelle Gouillart (joint laboratory CNRS/Saint-Gobain UMR 125,
+39 quai Lucien Lefranc 93303 Aubervilliers, France): 3-D image processing and visualization with the scientific-Python stack</h3>
-<p>Next generation Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) is targeting
-at multi giga bits per second throughput by utilizing the
-unlicensed spectrum available at 60 GHz, millimeter wavelength
-(mmwave).Towards achieving the above goal a new standard namely
-the 802.11ad is under consideration. Due to the limited range and
-other typical characteristics like high path loss etc., of these
-mmwave radios the requirement of the Medium Access Control (MAC)
-are totally different.
-The conventional MAC protocols tend to achieve different
-objectives under different conditions. For example, the (Carrier
-Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance) CSMA/CA technique is
-robust and simple and works well in overlapping network
-scenarios. It is also suitable for bursty type of traffic. On the
-other hand CSMA/CA is not suitable for power management since it
-needs the stations to be awake always. Moreover it requires an
-omni directional antenna pattern for the receiver which is
-practically not feasible in 60 GHz band.
-A Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) based MAC is efficient for
-Quality of Service (QoS) sensitive traffic. It is also useful for
-power saving since the station knows their schedule and can
-therefore power down in non scheduled periods.
+Synchrotron X-ray tomography images the inner 3-D micro-structure of
+objects. Recent progress bringing acquisition rates down to a few seconds
+have opened the door to in-situ monitoring of material transformations
+during, e.g., mechanical or heat treatments. However, this powerful
+imaging technique presents many challenges, such as the huge size of
+typical datasets, or the poor signal over noise ratio. In this talk, we
+will present how the standard modules of the scientific Python stack,
+combined with a few additional developments, are used to process and
+visualize such 3-D tomography images for research purposes. The data
+presented in this talk consist of 3-D images of window-glass raw
+materials, that react together at high temperature to form liquids, and
+images of glasses undergoing phase separation.3
-For 60 GHz usages especially applications like wireless display,
-sync and go, and large file transfer, TDMA appears to be a
-suitable choice. Whereas for applications that require low latency
-channel access (e.g. Internet access etc.)TDMA appears to be
-inefficient due to the latency involved in bandwidth reservation.
-Another choice is the polling MAC which is highly efficient for
-the directional communication in the 60 GHz band. This provides an
-improved data rates with directional communication as well as acts
-as an interference mitigation scheme. On the contrary polling may
-not be efficient for power saving and also not efficient to take
-advantage of statistical traffic multiplexing. This technique also
-leads to wastage of power due to polling the stations without
-traffic to transmit.
-Having the above facts in mind and considering the variety of
-applications involved in the next generation WLAN systems
-operating at 60 GHz, it can be concluded that no individual MAC
-scheme can support the traffic requirements.
+Using the Traits module, it was possible to write at minimal cost a
+custom graphical application with an embedded Mayavi scene to perform
+"4-D visualization", that is, to display cuts through a 3-D volume that
+can be updated with the next or previous image of the dataset. Easy
+interaction with the data (placing markers) could also be added at
+minimal cost. Efficient state-of-the-art algorithms for denoising images
+and segmenting (extracting) objects were implemented using scipy, and
+PyAMG for multigrid resolution of linear systems.
-In this paper we use SimPy to do a Discrete Event Simulation
-modeling of a proposed hybrid MAC protocol which dynamically
-adjusts the channel times between contention and reservation based
-MAC schemes, based on the traffic demand in the network.
+Finally, we will show how this work led us "naturally" to take part in
+development efforts of open-source Scientific-python packages. Improving
+the documentation of scipy.ndimage on the documentation wiki was a first
+easy contribution. Then, one segmentation algorithm as well as one
+denoising algorithm were contributed to the scikits-image package. We
+will finish the talk by a brief overview of scikits-image and its
+development process.
-We plan to model the problem of admission control and scheduling
-using DES using SimPy. SimPy v2.1.0 is being used for the
-simulation purposes of the proposed Hybrid MAC. We are new to
-using Python for scientific purposes and have just begun using
-this powerful tool to get meaningful and useful results. We plan
-to share our learning experience and how SimPy is increasingly
-becoming a useful tool (apart from regular modeling tools like
-Opnet / NS2).
-<h3 id="sec-4_20">PySPH: Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics with Python </h3>
-<p>pankaj pandey 
+<p>To be uploaded</p>
-<h4 id="sec-4_20_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-We present a python/cython implementation of an SPH framework
-called PySPH. SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) is a numerical
-technique for the solution of the continuum equations of fluid and
-solid mechanics.
-PySPH was written to be a tool which requires only a basic working
-knowledge of python. Although PySPH may be run on distributed
-memory machines, no working knowledge of parallelism is required
-of the user as the same code may be run either in serial or in
-parallel only by proper invocation of the mpirun command.
-In PySPH, we follow the message passing paradigm, using the mpi4py
-python binding. The performance critical aspects of the SPH
-algorithm are optimized with cython which provides the look and
-feel of python but the performance near to that of a C/C++
-PySPH is divided into three main modules. The base module provides
-the data structures for the particles, and algorithms for nearest
-neighbor retrieval. The sph module builds on this to describe the
-interactions between particles and defines classes to manage this
-interaction. These two modules provide the basic functionality as
-dictated by the SPH algorithm and of these, a developer would most
-likely be working with the sph module to enhance the functionality
-of PySPH. The solver module typically manages the simulation being
-run. Most of the functions and classes in this module are written
-in pure python which makes is relatively easy to write new solvers
-based on the provided functionality.
-We use PySPH to solve the shock tube problem in gas dynamics and
-the classical dam break problem for incompressible fluids. We also
-demonstrate how to extend PySPH to solve a problem in solid
-mechanics which requires additions to the sph module.
-<h3 id="sec-4_21">Pictures, Songs and Python </h3>
-<p>Puneeth Chaganti 
-<h4 id="sec-4_21_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
+{% endblock content %}
-<p>The aim of this talk is to get students, specially undergrads
-excited about Python.  Most of what will be shown, is out there on
-the Open web.  We just wish to draw attention of the students and
-get them excited about Python and possibly image processing and
-may be even cognition. We hope that this talk will help retain
-more participants for the tutorials and sprint sessions.
-The talk will have two parts.  The talk will not consist of any
-deep research or amazing code.  It's a mash-up of some weekend
-hacks, if they could be called so.  We reiterate that the idea is
-not to show the algorithms or the code and ideas.  It is, to show
-the power that Python gives.
-The first part of the talk will deal with the colour Blue.  We'll
-show some code to illustrate how our eyes suck at blue (1), if
-they really do.  But, ironically, a statistical analysis that we
-did on "Rolling Stones Magazine's Top 500 Songs of All time" (2),
-revealed that the occurrences of blue are more than twice the
-number of occurrences of red and green!  We'll show the code used
-to fetch the lyrics and count the occurrences.
-The second part of the talk will show some simple hacks with
-images. First, a simple script that converts images into ASCII
-art. We hacked up a very rudimentary algo to convert images to
-ASCII and it works well for "machine generated images."  Next, a
-sample program that uses OpenCV (3) that can detect faces.  We wish
-to show OpenCV since it has some really powerful stuff for image
-(1) <a href=""></a>
-(2) <a href=""></a>
-(3) <a href=""></a>
-<h3 id="sec-4_22">Convincing Universities to include Python </h3>
-<p>Krishnakant Mane
-<h4 id="sec-4_22_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>Python has been around for a long enough time now that it needs
-serious attention from the educational institutes which teach
-computer science. Today Python is known for its simple syntax
-yet powerful performance (if not the fastest performance which
-is any ways not needed all the time ). From Scientific computing
-till graphical user interfaces and from system administration
-till web application development, it is used in many
-domains. However due to Industrial propaganda leading to
-promotion of other interpreted languages (free or proprietary)?
-Python has not got the justice in educational sector which it
-deserves. This paper will talk on methodologies which can be
-adopted to convince the universities for including Python in
-their curriculum.  The speaker will provide an insight into his
-experience on success in getting Python included in some
-Universities. A case of SNDT University will be discussed where
-the curriculum designers have decided to have Python in their
-courses from the next year. The speaker will share his ideas
-which led to this inclusion.  these will include,
-Begin by doing series of Python workshops
-Provide information and opportunities for python based projects
-make the faculties aware of teaching ease
-clear the FUD regarding jobs
-<h3 id="sec-4_23">Python based Galaxy workflow integration on GARUDA Grid </h3>
-<h4 id="sec-4_23_1">Talk/Paper Abstract </h4>
-<p>Bioinformatics applications being complex problem involving
-multiple comparisons, alignment, mapping and analysis can be
-managed better using workflow solutions. Galaxy is an open web
-based platform developed in Python for genomic research. Python
-is a light weight dynamic language making Galaxy to be modular
-and expandable. Bioinformatics applications being compute and
-data intensive scale well in grid computing environments. In
-this paper we describe bringing the Galaxy workflow to the
-Garuda Grid computing infrastructure for enabling bioinformatics
-applications. GAURDA grid is an aggregation of heterogeneous
-resources and advanced capabilities for scientific
-applications. Here we present the integration of galaxy workflow
-tool with GARUDA grid middleware to enable computational
-biologists to perform complex problems on the grid environment
-through a web browser.
-{% endblock content %}
--- a/project/templates/talk/schedule.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
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@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
     <table cellspacing="5">
       <tr> <td align=center><strong>Date</strong></td><td><strong>Activity</strong></td> </tr>
       <tr > <td align=right>Sunday, Dec. 04 2011</td><td><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/conference/">Conference</a></td> </tr>
-      <tr> <td align=right>Munday, Dec. 05 2011</td><td><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/conference/">Conference</a></td> </tr>
-      <tr> <td align=right>Tuesday, Dec. 06 2011</td><td><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/tutorial/">Tutorials</a>/<a href="/{{ params.scope }}/sprints/">Sprint</a></td> </tr>
-      <tr> <td align=right>Wednesday, Dec. 07 2011</td><td><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/sprints/">Full Sprint</a></td> </tr>
+      <tr> <td align=right>Monday, Dec. 05 2011</td><td><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/talks-cfp/conference/">Conference</a></td> </tr>
+      <tr> <td align=right>Tuesday, Dec. 06 2011</td><td><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/tutorial/">Tutorials</a><!-- /<a href="/{{ params.scope }}/sprints/">Sprint</a> --></td> </tr>
+      <tr> <td align=right>Wednesday, Dec. 07 2011</td><td><a href="/{{ params.scope }}/tutorial/">Tutorials</a><!-- /<a href="/{{ params.scope }}/sprints/">Sprint</a> --></td> </tr>
 <br />
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       	Eric was the Keynote Speaker at SciPy US 2011.
+    <div id="speaker">
+	<div id="speakerphoto"><img alt="Ajith Kumar"
+        src="/static/img/emma_small.jpg" width=200 /></div>
+       <div id="speakerinfo"><h3>Emmanuelle Gouillart</h3>
+      	Emmanuelle Gouillart is a physics researcher in a joint laboratory
+		between the French National Research Center (CNRS), and the French
+		industry group Saint-Gobain. Her research interests are in glass melting,
+		tomography imaging, and fluid mixing. She started teaching Scientific
+		Python during the Python African Tour event in Dakar in 2009, and was one
+		of the organizers of the Euroscipy conferences in Paris in 2010 and 2011.
+		Emmanuelle is now one of the developers of the Python module
+		scikits-image. 
+    </div></div>
+    <div id="speaker">
+	<div id="speakerphoto"><img alt="Ajith Kumar"
+        src="/static/img/ajith.jpg" width=200 /></div>
+       <div id="speakerinfo"><h3>Ajith Kumar</h3>
+      	His main area of work is development of instrumentation for particle 
+      	accelerators and associated experiments, including radio-frequency 
+      	accelerating structures, control and data acquisition systems, 
+      	digital and radio frequency electronics modules. Also involved in 
+      	developing laboratory equipment ( for teaching physics and 
+      	engineering following the philosophy of Free Software. Has been a user 
+      	and propagator of Free Software in the field of education for several years. 
+    </div></div>
     <div id="speaker">
     <div id="speakerphoto"><img alt="Jarrod Millman"
         src="/static/img/jarrod.png" /></div>
@@ -29,6 +57,20 @@
     <div id="speaker">
+    <div id="speakerphoto"><img alt="Ole Nielsen"
+        src="/static/img/ole.jpg" /></div>
+       <div id="speakerinfo"><h3>Ole Nielsen</h3>
+       Ole Nielsen has been an Open Source adopter, promotor and 
+       developer since the early nineties during his career as technical 
+       consultant, academic researcher, government scientist and development 
+       professional within an aid organisation. Ole has a double Master's degree in 
+       Mathematics and Computer Science as well as a PhD in scientific computing 
+       from universities in Denmark. Ole joined AusAID in Jakarta in 2010 to support 
+       the Indonesian government in multi-hazard disaster risk reduction. 
+    </div></div>
+    <div id="speaker">
     <div id="speakerphoto"><img alt="Mateusz Paprocki"
         src="/static/img/mateusz.jpg" width=200 /></div>
        <div id="speakerinfo"><h3>Mateusz Paprocki</h3>
@@ -68,7 +110,23 @@
        address at India's first PyCon.  Prabhu currently heads the FOSSEE project 
        ( which aims to spread the use of Python (and other Free 
        Software) in the curriculum.  
-    </div></div>    
+    </div></div>
+     <div id="speaker">
+    <div id="speakerphoto"><img alt="Gaël Varoquaux"
+        src="/static/img/gael.jpg" width=200/></div>
+       <div id="speakerinfo"><h3>Gaël Varoquaux</h3>
+       Gaël Varoquaux is a researcher in computational science at INRIA, 
+       in the Neurospin research institute (Paris, France). His research 
+       activities include statistical and computational techniques for 
+       probabilistic modeling of intrinsic brain activity using functional 
+       imaging. He has a strong interest in making advanced data-processing 
+       techniques available across new scientific fields. For this purpose, 
+       he favors the development of easy-to-use, inter-disciplinary, 
+       open-source, scientific software, with a focus on the Python language. 
+       Varoquaux has a PhD in quantum physics, is a graduate from Ecole Normale 
+       Superieure, Paris.   
+    </div></div>        
 {% endblock content %}
--- a/project/templates/talk/sprint-schedule.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/templates/talk/sprint-schedule.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -1,23 +1,31 @@
 {% extends "base.html" %}
 {% block content %}
-<h1> 2009 Sprint Schedule</h1>
-<h2><strong>Plan for the sprint is present here: </strong><br /></h2>
-<a href=""></a>
-<br /><br />
-<h2>Wireless WEP hex key-phrase for access point "space": 8a61fcbcf9</h2>
-<br />
-<h2>Day 5, Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 and</h2>
-<h2>Day 6, Thursday, December 17th, 2009</h2>
-<table class="list-all-talks">
-  <tr>
-    <th class="speaker"><h4>Time</h4></th>
-    <th class="speaker"><h4>Event</h4></th>
-    <th class="speaker"><h4>Topics</h4></th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr style="background-color: #90c9dc;">
-    <td>9:30AM onwards</td>
-    <td class="speaker" width="25%"><h4>Sprint</h4></td>
-    <td>Contribute to, hack on, develop, fix bugs of scipy/numpy</td>
-  </tr>
+<h1> 2011 Sprint Schedule</h1>
+<h2>Day 5, Thursday, December 8th, 2011 </h2>
+<li>Changing Mayavi/TVTK to use VTK's "new" pipeline.</li>
+	<ul>
+		<li>Mayavi currently uses VTK's old pipeline structure and this is to be
+		deprecated in future VTK releases.  This is important for the future
+		of Mayavi.</li>
+		<li>See <a href="">here</a></li>
+		<li>This change will be invasive and will require a fair bit of work.  You
+		will need to know VTK fairly well and also Traits and Mayavi.
+		</li>
+		<li>Documentation on Traits, Mayavi and Envisage are available from <a href="">here</a></li>
+	</ul>
+	<br /><br />
+<li>Improving PyQt/PySide support.</li>
+	<ul>
+		<li>Mayavi's support for PyQt/Pyside is not tested and doesn't work
+		properly.  We will try to fix this if time permits.  Requires
+		knowledge of TraitsUI and PyQt/PySide.</li>
+	</ul>
+<h2 id="sec-1"><span class="section-number-3"></span>Intended audience </h2>
+<p>These sprint sessions are for those who already have a through 
+knowledge about the given topics and are willing to contribute to open source projects.</p>
+<p>Please contact Puneeth &lt;puneeth [at]; or Pankaj &lt;pankaj [at]; to register and know more about the sessions</p> 
 {% endblock content %}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/project/templates/talk/talks-cfp.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/templates/talk/talks-cfp.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -39,6 +39,16 @@
           at least one author.</li>
+  <div class="section" id="important-dates">
+	<h2>Important Dates</h2>
+	 <ul class="simple">
+    <li>November 2, 2011, Wednesday: Abstracts Due</li>
+	<li>November 7, 2011, Monday: Schedule announced</li>
+	<li>November 28, 2011, Monday: Proceedings paper submission due</li>
+	<li>December 4-5, 2011, Sunday-Monday: Conference</li>
+	<li>December 6-7 2011, Tuesday-Wednesday: Tutorials/Sprints</li>
+ 	</ul>
+   </div>
   <div class="section" id="important-dates">
--- a/project/templates/user/account.html	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/templates/user/account.html	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
             {% if talk.approved %}
             {% else %}
-              <a href="/edit-talk/{{ }}/" title="Edit">Edit</a>
+              <a href="/{{ params.scope }}/edit-talk/{{ }}/" title="Edit">Edit</a>
             {% endif %}
--- a/project/	Mon Jan 30 15:18:14 2012 +0530
+++ b/project/	Mon Jan 30 15:19:23 2012 +0530
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
     url(r'^%s/edit-registration/(?P<id>\d+)/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
         'edit_registration', name='scipycon_edit_registration'),
     url(r'^%s/regstats/$'% (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
-        'regstats', name="scipycon_regstats"),
+        'regstats', name="regstats"),
     url(r'^%s/regstats/download$'% (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
-        'regstats_download', name="scipycon_regstats_download"),
+        'regstats_download', name="regstats_download"),
     url(r'^%s/manage_payments/$'% (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
         'manage_payments', name="scipycon_manage_payments"),
@@ -111,6 +111,21 @@
     url(r'^%s/about/reaching/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
         direct_to_template, {"template": "about/reaching.html"},
+    url(r'^%s/about/contact/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
+        direct_to_template, {"template": "about/contact.html"},
+        name='scipycon_contact'),
+    url(r'^%s/about/day_zero/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
+        direct_to_template, {"template": "about/day_zero.html"},
+        name='scipycon_day_zero'),
+    url(r'^%s/about/day_one/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
+    	direct_to_template, {"template": "about/day_one.html"},
+        name='scipycon_day_one'),
+    url(r'^%s/about/day_two/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
+    	direct_to_template, {"template": "about/day_two.html"},
+        name='scipycon_day_two'),
+    url(r'^%s/about/speakerinfo/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
+        direct_to_template, {"template": "about/speakerinfo.html"},
+        name='scipycon_sinfo'),        
     url(r'^%s/about/city/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
         direct_to_template, {"template": "about/city.html"},
@@ -120,12 +135,12 @@
     url(r'^%s/talks-cfp/schedule/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
         direct_to_template, {"template": "talk/schedule.html"},
-    # url(r'^%s/talks-cfp/tutorial/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
-    #     direct_to_template, {"template": "talk/tutorial-schedule.html"},
-    #     name='scipycon_tutorial_schedule'),
-    # url(r'^%s/talks-cfp/sprint/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
-    #     direct_to_template, {"template": "talk/sprint-schedule.html"},
-    #     name='scipycon_sprint_schedule'),
+    url(r'^%s/talks-cfp/tutorial/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
+         direct_to_template, {"template": "about/tutorial.html"},
+        name='scipycon_tutorial'),
+    url(r'^%s/talks-cfp/sprint/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
+         direct_to_template, {"template": "talk/sprint-schedule.html"},
+         name='scipycon_sprint_schedule'),
     url(r'^%s/talks-cfp/speakers/$' % (SCOPE_ARG_PATTERN),
         direct_to_template, {"template": "talk/speakers.html"},