changeset 307 c6bca38c1cbf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eggs/py-1.4.0-py2.6.egg/py/	Sat Jan 08 11:20:57 2011 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+py.test and pylib: rapid testing and development utils
+this module uses for lazy-loading sub modules
+and classes.  The initpkg-dictionary  below specifies
+name->value mappings where value can be another namespace
+dictionary or an import path.
+(c) Holger Krekel and others, 2004-2010
+__version__ = '1.4.0'
+from py import _apipkg
+_apipkg.initpkg(__name__, attr={'_apipkg': _apipkg}, exportdefs={
+    # access to all standard lib modules
+    'std': '._std:std',
+    # access to all posix errno's as classes
+    'error': '._error:error',
+    '_pydir' : '.__metainfo:pydir',
+    'version': 'py:__version__', # backward compatibility
+    # pytest-2.0 has a flat namespace, we use alias modules
+    # to keep old references compatible
+    'test' : 'pytest',
+    'test.collect' : 'pytest',
+    'test.cmdline' : 'pytest',
+    # hook into the top-level standard library
+    'process' : {
+        '__doc__'        : '._process:__doc__',
+        'cmdexec'        : '._process.cmdexec:cmdexec',
+        'kill'           : '._process.killproc:kill',
+        'ForkedFunc'     : '._process.forkedfunc:ForkedFunc',
+    },
+    'apipkg' : {
+        'initpkg'   : '._apipkg:initpkg',
+        'ApiModule' : '._apipkg:ApiModule',
+    },
+    'iniconfig' : {
+        'IniConfig'      : '._iniconfig:IniConfig',
+        'ParseError'     : '._iniconfig:ParseError',
+    },
+    'path' : {
+        '__doc__'        : '._path:__doc__',
+        'svnwc'          : '._path.svnwc:SvnWCCommandPath',
+        'svnurl'         : '._path.svnurl:SvnCommandPath',
+        'local'          : '._path.local:LocalPath',
+        'SvnAuth'        : '._path.svnwc:SvnAuth',
+    },
+    # python inspection/code-generation API
+    'code' : {
+        '__doc__'           : '._code:__doc__',
+        'compile'           : '._code.source:compile_',
+        'Source'            : '._code.source:Source',
+        'Code'              : '._code.code:Code',
+        'Frame'             : '._code.code:Frame',
+        'ExceptionInfo'     : '._code.code:ExceptionInfo',
+        'Traceback'         : '._code.code:Traceback',
+        'getfslineno'       : '._code.source:getfslineno',
+        'getrawcode'        : '._code.code:getrawcode',
+        'patch_builtins'    : '._code.code:patch_builtins',
+        'unpatch_builtins'  : '._code.code:unpatch_builtins',
+        '_AssertionError'   : '._code.assertion:AssertionError',
+        '_reinterpret_old'  : '._code.assertion:reinterpret_old',
+        '_reinterpret'      : '._code.assertion:reinterpret',
+        '_reprcompare'      : '._code.assertion:_reprcompare',
+    },
+    # backports and additions of builtins
+    'builtin' : {
+        '__doc__'        : '._builtin:__doc__',
+        'enumerate'      : '._builtin:enumerate',
+        'reversed'       : '._builtin:reversed',
+        'sorted'         : '._builtin:sorted',
+        'any'            : '._builtin:any',
+        'all'            : '._builtin:all',
+        'set'            : '._builtin:set',
+        'frozenset'      : '._builtin:frozenset',
+        'BaseException'  : '._builtin:BaseException',
+        'GeneratorExit'  : '._builtin:GeneratorExit',
+        '_sysex'         : '._builtin:_sysex',
+        'print_'         : '._builtin:print_',
+        '_reraise'       : '._builtin:_reraise',
+        '_tryimport'     : '._builtin:_tryimport',
+        'exec_'          : '._builtin:exec_',
+        '_basestring'    : '._builtin:_basestring',
+        '_totext'        : '._builtin:_totext',
+        '_isbytes'       : '._builtin:_isbytes',
+        '_istext'        : '._builtin:_istext',
+        '_getimself'     : '._builtin:_getimself',
+        '_getfuncdict'   : '._builtin:_getfuncdict',
+        '_getcode'       : '._builtin:_getcode',
+        'builtins'       : '._builtin:builtins',
+        'execfile'       : '._builtin:execfile',
+        'callable'       : '._builtin:callable',
+    },
+    # input-output helping
+    'io' : {
+        '__doc__'             : '._io:__doc__',
+        'dupfile'             : '._io.capture:dupfile',
+        'TextIO'              : '._io.capture:TextIO',
+        'BytesIO'             : '._io.capture:BytesIO',
+        'FDCapture'           : '._io.capture:FDCapture',
+        'StdCapture'          : '._io.capture:StdCapture',
+        'StdCaptureFD'        : '._io.capture:StdCaptureFD',
+        'TerminalWriter'      : '._io.terminalwriter:TerminalWriter',
+        'ansi_print'          : '._io.terminalwriter:ansi_print',
+        'get_terminal_width'  : '._io.terminalwriter:get_terminal_width',
+        'saferepr'            : '._io.saferepr:saferepr',
+    },
+    # small and mean xml/html generation
+    'xml' : {
+        '__doc__'            : '._xmlgen:__doc__',
+        'html'               : '._xmlgen:html',
+        'Tag'                : '._xmlgen:Tag',
+        'raw'                : '._xmlgen:raw',
+        'Namespace'          : '._xmlgen:Namespace',
+        'escape'             : '._xmlgen:escape',
+    },
+    'log' : {
+        # logging API ('producers' and 'consumers' connected via keywords)
+        '__doc__'            : '._log:__doc__',
+        '_apiwarn'           : '._log.warning:_apiwarn',
+        'Producer'           : '._log.log:Producer',
+        'setconsumer'        : '._log.log:setconsumer',
+        '_setstate'          : '._log.log:setstate',
+        '_getstate'          : '._log.log:getstate',
+        'Path'               : '._log.log:Path',
+        'STDOUT'             : '._log.log:STDOUT',
+        'STDERR'             : '._log.log:STDERR',
+        'Syslog'             : '._log.log:Syslog',
+    },