author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 3041 c8f47f0b6697
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

if (typeof JSDOC == "undefined") JSDOC = {};

/** @constructor */
JSDOC.Walker = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/ts) {
	if (typeof ts != "undefined") {

JSDOC.Walker.prototype.init = function() {
	this.ts = null;

	var globalSymbol = new JSDOC.Symbol("_global_", [], "GLOBAL", new JSDOC.DocComment(""));
	globalSymbol.isNamespace = true;
	globalSymbol.srcFile = "";
	globalSymbol.isPrivate = false;
	this.lastDoc = null;
	this.token = null;
		The chain of symbols under which we are currently nested.
		@type Array
	this.namescope = [globalSymbol];
	this.namescope.last = function(n){ if (!n) n = 0; return this[this.length-(1+n)] || "" };

JSDOC.Walker.prototype.walk = function(/**JSDOC.TokenStream*/ts) {
	this.ts = ts;
	while (this.token = this.ts.look()) {
		if (this.token.popNamescope) {
			var symbol = this.namescope.pop();
			if ("FUNCTION")) {
				if (this.ts.look(1).is("LEFT_PAREN") && symbol.comment.getTag("function").length == 0) {
					symbol.isa = "OBJECT";
		if (! break;

JSDOC.Walker.prototype.step = function() {
	if ("JSDOC")) { // it's a doc comment
		var doc = new JSDOC.DocComment(;
		if (doc.getTag("exports").length > 0) {
			var exports = doc.getTag("exports")[0];

			exports.desc.match(/(\S+) as (\S+)/i);
			var n1 = RegExp.$1;
			var n2 = RegExp.$2;
			if (!n1 && n2) throw "@exports tag requires a value like: 'name as'";
			JSDOC.Parser.rename = (JSDOC.Parser.rename || {});	
			JSDOC.Parser.rename[n1] = n2
		if (doc.getTag("lends").length > 0) {
			var lends = doc.getTag("lends")[0];

			var name = lends.desc
			if (!name) throw "@lends tag requires a value.";
			var symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, [], "OBJECT", doc);
			var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
			if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
			else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			this.lastDoc = null;
			return true;
		else if (doc.getTag("name").length > 0 && doc.getTag("overview").length == 0) { // it's a virtual symbol
			var virtualName = doc.getTag("name")[0].desc;
			if (!virtualName) throw "@name tag requires a value.";
			var symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(virtualName, [], "VIRTUAL", doc);
			this.lastDoc = null;
			return true;
		else if (doc.meta) { // it's a meta doclet
			if (doc.meta == "@+") JSDOC.DocComment.shared = doc.src;
			else if (doc.meta == "@-") JSDOC.DocComment.shared = "";
			else if (doc.meta == "nocode+") JSDOC.Parser.conf.ignoreCode = true;
			else if (doc.meta == "nocode-") JSDOC.Parser.conf.ignoreCode = JSDOC.opt.n;
			else throw "Unrecognized meta comment: "+doc.meta;
			this.lastDoc = null;
			return true;
		else if (doc.getTag("overview").length > 0) { // it's a file overview
			symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol("", [], "FILE", doc);
			this.lastDoc = null;
			return true;
		else {
			this.lastDoc = doc;
			return false;
	else if (!JSDOC.Parser.conf.ignoreCode) { // it's code
		if ("NAME")) { // it's the name of something
			var symbol;
			var name =;
			var doc = null; if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
			var params = [];
			// it's inside an anonymous object
			if (this.ts.look(1).is("COLON") && this.ts.look(-1).is("LEFT_CURLY") && !(this.ts.look(-2).is("JSDOC") || this.namescope.last().comment.getTag("lends").length || this.ts.look(-2).is("ASSIGN") || this.ts.look(-2).is("COLON"))) {
				name = "$anonymous";
				name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name
				params = [];
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "OBJECT", doc);

				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken(null, "RIGHT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			// function foo() {}
			else if (this.ts.look(-1).is("FUNCTION") && this.ts.look(1).is("LEFT_PAREN")) {
				var isInner;
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name;
				if (!this.namescope.last().is("GLOBAL")) isInner = true;
				params = JSDOC.Walker.onParamList(this.ts.balance("LEFT_PAREN"));

				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "FUNCTION", doc);
				if (isInner) symbol.isInner = true;

				if (this.ts.look(1).is("JSDOC")) {
					var inlineReturn = ""+this.ts.look(1).data;
					inlineReturn = inlineReturn.replace(/(^\/\*\* *| *\*\/$)/g, "");
					symbol.type = inlineReturn;
				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			// foo = function() {}
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("ASSIGN") && this.ts.look(2).is("FUNCTION")) {
				var isInner;
				if (this.ts.look(-1).is("VAR") || this.isInner) {
					name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name
					if (!this.namescope.last().is("GLOBAL")) isInner = true;
				else if (name.indexOf("this.") == 0) {
					name = this.resolveThis(name);

				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				params = JSDOC.Walker.onParamList(this.ts.balance("LEFT_PAREN"));
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "FUNCTION", doc);
				if (isInner) symbol.isInner = true;
				if (this.ts.look(1).is("JSDOC")) {
					var inlineReturn = ""+this.ts.look(1).data;
					inlineReturn = inlineReturn.replace(/(^\/\*\* *| *\*\/$)/g, "");
					symbol.type = inlineReturn;
				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			// foo = new function() {} or foo = (function() {}
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("ASSIGN") && (this.ts.look(2).is("NEW") || this.ts.look(2).is("LEFT_PAREN")) && this.ts.look(3).is("FUNCTION")) {
				var isInner;
				if (this.ts.look(-1).is("VAR") || this.isInner) {
					name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name
					if (!this.namescope.last().is("GLOBAL")) isInner = true;
				else if (name.indexOf("this.") == 0) {
					name = this.resolveThis(name);
				}; // advance past the "new" or "("
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				params = JSDOC.Walker.onParamList(this.ts.balance("LEFT_PAREN"));
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "OBJECT", doc);
				if (isInner) symbol.isInner = true;
				if (this.ts.look(1).is("JSDOC")) {
					var inlineReturn = ""+this.ts.look(1).data;
					inlineReturn = inlineReturn.replace(/(^\/\*\* *| *\*\/$)/g, "");
					symbol.type = inlineReturn;
				symbol.scopeType = "INSTANCE";
				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			// foo: function() {}
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("COLON") && this.ts.look(2).is("FUNCTION")) {
				name = (this.namescope.last().alias+"."+name).replace("#.", "#");
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				params = JSDOC.Walker.onParamList(this.ts.balance("LEFT_PAREN"));
				if (doc && doc.getTag("constructs").length) {
					name = name.replace(/\.prototype(\.|$)/, "#");
					if (name.indexOf("#") > -1) name = name.match(/(^[^#]+)/)[0];
					else name = this.namescope.last().alias;

					symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "CONSTRUCTOR", doc);
				else {
					symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "FUNCTION", doc);
				if (this.ts.look(1).is("JSDOC")) {
					var inlineReturn = ""+this.ts.look(1).data;
					inlineReturn = inlineReturn.replace(/(^\/\*\* *| *\*\/$)/g, "");
					symbol.type = inlineReturn;
				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			// foo = {}
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("ASSIGN") && this.ts.look(2).is("LEFT_CURLY")) {
				var isInner;
				if (this.ts.look(-1).is("VAR") || this.isInner) {
					name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name
					if (!this.namescope.last().is("GLOBAL")) isInner = true;
				else if (name.indexOf("this.") == 0) {
					name = this.resolveThis(name);
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "OBJECT", doc);
				if (isInner) symbol.isInner = true;
				if (doc) JSDOC.Parser.addSymbol(symbol);

				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			// var foo;
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("SEMICOLON")) {
				var isInner;

				if (this.ts.look(-1).is("VAR") || this.isInner) {
					name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name
					if (!this.namescope.last().is("GLOBAL")) isInner = true;
					if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
					symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "OBJECT", doc);
					if (isInner) symbol.isInner = true;
					if (doc) JSDOC.Parser.addSymbol(symbol);
			// foo = x
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("ASSIGN")) {				
				var isInner;
				if (this.ts.look(-1).is("VAR") || this.isInner) {
					name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name
					if (!this.namescope.last().is("GLOBAL")) isInner = true;
				else if (name.indexOf("this.") == 0) {
					name = this.resolveThis(name);
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "OBJECT", doc);
				if (isInner) symbol.isInner = true;
				if (doc) JSDOC.Parser.addSymbol(symbol);
			// foo: {}
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("COLON") && this.ts.look(2).is("LEFT_CURLY")) {
				name = (this.namescope.last().alias+"."+name).replace("#.", "#");
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "OBJECT", doc);
				if (doc) JSDOC.Parser.addSymbol(symbol);
				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
			// foo: x
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("COLON")) {
				name = (this.namescope.last().alias+"."+name).replace("#.", "#");;
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "OBJECT", doc);
				if (doc) JSDOC.Parser.addSymbol(symbol);
			// foo(...)
			else if (this.ts.look(1).is("LEFT_PAREN")) {
				if (typeof JSDOC.PluginManager != "undefined") {
					var functionCall = {name: name};
					var cursor = this.ts.cursor;
					params = JSDOC.Walker.onParamList(this.ts.balance("LEFT_PAREN"));
					this.ts.cursor = cursor;
					for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
						functionCall["arg" + (i + 1)] = params[i].name;
"onFunctionCall", functionCall);
					if (functionCall.doc) {
						this.ts.insertAhead(new JSDOC.Token(functionCall.doc, "COMM", "JSDOC"));
			this.lastDoc = null;
		else if ("FUNCTION")) { // it's an anonymous function
			if (
				(!this.ts.look(-1).is("COLON") || !this.ts.look(-1).is("ASSIGN"))
				&& !this.ts.look(1).is("NAME")
			) {
				if (this.lastDoc) doc = this.lastDoc;
				name = "$anonymous";
				name = this.namescope.last().alias+"-"+name
				params = JSDOC.Walker.onParamList(this.ts.balance("LEFT_PAREN"));
				symbol = new JSDOC.Symbol(name, params, "FUNCTION", doc);
				var matching = this.ts.getMatchingToken("LEFT_CURLY");
				if (matching) matching.popNamescope = name;
				else LOG.warn("Mismatched } character. Can't parse code in file " + symbol.srcFile + ".");
	return true;

	Resolves what "this." means when it appears in a name.
	@param name The name that starts with "this.".
	@returns The name with "this." resolved.
JSDOC.Walker.prototype.resolveThis = function(name) {
	var nameFragment = RegExp.$1;
	if (!nameFragment) return name;
	var symbol = this.namescope.last();
	var scopeType = symbol.scopeType || symbol.isa;

	// if we are in a constructor function, `this` means the instance
	if (scopeType == "CONSTRUCTOR") {
		name = symbol.alias+"#"+nameFragment;
	// if we are in an anonymous constructor function, `this` means the instance
	else if (scopeType == "INSTANCE") {
		name = symbol.alias+"."+nameFragment;
	// if we are in a function, `this` means the container (possibly the global)
	else if (scopeType == "FUNCTION") {
		// in a method of a prototype, so `this` means the constructor
		if (symbol.alias.match(/(^.*)[#.-][^#.-]+/)) {
			var parentName = RegExp.$1;
			var parent = JSDOC.Parser.symbols.getSymbol(parentName);

			if (!parent) {
				if (JSDOC.Lang.isBuiltin(parentName)) parent = JSDOC.Parser.addBuiltin(parentName);
				else {
					if (symbol.alias.indexOf("$anonymous") < 0) // these will be ignored eventually
						LOG.warn("Trying to document "+symbol.alias+" without first documenting "+parentName+".");
			if (parent) name = parentName+("CONSTRUCTOR")?"#":".")+nameFragment;
		else {
			parent = this.namescope.last(1);
			name = parent.alias+("CONSTRUCTOR")?"#":".")+nameFragment;
	// otherwise it means the global
	else {
		name = nameFragment;
	return name;

JSDOC.Walker.onParamList = function(/**Array*/paramTokens) {
	if (!paramTokens) {
		LOG.warn("Malformed parameter list. Can't parse code.");
		return [];
	var params = [];
	for (var i = 0, l = paramTokens.length; i < l; i++) {
		if (paramTokens[i].is("JSDOC")) {
			var paramType = paramTokens[i].data.replace(/(^\/\*\* *| *\*\/$)/g, "");
			if (paramTokens[i+1] && paramTokens[i+1].is("NAME")) {
				params.push({type: paramType, name: paramTokens[i].data});
		else if (paramTokens[i].is("NAME")) {
			params.push({name: paramTokens[i].data});
	return params;