GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace.
Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to
load its services, so better stay safe.
Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module.
Fixes Issue 634.
import datetime
from time import time
from django.utils.hashcompat import md5_constructor
import decimal
except ImportError:
from django.utils import _decimal as decimal # for Python 2.3
class CursorDebugWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, cursor, db):
self.cursor = cursor
self.db = db # Instance of a BaseDatabaseWrapper subclass
def execute(self, sql, params=()):
start = time()
return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
stop = time()
sql = self.db.ops.last_executed_query(self.cursor, sql, params)
'sql': sql,
'time': "%.3f" % (stop - start),
def executemany(self, sql, param_list):
start = time()
return self.cursor.executemany(sql, param_list)
stop = time()
'sql': '%s times: %s' % (len(param_list), sql),
'time': "%.3f" % (stop - start),
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[attr]
return getattr(self.cursor, attr)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.cursor)
# Converters from database (string) to Python #
def typecast_date(s):
return s and*map(int, s.split('-'))) or None # returns None if s is null
def typecast_time(s): # does NOT store time zone information
if not s: return None
hour, minutes, seconds = s.split(':')
if '.' in seconds: # check whether seconds have a fractional part
seconds, microseconds = seconds.split('.')
microseconds = '0'
return datetime.time(int(hour), int(minutes), int(seconds), int(float('.'+microseconds) * 1000000))
def typecast_timestamp(s): # does NOT store time zone information
# "2005-07-29 15:48:00.590358-05"
# "2005-07-29 09:56:00-05"
if not s: return None
if not ' ' in s: return typecast_date(s)
d, t = s.split()
# Extract timezone information, if it exists. Currently we just throw
# it away, but in the future we may make use of it.
if '-' in t:
t, tz = t.split('-', 1)
tz = '-' + tz
elif '+' in t:
t, tz = t.split('+', 1)
tz = '+' + tz
tz = ''
dates = d.split('-')
times = t.split(':')
seconds = times[2]
if '.' in seconds: # check whether seconds have a fractional part
seconds, microseconds = seconds.split('.')
microseconds = '0'
return datetime.datetime(int(dates[0]), int(dates[1]), int(dates[2]),
int(times[0]), int(times[1]), int(seconds), int(float('.'+microseconds) * 1000000))
def typecast_boolean(s):
if s is None: return None
if not s: return False
return str(s)[0].lower() == 't'
def typecast_decimal(s):
if s is None or s == '':
return None
return decimal.Decimal(s)
# Converters from Python to database (string) #
def rev_typecast_boolean(obj, d):
return obj and '1' or '0'
def rev_typecast_decimal(d):
if d is None:
return None
return str(d)
def truncate_name(name, length=None):
"""Shortens a string to a repeatable mangled version with the given length.
if length is None or len(name) <= length:
return name
hash = md5_constructor(name).hexdigest()[:4]
return '%s%s' % (name[:length-4], hash)
def format_number(value, max_digits, decimal_places):
Formats a number into a string with the requisite number of digits and
decimal places.
return u"%.*f" % (decimal_places, value)