author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

 This module contains the spatial lookup types, and the `get_geo_where_clause`
 routine for MySQL.

 Please note that MySQL only supports bounding box queries, also
 known as MBRs (Minimum Bounding Rectangles).  Moreover, spatial
 indices may only be used on MyISAM tables -- if you need 
 transactions, take a look at PostGIS.
from django.db import connection
qn = connection.ops.quote_name

# To ease implementation, WKT is passed to/from MySQL.
GEOM_FROM_TEXT = 'GeomFromText'
GEOM_SELECT = 'AsText(%s)'

# WARNING: MySQL is NOT compliant w/the OpenGIS specification and
# _every_ one of these lookup types is on the _bounding box_ only.
    'bbcontains' : 'MBRContains', # For consistency w/PostGIS API
    'bboverlaps' : 'MBROverlaps', # .. ..
    'contained' : 'MBRWithin',    # .. ..
    'contains' : 'MBRContains',
    'disjoint' : 'MBRDisjoint',
    'equals' : 'MBREqual',
    'exact' : 'MBREqual',
    'intersects' : 'MBRIntersects',
    'overlaps' : 'MBROverlaps',
    'same_as' : 'MBREqual',
    'touches' : 'MBRTouches',
    'within' : 'MBRWithin',

# This lookup type does not require a mapping.
MISC_TERMS = ['isnull']

# Assacceptable lookup types for Oracle spatial.
MYSQL_GIS_TERMS = dict((term, None) for term in MYSQL_GIS_TERMS) # Making dictionary 

def get_geo_where_clause(table_alias, name, lookup_type, geo_annot):
    "Returns the SQL WHERE clause for use in MySQL spatial SQL construction."
    # Getting the quoted field as `geo_col`.
    geo_col = '%s.%s' % (qn(table_alias), qn(name))

    # See if a MySQL Geometry function matches the lookup type next
    lookup_info = MYSQL_GIS_FUNCTIONS.get(lookup_type, False)
    if lookup_info:
        return "%s(%s, %%s)" % (lookup_info, geo_col)
    # Handling 'isnull' lookup type
    # TODO: Is this needed because MySQL cannot handle NULL
    # geometries in its spatial indices.
    if lookup_type == 'isnull':
        return "%s IS %sNULL" % (geo_col, (not geo_annot.value and 'NOT ' or ''))

    raise TypeError("Got invalid lookup_type: %s" % repr(lookup_type))