author Daniel Bentley <dbentley@google.com>
Sun, 12 Apr 2009 09:06:45 +0000
changeset 2168 ef7222d4847f
parent 1690 376e75215f35
child 2276 ec80019740ea
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Use offset_linkid instead of offset to scan >1000 entities. this is a first-cut. It works in all the ways I could make earlier versions fail. It passes link_id as URL parameters. It also has a new class LinkCreator which makes the main body of getListContents even easier to write. I wasn't sure if link_id's could have non alphanumeric characters; if so, they need to be URL encoded/decoded. I also need to go and remove any mention of raw offsets now, because we don't use them. I believe I've talked about this approach with a few of you and it sounded reasonable. Feel free to roll-back/fix/amend/comment-for-me-to-fix. This is my first big-logic-change to Melange. Patch by: Dan Bentley

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os

HERE = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
appengine_location = os.path.join(HERE, 'thirdparty', 'google_appengine')
extra_paths = [HERE,
               os.path.join(appengine_location, 'lib', 'django'),
               os.path.join(appengine_location, 'lib', 'webob'),
               os.path.join(appengine_location, 'lib', 'yaml', 'lib'),
               os.path.join(HERE, 'app'),
               os.path.join(HERE, 'thirdparty', 'coverage'),

import nose
from nose import plugins

class AppEngineDatastoreClearPlugin(plugins.Plugin):
  """Nose plugin to clear the AppEngine datastore between tests.
  name = 'AppEngineDatastoreClearPlugin'
  enabled = True
  def options(self, parser, env):
    return plugins.Plugin.options(self, parser, env)

  def configure(self, parser, env):
    plugins.Plugin.configure(self, parser, env)
    self.enabled = True

  def afterTest(self, test):
    from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
    datastore = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('datastore')

def main():
  sys.path = extra_paths + sys.path
  os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Development via nose'
  os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = 'Foo'
  os.environ['SERVER_PORT'] = '8080'
  os.environ['APPLICATION_ID'] = 'test-app-run'
  os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = 'test@example.com'
  os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] = 'testing-version'
  import main as app_main
  from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
  from google.appengine.api import datastore_file_stub
  from google.appengine.api import mail_stub
  from google.appengine.api import user_service_stub
  from google.appengine.api import urlfetch_stub
  from google.appengine.api.memcache import memcache_stub
  apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy = apiproxy_stub_map.APIProxyStubMap()
    datastore_file_stub.DatastoreFileStub('your_app_id', None, None))
  apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub('mail', mail_stub.MailServiceStub())
  import django.test.utils
  nose.main(plugins=[AppEngineDatastoreClearPlugin(), ])

if __name__ == '__main__':