author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

from django.db.backends.postgresql.introspection import DatabaseIntrospection as PostgresDatabaseIntrospection

class DatabaseIntrospection(PostgresDatabaseIntrospection):

    def get_relations(self, cursor, table_name):
        Returns a dictionary of {field_index: (field_index_other_table, other_table)}
        representing all relationships to the given table. Indexes are 0-based.
            SELECT con.conkey, con.confkey, c2.relname
            FROM pg_constraint con, pg_class c1, pg_class c2
            WHERE c1.oid = con.conrelid
                AND c2.oid = con.confrelid
                AND c1.relname = %s
                AND con.contype = 'f'""", [table_name])
        relations = {}
        for row in cursor.fetchall():
            # row[0] and row[1] are single-item lists, so grab the single item.
            relations[row[0][0] - 1] = (row[1][0] - 1, row[2])
        return relations