Split edit and create into different methods
This makes removes unneeded responsibility from the edit view and
makes it possible to more tightly restrict the usage of the edit and
create views to only creating/editing.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
# Generates epydoc for $target to $outdir, while ignoring $exclude
# WARNING: The contents of $outdir are -deleted- before the running epydoc
# This way there are no 'stale files' when the script finishes.
target="../app ../tests"
echo "Cleaning out $outdir..."
rm -f $outdir/*
echo "Done."
echo "Running epydoc..."
echo "$target -> $outdir"
echo "================="
epydoc --html -v --show-private --inheritance=included --graph=all \
--parse-only --exclude=$exclude -o $outdir $target
echo "================="
echo "Done."
echo "Goodbye."