author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Sat, 18 Apr 2009 12:37:12 +0000
changeset 2204 ccbc8bb5ce86
parent 2183 4e036dcc79ba
child 2241 5e5b7f5d9a89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Split edit and create into different methods This makes removes unneeded responsibility from the edit view and makes it possible to more tightly restrict the usage of the edit and create views to only creating/editing. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Views for Student Project.

__authors__ = [
    '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',

import time

from django import forms

from soc.logic import cleaning
from soc.logic import dicts
from soc.logic.models import mentor as mentor_logic
from soc.logic.models.organization import logic as org_logic
from soc.logic.models.org_admin import logic as org_admin_logic
from soc.logic.models import student as student_logic
from soc.logic.models.student_project import logic as project_logic
from soc.views import out_of_band
from soc.views.helper import access
from soc.views.helper import decorators
from soc.views.helper import dynaform
from soc.views.helper import forms as forms_helper
from soc.views.helper import lists
from soc.views.helper import params as params_helper
from soc.views.helper import redirects
from soc.views.helper import responses
from soc.views.helper import widgets
from soc.views.models import base
from soc.views.models import organization as org_view

import soc.logic.models.student_project

class View(base.View):
  """View methods for the Student Project model.

  def __init__(self, params=None):
    """Defines the fields and methods required for the base View class
    to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views.

      params: a dict with params for this View

    rights = access.Checker(params)
    rights['create'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['edit'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['show'] = ['allow']
    rights['list'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['manage'] = [('checkHasActiveRoleForScope',
        ('checkStudentProjectHasStatus', [['accepted', 'mid_term_passed']])]
    rights['manage_overview'] = [('checkHasActiveRoleForScope',
    # TODO lack of better name here!
    rights['st_edit'] = ['checkIsMyStudentProject',
            [['accepted', 'mid_term_passed', 'passed']])

    new_params = {}
    new_params['logic'] = soc.logic.models.student_project.logic
    new_params['rights'] = rights
    new_params['name'] = "Student Project"
    new_params['url_name'] = "student_project"
    new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = 'Students'

    new_params['scope_view'] = org_view
    new_params['scope_redirect'] = redirects.getCreateRedirect

    new_params['no_create_with_key_fields'] = True

    new_params['extra_dynaexclude'] = ['program', 'status', 'link_id',
                                       'mentor', 'additional_mentors',

    new_params['create_extra_dynaproperties'] = {
        'scope_path': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
        'public_info': forms.fields.CharField(required=True,
            widget=widgets.FullTinyMCE(attrs={'rows': 25, 'cols': 100})),
        'student_id': forms.CharField(label='Student Link ID',
        'mentor_id': forms.CharField(label='Mentor Link ID',
        'clean_abstract': cleaning.clean_content_length('abstract'),
        'clean_public_info': cleaning.clean_html_content('public_info'),
        'clean_student': cleaning.clean_link_id('student'),
        'clean_mentor': cleaning.clean_link_id('mentor'),
        'clean_additional_info': cleaning.clean_url('additional_info'),
        'clean_feed_url': cleaning.clean_feed_url,
        'clean': cleaning.validate_student_project('scope_path',
            'mentor_id', 'student_id')

    new_params['edit_extra_dynaproperties'] = {
        'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput),

    patterns = [
        'Overview of %(name_plural)s to Manage for'),
        'Manage %(name)s'),
        'Edit my %(name)s'),

    new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns

    new_params['edit_template'] = 'soc/student_project/edit.html'

    params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)

    super(View, self).__init__(params=params)

    # create the form that students will use to edit their projects
    dynaproperties = {
        'public_info': forms.fields.CharField(required=True,
            widget=widgets.FullTinyMCE(attrs={'rows': 25, 'cols': 100})),
        'clean_abstract': cleaning.clean_content_length('abstract'),
        'clean_public_info': cleaning.clean_html_content('public_info'),
        'clean_additional_info': cleaning.clean_url('additional_info'),
        'clean_feed_url': cleaning.clean_feed_url,

    student_edit_form = dynaform.newDynaForm(
        dynabase = self._params['dynabase'],
        dynamodel = self._params['logic'].getModel(),
        dynaexclude = self._params['create_dynaexclude'],
        dynaproperties = dynaproperties,

    self._params['student_edit_form'] = student_edit_form

  def _editGet(self, request, entity, form):
    """See base.View._editGet().

    form.fields['link_id'].initial = entity.link_id
    form.fields['student_id'].initial = entity.student.link_id
    form.fields['mentor_id'].initial = entity.mentor.link_id

    return super(View, self)._editGet(request, entity, form)

  def _editPost(self, request, entity, fields):
    """See base.View._editPost().

    if not entity:
      fields['link_id'] = 't%i' % (int(time.time()*100))
      fields['link_id'] = entity.link_id

    # fill in the scope via call to super
    super(View, self)._editPost(request, entity, fields)

    # editing a project so set the program, student and mentor field
    if entity:
      organization = entity.scope
      organization = fields['scope']

    fields['program'] = organization.scope

    filter = {'scope': fields['program'],
              'link_id': fields['student_id']}
    fields['student'] = student_logic.logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True)

    filter = {'scope': organization,
              'link_id': fields['mentor_id'],
              'status': 'active'}
    fields['mentor'] = mentor_logic.logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True)

  def manage(self, request, access_type,
             page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
    """View that allows Organization Admins to manage their Student Projects.

    For params see base.View().public()

      entity = self._logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)
    except out_of_band.Error, error:
      return responses.errorResponse(
          error, request, template=params['error_public'])

    # get the context for this webpage
    context = responses.getUniversalContext(request)
    responses.useJavaScript(context, params['js_uses_all'])
    context['page_name'] = "%s '%s' from %s" % (page_name, entity.title,

    # use another template and make the cancel button goes to the public view
    params['edit_template'] = 'soc/student_project/manage.html'
    params['edit_cancel_redirect'] = redirects.getManageOverviewRedirect(
        entity.scope, params)

    # get all mentors for this organization
    fields = {'scope': entity.scope,
              'status': 'active'}
    mentors = mentor_logic.logic.getForFields(fields)

    choices = [(mentor.link_id,'%s (%s)' %(, mentor.link_id))
                  for mentor in mentors]

    # create the form that org admins will use to reassign a mentor
    dynafields = [
        {'name': 'mentor_id',
         'base': forms.ChoiceField,
         'label': 'Mentor',
         'required': True,
         'passthrough': ['required', 'choices', 'label'],
         'choices': choices,

    dynaproperties = params_helper.getDynaFields(dynafields)

    mentor_edit_form = dynaform.newDynaForm(
        dynabase = params['dynabase'],
        dynaproperties = dynaproperties,

    params['mentor_edit_form'] = mentor_edit_form

    if request.POST:
      return self.managePost(request, context, params, entity, **kwargs)
    else: #request.GET
      return self.manageGet(request, context, params, entity, **kwargs)

  def manageGet(self, request, context, params, entity, **kwargs):
    """Handles the GET request for the project's manage page.

        entity: the student project entity
        rest: see base.View.public()

    # populate form with the current mentor
    initial = {'mentor_id': entity.mentor.link_id}
    form = params['mentor_edit_form'](initial=initial)

    return self._constructResponse(request, entity, context, form, params)

  def managePost(self, request, context, params, entity, **kwargs):
    """Handles the POST request for the project's manage page.

        entity: the student project entity
        rest: see base.View.public()

    form = params['mentor_edit_form'](request.POST)

    if not form.is_valid():
      return self._constructResponse(request, entity, context, form, params)

    _, fields = forms_helper.collectCleanedFields(form)

    # get the mentor from the form
    fields = {'link_id': fields['mentor_id'],
              'scope': entity.scope,
              'status': 'active'}
    mentor = mentor_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

    # update the project with the assigned mentor
    fields = {'mentor': mentor}
    project_logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, fields)

    return self.manageGet(request, context, params, entity)

  def manageOverview(self, request, access_type,
             page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
    """View that allows Organization Admins to see an overview of 
       their Organization's Student Projects.

    For params see base.View().public()

    # make sure the organization exists
    org_entity = org_logic.getFromKeyNameOr404(kwargs['scope_path'])
    fields = {'scope': org_entity}

    # get the context for this webpage
    context = responses.getUniversalContext(request)
    responses.useJavaScript(context, params['js_uses_all'])
    context['page_name'] = '%s %s' % (page_name,

    list_params = params.copy()

    #list all active projects
    fields['status'] = ['accepted', 'mid_term_passed']
    active_params = list_params.copy()
    active_params['list_description'] = \
        'List of all active %(name_plural)s' % list_params
    active_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getManageRedirect, list_params)

    active_list = lists.getListContent(
        request, active_params, fields, idx=0)

    # list all failed projects
    fields['status'] = ['mid_term_failed', 'final_failed']
    failed_params = list_params.copy()
    failed_params['list_description'] = ('List of all failed %(name_plural)s, '
        'these cannot be managed.') % list_params
    failed_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, list_params)

    failed_list = lists.getListContent(
        request, failed_params, fields, idx=1, need_content=True)

    #list all completed projects
    fields['status'] = ['passed']
    completed_params = list_params.copy()
    completed_params['list_description'] = ('List of %(name_plural)s that have '
        'successfully completed the program, '
        'these cannot be managed.' % list_params)
    completed_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, list_params)

    completed_list = lists.getListContent(
        request, completed_params, fields, idx=2, need_content=True)

    # always show the list with active projects
    content = [active_list]

    if failed_list != None:
      # do not show empty failed list

    if completed_list != None:
      # do not show empty completed list

    # call the _list method from base to display the list
    return self._list(request, list_params, content,
                      context['page_name'], context)

  def stEdit(self, request, access_type,
             page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
    """View that allows students to edit information about their project.

    For params see base.View().public()

      entity = self._logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)
    except out_of_band.Error, error:
      return responses.errorResponse(
          error, request, template=params['error_public'])

    # get the context for this webpage
    context = responses.getUniversalContext(request)
    responses.useJavaScript(context, params['js_uses_all'])
    context['page_name'] = page_name
    # cancel should go to the public view
    params['edit_cancel_redirect'] = redirects.getPublicRedirect(entity, params)

    if request.POST:
      return self.stEditPost(request, context, params, entity, **kwargs)
    else: #request.GET
      return self.stEditGet(request, context, params, entity, **kwargs)

  def stEditGet(self, request, context, params, entity, **kwargs):
    """Handles the GET request for the student's edit page.

        entity: the student project entity
        rest: see base.View.public()

    # populate form with the existing entity
    form = params['student_edit_form'](instance=entity)

    return self._constructResponse(request, entity, context, form, params)

  def stEditPost(self, request, context, params, entity, **kwargs):
    """Handles the POST request for the student's edit page.

        entity: the student project entity
        rest: see base.View.public()

    form = params['student_edit_form'](request.POST)

    if not form.is_valid():
      return self._constructResponse(request, entity, context, form, params)

    _, fields = forms_helper.collectCleanedFields(form)

    project_logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, fields)

    return self.stEditGet(request, context, params, entity, **kwargs)

view = View()

admin = decorators.view(view.admin)
create = decorators.view(view.create)
delete = decorators.view(view.delete)
edit = decorators.view(view.edit)
list = decorators.view(view.list)
manage = decorators.view(view.manage)
manage_overview = decorators.view(view.manageOverview)
public = decorators.view(view.public)
st_edit = decorators.view(view.stEdit)
export = decorators.view(view.export)
pick = decorators.view(view.pick)