No override needed in
The only downside is that the ?s=0 parameter will still be appended
but is not handled in list(). The right solution would be to update
list() so that it does say "Message Sent" or such, to give the user
an indication that their message was sent succesfully.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
from import BaseCommand
from optparse import make_option
class Command(BaseCommand):
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('--addrport', action='store', dest='addrport',
type='string', default='',
help='port number or ipaddr:port to run the server on'),
help = 'Runs a development server with data from the given fixture(s).'
args = '[fixture ...]'
requires_model_validation = False
def handle(self, *fixture_labels, **options):
from import call_command
from django.db import connection
verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1))
addrport = options.get('addrport')
# Create a test database.
db_name = connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=verbosity)
# Import the fixture data into the test database.
call_command('loaddata', *fixture_labels, **{'verbosity': verbosity})
# Run the development server. Turn off auto-reloading because it causes
# a strange error -- it causes this handle() method to be called
# multiple times.
shutdown_message = '\nServer stopped.\nNote that the test database, %r, has not been deleted. You can explore it on your own.' % db_name
call_command('runserver', addrport=addrport, shutdown_message=shutdown_message, use_reloader=False)