Move member_template property from Group to Organization model since it's Organization specific property.
Patch by: Pawel Solyga
Review by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Access control helper.The functions in this module can be used to check access controlrelated requirements. When the specified required conditions are notmet, an exception is raised. This exception contains a views thateither prompts for authentication, or informs the user that theydo not meet the required criteria."""__authors__ = [ '"Todd Larsen" <>', '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', '"Lennard de Rijk" <>', '"Pawel Solyga" <>', ]from google.appengine.api import usersfrom django.core import urlresolversfrom django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazyfrom soc.logic import accountsfrom soc.logic import dictsfrom soc.logic.models import host as host_logicfrom soc.logic.models import notification as notification_logicfrom soc.logic.models import group_app as group_app_logicfrom soc.logic.models import user as user_logicfrom soc.logic.models import request as request_logicfrom soc.views import helperfrom soc.views import out_of_bandDEF_NO_USER_LOGIN_MSG_FMT = ugettext_lazy( 'Please create <a href="/user/edit">User Profile</a>' ' in order to view this page.')DEF_DEV_LOGOUT_LOGIN_MSG_FMT = ugettext_lazy( 'Please <a href="%%(sign_out)s">sign out</a>' ' and <a href="%%(sign_in)s">sign in</a>' ' again as %(role)s to view this page.')DEF_PAGE_DENIED_MSG = ugettext_lazy( 'Access to this page has been restricted')DEF_LOGOUT_MSG_FMT = ugettext_lazy( 'Please <a href="%(sign_out)s">sign out</a> in order to view this page')def checkAccess(access_type, request, rights): """Runs all the defined checks for the specified type. Args: access_type: the type of request (such as 'list' or 'edit') request: the Django request object rights: a dictionary containing access check functions Rights usage: The rights dictionary is used to check if the current user is allowed to view the page specified. The functions defined in this dictionary are always called with the django request object as argument. On any request, regardless of what type, the functions in the 'any_access' value are called. If the specified type is not in the rights dictionary, all the functions in the 'unspecified' value are called. When the specified type _is_ in the rights dictionary, all the functions in that access_type's value are called. Returns: True: If all the required access checks have been made successfully False: If a check failed, in this case self._response will contain the response provided by the failed access check. """ # Call each access checker for check in rights['any_access']: check(request) if access_type not in rights: for check in rights['unspecified']: # No checks defined, so do the 'generic' checks and bail out check(request) return for check in rights[access_type]: check(request)def allow(request): """Never returns an alternate HTTP response. Args: request: a Django HTTP request """ returndef deny(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Returns: a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response that should be returned by the calling view. """ context = {} context['title'] = 'Access denied' raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(DEF_PAGE_DENIED_MSG, context=context)def checkIsLoggedIn(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account is not logged in. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if the user is logged in, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response that should be returned by the calling view. """ if users.get_current_user(): return raise out_of_band.LoginRequest()def checkNotLoggedIn(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account is not logged in. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if the user is logged in, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response that should be returned by the calling view. """ if not users.get_current_user(): return raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=DEF_LOGOUT_MSG_FMT)def checkIsUser(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no User entity. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if User exists for a Google Account, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response should be returned by the calling view. """ checkIsLoggedIn(request) user = user_logic.logic.getForFields( {'account': users.get_current_user()}, unique=True) if user: return raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=DEF_NO_USER_LOGIN_MSG_FMT)def checkIsDeveloper(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account is not a Developer. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if Google Account is logged in and logged-in user is a Developer, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response should be returned by the calling view. """ checkIsUser(request) if accounts.isDeveloper(account=users.get_current_user()): return login_message_fmt = DEF_DEV_LOGOUT_LOGIN_MSG_FMT % { 'role': 'a Site Developer '} raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=login_message_fmt)def checkIsHost(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no Host entity for the specified program. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if Host exists for the specified program, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response should be returned by the calling view. """ try: # if the current user is invited to create a host profile we allow access checkIsInvited(request) return except out_of_band.Error: pass checkIsUser(request) user = user_logic.logic.getForFields( {'account': users.get_current_user()}, unique=True) host = host_logic.logic.getForFields( {'user': user}, unique=True) if host: return login_message_fmt = DEF_DEV_LOGOUT_LOGIN_MSG_FMT % { 'role': 'a Program Administrator '} raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=login_message_fmt)def checkIsClubAdminForClub(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no Club Admin entity for the specified club. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if Club Admin exists for the specified club, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response should be returned by the calling view. """ try: # if the current user is invited to create a host profile we allow access checkIsDeveloper(request) return except out_of_band.Error: pass checkIsUser(request) # TODO(srabbelier) implement this login_message_fmt = DEF_DEV_LOGOUT_LOGIN_MSG_FMT % { 'role': 'a Club Admin for this Club'} raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=login_message_fmt)def checkIsInvited(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no Host entity for the specified program. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if Host exists for the specified program, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response should be returned by the calling view. """ try: # if the current user is a developer we allow access checkIsDeveloper(request) return except out_of_band.Error: pass checkIsUser(request) login_message_fmt = DEF_DEV_LOGOUT_LOGIN_MSG_FMT % { 'role': 'a Program Administrator for this Program'} splitpath = request.path.split('/') splitpath = splitpath[1:] # cut off leading '' if len(splitpath) < 4: # TODO: perhaps this needs a better explanation? deny(request) role = splitpath[0] group_id = splitpath[2] user_id = splitpath[3] user = user_logic.logic.getForFields( {'account': users.get_current_user()}, unique=True) if user_id != user.link_id: # TODO: perhaps this needs a better explanation? deny(request) properties = { 'link_id': user_id, 'role': role, 'scope_path': group_id, 'group_accepted': True, } request = request_logic.logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True) if request: return raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=login_message_fmt)def checkIsClubAppAccepted(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no Club App entity for the specified Club. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if Club App exists for the specified program, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response should be returned by the calling view. """ try: # if the current user is a developer we allow access checkIsDeveloper(request) return except out_of_band.Error: pass checkIsUser(request) user = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() properties = { 'applicant': user, 'reviewed': True, 'accepted': True, 'application_completed': False, } group_app = group_app_logic.logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True) if group_app: return # TODO(srabbelier) Make this give a proper error message deny(request)def checkIsMyNotification(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if this request is for a Notification belonging to the current user. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if the current User is allowed to access this Notification. """ try: # if the current user is a developer we allow access checkIsDeveloper(request) return except out_of_band.Error: pass checkIsUser(request) # Mine the url for params try: callback, args, kwargs = urlresolvers.resolve(request.path) except Exception: deny(request) properties = dicts.filter(kwargs, ['link_id', 'scope_path']) notification = notification_logic.logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True) user = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() # We need to check to see if the key's are equal since the User # objects are different and the default __eq__ method does not check # if the keys are equal (which is what we want). if user.key() == notification.scope.key(): return None # TODO(ljvderijk) Make this give a proper error message deny(request)def checkIsMyApplication(request): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if this request is for a Application belonging to the current user. Args: request: a Django HTTP request Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if the current User is allowed to access this Application. """ try: # if the current user is a developer we allow access checkIsDeveloper(request) return except out_of_band.Error: pass checkIsUser(request) # Mine the url for params try: callback, args, kwargs = urlresolvers.resolve(request.path) except Exception: deny(request) properties = dicts.filter(kwargs, ['link_id']) application = group_app_logic.logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True) user = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() # We need to check to see if the key's are equal since the User # objects are different and the default __eq__ method does not check # if the keys are equal (which is what we want). if user.key() == application.applicant.key(): return None # TODO(srabbelier) Make this give a proper error message deny(request)def checkCanInvite(request): """Checks to see if the current user can create an invite. Note that if the current url is not in the default 'request' form this method either deny()s or performs the wrong access check. Args: request: a Django HTTP request """ try: # if the current user is a developer we allow access checkIsDeveloper(request) return except out_of_band.Error: pass # Mine the url for params try: callback, args, kwargs = urlresolvers.resolve(request.path) except Exception: deny(request) # Construct a new url by reshufling the kwargs order = ['role', 'access_type', 'scope_path', 'link_id'] url_params = dicts.unzip(kwargs, order) url = '/'.join([''] + list(url_params)) # Mine the reshufled url try: callback, args, kwargs = urlresolvers.resolve(url) except Exception: deny(request) # Get the everything we need for the access check params = callback.im_self.getParams() access_type = kwargs['access_type'] # Perform the access check helper.access.checkAccess(access_type, request, rights=params['rights'])def checkIsDocumentPublic(request): """Checks whether a document is public. Args: request: a Django HTTP request """ # TODO(srabbelier): A proper check needs to be done to see if the document # is public or not, probably involving analysing it's scope or such. allow(request)