author Lennard de Rijk <>
Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:00:04 +0200
changeset 2678 a525a55833f1
parent 2647 69ac7307bb50
permissions -rw-r--r--
Send out a Notification upon creation of a new Request entity. The receivers are specified by the corresponding Role logic this Role Request is for. Currently Organization and Club Administrators will receive "new request" messages about respectively Mentor and Club Membership requests. Fixes Issue 442.

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Tasks related to Grading Survey Groups.

__authors__ = [
  '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',

import datetime
import logging

from google.appengine.api.labs import taskqueue

from django import http

from soc.tasks.helper import error_handler

# batch size to use when going through StudentProjects

def getDjangoURLPatterns():
  """Returns the URL patterns for the tasks in this module.

  patterns = [(

  return patterns

def updateOrCreateRecordsForSurveyGroup(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Updates or creates GradingRecords for the given GradingSurveyGroup.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    group_key: Specifies the GradingSurveyGroup key name.
    project_key: optional to specify which project was the last for which this
                 task was run
    request: Django Request object

  from soc.logic.models.grading_record import logic as grading_record_logic
  from soc.logic.models.grading_survey_group import logic as survey_group_logic
  from soc.logic.models.student_project import logic as student_project_logic

  post_dict = request.POST

  group_key = post_dict.get('group_key')

  if not group_key:
    # invalid task data, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid updateRecordForSurveyGroup data: %s' % post_dict)

  # get the GradingSurveyGroup for the given keyname
  survey_group_entity = survey_group_logic.getFromKeyName(group_key)

  if not survey_group_entity:
    # invalid GradingSurveyGroup specified, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid GradingSurveyGroup specified: %s' % group_key)

  # check and retrieve the project_key that has been done last
  if 'project_key' in post_dict:
    project_start_key = post_dict['project_key']
    project_start_key = None

  # get all valid StudentProjects from starting key
  fields = {'program': survey_group_entity.scope,
            'status': ['accepted', 'failed', 'completed']}

  if project_start_key:
    # retrieve the last project that was done
    project_start = student_project_logic.getFromKeyName(project_start_key)

    if not project_start:
      # invalid starting project key specified, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid Student Project Key specified: %s' %(project_start_key))

    fields['__key__ >'] = project_start.key()

  # get the first batch_size number of StudentProjects
  project_entities = student_project_logic.getForFields(fields,

  # update/create and batch put the new GradingRecords

  if len(project_entities) == DEF_BATCH_SIZE:
    # spawn new task starting from the last
    new_project_start = project_entities[DEF_BATCH_SIZE-1].key().id_or_name()

    # pass along these params as POST to the new task
    task_params = {'group_key': group_key,
                   'project_key': new_project_start}
    task_url = '/tasks/grading_survey_group/update_records'

    new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)
    # task completed, update timestamp for last update complete
    fields = {'last_update_complete':}
    survey_group_logic.updateEntityProperties(survey_group_entity, fields)

  # task completed, return OK
  return http.HttpResponse('OK')

def updateProjectsForSurveyGroup(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Updates each StudentProject for which a GradingRecord is found.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    group_key: Specifies the GradingSurveyGroup key name.
    record_key: Optional, specifies the key of the last processed
    send_mail: Optional, if this string evaluates to True mail will be send
               for each GradingRecord that's processed.

    request: Django Request object

  from soc.logic.models.grading_record import logic as grading_record_logic
  from soc.logic.models.grading_survey_group import logic as survey_group_logic
  from soc.logic.models.student_project import logic as student_project_logic

  post_dict = request.POST

  group_key = post_dict.get('group_key')

  if not group_key:
    # invalid task data, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid updateRecordForSurveyGroup data: %s' % post_dict)

  # get the GradingSurveyGroup for the given keyname
  survey_group_entity = survey_group_logic.getFromKeyName(group_key)

  if not survey_group_entity:
    # invalid GradingSurveyGroup specified, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid GradingSurveyGroup specified: %s' % group_key)

  # check and retrieve the record_key that has been done last
  if 'record_key' in post_dict and post_dict['record_key'].isdigit():
    record_start_key = int(post_dict['record_key'])
    record_start_key = None

  # get all valid StudentProjects from starting key
  fields = {'grading_survey_group': survey_group_entity}

  if record_start_key:
    # retrieve the last record that was done
    record_start = grading_record_logic.getFromID(record_start_key)

    if not record_start:
      # invalid starting record key specified, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid GradingRecord Key specified: %s' %(record_start_key))

    fields['__key__ >'] = record_start.key()

  # get the first batch_size number of GradingRecords
  record_entities = grading_record_logic.getForFields(fields,


  # check if we need to send an email for each GradingRecord
  send_mail = post_dict.get('send_mail', '')

  if send_mail:
    # enqueue a task to send mail for each GradingRecord
    for record_entity in record_entities:
      # pass along these params as POST to the new task
      task_params = {'record_key': record_entity.key().id_or_name()}
      task_url = '/tasks/grading_survey_group/mail_result'

      mail_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)

  if len(record_entities) == DEF_BATCH_SIZE:
    # spawn new task starting from the last
    new_record_start = record_entities[DEF_BATCH_SIZE-1].key().id_or_name()

    # pass along these params as POST to the new task
    task_params = {'group_key': group_key,
                   'record_key': new_record_start,
                   'send_mail': send_mail}
    task_url = '/tasks/grading_survey_group/update_projects'

    new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)

  # task completed, return OK
  return http.HttpResponse('OK')

def sendMailAboutGradingRecordResult(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Sends out a mail about the result of one GradingRecord.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    record_key: Specifies the key for the record to process.

    request: Django Request object

  from soc.logic import mail_dispatcher
  from soc.logic.models.grading_record import logic as grading_record_logic
  from soc.logic.models.org_admin import logic as org_admin_logic
  from import logic as site_logic

  post_dict = request.POST

  # check and retrieve the record_key that has been done last
  if 'record_key' in post_dict and post_dict['record_key'].isdigit():
    record_key = int(post_dict['record_key'])
    record_key = None

  if not record_key:
    # no GradingRecord key specified, log and return OK
        'No valid record_key specified in POST data: %s' % request.POST)

  record_entity = grading_record_logic.getFromID(record_key)

  if not record_entity:
    # no valid GradingRecord key specified, log and return OK
        'No valid GradingRecord key specified: %s' % record_key)

  survey_group_entity = record_entity.grading_survey_group
  project_entity = record_entity.project
  student_entity = project_entity.student
  mentor_entity = project_entity.mentor
  org_entity = project_entity.scope
  site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton()

  mail_context = {
    'survey_group': survey_group_entity,
    'grading_record': record_entity,
    'project': project_entity,
    'organization': org_entity,
    'site_name': site_entity.site_name,

  # set the sender
  (sender, sender_address) = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
  mail_context['sender'] = sender_address

  # set the receiver and subject
  mail_context['to'] =
  mail_context['cc'] = []
  mail_context['subject'] = '%s results processed for %s' %(, project_entity.title)

  # find all org admins for the project's organization
  fields = {'scope': org_entity,
            'status': 'active'}
  org_admin_entities = org_admin_logic.getForFields(fields)

  # collect email addresses for all found org admins
  org_admin_addresses = []

  for org_admin_entity in org_admin_entities:

  if org_admin_addresses:

  # send out the email using a template
  mail_template = 'soc/grading_record/mail/result.html'
  mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)

  # return OK
  return http.HttpResponse()