Rename that should have been part of r2953.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Seeds or clears the datastore."""__authors__ = [ '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', ]import itertoolsimport loggingimport randomfrom google.appengine.api import usersfrom google.appengine.api import memcachefrom google.appengine.ext import dbfrom django import httpfrom soc.logic.models.ranker_root import logic as ranker_root_logicfrom soc.logic import accountsfrom soc.logic import dictsfrom soc.models import student_proposalfrom soc.models.document import Documentfrom import Hostfrom soc.models.mentor import Mentorfrom soc.models.notification import Notificationfrom soc.models.org_admin import OrgAdminfrom soc.models.organization import Organizationfrom soc.models.org_app import OrgApplicationfrom soc.models.program import Programfrom soc.models.ranker_root import RankerRootfrom import Sitefrom soc.models.student_proposal import StudentProposalfrom soc.models.sponsor import Sponsorfrom soc.models.timeline import Timelinefrom soc.models.user import Userclass Error(Exception): """Base class for all exceptions raised by this module. """ passdef ensureUser(): """Returns the current user account and associated user object. """ account = accounts.getCurrentAccount() if not account: account = users.User(email='') user_properties = { 'key_name': 'test', 'link_id': 'test', 'account': account, 'name': 'Test', } current_user = User(**user_properties) current_user.put() return account, current_userclass Seeder(object): """A Seeder can seed Melange types. """ def type(self): """Returns the type to be seeded.""" raise NotImplementedError def seed(self, i, entities=None, **kwargs): """Seed the ith instance of this type. Args: i, int: which to seed entities, list of type()'s: if None, persist at the end of this call. if non-None, append the created entity to entities instead of persisting. kwargs: the dictionary returned by commonSeedArgs """ raise NotImplementedError def commonSeedArgs(self, request): """Find common information for seeding that's common across entities seeded in one request. Returns: dictionary of str->value; passed to each call of seed() for this request """ raise NotImplementedErrorclass UserSeeder(Seeder): def type(self): return User def seed(self, i, entities=None): user_properties = { 'key_name': 'user_%04d' % i, 'link_id': 'user_%04d' % i, 'account': users.User(email='' % i), 'name': 'User %04d' % i, } entity = User(**user_properties) if entities is None: entity.put() else: entities.append(entity) def commonSeedArgs(self, request): return {}class OrganizationSeeder(Seeder): def type(self): return Organization def seed(self, i, entities=None, current_user=None, gsoc2009=None): properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/%04d' % i, 'link_id': 'org_%04d' % i, 'name': 'Organization %04d' % i, 'short_name': 'Org %04d' % i, 'founder': current_user, 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009', 'scope': gsoc2009, 'status': 'active', 'email': '' % i, 'home_page': '', 'description': 'Melange, share the love!', 'license_name': 'Apache License', 'contact_street': 'Some Street', 'contact_city': 'Some City', 'contact_country': 'United States', 'contact_postalcode': '12345', 'phone': '1-555-BANANA', 'ideas': '', } org = Organization(**properties) if entities is None: org.put() else: entities.append(org) def commonSeedArgs(self, request): _, current_user = ensureUser() gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009') if not gsoc2009: raise Error('Run seed_db first') return dict(current_user=current_user, gsoc2009=gsoc2009)def seed(request, *args, **kwargs): """Seeds the datastore with some default values. """ site_properties = { 'key_name': 'site', 'link_id': 'site', } site = Site(**site_properties) site.put() _, current_user = ensureUser() s = UserSeeder() for i in range(15): s.seed(i) group_properties = { 'key_name': 'google', 'link_id': 'google', 'name': 'Google Inc.', 'short_name': 'Google', 'founder': current_user, 'home_page': '', 'email': '', 'description': 'This is the profile for Google.', 'contact_street': 'Some Street', 'contact_city': 'Some City', 'contact_country': 'United States', 'contact_postalcode': '12345', 'phone': '1-555-BANANA', 'status': 'active', } google = Sponsor(**group_properties) google.put() role_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/test', 'link_id': 'test', 'scope': google, 'scope_path': 'google', 'user': current_user, 'given_name': 'Test', 'surname': 'Example', 'name_on_documents': 'Test Example', 'email': '', 'res_street': 'Some Street', 'res_city': 'Some City', 'res_state': 'Some State', 'res_country': 'United States', 'res_postalcode': '12345', 'phone': '1-555-BANANA', 'birth_date':, 'agreed_to_tos': True, } google_host = Host(**role_properties) google_host.put() timeline_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009', 'link_id': 'gsoc2009', 'scope_path': 'google', 'scope': google, } gsoc2009_timeline = Timeline(**timeline_properties) gsoc2009_timeline.put() program_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009', 'link_id': 'gsoc2009', 'scope_path': 'google', 'scope': google, 'name': 'Google Summer of Code 2009', 'short_name': 'GSoC 2009', 'group_label': 'GSOC', 'description': 'This is the program for GSoC 2009.', 'apps_tasks_limit': 42, 'slots': 42, 'workflow': 'gsoc', 'timeline': gsoc2009_timeline, 'status': 'visible', } gsoc2009 = Program(**program_properties) gsoc2009.put() timeline_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/ghop2009', 'link_id': 'ghop2009', 'scope_path': 'google', 'scope': google, } ghop2009_timeline = Timeline(**timeline_properties) ghop2009_timeline.put() program_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/ghop2009', 'link_id': 'ghop2009', 'name': 'Google Highly Open Participation Contest 2009', 'short_name': 'GHOP 2009', 'group_label': 'GHOP', 'description': 'This is the program for GHOP 2009.', 'workflow': 'ghop', 'timeline': ghop2009_timeline, }) ghop2009 = Program(**program_properties) ghop2009.put() org_app_properties = { 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009', 'scope': gsoc2009, 'applicant': current_user, 'home_page': '', 'email': '', 'irc_channel': '#care', 'pub_mailing_list': '', 'dev_mailing_list': '', 'description': 'This is an awesome org!', 'why_applying': 'Because we can', 'member_criteria': 'They need to be awesome', 'status': 'pre-accepted', 'license_name': 'Apache License, 2.0', 'ideas': '', 'contrib_disappears': 'We use google to find them', 'member_disappears': 'See above', 'encourage_contribs': 'We offer them cookies.', 'continued_contribs': 'We promise them a cake.', 'agreed_to_admin_agreement': True, } for i in range(10): org_app_properties['key_name'] = 'google/gsoc2009/wannabe_%d' % i org_app_properties['link_id'] = 'wannabe_%d' % i org_app_properties['name'] = 'Wannabe %d' % i entity = OrgApplication(**org_app_properties) entity.put() org_app_properties['status'] = 'pre-rejected' for i in range(10, 20): org_app_properties['key_name'] = 'google/gsoc2009/loser_%d' % i org_app_properties['link_id'] = 'loser_%d' % i org_app_properties['name'] = 'Loser %d' % i entity = OrgApplication(**org_app_properties) entity.put() group_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/ghop2009/melange', 'link_id': 'melange', 'name': 'Melange Development Team', 'short_name': 'Melange', 'scope_path': 'google/ghop2009', 'scope': ghop2009, 'home_page': '', 'description': 'Melange, share the love!', 'license_name': 'Apache License', 'ideas': '', }) melange = Organization(**group_properties) melange.put() # create a new ranker ranker_root_logic.create(student_proposal.DEF_RANKER_NAME, melange, student_proposal.DEF_SCORE, 100) group_properties.update({ 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009', 'scope': gsoc2009, }) for i in range(15): group_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/org_%d' % i, 'link_id': 'org_%d' % i, 'name': 'Organization %d' % i, 'short_name': 'Org %d' % i, 'description': 'Organization %d!' % i, }) entity = Organization(**group_properties) entity.put() # create a new ranker ranker_root_logic.create(student_proposal.DEF_RANKER_NAME, entity, student_proposal.DEF_SCORE, 100) if i < 2: role_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/org_%d/test' % i, 'link_id': 'test', 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009/org_%d' % i, 'scope': entity, 'program': gsoc2009, }) # Admin for the first org if i == 0: org_1_admin = OrgAdmin(**role_properties) org_1_admin.put() # Only a mentor for the second org if i == 1: org_1_mentor = Mentor(**role_properties) org_1_mentor.put() role_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/ghop2009/melange/test', 'link_id': 'test', 'scope_path': 'google/ghop2009/melange', 'scope': melange, 'program': ghop2009, }) melange_admin = OrgAdmin(**role_properties) melange_admin.put() melange_mentor = Mentor(**role_properties) melange_mentor.put() document_properties = { 'key_name': 'site/site/home', 'link_id': 'home', 'scope_path': 'site', 'scope': site, 'prefix': 'site', 'author': current_user, 'title': 'Home Page', 'short_name': 'Home', 'content': 'This is the Home Page', 'modified_by': current_user, } home_document = Document(**document_properties) home_document.put() document_properties = { 'key_name': 'user/test/notes', 'link_id': 'notes', 'scope_path': 'test', 'scope': current_user, 'prefix': 'user', 'author': current_user, 'title': 'My Notes', 'short_name': 'Notes', 'content': 'These are my notes', 'modified_by': current_user, } notes_document = Document(**document_properties) notes_document.put() site.home = home_document site.put() memcache.flush_all() return http.HttpResponse('Done')def seed_user(unused_request, i): """Returns the properties for a new user entity. """ properties = { 'key_name': 'user_%d' % i, 'link_id': 'user_%d' % i, 'account': users.User(email='' % i), 'name': 'User %d' % i, } return propertiesdef seed_org_app(request, i): """Returns the properties for a new org proposal, """ _, current_user = ensureUser() status = request.GET.get('status', 'pre-accepted') gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009') if not gsoc2009: raise Error('Run seed_db first') properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/org_app_%d' % i, 'link_id': 'org_app_%d' % i, 'name': 'Org App %d' % i, 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009', 'scope': gsoc2009, 'status': status, 'applicant': current_user, 'home_page': '', 'email': '', 'irc_channel': '#care', 'pub_mailing_list': '', 'dev_mailing_list': '', 'description': 'This is an awesome org!', 'why_applying': 'Because we can', 'member_criteria': 'They need to be awesome', 'license_name': 'Apache License, 2.0', 'ideas': '', 'contrib_disappears': 'We use google to find them', 'member_disappears': 'See above', 'encourage_contribs': 'We offer them cookies.', 'continued_contribs': 'We promise them a cake.', 'agreed_to_admin_agreement': True, } return propertiesdef seed_org(unused_request, i): """Returns the properties for a new org entity. """ _, current_user = ensureUser() gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009') if not gsoc2009: raise Error('Run seed_db first') properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/%d' % i, 'link_id': 'org_%d' % i, 'name': 'Organization %d' % i, 'short_name': 'Org %d' % i, 'founder': current_user, 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009', 'scope': gsoc2009, 'status': 'active', 'email': '' % i, 'home_page': '', 'description': 'Melange, share the love!', 'license_name': 'Apache License', 'contact_street': 'Some Street', 'contact_city': 'Some City', 'contact_country': 'United States', 'contact_postalcode': '12345', 'phone': '1-555-BANANA', 'ideas': '', } return propertiesdef seed_mentor(request, i): """Returns the properties of a new student proposal. """ _, current_user = ensureUser() org = Organization.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009/%d' % i) if not org: raise Error('Run seed_many for at least %d orgs first.' % i) properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/org_%d/mentor' % i, 'link_id': 'mentor', 'scope': org, 'scope_path': org.key().id_or_name(), 'user': current_user, 'given_name': 'Mentor', 'surname': 'Man', 'name_on_documents': 'Mentor Man', 'email': '', 'res_street': 'Some Street', 'res_city': 'Some City', 'res_state': 'Some State', 'res_country': 'United States', 'res_postalcode': '12345', 'phone': '1-555-BANANA', 'birth_date':, 'agreed_to_tos': True, 'program': org.scope, } return propertiesdef seed_student_proposal(request, i): """Returns the properties of a new student proposal. """ _, current_user = ensureUser() org = Organization.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009/%d' % i) mentor = Mentor.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009/org_%d/mentor' % i) if not org: raise Error('Run seed_many for at least %d orgs first.' % i) if not mentor: raise Error('Run seed_many for at least %d mentors first.' % i) all_properties = [] for i in range(random.randint(5, 20)): link_id = 'proposal_%s_%d' % (org.key().id_or_name(), i) scope_path = current_user.key().id_or_name() properties = { 'link_id': link_id, 'scope_path': scope_path, 'scope': current_user, 'key_name': '%s/%s' % (scope_path, link_id), 'title':'The Awesome Proposal', 'abstract': 'This is an Awesome Proposal, look at its awesomeness!', 'content': 'Sorry, too Awesome for you to read!', 'additional_info': '', 'mentor': mentor, 'status': 'pending', 'org': org, 'program': org.scope, } all_properties.append(properties) return all_propertiesSEEDABLE_MODEL_TYPES = { 'user' : UserSeeder(), 'organization' : OrganizationSeeder(), }def new_seed_many(request, *args, **kwargs): """Seeds many instances of the specified type. Takes as URL parameters: seed_type: the type of entity to seed; should be a key in SEEDABLE_MODEL_TYPES goal: the total number of entities desired This differs from seed_many. Instead of having to specify many parameters that are the state of an in-flight process, simply say how many you want to have (at least) at the end. This will make progress towards that goal. In my test run, even adding 1001 users completed in far less than the limit for one request, so pagination was unnecessary. """ # First, figure out which model we're interested in. if ('seed_type' not in request.GET or request.GET['seed_type'] not in SEEDABLE_MODEL_TYPES): return http.HttpResponse( ('Missing or invalid required argument "seed_type" (which model' ' type to populate). ' 'Valid values are: %s') % SEEDABLE_MODEL_TYPES.keys()) seeder = SEEDABLE_MODEL_TYPES[request.GET['seed_type']] if 'goal' not in request.GET: return http.HttpResponse( 'Missing required argument "goal" (how many entities of ' 'this type you want to have in the datastore).' ) goal = int(request.GET['goal']) # Get the highest instance of this model so that we know # where to start seeding new ones. query = db.Query(seeder.type()) query.order('-link_id') # TODO(dbentley): filter for ones < user_9999 highest_instance = query.get() if not highest_instance: start_index = 0 else: # We know that seeded entities have link_id's of the form foo_%04d # so, we look for what's after the _ and turn it into an int. link_id = highest_instance.link_id if '_' in link_id: start_index = int(link_id.split('_')[1]) + 1 else: # couldn't find seeded_entities; guessing there are none start_index = 0 common_args = seeder.commonSeedArgs(request) # Insert from start_index to goal"To insert: %d to %d" % (start_index, goal)) seeded_entities = [] total = 0 for i in xrange(start_index, goal): if i % 20 == 0:"Inserting: %d of %d" % (i+1, goal)) if len(seeded_entities) % 100 == 0: db.put(seeded_entities) total += len(seeded_entities) seeded_entities = [] seeder.seed(i, entities=seeded_entities, **common_args) db.put(seeded_entities) total += len(seeded_entities) return http.HttpResponse('Seeded %d entities.' % total)def seed_many(request, *args, **kwargs): """Seeds many instances of the specified type. Understands the following GET args: start: where to start adding new users at end: where to stop adding new users at goal: how many users to add in total, implies user_only step: how many users to add per request, defaults to 15 seed_type: the type of entity to seed, should be one of: user, org, org_app, mentor, student_proposal Redirects if end < goal, incrementing both start and end with step. """ get_args = request.GET if not dicts.containsAll(get_args, ['goal', 'start', 'end', 'seed_type']): return http.HttpResponse('Missing get args.') seed_types = { 'user': (seed_user, User), 'org': (seed_org, Organization), 'org_app': (seed_org_app, OrgApplication), 'mentor': (seed_mentor, Mentor), 'student_proposal': (seed_student_proposal, StudentProposal), } goal = int(get_args['goal']) start = int(get_args['start']) end = int(get_args['end']) step = int(get_args.get('step', '15')) seed_type = get_args['seed_type'] if not seed_type in seed_types: return http.HttpResponse('Unknown seed_type: "%s".' % seed_type) action, model = seed_types[seed_type] for i in range(start, end): try: props = action(request, i) except Error, error: return http.HttpResponse(error.message) for properties in props if isinstance(props, list) else [props]: entity = model(**properties) entity.put() if end < goal: info = { 'start': start + step, 'end': end + step, 'goal': goal, 'step': step, 'seed_type': seed_type, } args = ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in info.iteritems()] url = '/seed_many?' + '&'.join(args) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(url) return http.HttpResponse('Done.')def clear(*args, **kwargs): """Removes all entities from the datastore. """ # there no explicit ranker model anywhere, so make one for # our own convenience to delete all rankers class ranker(db.Model): """ranker model used with ranklist module. """ pass # TODO(dbentley): If there are more than 1000 instances of any model, # this method will not clear all instances. Instead, it should continually # call .all(), delete all those, and loop until .all() is empty. entities = itertools.chain(*[ Notification.all(), Mentor.all(), OrgAdmin.all(), ranker.all(), RankerRoot.all(), StudentProposal.all(), Organization.all(), OrgApplication.all(), Timeline.all(), Program.all(), Host.all(), Sponsor.all(), User.all(), Site.all(), Document.all(), ]) try: for entity in entities: entity.delete() except db.Timeout: return http.HttpResponseRedirect('#') memcache.flush_all() return http.HttpResponse('Done')def reseed(*args, **kwargs): """Clears and seeds the datastore. """ clear(*args, **kwargs) seed(*args, **kwargs) return http.HttpResponse('Done')