author Daniel Hans <>
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 01:27:24 +0200
changeset 2736 8f3935f0f4ba
parent 2361 40b0c25a5793
permissions -rw-r--r--
Argument store added to updateEntityProperties. This argument determines if an entity should be stored in the data model after its properties are updated. It may be useful, for example, along with tasks (Task Queue API). One may want to make some modifications to an entity during execution of a task, but the developer is sure that at least one new task, which also wants to modify the entity, will be queued, so he or she can just update the entity without saving the changes to the data model, set the entity in memcache and the following task (which is to be executed very shortly) is to retrive the current entity from the memcache (without any expensive calls to the actual data model).

# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""User (Model) query functions.

__authors__ = [
  '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',

from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.ext import db

from soc.cache import sidebar
from soc.logic import accounts
from soc.logic.helper import notifications
from soc.logic.models import base
from import logic as site_logic

import soc.models.user

class Logic(base.Logic):
  """Logic methods for the User model.

  def __init__(self):
    """Defines the name, key_name and model for this entity.

    super(Logic, self).__init__(soc.models.user.User,

  def isFormerAccount(self, account):
    """Returns true if account is a former account of some User.

    # TODO(pawel.solyga): replace 1000 with solution that works for any
    #   number of queries
    users_with_former_accounts = soc.models.user.User.gql(
        'WHERE former_accounts != :1', None).fetch(1000)

    for former_account_user in users_with_former_accounts: 
      for former_account in former_account_user.former_accounts:
        if str(account) == str(former_account):
          return True

    return False

  def getForCurrentAccount(self):
    """Retrieves the user entity for the currently logged in account.

    If there is no user logged in, or they have no valid associated User
    entity, None is returned.

    account = accounts.getCurrentAccount()

    if not account:
      return None

    return self.getForAccount(account)

  def getForCurrentUserId(self):
    """Retrieves the user entity for the currently logged in user id.

    If there is no user logged in, or they have no valid associated User
    entity, None is returned.

    user_id = accounts.getCurrentUserId()

    if not user_id:
      return None

    return self.getForUserId(user_id)

  def getForAccount(self, account):
    """Retrieves the user entity for the specified account.

    If there is no user logged in, or they have no valid associated User
    entity, None is returned.

    if not account:
      raise base.InvalidArgumentError

    account = accounts.normalizeAccount(account)

    fields = {
        'account': account,

    return self.getForFields(filter=fields, unique=True)

  def getForUserId(self, user_id):
    """Retrieves the user entity for the specified user id.

    If there is no user logged in, or they have no valid associated User
    entity, None is returned.

    if not user_id:
      raise base.InvalidArgumentError

    fields = {
        'user_id': user_id,

    return self.getForFields(filter=fields, unique=True)

  def isDeveloper(self, account=None, user=None):
    """Returns true iff the specified user is a Developer.

      account: if not supplied, defaults to the current account
      user: if not specified, defaults to the current user

    current = accounts.getCurrentAccount()

    if not account:
      # default account to the current logged in account
      account = current

    if account and (not user):
      # default user to the current logged in user
      user = self.getForAccount(account)

    # pylint: disable-msg=E1103
    if user and user.is_developer:
      return True

    if account and (account == current):
      return users.is_current_user_admin()

  def agreesToSiteToS(self, entity):
    """Returns indication of User's answer to the site-wide Terms of Service.

      entity: User entity to check for agreement to site-wide ToS

      True: no site-wide ToS is currently in effect on the site
      True: site-wide ToS is in effect *and* User agrees to it
        (User explicitly answered "Yes")
      False: site-wide ToS is in effect but User did not agree to it yet
    if not site_logic.getToS(site_logic.getSingleton()):
      # no site-wide ToS in effect, so let the User slide for now
      return True

      agreed_on = entity.agreed_to_tos_on
    except db.Error:
      # return False indicating that answer is missing
      return False

    # user has not agreed yet
    if not agreed_on:
      return False

    return True

  def getKeyValuesFromEntity(self, entity):
    """See base.Logic.getKeyValuesFromEntity.

    return [entity.link_id]

  def getSuffixValues(self, entity):
    """See base.Logic.getSuffixValues.

    return [entity.link_id]

  def getKeyValuesFromFields(self, fields):
    """See base.Logic.getKeyValuesFromFields.

    return [fields['link_id']]

  def getKeyFieldNames(self):
    """See base.Logic.getKeyFieldNames.

    return ['link_id']

  def _createField(self, entity_properties, name):
    """Normalize the account before storing it.

    value = entity_properties[name]

    if (name == 'account'):
      # normalize all accounts before doing anything with the value
      value = accounts.normalizeAccount(value)
      entity_properties[name] = value

  def _updateField(self, entity, entity_properties, name):
    """Special case logic for account.

    When the account is changed, the former_accounts field should be appended
    with the old account.
    Also, if either is_developer or agrees_to_tos change, the user's
    rights have changed, so we need to flush the sidebar.
    Make sure once the user agreed ToS, the ToS fields can't be changed.

    value = entity_properties[name]

    # iff the agreed_to_tos is True and we want to set it to False 
    if (name == 'agreed_to_tos') and (not value) and entity.agreed_to_tos:
      return False

    # iff the agreed_to_tos_on has a value and we want to change it
    if (name == 'agreed_to_tos_on') and entity.agreed_to_tos_on and (
        value != entity.agreed_to_tos_on):
      return False

    if (name == 'is_developer') and (entity.is_developer != value):

    if (name == 'agreed_to_tos') and (entity.agreed_to_tos != value):

    if (name == 'account'):
      # normalize all accounts before doing anything with the value
      value = accounts.normalizeAccount(value)
      entity_properties[name] = value

      if entity.account != value:

    return True
  def _onCreate(self, entity):
    """Send out a message to welcome the new user.


    super(Logic, self)._onCreate(entity)

logic = Logic()