author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Sun, 16 Nov 2008 23:02:31 +0000
changeset 493 6976c4d8d0ac
parent 440 3a60d5e5c14e
child 815 7b8c65531fbd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Refactor the sidebar to use Django templates With this change the html for the sidebar is no longer generated by Melange, instead it's delegated to Django (which is what it does best anyway). The downside is that it is no longer possible to have arbitrary deeply nested menu's.

 * jQuery Beauty Tips plugin
 * Version 0.7  (10/20/2008)
 * @requires jQuery v1.2+ (not fully tested on versions prior to 1.2.6)
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 * No guarantees, warranties, or promises of any kind

 * @name Beauty Tips
 * @type jQuery
 * @cat Plugins/bt
 * @return jQuery
 * @author Jeff Robbins - Lullabot -
 * @credit Inspired by Karl Swedberg's ClueTip
 *    (, which in turn was inspired
 *    by Cody Lindley's jTip (
 * @fileoverview
 * Beauty Tips is a jQuery tooltips plugin which uses the canvas drawing element
 * in the HTML5 spec in order to dynamically draw tooltip "talk bubbles" around
 * the descriptive help text associated with an item. This is in many ways
 * similar to Google Maps which both provides similar talk-bubbles and uses the
 * canvas element to draw them.
 * The canvas element is supported in modern versions of FireFox, Safari, and
 * Opera. However, Internet Explorer needs a separate library called ExplorerCanvas
 * included on the page in order to support canvas drawing functions. ExplorerCanvas
 * was created by Google for use with their web apps and you can find it here:
 * Beauty Tips was written to be simple to use and pretty. All of its options
 * are documented at the bottom of this file and defaults can be overwritten
 * globally for the entire page, or individually on each call.
 * By default each tooltip will be positioned on the side of the target element
 * which has the most free space. This is affected by the scroll position and
 * size of the current window, so each Beauty Tip is redrawn each time it is
 * displayed. It may appear above an element at the bottom of the page, but when
 * the page is scrolled down (and the element is at the top of the page) it will
 * then appear below it. Additionally, positions can be forced or a preferred
 * order can be defined. See examples below.
 * Usage
 * The function can be called in a number of ways.
 * $(selector).bt();
 * $(selector).bt('Content text');
 * $(selector).bt('Content text', {option1: value, option2: value});
 * $(selector).bt({option1: value, option2: value});
 * Some examples:
 * @example
 * $('[title]').bt();
 * This is probably the simplest example. It will go through the page finding
 * every element which has a title attribute and give it a Beauty Tips popup
 * which gets fired on hover.
 * @example
 * $('h2').bt('I am an H2 element!', {trigger: 'click', positions: 'top'});
 * When any H2 element on the page is clicked on, a tip will appear above it.
 * @example
 * $('a[href]').bt({
 *  titleSelector: "attr('href')",
 *  fill: 'red',
 *  cssStyles: {color: 'white', fontWeight: 'bold', width: 'auto'},
 *  width: 400,
 *  padding: 10,
 *  cornerRadius: 10,
 *  animate: true,
 *  spikeLength: 15,
 *  spikeGirth: 5,
 *  positions: ['left', 'right', 'bottom'],
 *  });
 * This will find all <a> tags and display a red baloon with bold white text
 * containing the href link. The box will be a variable width up to 400px with
 * rounded corners and will fade in and animate position toward the target
 * object when appearing. The script will try to position the box to the left,
 * then to the right, and finally it will place it on the bottom if it does not
 * fit elsewhere.
 * @example
 * $('#my-table td[title]').bt({
 *  preShow: function() {
 *    $(this).data('origBG', $(this).css('background-color'));
 *    $(this).css('background-color', 'yellow');
 *  },
 *  postHide: function() {
 *    $(this).css('background-color', $(this).data('origBG'));
 *  }
 * });
 * Find every table cell within #mytable with a title attribute. Hilight the cell
 * yellow before displaying the BeautyTip. Restore it to its original background
 * when hiding/removing the BeautyTip.
 * @example
 * $().bt.defaults.fill = 'rgba(102, 102, 255. .8)';
 * $(selector).bt();
 * All bubbles will be filled with a semi-transparent light-blue background
 * unless otherwise specified.
 */ = function(content, options) {

  if (typeof content != 'string') {
    var contentSelect = true;
    options = content;
    content = false;
  else {
    var contentSelect = false;

  return this.each(function(index) {

    var opts = jQuery.extend(false,, options);

    // clean up the options
    opts.spikeLength = numb(opts.spikeLength);
    opts.spikeGirth = numb(opts.spikeGirth);
    opts.overlap = numb(opts.overlap);

    var turnOn = function () {

      if (typeof $(this).data('bt-box') == 'object') {
        // if there's already a popup, remove it before creating a new one.

      // trigger preShow function

      if (contentSelect) {
        // bizarre, I know
        if (opts.killTitle) {
          // if we've killed the title attribute, it's been stored in 'bt-xTitle' so get it..
          $(this).attr('title', $(this).attr('bt-xTitle'));
        // then evaluate the selector... title is now in place
        content = eval('$(this).' + opts.titleSelector);
        if (opts.killTitle) {
          // now remove the title again, so we don't get double tips

      var offsetParent = $(this).offsetParent();
      var pos = $(this).btPosition();
      var top = numb( + numb($(this).css('margin-top')); // IE can return 'auto' for margins
      var left = numb(pos.left) + numb($(this).css('margin-left'));
      var width = $(this).outerWidth();
      var height = $(this).outerHeight();

      // get the dimensions of the text box
      var $text = $('<div class="bt-content"></div>').append(content).css({padding: opts.padding + 'px', position: 'absolute', width: opts.width + 'px', zIndex: opts.textzIndex}).css(opts.cssStyles);
      var $box = $('<div class="bt-wrapper"></div>').append($text).addClass(opts.cssClass).css({position: 'absolute', width: opts.width + 'px'}).appendTo(offsetParent);

      $(this).data('bt-box', $box);

      // see if the text box will fit in the various positions
      var scrollTop = numb($(document).scrollTop());
      var scrollLeft = numb($(document).scrollLeft());
      var docWidth = numb($(window).width());
      var docHeight = numb($(window).height());
      var winRight = scrollLeft + docWidth;
      var winBottom = scrollTop + docHeight;
      var space = new Object(); = $(this).offset().top - scrollTop;
      space.bottom = docHeight - (($(this).offset().top + height) - scrollTop);
      space.left = $(this).offset().left - scrollLeft;
      space.right = docWidth - (($(this).offset().left + width) - scrollLeft);
      var textOutHeight = numb($text.outerHeight());
      var textOutWidth = numb($text.outerWidth());
      if (opts.positions.constructor == String) {
        opts.positions = opts.positions.replace(/ /, '').split(',');
      if (opts.positions[0] == 'most') {
        // figure out which is the largest
        var position = 'top'; // prime the pump
        for (var pig in space) { // pigs in space!
          position = space[pig] > space[position] ? pig : position;
      else {
        for (var x in opts.positions) {
          var position = opts.positions[x];
          if ((position == 'left' || position == 'right') && space[position] > textOutWidth + opts.spikeLength) {
          else if ((position == 'top' || position == 'bottom') && space[position] > textOutHeight + opts.spikeLength) {

      var horiz = left + ((width - textOutWidth)/2);
      var vert = top + ((height - textOutHeight)/2);
      var animDist = opts.animate ? numb(opts.distance) : 0;
      var points = new Array();
      var textTop, textLeft, textRight, textBottom, textTopSpace, textBottomSpace, textLeftSpace, textRightSpace, crossPoint, textCenter;

      // Yes, yes, this next bit really could use to be condensed
      // each switch case is basically doing the same thing in slightly different ways
      switch(position) {
        case 'top':
          // spike on bottom
          $text.css('margin-bottom', opts.spikeLength + 'px');
          $box.css({top: (top - $text.outerHeight(true) - animDist) + opts.overlap, left: horiz});
          // move text left/right if extends out of window
          textRightSpace = (winRight - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().left + $text.outerWidth(true));
          var xShift = 0;
          if (textRightSpace < 0) {
            // shift it left
            $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) + textRightSpace) + 'px');
            xShift -= textRightSpace;
          // we test left space second to ensure that left of box is visible
          textLeftSpace = ($text.offset().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'))) - (scrollLeft + opts.windowMargin);
          if (textLeftSpace < 0) {
            // shift it right
            $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) - textLeftSpace) + 'px');
            xShift += textLeftSpace;
          textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
          textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
          textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
          textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
          textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
          // points[points.length] = {x: x, y: y};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint = {y: textBottom + opts.spikeLength, x: ((textRight-textLeft)/2) + xShift, type: 'spike'};
          crossPoint = findIntersectX(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textBottom);
          // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
          crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x < textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
          crossPoint.x =  crossPoint.x > (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.CornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
          points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x - (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textBottom, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x + (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textBottom, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint;
        case 'left':
          // spike on right
          $text.css('margin-right', opts.spikeLength + 'px');
          $box.css({top: vert + 'px', left: ((left - $text.outerWidth(true) - animDist) + opts.overlap) + 'px'});
          // move text up/down if extends out of window
          textBottomSpace = (winBottom - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().top + $text.outerHeight(true));
          var yShift = 0;
          if (textBottomSpace < 0) {
            // shift it up
            $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) + textBottomSpace) + 'px');
            yShift -= textBottomSpace;
          // we ensure top space second to ensure that top of box is visible
          textTopSpace = ($text.offset().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'))) - (scrollTop + opts.windowMargin);
          if (textTopSpace < 0) {
            // shift it down
            $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) - textTopSpace) + 'px');
            yShift += textTopSpace;
          textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
          textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
          textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
          textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
          textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: textRight + opts.spikeLength, y: ((textBottom-textTop)/2) + yShift, type: 'spike'};
          crossPoint = findIntersectY(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textRight);
          // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
          crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y < textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
          crossPoint.y =  crossPoint.y > (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: crossPoint.y + opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: crossPoint.y - opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint;
        case 'bottom':
          // spike on top
          $text.css('margin-top', opts.spikeLength + 'px');
          $box.css({top: (top + height + animDist) - opts.overlap, left: horiz});
          // move text up/down if extends out of window
          textRightSpace = (winRight - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().left + $text.outerWidth(true));
          var xShift = 0;
          if (textRightSpace < 0) {
            // shift it left
            $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) + textRightSpace) + 'px');
            xShift -= textRightSpace;
          // we ensure left space second to ensure that left of box is visible
          textLeftSpace = ($text.offset().left + numb($text.css('margin-left')))  - (scrollLeft + opts.windowMargin);
          if (textLeftSpace < 0) {
            // shift it right
            $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) - textLeftSpace) + 'px');
            xShift += textLeftSpace;
          textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
          textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
          textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
          textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
          textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: ((textRight-textLeft)/2) + xShift, y: 0, type: 'spike'};
          crossPoint = findIntersectX(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textTop);
          // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
          crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x < textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
          crossPoint.x =  crossPoint.x > (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x;
          points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x + opts.spikeGirth/2, y: textTop, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x - (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textTop, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint;
        case 'right':
          // spike on left
          $text.css('margin-left', (opts.spikeLength + 'px'));
          $box.css({top: vert + 'px', left: ((left + width + animDist) - opts.overlap) + 'px'});
          // move text up/down if extends out of window
          textBottomSpace = (winBottom - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().top + $text.outerHeight(true));
          var yShift = 0;
          if (textBottomSpace < 0) {
            // shift it up
            $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) + textBottomSpace) + 'px');
            yShift -= textBottomSpace;
          // we ensure top space second to ensure that top of box is visible
          textTopSpace = ($text.offset().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'))) - (scrollTop + opts.windowMargin);
          if (textTopSpace < 0) {
            // shift it down
            $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) - textTopSpace) + 'px');
            yShift += textTopSpace;
          textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'));
          textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'));
          textRight = textLeft + $text.outerWidth();
          textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight();
          textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.outerWidth()/2), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()/2)};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: 0, y: ((textBottom-textTop)/2) + yShift, type: 'spike'};
          crossPoint = findIntersectY(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textLeft);
          // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries
          crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y < textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
          crossPoint.y =  crossPoint.y > (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y;
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: crossPoint.y - opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};     // left top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'};    // right top corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'};  // left bottom corner
          points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: crossPoint.y + opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'};
          points[points.length] = spikePoint;
      } // </ switch >

      var canvas = $('<canvas width="'+ (numb($text.outerWidth(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2) +'" height="'+ (numb($text.outerHeight(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2) +'"></canvas>').appendTo($box).css({position: 'absolute', top: $text.btPosition().top, left: $text.btPosition().left, zIndex: opts.boxzIndex}).get(0);

      // if excanvas is set up, we need to initialize the new canvas element
      if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != 'undefined') {
        canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas);

      if (opts.cornerRadius > 0) {
        // round the corners!
        var newPoints = new Array();
        var newPoint;
        for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
          if (points[i].type == 'corner') {
            // create two new arc points
            // find point between this and previous (using modulo in case of ending)
            newPoint = betweenPoint(points[i], points[(i-1)%points.length], opts.cornerRadius);
            newPoint.type = 'arcStart';
            newPoints[newPoints.length] = newPoint;
            // the original corner point
            newPoints[newPoints.length] = points[i];
            // find point between this and next
            newPoint = betweenPoint(points[i], points[(i+1)%points.length], opts.cornerRadius);
            newPoint.type = 'arcEnd';
            newPoints[newPoints.length] = newPoint;
          else {
            newPoints[newPoints.length] = points[i];
        // overwrite points with new version
        points = newPoints;


      var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
      drawIt.apply(ctx, [points]);
      ctx.fillStyle = opts.fill;
      if (opts.shadow) {
        ctx.shadowOffsetX = 2;
        ctx.shadowOffsetY = 2;
        ctx.shadowBlur = 5;
        ctx.shadowColor =  opts.shadowColor;
      if (opts.strokeWidth > 0) {
        ctx.lineWidth = opts.strokeWidth;
        ctx.strokeStyle = opts.strokeStyle;
        drawIt.apply(ctx, [points]);

      if (opts.animate) {
        $box.css({opacity: 0.1});

      $box.css({visibility: 'visible'});

      if (opts.overlay) {
        var overlay = $('<div class="bt-overlay"></div>').css({
            position: 'absolute',
            backgroundColor: 'blue',
            top: top,
            left: left,
            width: width,
            height: height,
            opacity: '.2'
        $(this).data('overlay', overlay);

      var animParams = {opacity: 1};
      if (opts.animate) {
        switch (position) {
          case 'top':
   = $box.btPosition().top + opts.distance;
          case 'left':
            animParams.left = $box.btPosition().left + opts.distance;
          case 'bottom':
   = $box.btPosition().top - opts.distance;
          case 'right':
            animParams.left = $box.btPosition().left - opts.distance;
        $box.animate(animParams, {duration: opts.speed, easing: opts.easing});

      // trigger postShow function

    } // </ turnOn() >

    var turnOff = function() {

      // trigger preHide function

      var box = $(this).data('bt-box');
      var overlay = $(this).data('bt-overlay');
      if (typeof box == 'object') {
      if (typeof overlay == 'object') {

      // trigger postHide function

    } // </ turnOff() >

    var refresh = function() {

     * This is sort of the "starting spot" for the this.each()
     * These are sort of the init functions to handle the call

    if (opts.killTitle) {
      $(this).find('[title]').andSelf().each(function() {
        $(this).attr('bt-xTitle', $(this).attr('title')).removeAttr('title');
    if (typeof opts.trigger == 'string') {
      opts.trigger = [opts.trigger];
    if (opts.trigger[0] == 'hover') {
        function() {
        function() {
    else if (opts.trigger[0] == 'now') {
      var box = $(this).data('bt-box');
      if (typeof box == 'object') {
      else {
    else if (opts.trigger.length > 1 && opts.trigger[0] != opts.trigger[1]) {
        .bind(opts.trigger[0], function() {
        .bind(opts.trigger[1], function() {
    else {
      // toggle using the same event
      $(this).bind(opts.trigger[0], function() {
        if (typeof this.triggerToggle == 'undefined') {
          this.triggerToggle = false;
        this.triggerToggle = !this.triggerToggle;
        if (this.triggerToggle) {
        else {
  }); // </ this.each() >

  function drawIt(points) {
    this.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
    for (i=1;i<points.length;i++) {
      if (points[i-1].type == 'arcStart') {
        // if we're creating a rounded corner
        //ctx.arc(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y), points[i].startAngle, points[i].endAngle, opts.cornerRadius, false);
        this.quadraticCurveTo(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y), round5(points[(i+1)%points.length].x), round5(points[(i+1)%points.length].y));
        //ctx.moveTo(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y));
      else {
        this.lineTo(round5(points[i].x), round5(points[i].y));

   * Round to the nearest .5 pixel to avoid antialiasing
  function round5(num) {
    return Math.round(num - .5) + .5;

   * Ensure that a number is a number... or zero
  function numb(num) {
    return parseInt(num) || 0;

   * Given two points, find a point which is dist pixels from point1 on a line to point2
  function betweenPoint(point1, point2, dist) {
    // figure out if we're horizontal or vertical
    var y, x;
    if (point1.x == point2.x) {
      // vertical
      y = point1.y < point2.y ? point1.y + dist : point1.y - dist;
      return {x: point1.x, y: y};
    else if (point1.y == point2.y) {
      // horizontal
      x = point1.x < point2.x ? point1.x + dist : point1.x - dist;
      return {x:x, y: point1.y};

  function centerPoint(arcStart, corner, arcEnd) {
    var x = corner.x == arcStart.x ? arcEnd.x : arcStart.x;
    var y = corner.y == arcStart.y ? arcEnd.y : arcStart.y;
    var startAngle, endAngle;
    if (arcStart.x < arcEnd.x) {
      if (arcStart.y > arcEnd.y) {
        // arc is on upper left
        startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*180;
        endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*90;
      else {
        // arc is on upper right
        startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*90;
        endAngle = 0;
    else {
      if (arcStart.y > arcEnd.y) {
        // arc is on lower left
        startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*270;
        endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*180;
      else {
        // arc is on lower right
        startAngle = 0;
        endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*270;
    return {x: x, y: y, type: 'center', startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle};

   * Find the intersection point of two lines, each defined by two points
   * arguments are x1, y1 and x2, y2 for r1 (line 1) and r2 (line 2)
   * It's like an algebra party!!!
  function findIntersect(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2x1, r2y1, r2x2, r2y2) {

    if (r2x1 == r2x2) {
      return findIntersectY(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2x1);
    if (r2y1 == r2y2) {
      return findIntersectX(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2y1);

    // m = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2)  // <-- how to find the slope
    // y = mx + b                 // the 'classic' linear equation
    // b = y - mx                 // how to find b (the y-intersect)
    // x = (y - b)/m              // how to find x
    var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2);
    var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1);
    var r2m = (r2y1 - r2y2) / (r2x1 - r2x2);
    var r2b = r2y1 - (r2m * r2x1);

    var x = (r2b - r1b) / (r1m - r2m);
	  var y = r1m * x + r1b;

	  return {x: x, y: y};

   * Find the y intersection point of a line and given x vertical
  function findIntersectY(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, x) {
    if (r1y1 == r1y2) {
      return {x: x, y: r1y1};
    var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2);
    var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1);

    var y = r1m * x + r1b;

    return {x: x, y: y};

   * Find the x intersection point of a line and given y horizontal
  function findIntersectX(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, y) {
    if (r1x1 == r1x2) {
      return {x: r1x1, y: y};
    var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2);
    var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1);

    // y = mx + b     // your old friend, linear equation
    // x = (y - b)/m  // linear equation solved for x
    var x = (y - r1b) / r1m;

    return {x: x, y: y};


}; // </ >

 * jQuery's compat.js (used in Drupal's jQuery upgrade module, overrides the $().position() function
 *  this is a copy of that function to allow the plugin to work when compat.js is present
 *  once compat.js is fixed to not override existing functions, this function can be removed
 *  and .btPosion() can be replaced with .position() above...
jQuery.fn.btPosition = function() {

  function num(elem, prop) {
    return elem[0] && parseInt( jQuery.curCSS(elem[0], prop, true), 10 ) || 0;

  var left = 0, top = 0, results;

  if ( this[0] ) {
    // Get *real* offsetParent
    var offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),

    // Get correct offsets
    offset       = this.offset(),
    parentOffset = /^body|html$/i.test(offsetParent[0].tagName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();

    // Subtract element margins
    // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
    // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0  -= num( this, 'marginTop' );
    offset.left -= num( this, 'marginLeft' );

    // Add offsetParent borders  += num( offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth' );
    parentOffset.left += num( offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth' );

    // Subtract the two offsets
    results = {
      top:  -,
      left: offset.left - parentOffset.left

  return results;
}; // </ jQuery.fn.btPosition() >

 * Defaults for the beauty tips
 * Note this is a variable definition and not a function. So defaults can be
 * written for an entire page by simply redefining attributes like so:
 * = 400;
 * This would make all Beauty Tips boxes 400px wide.
 * Each of these options may also be overridden during
 * Can be overriden globally or at time of call.
 */ = {
  trigger:         'hover',                // trigger to show/hide tip
                                           // use [on, off] to define separate on/off triggers
                                           // also use space character to allow multiple events to trigger
                                           // examples:
                                           //   ['focus', 'blur'] // focus displays, blur hides
                                           //   'dblclick'        // dblclick toggles on/off
                                           //   ['focus mouseover', 'blur mouseout']
                                           //   'now'             // shows/hides tip without event

  width:            200,                   // width (in px) of tooltip box
                                           //   when combined with cssStyles: {width: 'auto'}, this becomes a max-width for the text
  padding:          10,                    // padding for content (get more fine grained with cssStyles)
  spikeGirth:       10,                    // width of spike
  spikeLength:      15,                    // length of spike
  overlap:          0,                     // spike overlap (px) onto target
  overlay:          false,                 // display overlay on target (use CSS to style) -- BUGGY!
  killTitle:        true,                  // kill title tag to avoid double tooltips

  textzIndex:       9999,                  // z-index for the text
  boxzIndex:        9990,                  // z-index for the "talk" box (should always be less than textzIndex)
  positions:        ['most'],              // preference of positions for tip (will use first with available space)
                                           // possible values 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' as an array in order of
                                           // preference. Last value will be used if others don't have enough space.

                                           // or use 'most' to use the area with the most space
  fill:             "rgb(255, 255, 102)",  // fill color for the tooltip box
  windowMargin:     10,                        // space (px) to leave between text box and browser edge

  strokeWidth:      1,                         // width of stroke around box, **set to 0 for no stroke**
  strokeStyle:      "#000",                    // color/alpha of stroke

  cornerRadius:     5,                         // radius of corners (px), set to 0 for square corners

  shadow:           false,                     // use drop shadow? (only displays in Safari and FF 3.1)
  shadowOffsetX:    2,                         // shadow offset x (px)
  shadowOffsetY:    2,                         // shadow offset y (px)
  shadowBlur:       3,                         // shadow blur (px)
  shadowColor:      "#000",                    // shadow color/alpha

  animate:          false,                     // animate show/hide of box - EXPERIMENTAL (buggy in IE)
  distance:         15,                        // distance of animation movement (px)
  easing:           'swing',                   // animation easing
  speed:            200,                       // speed (ms) of animation

  cssClass:         '',                        // CSS class to add to the box wrapper div
  cssStyles:        {},                        // styles to add the text box
                                               //   example: {fontFamily: 'Georgia, Times, serif', fontWeight: 'bold'}

  titleSelector:    "attr('title')",           // if there is no content argument, use this selector to retrieve the title

  preShow:          function(){return;},       // function to run before popup is built and displayed
  postShow:         function(){return;},       // function to run after popup is built and displayed
  preHide:          function(){return;},       // function to run before popup is removed
  postHide:         function(){return;}        // function to run after popup is removed

}; // </ >