A site layout ("site map") of the web application, including URL regular
expression patterns, Django views, and metadata for constructing sidebar menus
and (eventually) breadcrumbs.
One function, soc.logic.site.map.getDjangoUrlPatterns(), converts these details
into urlpatterns for use by Django.
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
A library of validators that return None and raise ValidationError when the
provided data isn't valid.
Validators may be callable classes, and they may have an 'always_test'
attribute. If an 'always_test' attribute exists (regardless of value), the
validator will *always* be run, regardless of whether its associated
form field is required.
import urllib2
import re
from decimal import Decimal, DecimalException
except ImportError:
from django.utils._decimal import Decimal, DecimalException # Python 2.3
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ugettext_lazy, ungettext
from django.utils.functional import Promise, lazy
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode, smart_str
_datere = r'\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}'
_timere = r'(?:[01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9](?::[0-5][0-9])?'
alnum_re = re.compile(r'^\w+$')
alnumurl_re = re.compile(r'^[-\w/]+$')
ansi_date_re = re.compile('^%s$' % _datere)
ansi_time_re = re.compile('^%s$' % _timere)
ansi_datetime_re = re.compile('^%s %s$' % (_datere, _timere))
email_re = re.compile(
r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*" # dot-atom
r'|^"([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037!#-\[\]-\177]|\\[\001-\011\013\014\016-\177])*"' # quoted-string
r')@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}$', re.IGNORECASE) # domain
integer_re = re.compile(r'^-?\d+$')
ip4_re = re.compile(r'^(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)){3}$')
phone_re = re.compile(r'^[A-PR-Y0-9]{3}-[A-PR-Y0-9]{3}-[A-PR-Y0-9]{4}$', re.IGNORECASE)
slug_re = re.compile(r'^[-\w]+$')
url_re = re.compile(r'^https?://\S+$')
lazy_inter = lazy(lambda a,b: force_unicode(a) % b, unicode)
class ValidationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
"ValidationError can be passed a string or a list."
if isinstance(message, list):
self.messages = [force_unicode(msg) for msg in message]
assert isinstance(message, (basestring, Promise)), ("%s should be a string" % repr(message))
self.messages = [force_unicode(message)]
def __str__(self):
# This is needed because, without a __str__(), printing an exception
# instance would result in this:
# AttributeError: ValidationError instance has no attribute 'args'
# See http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/node10.html#handling
return str(self.messages)
class CriticalValidationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
"ValidationError can be passed a string or a list."
if isinstance(message, list):
self.messages = [force_unicode(msg) for msg in message]
assert isinstance(message, (basestring, Promise)), ("'%s' should be a string" % message)
self.messages = [force_unicode(message)]
def __str__(self):
return str(self.messages)
def isAlphaNumeric(field_data, all_data):
if not alnum_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _("This value must contain only letters, numbers and underscores.")
def isAlphaNumericURL(field_data, all_data):
if not alnumurl_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _("This value must contain only letters, numbers, underscores, dashes or slashes.")
def isSlug(field_data, all_data):
if not slug_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _("This value must contain only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens.")
def isLowerCase(field_data, all_data):
if field_data.lower() != field_data:
raise ValidationError, _("Uppercase letters are not allowed here.")
def isUpperCase(field_data, all_data):
if field_data.upper() != field_data:
raise ValidationError, _("Lowercase letters are not allowed here.")
def isCommaSeparatedIntegerList(field_data, all_data):
for supposed_int in field_data.split(','):
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError, _("Enter only digits separated by commas.")
def isCommaSeparatedEmailList(field_data, all_data):
Checks that field_data is a string of e-mail addresses separated by commas.
Blank field_data values will not throw a validation error, and whitespace
is allowed around the commas.
for supposed_email in field_data.split(','):
isValidEmail(supposed_email.strip(), '')
except ValidationError:
raise ValidationError, _("Enter valid e-mail addresses separated by commas.")
def isValidIPAddress4(field_data, all_data):
if not ip4_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _("Please enter a valid IP address.")
def isNotEmpty(field_data, all_data):
if field_data.strip() == '':
raise ValidationError, _("Empty values are not allowed here.")
def isOnlyDigits(field_data, all_data):
if not field_data.isdigit():
raise ValidationError, _("Non-numeric characters aren't allowed here.")
def isNotOnlyDigits(field_data, all_data):
if field_data.isdigit():
raise ValidationError, _("This value can't be comprised solely of digits.")
def isInteger(field_data, all_data):
# This differs from isOnlyDigits because this accepts the negative sign
if not integer_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _("Enter a whole number.")
def isOnlyLetters(field_data, all_data):
if not field_data.isalpha():
raise ValidationError, _("Only alphabetical characters are allowed here.")
def _isValidDate(date_string):
A helper function used by isValidANSIDate and isValidANSIDatetime to
check if the date is valid. The date string is assumed to already be in
YYYY-MM-DD format.
from datetime import date
# Could use time.strptime here and catch errors, but datetime.date below
# produces much friendlier error messages.
year, month, day = map(int, date_string.split('-'))
# This check is needed because strftime is used when saving the date
# value to the database, and strftime requires that the year be >=1900.
if year < 1900:
raise ValidationError, _('Year must be 1900 or later.')
date(year, month, day)
except ValueError, e:
msg = _('Invalid date: %s') % _(str(e))
raise ValidationError, msg
def isValidANSIDate(field_data, all_data):
if not ansi_date_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _('Enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.')
def isValidANSITime(field_data, all_data):
if not ansi_time_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _('Enter a valid time in HH:MM format.')
def isValidANSIDatetime(field_data, all_data):
if not ansi_datetime_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _('Enter a valid date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.')
def isValidEmail(field_data, all_data):
if not email_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _('Enter a valid e-mail address.')
def isValidImage(field_data, all_data):
Checks that the file-upload field data contains a valid image (GIF, JPG,
PNG, possibly others -- whatever the Python Imaging Library supports).
from PIL import Image
from cStringIO import StringIO
content = field_data['content']
except TypeError:
raise ValidationError, _("No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.")
# load() is the only method that can spot a truncated JPEG,
# but it cannot be called sanely after verify()
trial_image = Image.open(StringIO(content))
# verify() is the only method that can spot a corrupt PNG,
# but it must be called immediately after the constructor
trial_image = Image.open(StringIO(content))
except Exception: # Python Imaging Library doesn't recognize it as an image
raise ValidationError, _("Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image.")
def isValidImageURL(field_data, all_data):
uc = URLMimeTypeCheck(('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png'))
uc(field_data, all_data)
except URLMimeTypeCheck.InvalidContentType:
raise ValidationError, _("The URL %s does not point to a valid image.") % field_data
def isValidPhone(field_data, all_data):
if not phone_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _('Phone numbers must be in XXX-XXX-XXXX format. "%s" is invalid.') % field_data
def isValidQuicktimeVideoURL(field_data, all_data):
"Checks that the given URL is a video that can be played by QuickTime (qt, mpeg)"
uc = URLMimeTypeCheck(('video/quicktime', 'video/mpeg',))
uc(field_data, all_data)
except URLMimeTypeCheck.InvalidContentType:
raise ValidationError, _("The URL %s does not point to a valid QuickTime video.") % field_data
def isValidURL(field_data, all_data):
if not url_re.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError, _("A valid URL is required.")
def isValidHTML(field_data, all_data):
import urllib, urllib2
u = urllib2.urlopen('http://validator.w3.org/check', urllib.urlencode({'fragment': field_data, 'output': 'xml'}))
# Validator or Internet connection is unavailable. Fail silently.
html_is_valid = (u.headers.get('x-w3c-validator-status', 'Invalid') == 'Valid')
if html_is_valid:
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
error_messages = [e.firstChild.wholeText for e in parseString(u.read()).getElementsByTagName('messages')[0].getElementsByTagName('msg')]
raise ValidationError, _("Valid HTML is required. Specific errors are:\n%s") % "\n".join(error_messages)
def isWellFormedXml(field_data, all_data):
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
except Exception, e: # Naked except because we're not sure what will be thrown
raise ValidationError, _("Badly formed XML: %s") % str(e)
def isWellFormedXmlFragment(field_data, all_data):
isWellFormedXml('<root>%s</root>' % field_data, all_data)
def isExistingURL(field_data, all_data):
headers = {
"Accept" : "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5",
"Accept-Language" : "en-us,en;q=0.5",
"Accept-Charset": "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
"Connection" : "close",
"User-Agent": settings.URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT
req = urllib2.Request(field_data,None, headers)
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError, _("Invalid URL: %s") % field_data
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
# 401s are valid; they just mean authorization is required.
# 301 and 302 are redirects; they just mean look somewhere else.
if str(e.code) not in ('401','301','302'):
raise ValidationError, _("The URL %s is a broken link.") % field_data
except: # urllib2.URLError, httplib.InvalidURL, etc.
raise ValidationError, _("The URL %s is a broken link.") % field_data
def isValidUSState(field_data, all_data):
"Checks that the given string is a valid two-letter U.S. state abbreviation"
states = ['AA', 'AE', 'AK', 'AL', 'AP', 'AR', 'AS', 'AZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'FM', 'GA', 'GU', 'HI', 'IA', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'MA', 'MD', 'ME', 'MH', 'MI', 'MN', 'MO', 'MP', 'MS', 'MT', 'NC', 'ND', 'NE', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NV', 'NY', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'PR', 'PW', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VA', 'VI', 'VT', 'WA', 'WI', 'WV', 'WY']
if field_data.upper() not in states:
raise ValidationError, _("Enter a valid U.S. state abbreviation.")
def hasNoProfanities(field_data, all_data):
Checks that the given string has no profanities in it. This does a simple
check for whether each profanity exists within the string, so 'fuck' will
catch 'motherfucker' as well. Raises a ValidationError such as:
Watch your mouth! The words "f--k" and "s--t" are not allowed here.
field_data = field_data.lower() # normalize
words_seen = [w for w in settings.PROFANITIES_LIST if w in field_data]
if words_seen:
from django.utils.text import get_text_list
plural = len(words_seen)
raise ValidationError, ungettext("Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here.",
"Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here.", plural) % \
get_text_list(['"%s%s%s"' % (i[0], '-'*(len(i)-2), i[-1]) for i in words_seen], _('and'))
class AlwaysMatchesOtherField(object):
def __init__(self, other_field_name, error_message=None):
self.other = other_field_name
self.error_message = error_message or lazy_inter(ugettext_lazy("This field must match the '%s' field."), self.other)
self.always_test = True
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
if field_data != all_data[self.other]:
raise ValidationError, self.error_message
class ValidateIfOtherFieldEquals(object):
def __init__(self, other_field, other_value, validator_list):
self.other_field, self.other_value = other_field, other_value
self.validator_list = validator_list
self.always_test = True
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
if self.other_field in all_data and all_data[self.other_field] == self.other_value:
for v in self.validator_list:
v(field_data, all_data)
class RequiredIfOtherFieldNotGiven(object):
def __init__(self, other_field_name, error_message=ugettext_lazy("Please enter something for at least one field.")):
self.other, self.error_message = other_field_name, error_message
self.always_test = True
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
if not all_data.get(self.other, False) and not field_data:
raise ValidationError, self.error_message
class RequiredIfOtherFieldsGiven(object):
def __init__(self, other_field_names, error_message=ugettext_lazy("Please enter both fields or leave them both empty.")):
self.other, self.error_message = other_field_names, error_message
self.always_test = True
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
for field in self.other:
if all_data.get(field, False) and not field_data:
raise ValidationError, self.error_message
class RequiredIfOtherFieldGiven(RequiredIfOtherFieldsGiven):
"Like RequiredIfOtherFieldsGiven, but takes a single field name instead of a list."
def __init__(self, other_field_name, error_message=ugettext_lazy("Please enter both fields or leave them both empty.")):
RequiredIfOtherFieldsGiven.__init__(self, [other_field_name], error_message)
class RequiredIfOtherFieldEquals(object):
def __init__(self, other_field, other_value, error_message=None, other_label=None):
self.other_field = other_field
self.other_value = other_value
other_label = other_label or other_value
self.error_message = error_message or lazy_inter(ugettext_lazy("This field must be given if %(field)s is %(value)s"), {
'field': other_field, 'value': other_label})
self.always_test = True
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
if self.other_field in all_data and all_data[self.other_field] == self.other_value and not field_data:
raise ValidationError(self.error_message)
class RequiredIfOtherFieldDoesNotEqual(object):
def __init__(self, other_field, other_value, other_label=None, error_message=None):
self.other_field = other_field
self.other_value = other_value
other_label = other_label or other_value
self.error_message = error_message or lazy_inter(ugettext_lazy("This field must be given if %(field)s is not %(value)s"), {
'field': other_field, 'value': other_label})
self.always_test = True
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
if self.other_field in all_data and all_data[self.other_field] != self.other_value and not field_data:
raise ValidationError(self.error_message)
class IsLessThanOtherField(object):
def __init__(self, other_field_name, error_message):
self.other, self.error_message = other_field_name, error_message
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
if field_data > all_data[self.other]:
raise ValidationError, self.error_message
class UniqueAmongstFieldsWithPrefix(object):
def __init__(self, field_name, prefix, error_message):
self.field_name, self.prefix = field_name, prefix
self.error_message = error_message or ugettext_lazy("Duplicate values are not allowed.")
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
for field_name, value in all_data.items():
if field_name != self.field_name and value == field_data:
raise ValidationError, self.error_message
class NumberIsInRange(object):
Validator that tests if a value is in a range (inclusive).
def __init__(self, lower=None, upper=None, error_message=''):
self.lower, self.upper = lower, upper
if not error_message:
if lower and upper:
self.error_message = _("This value must be between %(lower)s and %(upper)s.") % {'lower': lower, 'upper': upper}
elif lower:
self.error_message = _("This value must be at least %s.") % lower
elif upper:
self.error_message = _("This value must be no more than %s.") % upper
self.error_message = error_message
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
# Try to make the value numeric. If this fails, we assume another
# validator will catch the problem.
val = float(field_data)
except ValueError:
# Now validate
if self.lower and self.upper and (val < self.lower or val > self.upper):
raise ValidationError(self.error_message)
elif self.lower and val < self.lower:
raise ValidationError(self.error_message)
elif self.upper and val > self.upper:
raise ValidationError(self.error_message)
class IsAPowerOf(object):
Usage: If you create an instance of the IsPowerOf validator:
v = IsAPowerOf(2)
The following calls will succeed:
v(4, None)
v(8, None)
v(16, None)
But this call:
v(17, None)
will raise "django.core.validators.ValidationError: ['This value must be a power of 2.']"
def __init__(self, power_of):
self.power_of = power_of
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
from math import log
val = log(int(field_data)) / log(self.power_of)
if val != int(val):
raise ValidationError, _("This value must be a power of %s.") % self.power_of
class IsValidDecimal(object):
def __init__(self, max_digits, decimal_places):
self.max_digits, self.decimal_places = max_digits, decimal_places
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
val = Decimal(field_data)
except DecimalException:
raise ValidationError, _("Please enter a valid decimal number.")
pieces = str(val).lstrip("-").split('.')
decimals = (len(pieces) == 2) and len(pieces[1]) or 0
digits = len(pieces[0])
if digits + decimals > self.max_digits:
raise ValidationError, ungettext("Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digit.",
"Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digits.", self.max_digits) % self.max_digits
if digits > (self.max_digits - self.decimal_places):
raise ValidationError, ungettext( "Please enter a valid decimal number with a whole part of at most %s digit.",
"Please enter a valid decimal number with a whole part of at most %s digits.", str(self.max_digits-self.decimal_places)) % str(self.max_digits-self.decimal_places)
if decimals > self.decimal_places:
raise ValidationError, ungettext("Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s decimal place.",
"Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s decimal places.", self.decimal_places) % self.decimal_places
def isValidFloat(field_data, all_data):
data = smart_str(field_data)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError, _("Please enter a valid floating point number.")
class HasAllowableSize(object):
Checks that the file-upload field data is a certain size. min_size and
max_size are measurements in bytes.
def __init__(self, min_size=None, max_size=None, min_error_message=None, max_error_message=None):
self.min_size, self.max_size = min_size, max_size
self.min_error_message = min_error_message or lazy_inter(ugettext_lazy("Make sure your uploaded file is at least %s bytes big."), min_size)
self.max_error_message = max_error_message or lazy_inter(ugettext_lazy("Make sure your uploaded file is at most %s bytes big."), max_size)
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
content = field_data['content']
except TypeError:
raise ValidationError, ugettext_lazy("No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form.")
if self.min_size is not None and len(content) < self.min_size:
raise ValidationError, self.min_error_message
if self.max_size is not None and len(content) > self.max_size:
raise ValidationError, self.max_error_message
class MatchesRegularExpression(object):
Checks that the field matches the given regular-expression. The regex
should be in string format, not already compiled.
def __init__(self, regexp, error_message=ugettext_lazy("The format for this field is wrong.")):
self.regexp = re.compile(regexp)
self.error_message = error_message
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
if not self.regexp.search(field_data):
raise ValidationError(self.error_message)
class AnyValidator(object):
This validator tries all given validators. If any one of them succeeds,
validation passes. If none of them succeeds, the given message is thrown
as a validation error. The message is rather unspecific, so it's best to
specify one on instantiation.
def __init__(self, validator_list=None, error_message=ugettext_lazy("This field is invalid.")):
if validator_list is None: validator_list = []
self.validator_list = validator_list
self.error_message = error_message
for v in validator_list:
if hasattr(v, 'always_test'):
self.always_test = True
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
for v in self.validator_list:
v(field_data, all_data)
except ValidationError, e:
raise ValidationError(self.error_message)
class URLMimeTypeCheck(object):
"Checks that the provided URL points to a document with a listed mime type"
class CouldNotRetrieve(ValidationError):
class InvalidContentType(ValidationError):
def __init__(self, mime_type_list):
self.mime_type_list = mime_type_list
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
import urllib2
isValidURL(field_data, all_data)
except ValidationError:
info = urllib2.urlopen(field_data).info()
except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
raise URLMimeTypeCheck.CouldNotRetrieve, _("Could not retrieve anything from %s.") % field_data
content_type = info['content-type']
if content_type not in self.mime_type_list:
raise URLMimeTypeCheck.InvalidContentType, _("The URL %(url)s returned the invalid Content-Type header '%(contenttype)s'.") % {
'url': field_data, 'contenttype': content_type}
class RelaxNGCompact(object):
"Validate against a Relax NG compact schema"
def __init__(self, schema_path, additional_root_element=None):
self.schema_path = schema_path
self.additional_root_element = additional_root_element
def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
import os, tempfile
if self.additional_root_element:
field_data = '<%(are)s>%(data)s\n</%(are)s>' % {
'are': self.additional_root_element,
'data': field_data
filename = tempfile.mktemp() # Insecure, but nothing else worked
fp = open(filename, 'w')
if not os.path.exists(settings.JING_PATH):
raise Exception, "%s not found!" % settings.JING_PATH
p = os.popen('%s -c %s %s' % (settings.JING_PATH, self.schema_path, filename))
errors = [line.strip() for line in p.readlines()]
display_errors = []
lines = field_data.split('\n')
for error in errors:
ignored, line, level, message = error.split(':', 3)
# Scrape the Jing error messages to reword them more nicely.
m = re.search(r'Expected "(.*?)" to terminate element starting on line (\d+)', message)
if m:
display_errors.append(_('Please close the unclosed %(tag)s tag from line %(line)s. (Line starts with "%(start)s".)') % \
{'tag':m.group(1).replace('/', ''), 'line':m.group(2), 'start':lines[int(m.group(2)) - 1][:30]})
if message.strip() == 'text not allowed here':
display_errors.append(_('Some text starting on line %(line)s is not allowed in that context. (Line starts with "%(start)s".)') % \
{'line':line, 'start':lines[int(line) - 1][:30]})
m = re.search(r'\s*attribute "(.*?)" not allowed at this point; ignored', message)
if m:
display_errors.append(_('"%(attr)s" on line %(line)s is an invalid attribute. (Line starts with "%(start)s".)') % \
{'attr':m.group(1), 'line':line, 'start':lines[int(line) - 1][:30]})
m = re.search(r'\s*unknown element "(.*?)"', message)
if m:
display_errors.append(_('"<%(tag)s>" on line %(line)s is an invalid tag. (Line starts with "%(start)s".)') % \
{'tag':m.group(1), 'line':line, 'start':lines[int(line) - 1][:30]})
if message.strip() == 'required attributes missing':
display_errors.append(_('A tag on line %(line)s is missing one or more required attributes. (Line starts with "%(start)s".)') % \
{'line':line, 'start':lines[int(line) - 1][:30]})
m = re.search(r'\s*bad value for attribute "(.*?)"', message)
if m:
display_errors.append(_('The "%(attr)s" attribute on line %(line)s has an invalid value. (Line starts with "%(start)s".)') % \
{'attr':m.group(1), 'line':line, 'start':lines[int(line) - 1][:30]})
# Failing all those checks, use the default error message.
display_error = 'Line %s: %s [%s]' % (line, message, level.strip())
if len(display_errors) > 0:
raise ValidationError, display_errors