Created a seperate module for editSelf things
This improves the coherency in the user module, while at the same
time making it easier to set proper access control for the editSelf
related pages.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
import random, unittest, sys
from ctypes import ArgumentError
from django.contrib.gis.geos import *
from django.contrib.gis.geos.base import HAS_GDAL
from django.contrib.gis.tests.geometries import *
if HAS_NUMPY: from numpy import array
if HAS_GDAL: from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeometry, SpatialReference, CoordTransform, GEOJSON
class GEOSTest(unittest.TestCase):
def null_srid(self):
Returns the proper null SRID depending on the GEOS version.
See the comments in `test15_srid` for more details.
info = geos_version_info()
if info['version'] == '3.0.0' and info['release_candidate']:
return -1
return None
def test01a_wkt(self):
"Testing WKT output."
for g in wkt_out:
geom = fromstr(g.wkt)
self.assertEqual(g.ewkt, geom.wkt)
def test01b_hex(self):
"Testing HEX output."
for g in hex_wkt:
geom = fromstr(g.wkt)
self.assertEqual(g.hex, geom.hex)
def test01c_kml(self):
"Testing KML output."
for tg in wkt_out:
geom = fromstr(tg.wkt)
kml = getattr(tg, 'kml', False)
if kml: self.assertEqual(kml, geom.kml)
def test01d_errors(self):
"Testing the Error handlers."
# string-based
print "\nBEGIN - expecting GEOS_ERROR; safe to ignore.\n"
for err in errors:
g = fromstr(err.wkt)
except (GEOSException, ValueError):
print "\nEND - expecting GEOS_ERROR; safe to ignore.\n"
class NotAGeometry(object):
# Some other object
self.assertRaises(TypeError, GEOSGeometry, NotAGeometry())
# None
self.assertRaises(TypeError, GEOSGeometry, None)
# Bad WKB
self.assertRaises(GEOSException, GEOSGeometry, buffer('0'))
def test01e_wkb(self):
"Testing WKB output."
from binascii import b2a_hex
for g in hex_wkt:
geom = fromstr(g.wkt)
wkb = geom.wkb
self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(wkb).upper(), g.hex)
def test01f_create_hex(self):
"Testing creation from HEX."
for g in hex_wkt:
geom_h = GEOSGeometry(g.hex)
# we need to do this so decimal places get normalised
geom_t = fromstr(g.wkt)
self.assertEqual(geom_t.wkt, geom_h.wkt)
def test01g_create_wkb(self):
"Testing creation from WKB."
from binascii import a2b_hex
for g in hex_wkt:
wkb = buffer(a2b_hex(g.hex))
geom_h = GEOSGeometry(wkb)
# we need to do this so decimal places get normalised
geom_t = fromstr(g.wkt)
self.assertEqual(geom_t.wkt, geom_h.wkt)
def test01h_ewkt(self):
"Testing EWKT."
srid = 32140
for p in polygons:
ewkt = 'SRID=%d;%s' % (srid, p.wkt)
poly = fromstr(ewkt)
self.assertEqual(srid, poly.srid)
self.assertEqual(srid, fromstr(poly.ewkt).srid) # Checking export
def test01i_json(self):
"Testing GeoJSON input/output (via GDAL)."
if not HAS_GDAL or not GEOJSON: return
for g in json_geoms:
geom = GEOSGeometry(g.wkt)
self.assertEqual(g.json, geom.json)
self.assertEqual(g.json, geom.geojson)
self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(g.wkt), GEOSGeometry(geom.json))
def test01j_eq(self):
"Testing equivalence."
p = fromstr('POINT(5 23)')
self.assertEqual(p, p.wkt)
self.assertNotEqual(p, 'foo')
ls = fromstr('LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1, 5 5)')
self.assertEqual(ls, ls.wkt)
self.assertNotEqual(p, 'bar')
# Error shouldn't be raise on equivalence testing with
# an invalid type.
for g in (p, ls):
self.assertNotEqual(g, None)
self.assertNotEqual(g, {'foo' : 'bar'})
self.assertNotEqual(g, False)
def test02a_points(self):
"Testing Point objects."
prev = fromstr('POINT(0 0)')
for p in points:
# Creating the point from the WKT
pnt = fromstr(p.wkt)
self.assertEqual(pnt.geom_type, 'Point')
self.assertEqual(pnt.geom_typeid, 0)
self.assertEqual(p.x, pnt.x)
self.assertEqual(p.y, pnt.y)
self.assertEqual(True, pnt == fromstr(p.wkt))
self.assertEqual(False, pnt == prev)
# Making sure that the point's X, Y components are what we expect
self.assertAlmostEqual(p.x, pnt.tuple[0], 9)
self.assertAlmostEqual(p.y, pnt.tuple[1], 9)
# Testing the third dimension, and getting the tuple arguments
if hasattr(p, 'z'):
self.assertEqual(True, pnt.hasz)
self.assertEqual(p.z, pnt.z)
self.assertEqual(p.z, pnt.tuple[2], 9)
tup_args = (p.x, p.y, p.z)
set_tup1 = (2.71, 3.14, 5.23)
set_tup2 = (5.23, 2.71, 3.14)
self.assertEqual(False, pnt.hasz)
self.assertEqual(None, pnt.z)
tup_args = (p.x, p.y)
set_tup1 = (2.71, 3.14)
set_tup2 = (3.14, 2.71)
# Centroid operation on point should be point itself
self.assertEqual(p.centroid, pnt.centroid.tuple)
# Now testing the different constructors
pnt2 = Point(tup_args) # e.g., Point((1, 2))
pnt3 = Point(*tup_args) # e.g., Point(1, 2)
self.assertEqual(True, pnt == pnt2)
self.assertEqual(True, pnt == pnt3)
# Now testing setting the x and y
pnt.y = 3.14
pnt.x = 2.71
self.assertEqual(3.14, pnt.y)
self.assertEqual(2.71, pnt.x)
# Setting via the tuple/coords property
pnt.tuple = set_tup1
self.assertEqual(set_tup1, pnt.tuple)
pnt.coords = set_tup2
self.assertEqual(set_tup2, pnt.coords)
prev = pnt # setting the previous geometry
def test02b_multipoints(self):
"Testing MultiPoint objects."
for mp in multipoints:
mpnt = fromstr(mp.wkt)
self.assertEqual(mpnt.geom_type, 'MultiPoint')
self.assertEqual(mpnt.geom_typeid, 4)
self.assertAlmostEqual(mp.centroid[0], mpnt.centroid.tuple[0], 9)
self.assertAlmostEqual(mp.centroid[1], mpnt.centroid.tuple[1], 9)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, mpnt.__getitem__, len(mpnt))
self.assertEqual(mp.centroid, mpnt.centroid.tuple)
self.assertEqual(mp.points, tuple(m.tuple for m in mpnt))
for p in mpnt:
self.assertEqual(p.geom_type, 'Point')
self.assertEqual(p.geom_typeid, 0)
self.assertEqual(p.empty, False)
self.assertEqual(p.valid, True)
def test03a_linestring(self):
"Testing LineString objects."
prev = fromstr('POINT(0 0)')
for l in linestrings:
ls = fromstr(l.wkt)
self.assertEqual(ls.geom_type, 'LineString')
self.assertEqual(ls.geom_typeid, 1)
self.assertEqual(ls.empty, False)
self.assertEqual(ls.ring, False)
if hasattr(l, 'centroid'):
self.assertEqual(l.centroid, ls.centroid.tuple)
if hasattr(l, 'tup'):
self.assertEqual(l.tup, ls.tuple)
self.assertEqual(True, ls == fromstr(l.wkt))
self.assertEqual(False, ls == prev)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, ls.__getitem__, len(ls))
prev = ls
# Creating a LineString from a tuple, list, and numpy array
self.assertEqual(ls, LineString(ls.tuple)) # tuple
self.assertEqual(ls, LineString(*ls.tuple)) # as individual arguments
self.assertEqual(ls, LineString([list(tup) for tup in ls.tuple])) # as list
self.assertEqual(ls.wkt, LineString(*tuple(Point(tup) for tup in ls.tuple)).wkt) # Point individual arguments
if HAS_NUMPY: self.assertEqual(ls, LineString(array(ls.tuple))) # as numpy array
def test03b_multilinestring(self):
"Testing MultiLineString objects."
prev = fromstr('POINT(0 0)')
for l in multilinestrings:
ml = fromstr(l.wkt)
self.assertEqual(ml.geom_type, 'MultiLineString')
self.assertEqual(ml.geom_typeid, 5)
self.assertAlmostEqual(l.centroid[0], ml.centroid.x, 9)
self.assertAlmostEqual(l.centroid[1], ml.centroid.y, 9)
self.assertEqual(True, ml == fromstr(l.wkt))
self.assertEqual(False, ml == prev)
prev = ml
for ls in ml:
self.assertEqual(ls.geom_type, 'LineString')
self.assertEqual(ls.geom_typeid, 1)
self.assertEqual(ls.empty, False)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, ml.__getitem__, len(ml))
self.assertEqual(ml.wkt, MultiLineString(*tuple(s.clone() for s in ml)).wkt)
self.assertEqual(ml, MultiLineString(*tuple(LineString(s.tuple) for s in ml)))
def test04_linearring(self):
"Testing LinearRing objects."
for rr in linearrings:
lr = fromstr(rr.wkt)
self.assertEqual(lr.geom_type, 'LinearRing')
self.assertEqual(lr.geom_typeid, 2)
self.assertEqual(rr.n_p, len(lr))
self.assertEqual(True, lr.valid)
self.assertEqual(False, lr.empty)
# Creating a LinearRing from a tuple, list, and numpy array
self.assertEqual(lr, LinearRing(lr.tuple))
self.assertEqual(lr, LinearRing(*lr.tuple))
self.assertEqual(lr, LinearRing([list(tup) for tup in lr.tuple]))
if HAS_NUMPY: self.assertEqual(lr, LinearRing(array(lr.tuple)))
def test05a_polygons(self):
"Testing Polygon objects."
prev = fromstr('POINT(0 0)')
for p in polygons:
# Creating the Polygon, testing its properties.
poly = fromstr(p.wkt)
self.assertEqual(poly.geom_type, 'Polygon')
self.assertEqual(poly.geom_typeid, 3)
self.assertEqual(poly.empty, False)
self.assertEqual(poly.ring, False)
self.assertEqual(p.n_i, poly.num_interior_rings)
self.assertEqual(p.n_i + 1, len(poly)) # Testing __len__
self.assertEqual(p.n_p, poly.num_points)
# Area & Centroid
self.assertAlmostEqual(p.area, poly.area, 9)
self.assertAlmostEqual(p.centroid[0], poly.centroid.tuple[0], 9)
self.assertAlmostEqual(p.centroid[1], poly.centroid.tuple[1], 9)
# Testing the geometry equivalence
self.assertEqual(True, poly == fromstr(p.wkt))
self.assertEqual(False, poly == prev) # Should not be equal to previous geometry
self.assertEqual(True, poly != prev)
# Testing the exterior ring
ring = poly.exterior_ring
self.assertEqual(ring.geom_type, 'LinearRing')
self.assertEqual(ring.geom_typeid, 2)
if p.ext_ring_cs:
self.assertEqual(p.ext_ring_cs, ring.tuple)
self.assertEqual(p.ext_ring_cs, poly[0].tuple) # Testing __getitem__
# Testing __getitem__ and __setitem__ on invalid indices
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, poly.__getitem__, len(poly))
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, poly.__setitem__, len(poly), False)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, poly.__getitem__, -1)
# Testing __iter__
for r in poly:
self.assertEqual(r.geom_type, 'LinearRing')
self.assertEqual(r.geom_typeid, 2)
# Testing polygon construction.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, Polygon.__init__, 0, [1, 2, 3])
self.assertRaises(TypeError, Polygon.__init__, 'foo')
# Polygon(shell, (hole1, ... holeN))
rings = tuple(r for r in poly)
self.assertEqual(poly, Polygon(rings[0], rings[1:]))
# Polygon(shell_tuple, hole_tuple1, ... , hole_tupleN)
ring_tuples = tuple(r.tuple for r in poly)
self.assertEqual(poly, Polygon(*ring_tuples))
# Constructing with tuples of LinearRings.
self.assertEqual(poly.wkt, Polygon(*tuple(r for r in poly)).wkt)
self.assertEqual(poly.wkt, Polygon(*tuple(LinearRing(r.tuple) for r in poly)).wkt)
def test05b_multipolygons(self):
"Testing MultiPolygon objects."
print "\nBEGIN - expecting GEOS_NOTICE; safe to ignore.\n"
prev = fromstr('POINT (0 0)')
for mp in multipolygons:
mpoly = fromstr(mp.wkt)
self.assertEqual(mpoly.geom_type, 'MultiPolygon')
self.assertEqual(mpoly.geom_typeid, 6)
self.assertEqual(mp.valid, mpoly.valid)
if mp.valid:
self.assertEqual(mp.num_geom, mpoly.num_geom)
self.assertEqual(mp.n_p, mpoly.num_coords)
self.assertEqual(mp.num_geom, len(mpoly))
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, mpoly.__getitem__, len(mpoly))
for p in mpoly:
self.assertEqual(p.geom_type, 'Polygon')
self.assertEqual(p.geom_typeid, 3)
self.assertEqual(p.valid, True)
self.assertEqual(mpoly.wkt, MultiPolygon(*tuple(poly.clone() for poly in mpoly)).wkt)
print "\nEND - expecting GEOS_NOTICE; safe to ignore.\n"
def test06a_memory_hijinks(self):
"Testing Geometry __del__() on rings and polygons."
#### Memory issues with rings and polygons
# These tests are needed to ensure sanity with writable geometries.
# Getting a polygon with interior rings, and pulling out the interior rings
poly = fromstr(polygons[1].wkt)
ring1 = poly[0]
ring2 = poly[1]
# These deletes should be 'harmless' since they are done on child geometries
del ring1
del ring2
ring1 = poly[0]
ring2 = poly[1]
# Deleting the polygon
del poly
# Access to these rings is OK since they are clones.
s1, s2 = str(ring1), str(ring2)
# The previous hijinks tests are now moot because only clones are
# now used =)
def test08_coord_seq(self):
"Testing Coordinate Sequence objects."
for p in polygons:
if p.ext_ring_cs:
# Constructing the polygon and getting the coordinate sequence
poly = fromstr(p.wkt)
cs = poly.exterior_ring.coord_seq
self.assertEqual(p.ext_ring_cs, cs.tuple) # done in the Polygon test too.
self.assertEqual(len(p.ext_ring_cs), len(cs)) # Making sure __len__ works
# Checks __getitem__ and __setitem__
for i in xrange(len(p.ext_ring_cs)):
c1 = p.ext_ring_cs[i] # Expected value
c2 = cs[i] # Value from coordseq
self.assertEqual(c1, c2)
# Constructing the test value to set the coordinate sequence with
if len(c1) == 2: tset = (5, 23)
else: tset = (5, 23, 8)
cs[i] = tset
# Making sure every set point matches what we expect
for j in range(len(tset)):
cs[i] = tset
self.assertEqual(tset[j], cs[i][j])
def test09_relate_pattern(self):
"Testing relate() and relate_pattern()."
g = fromstr('POINT (0 0)')
self.assertRaises(GEOSException, g.relate_pattern, 0, 'invalid pattern, yo')
for i in xrange(len(relate_geoms)):
g_tup = relate_geoms[i]
a = fromstr(g_tup[0].wkt)
b = fromstr(g_tup[1].wkt)
pat = g_tup[2]
result = g_tup[3]
self.assertEqual(result, a.relate_pattern(b, pat))
self.assertEqual(pat, a.relate(b))
def test10_intersection(self):
"Testing intersects() and intersection()."
for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
a = fromstr(g_tup[0].wkt)
b = fromstr(g_tup[1].wkt)
i1 = fromstr(intersect_geoms[i].wkt)
self.assertEqual(True, a.intersects(b))
i2 = a.intersection(b)
self.assertEqual(i1, i2)
self.assertEqual(i1, a & b) # __and__ is intersection operator
a &= b # testing __iand__
self.assertEqual(i1, a)
def test11_union(self):
"Testing union()."
for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
a = fromstr(g_tup[0].wkt)
b = fromstr(g_tup[1].wkt)
u1 = fromstr(union_geoms[i].wkt)
u2 = a.union(b)
self.assertEqual(u1, u2)
self.assertEqual(u1, a | b) # __or__ is union operator
a |= b # testing __ior__
self.assertEqual(u1, a)
def test12_difference(self):
"Testing difference()."
for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
a = fromstr(g_tup[0].wkt)
b = fromstr(g_tup[1].wkt)
d1 = fromstr(diff_geoms[i].wkt)
d2 = a.difference(b)
self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
self.assertEqual(d1, a - b) # __sub__ is difference operator
a -= b # testing __isub__
self.assertEqual(d1, a)
def test13_symdifference(self):
"Testing sym_difference()."
for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
a = fromstr(g_tup[0].wkt)
b = fromstr(g_tup[1].wkt)
d1 = fromstr(sdiff_geoms[i].wkt)
d2 = a.sym_difference(b)
self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
self.assertEqual(d1, a ^ b) # __xor__ is symmetric difference operator
a ^= b # testing __ixor__
self.assertEqual(d1, a)
def test14_buffer(self):
"Testing buffer()."
for i in xrange(len(buffer_geoms)):
g_tup = buffer_geoms[i]
g = fromstr(g_tup[0].wkt)
# The buffer we expect
exp_buf = fromstr(g_tup[1].wkt)
# Can't use a floating-point for the number of quadsegs.
self.assertRaises(ArgumentError, g.buffer, g_tup[2], float(g_tup[3]))
# Constructing our buffer
buf = g.buffer(g_tup[2], g_tup[3])
self.assertEqual(exp_buf.num_coords, buf.num_coords)
self.assertEqual(len(exp_buf), len(buf))
# Now assuring that each point in the buffer is almost equal
for j in xrange(len(exp_buf)):
exp_ring = exp_buf[j]
buf_ring = buf[j]
self.assertEqual(len(exp_ring), len(buf_ring))
for k in xrange(len(exp_ring)):
# Asserting the X, Y of each point are almost equal (due to floating point imprecision)
self.assertAlmostEqual(exp_ring[k][0], buf_ring[k][0], 9)
self.assertAlmostEqual(exp_ring[k][1], buf_ring[k][1], 9)
def test15_srid(self):
"Testing the SRID property and keyword."
# Testing SRID keyword on Point
pnt = Point(5, 23, srid=4326)
self.assertEqual(4326, pnt.srid)
pnt.srid = 3084
self.assertEqual(3084, pnt.srid)
self.assertRaises(ArgumentError, pnt.set_srid, '4326')
# Testing SRID keyword on fromstr(), and on Polygon rings.
poly = fromstr(polygons[1].wkt, srid=4269)
self.assertEqual(4269, poly.srid)
for ring in poly: self.assertEqual(4269, ring.srid)
poly.srid = 4326
# Testing SRID keyword on GeometryCollection
gc = GeometryCollection(Point(5, 23), LineString((0, 0), (1.5, 1.5), (3, 3)), srid=32021)
self.assertEqual(32021, gc.srid)
for i in range(len(gc)): self.assertEqual(32021, gc[i].srid)
# GEOS may get the SRID from HEXEWKB
# 'POINT(5 23)' at SRID=4326 in hex form -- obtained from PostGIS
# using `SELECT GeomFromText('POINT (5 23)', 4326);`.
hex = '0101000020E610000000000000000014400000000000003740'
p1 = fromstr(hex)
self.assertEqual(4326, p1.srid)
# In GEOS 3.0.0rc1-4 when the EWKB and/or HEXEWKB is exported,
# the SRID information is lost and set to -1 -- this is not a
# problem on the 3.0.0 version (another reason to upgrade).
exp_srid = self.null_srid
p2 = fromstr(p1.hex)
self.assertEqual(exp_srid, p2.srid)
p3 = fromstr(p1.hex, srid=-1) # -1 is intended.
self.assertEqual(-1, p3.srid)
def test16_mutable_geometries(self):
"Testing the mutability of Polygons and Geometry Collections."
### Testing the mutability of Polygons ###
for p in polygons:
poly = fromstr(p.wkt)
# Should only be able to use __setitem__ with LinearRing geometries.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, poly.__setitem__, 0, LineString((1, 1), (2, 2)))
# Constructing the new shell by adding 500 to every point in the old shell.
shell_tup =
new_coords = []
for point in shell_tup: new_coords.append((point[0] + 500., point[1] + 500.))
new_shell = LinearRing(*tuple(new_coords))
# Assigning polygon's exterior ring w/the new shell
poly.exterior_ring = new_shell
s = str(new_shell) # new shell is still accessible
self.assertEqual(poly.exterior_ring, new_shell)
self.assertEqual(poly[0], new_shell)
### Testing the mutability of Geometry Collections
for tg in multipoints:
mp = fromstr(tg.wkt)
for i in range(len(mp)):
# Creating a random point.
pnt = mp[i]
new = Point(random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(1, 100))
# Testing the assignment
mp[i] = new
s = str(new) # what was used for the assignment is still accessible
self.assertEqual(mp[i], new)
self.assertEqual(mp[i].wkt, new.wkt)
self.assertNotEqual(pnt, mp[i])
# MultiPolygons involve much more memory management because each
# Polygon w/in the collection has its own rings.
for tg in multipolygons:
mpoly = fromstr(tg.wkt)
for i in xrange(len(mpoly)):
poly = mpoly[i]
old_poly = mpoly[i]
# Offsetting the each ring in the polygon by 500.
for j in xrange(len(poly)):
r = poly[j]
for k in xrange(len(r)): r[k] = (r[k][0] + 500., r[k][1] + 500.)
poly[j] = r
self.assertNotEqual(mpoly[i], poly)
# Testing the assignment
mpoly[i] = poly
s = str(poly) # Still accessible
self.assertEqual(mpoly[i], poly)
self.assertNotEqual(mpoly[i], old_poly)
# Extreme (!!) __setitem__ -- no longer works, have to detect
# in the first object that __setitem__ is called in the subsequent
# objects -- maybe mpoly[0, 0, 0] = (3.14, 2.71)?
#mpoly[0][0][0] = (3.14, 2.71)
#self.assertEqual((3.14, 2.71), mpoly[0][0][0])
# Doing it more slowly..
#self.assertEqual((3.14, 2.71), mpoly[0].shell[0])
#del mpoly
def test17_threed(self):
"Testing three-dimensional geometries."
# Testing a 3D Point
pnt = Point(2, 3, 8)
self.assertEqual((2.,3.,8.), pnt.coords)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pnt.set_coords, (1.,2.))
pnt.coords = (1.,2.,3.)
self.assertEqual((1.,2.,3.), pnt.coords)
# Testing a 3D LineString
ls = LineString((2., 3., 8.), (50., 250., -117.))
self.assertEqual(((2.,3.,8.), (50.,250.,-117.)), ls.tuple)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, ls.__setitem__, 0, (1.,2.))
ls[0] = (1.,2.,3.)
self.assertEqual((1.,2.,3.), ls[0])
def test18_distance(self):
"Testing the distance() function."
# Distance to self should be 0.
pnt = Point(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(0.0, pnt.distance(Point(0, 0)))
# Distance should be 1
self.assertEqual(1.0, pnt.distance(Point(0, 1)))
# Distance should be ~ sqrt(2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(1.41421356237, pnt.distance(Point(1, 1)), 11)
# Distances are from the closest vertex in each geometry --
# should be 3 (distance from (2, 2) to (5, 2)).
ls1 = LineString((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2))
ls2 = LineString((5, 2), (6, 1), (7, 0))
self.assertEqual(3, ls1.distance(ls2))
def test19_length(self):
"Testing the length property."
# Points have 0 length.
pnt = Point(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(0.0, pnt.length)
# Should be ~ sqrt(2)
ls = LineString((0, 0), (1, 1))
self.assertAlmostEqual(1.41421356237, ls.length, 11)
# Should be circumfrence of Polygon
poly = Polygon(LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)))
self.assertEqual(4.0, poly.length)
# Should be sum of each element's length in collection.
mpoly = MultiPolygon(poly.clone(), poly)
self.assertEqual(8.0, mpoly.length)
def test20_emptyCollections(self):
"Testing empty geometries and collections."
gc1 = GeometryCollection([])
pnt = fromstr('POINT EMPTY')
ls = fromstr('LINESTRING EMPTY')
poly = fromstr('POLYGON EMPTY')
mpoly1 = fromstr('MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY')
mpoly2 = MultiPolygon(())
for g in [gc1, gc2, pnt, ls, poly, mls, mpoly1, mpoly2]:
self.assertEqual(True, g.empty)
# Testing len() and num_geom.
if isinstance(g, Polygon):
self.assertEqual(1, len(g)) # Has one empty linear ring
self.assertEqual(1, g.num_geom)
self.assertEqual(0, len(g[0]))
elif isinstance(g, (Point, LineString)):
self.assertEqual(1, g.num_geom)
self.assertEqual(0, len(g))
self.assertEqual(0, g.num_geom)
self.assertEqual(0, len(g))
# Testing __getitem__ (doesn't work on Point or Polygon)
if isinstance(g, Point):
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, g.get_x)
elif isinstance(g, Polygon):
lr =
self.assertEqual('LINEARRING EMPTY', lr.wkt)
self.assertEqual(0, len(lr))
self.assertEqual(True, lr.empty)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, lr.__getitem__, 0)
self.assertRaises(GEOSIndexError, g.__getitem__, 0)
def test21_test_gdal(self):
"Testing `ogr` and `srs` properties."
if not HAS_GDAL: return
g1 = fromstr('POINT(5 23)')
self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(g1.ogr, OGRGeometry))
self.assertEqual(g1.srs, None)
g2 = fromstr('LINESTRING(0 0, 5 5, 23 23)', srid=4326)
self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(g2.ogr, OGRGeometry))
self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(g2.srs, SpatialReference))
self.assertEqual(g2.hex, g2.ogr.hex)
self.assertEqual('WGS 84',
def test22_copy(self):
"Testing use with the Python `copy` module."
import copy
poly = GEOSGeometry('POLYGON((0 0, 0 23, 23 23, 23 0, 0 0), (5 5, 5 10, 10 10, 10 5, 5 5))')
cpy1 = copy.copy(poly)
cpy2 = copy.deepcopy(poly)
self.assertNotEqual(poly._ptr, cpy1._ptr)
self.assertNotEqual(poly._ptr, cpy2._ptr)
def test23_transform(self):
"Testing `transform` method."
if not HAS_GDAL: return
orig = GEOSGeometry('POINT (-104.609 38.255)', 4326)
trans = GEOSGeometry('POINT (992385.4472045 481455.4944650)', 2774)
# Using a srid, a SpatialReference object, and a CoordTransform object
# for transformations.
t1, t2, t3 = orig.clone(), orig.clone(), orig.clone()
ct = CoordTransform(SpatialReference('WGS84'), SpatialReference(2774))
# Testing use of the `clone` keyword.
k1 = orig.clone()
k2 = k1.transform(trans.srid, clone=True)
self.assertEqual(k1, orig)
self.assertNotEqual(k1, k2)
prec = 3
for p in (t1, t2, t3, k2):
self.assertAlmostEqual(trans.x, p.x, prec)
self.assertAlmostEqual(trans.y, p.y, prec)
def test24_extent(self):
"Testing `extent` method."
# The xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax of the MultiPoint should be returned.
mp = MultiPoint(Point(5, 23), Point(0, 0), Point(10, 50))
self.assertEqual((0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 50.0), mp.extent)
pnt = Point(5.23, 17.8)
# Extent of points is just the point itself repeated.
self.assertEqual((5.23, 17.8, 5.23, 17.8), pnt.extent)
# Testing on the 'real world' Polygon.
poly = fromstr(polygons[3].wkt)
ring =
x, y = ring.x, ring.y
xmin, ymin = min(x), min(y)
xmax, ymax = max(x), max(y)
self.assertEqual((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), poly.extent)
def test25_pickle(self):
"Testing pickling and unpickling support."
# Using both pickle and cPickle -- just 'cause.
import pickle, cPickle
# Creating a list of test geometries for pickling,
# and setting the SRID on some of them.
def get_geoms(lst, srid=None):
return [GEOSGeometry(tg.wkt, srid) for tg in lst]
tgeoms = get_geoms(points)
tgeoms.extend(get_geoms(multilinestrings, 4326))
tgeoms.extend(get_geoms(polygons, 3084))
tgeoms.extend(get_geoms(multipolygons, 900913))
# The SRID won't be exported in GEOS 3.0 release candidates.
no_srid = self.null_srid == -1
for geom in tgeoms:
s1, s2 = cPickle.dumps(geom), pickle.dumps(geom)
g1, g2 = cPickle.loads(s1), pickle.loads(s2)
for tmpg in (g1, g2):
self.assertEqual(geom, tmpg)
if not no_srid: self.assertEqual(geom.srid, tmpg.srid)
def suite():
s = unittest.TestSuite()
return s
def run(verbosity=2):