Prepare for callbacks that return more than one menu
This paves the way for callbacks that dynamically construct their
menu based on in-db content, such as Programs and Documents.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
+ − #!/usr/bin/env python
+ − """Universal feed parser
+ −
+ − Handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds
+ −
+ − Visit for the latest version
+ − Visit for the latest documentation
+ −
+ − Required: Python 2.1 or later
+ − Recommended: Python 2.3 or later
+ − Recommended: CJKCodecs and iconv_codec <>
+ − """
+ −
+ − __version__ = "4.1"# + "$Revision: 1.92 $"[11:15] + "-cvs"
+ − __license__ = """Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved.
+ −
+ − Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+ − are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ −
+ − * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ − this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ − * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ − this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ − and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ −
+ − __author__ = "Mark Pilgrim <>"
+ − __contributors__ = ["Jason Diamond <>",
+ − "John Beimler <>",
+ − "Fazal Majid <>",
+ − "Aaron Swartz <>",
+ − "Kevin Marks <>"]
+ − _debug = 0
+ −
+ − # HTTP "User-Agent" header to send to servers when downloading feeds.
+ − # If you are embedding feedparser in a larger application, you should
+ − # change this to your application name and URL.
+ − USER_AGENT = "UniversalFeedParser/%s +" % __version__
+ −
+ − # HTTP "Accept" header to send to servers when downloading feeds. If you don't
+ − # want to send an Accept header, set this to None.
+ − ACCEPT_HEADER = "application/atom+xml,application/rdf+xml,application/rss+xml,application/x-netcdf,application/xml;q=0.9,text/xml;q=0.2,*/*;q=0.1"
+ −
+ − # List of preferred XML parsers, by SAX driver name. These will be tried first,
+ − # but if they're not installed, Python will keep searching through its own list
+ − # of pre-installed parsers until it finds one that supports everything we need.
+ − PREFERRED_XML_PARSERS = ["drv_libxml2"]
+ −
+ − # If you want feedparser to automatically run HTML markup through HTML Tidy, set
+ − # this to 1. Requires mxTidy <>
+ − # or utidylib <>.
+ −
+ − # List of Python interfaces for HTML Tidy, in order of preference. Only useful
+ − # if TIDY_MARKUP = 1
+ − PREFERRED_TIDY_INTERFACES = ["uTidy", "mxTidy"]
+ −
+ − # ---------- required modules (should come with any Python distribution) ----------
+ − import sgmllib, re, sys, copy, urlparse, time, rfc822, types, cgi, urllib, urllib2
+ − try:
+ − from cStringIO import StringIO as _StringIO
+ − except:
+ − from StringIO import StringIO as _StringIO
+ −
+ − # ---------- optional modules (feedparser will work without these, but with reduced functionality) ----------
+ −
+ − # gzip is included with most Python distributions, but may not be available if you compiled your own
+ − try:
+ − import gzip
+ − except:
+ − gzip = None
+ − try:
+ − import zlib
+ − except:
+ − zlib = None
+ −
+ − # If a real XML parser is available, feedparser will attempt to use it. feedparser has
+ − # been tested with the built-in SAX parser, PyXML, and libxml2. On platforms where the
+ − # Python distribution does not come with an XML parser (such as Mac OS X 10.2 and some
+ − # versions of FreeBSD), feedparser will quietly fall back on regex-based parsing.
+ − try:
+ − import xml.sax
+ − xml.sax.make_parser(PREFERRED_XML_PARSERS) # test for valid parsers
+ − from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as _xmlescape
+ − except:
+ − def _xmlescape(data):
+ − data = data.replace('&', '&')
+ − data = data.replace('>', '>')
+ − data = data.replace('<', '<')
+ − return data
+ −
+ − # base64 support for Atom feeds that contain embedded binary data
+ − try:
+ − import base64, binascii
+ − except:
+ − base64 = binascii = None
+ −
+ − # cjkcodecs and iconv_codec provide support for more character encodings.
+ − # Both are available from
+ − try:
+ − import cjkcodecs.aliases
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ − try:
+ − import iconv_codec
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ −
+ − # chardet library auto-detects character encodings
+ − # Download from
+ − try:
+ − import chardet
+ − if _debug:
+ − import chardet.constants
+ − chardet.constants._debug = 1
+ − except:
+ − chardet = None
+ −
+ − # ---------- don't touch these ----------
+ − class ThingsNobodyCaresAboutButMe(Exception): pass
+ − class CharacterEncodingOverride(ThingsNobodyCaresAboutButMe): pass
+ − class CharacterEncodingUnknown(ThingsNobodyCaresAboutButMe): pass
+ − class NonXMLContentType(ThingsNobodyCaresAboutButMe): pass
+ − class UndeclaredNamespace(Exception): pass
+ −
+ − sgmllib.tagfind = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][-_.:a-zA-Z0-9]*')
+ − sgmllib.special = re.compile('<!')
+ − sgmllib.charref = re.compile('&#(x?[0-9A-Fa-f]+)[^0-9A-Fa-f]')
+ −
+ − SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = {'': 'unknown',
+ − 'rss090': 'RSS 0.90',
+ − 'rss091n': 'RSS 0.91 (Netscape)',
+ − 'rss091u': 'RSS 0.91 (Userland)',
+ − 'rss092': 'RSS 0.92',
+ − 'rss093': 'RSS 0.93',
+ − 'rss094': 'RSS 0.94',
+ − 'rss20': 'RSS 2.0',
+ − 'rss10': 'RSS 1.0',
+ − 'rss': 'RSS (unknown version)',
+ − 'atom01': 'Atom 0.1',
+ − 'atom02': 'Atom 0.2',
+ − 'atom03': 'Atom 0.3',
+ − 'atom10': 'Atom 1.0',
+ − 'atom': 'Atom (unknown version)',
+ − 'cdf': 'CDF',
+ − 'hotrss': 'Hot RSS'
+ − }
+ −
+ − try:
+ − UserDict = dict
+ − except NameError:
+ − # Python 2.1 does not have dict
+ − from UserDict import UserDict
+ − def dict(aList):
+ − rc = {}
+ − for k, v in aList:
+ − rc[k] = v
+ − return rc
+ −
+ − class FeedParserDict(UserDict):
+ − keymap = {'channel': 'feed',
+ − 'items': 'entries',
+ − 'guid': 'id',
+ − 'date': 'updated',
+ − 'date_parsed': 'updated_parsed',
+ − 'description': ['subtitle', 'summary'],
+ − 'url': ['href'],
+ − 'modified': 'updated',
+ − 'modified_parsed': 'updated_parsed',
+ − 'issued': 'published',
+ − 'issued_parsed': 'published_parsed',
+ − 'copyright': 'rights',
+ − 'copyright_detail': 'rights_detail',
+ − 'tagline': 'subtitle',
+ − 'tagline_detail': 'subtitle_detail'}
+ − def __getitem__(self, key):
+ − if key == 'category':
+ − return UserDict.__getitem__(self, 'tags')[0]['term']
+ − if key == 'categories':
+ − return [(tag['scheme'], tag['term']) for tag in UserDict.__getitem__(self, 'tags')]
+ − realkey = self.keymap.get(key, key)
+ − if type(realkey) == types.ListType:
+ − for k in realkey:
+ − if UserDict.has_key(self, k):
+ − return UserDict.__getitem__(self, k)
+ − if UserDict.has_key(self, key):
+ − return UserDict.__getitem__(self, key)
+ − return UserDict.__getitem__(self, realkey)
+ −
+ − def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ − for k in self.keymap.keys():
+ − if key == k:
+ − key = self.keymap[k]
+ − if type(key) == types.ListType:
+ − key = key[0]
+ − return UserDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
+ −
+ − def get(self, key, default=None):
+ − if self.has_key(key):
+ − return self[key]
+ − else:
+ − return default
+ −
+ − def setdefault(self, key, value):
+ − if not self.has_key(key):
+ − self[key] = value
+ − return self[key]
+ −
+ − def has_key(self, key):
+ − try:
+ − return hasattr(self, key) or UserDict.has_key(self, key)
+ − except AttributeError:
+ − return False
+ −
+ − def __getattr__(self, key):
+ − try:
+ − return self.__dict__[key]
+ − except KeyError:
+ − pass
+ − try:
+ − assert not key.startswith('_')
+ − return self.__getitem__(key)
+ − except:
+ − raise AttributeError, "object has no attribute '%s'" % key
+ −
+ − def __setattr__(self, key, value):
+ − if key.startswith('_') or key == 'data':
+ − self.__dict__[key] = value
+ − else:
+ − return self.__setitem__(key, value)
+ −
+ − def __contains__(self, key):
+ − return self.has_key(key)
+ −
+ − def zopeCompatibilityHack():
+ − global FeedParserDict
+ − del FeedParserDict
+ − def FeedParserDict(aDict=None):
+ − rc = {}
+ − if aDict:
+ − rc.update(aDict)
+ − return rc
+ −
+ − _ebcdic_to_ascii_map = None
+ − def _ebcdic_to_ascii(s):
+ − global _ebcdic_to_ascii_map
+ − if not _ebcdic_to_ascii_map:
+ − emap = (
+ − 0,1,2,3,156,9,134,127,151,141,142,11,12,13,14,15,
+ − 16,17,18,19,157,133,8,135,24,25,146,143,28,29,30,31,
+ − 128,129,130,131,132,10,23,27,136,137,138,139,140,5,6,7,
+ − 144,145,22,147,148,149,150,4,152,153,154,155,20,21,158,26,
+ − 32,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,91,46,60,40,43,33,
+ − 38,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,93,36,42,41,59,94,
+ − 45,47,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,124,44,37,95,62,63,
+ − 186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,96,58,35,64,39,61,34,
+ − 195,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,196,197,198,199,200,201,
+ − 202,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,203,204,205,206,207,208,
+ − 209,126,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,210,211,212,213,214,215,
+ − 216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,
+ − 123,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,232,233,234,235,236,237,
+ − 125,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,238,239,240,241,242,243,
+ − 92,159,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,244,245,246,247,248,249,
+ − 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,250,251,252,253,254,255
+ − )
+ − import string
+ − _ebcdic_to_ascii_map = string.maketrans( \
+ − ''.join(map(chr, range(256))), ''.join(map(chr, emap)))
+ − return s.translate(_ebcdic_to_ascii_map)
+ −
+ − _urifixer = re.compile('^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+-.]*://)(/*)(.*?)')
+ − def _urljoin(base, uri):
+ − uri = _urifixer.sub(r'\1\3', uri)
+ − return urlparse.urljoin(base, uri)
+ −
+ − class _FeedParserMixin:
+ − namespaces = {'': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − 'uri/of/echo/namespace#': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ − '': '',
+ −
+ − '': 'admin',
+ − '': 'ag',
+ − '': 'annotate',
+ − '': 'audio',
+ − '': 'blogChannel',
+ − '': 'cc',
+ − '': 'creativeCommons',
+ − '': 'co',
+ − '': 'content',
+ − '': 'cp',
+ − '': 'dc',
+ − '': 'dcterms',
+ − '': 'email',
+ − '': 'ev',
+ − '': 'feedburner',
+ − '': 'fm',
+ − '': 'foaf',
+ − '': 'geo',
+ − '': 'icbm',
+ − '': 'image',
+ − '': 'itunes',
+ − '': 'itunes',
+ − '': 'l',
+ − '': 'media',
+ − '': 'pingback',
+ − '': 'prism',
+ − '': 'rdf',
+ − '': 'rdfs',
+ − '': 'ref',
+ − '': 'reqv',
+ − '': 'search',
+ − '': 'slash',
+ − '': 'soap',
+ − '': 'ss',
+ − '': 'str',
+ − '': 'sub',
+ − '': 'sy',
+ − '': 'taxo',
+ − '': 'thr',
+ − '': 'ti',
+ − '':'trackback',
+ − '': 'wfw',
+ − '': 'wiki',
+ − '': 'xhtml',
+ − '': 'xml',
+ − '': 'szf'
+ − }
+ − _matchnamespaces = {}
+ −
+ − can_be_relative_uri = ['link', 'id', 'wfw_comment', 'wfw_commentrss', 'docs', 'url', 'href', 'comments', 'license', 'icon', 'logo']
+ − can_contain_relative_uris = ['content', 'title', 'summary', 'info', 'tagline', 'subtitle', 'copyright', 'rights', 'description']
+ − can_contain_dangerous_markup = ['content', 'title', 'summary', 'info', 'tagline', 'subtitle', 'copyright', 'rights', 'description']
+ − html_types = ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']
+ −
+ − def __init__(self, baseuri=None, baselang=None, encoding='utf-8'):
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('initializing FeedParser\n')
+ − if not self._matchnamespaces:
+ − for k, v in self.namespaces.items():
+ − self._matchnamespaces[k.lower()] = v
+ − self.feeddata = FeedParserDict() # feed-level data
+ − self.encoding = encoding # character encoding
+ − self.entries = [] # list of entry-level data
+ − self.version = '' # feed type/version, see SUPPORTED_VERSIONS
+ − self.namespacesInUse = {} # dictionary of namespaces defined by the feed
+ −
+ − # the following are used internally to track state;
+ − # this is really out of control and should be refactored
+ − self.infeed = 0
+ − self.inentry = 0
+ − self.incontent = 0
+ − self.intextinput = 0
+ − self.inimage = 0
+ − self.inauthor = 0
+ − self.incontributor = 0
+ − self.inpublisher = 0
+ − self.insource = 0
+ − self.sourcedata = FeedParserDict()
+ − self.contentparams = FeedParserDict()
+ − self._summaryKey = None
+ − self.namespacemap = {}
+ − self.elementstack = []
+ − self.basestack = []
+ − self.langstack = []
+ − self.baseuri = baseuri or ''
+ − self.lang = baselang or None
+ − if baselang:
+ − self.feeddata['language'] = baselang
+ −
+ − def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('start %s with %s\n' % (tag, attrs))
+ − # normalize attrs
+ − attrs = [(k.lower(), v) for k, v in attrs]
+ − attrs = [(k, k in ('rel', 'type') and v.lower() or v) for k, v in attrs]
+ −
+ − # track xml:base and xml:lang
+ − attrsD = dict(attrs)
+ − baseuri = attrsD.get('xml:base', attrsD.get('base')) or self.baseuri
+ − self.baseuri = _urljoin(self.baseuri, baseuri)
+ − lang = attrsD.get('xml:lang', attrsD.get('lang'))
+ − if lang == '':
+ − # xml:lang could be explicitly set to '', we need to capture that
+ − lang = None
+ − elif lang is None:
+ − # if no xml:lang is specified, use parent lang
+ − lang = self.lang
+ − if lang:
+ − if tag in ('feed', 'rss', 'rdf:RDF'):
+ − self.feeddata['language'] = lang
+ − self.lang = lang
+ − self.basestack.append(self.baseuri)
+ − self.langstack.append(lang)
+ −
+ − # track namespaces
+ − for prefix, uri in attrs:
+ − if prefix.startswith('xmlns:'):
+ − self.trackNamespace(prefix[6:], uri)
+ − elif prefix == 'xmlns':
+ − self.trackNamespace(None, uri)
+ −
+ − # track inline content
+ − if self.incontent and self.contentparams.has_key('type') and not self.contentparams.get('type', 'xml').endswith('xml'):
+ − # element declared itself as escaped markup, but it isn't really
+ − self.contentparams['type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
+ − if self.incontent and self.contentparams.get('type') == 'application/xhtml+xml':
+ − # Note: probably shouldn't simply recreate localname here, but
+ − # our namespace handling isn't actually 100% correct in cases where
+ − # the feed redefines the default namespace (which is actually
+ − # the usual case for inline content, thanks Sam), so here we
+ − # cheat and just reconstruct the element based on localname
+ − # because that compensates for the bugs in our namespace handling.
+ − # This will horribly munge inline content with non-empty qnames,
+ − # but nobody actually does that, so I'm not fixing it.
+ − tag = tag.split(':')[-1]
+ − return self.handle_data('<%s%s>' % (tag, ''.join([' %s="%s"' % t for t in attrs])), escape=0)
+ −
+ − # match namespaces
+ − if tag.find(':') <> -1:
+ − prefix, suffix = tag.split(':', 1)
+ − else:
+ − prefix, suffix = '', tag
+ − prefix = self.namespacemap.get(prefix, prefix)
+ − if prefix:
+ − prefix = prefix + '_'
+ −
+ − # special hack for better tracking of empty textinput/image elements in illformed feeds
+ − if (not prefix) and tag not in ('title', 'link', 'description', 'name'):
+ − self.intextinput = 0
+ − if (not prefix) and tag not in ('title', 'link', 'description', 'url', 'href', 'width', 'height'):
+ − self.inimage = 0
+ −
+ − # call special handler (if defined) or default handler
+ − methodname = '_start_' + prefix + suffix
+ − try:
+ − method = getattr(self, methodname)
+ − return method(attrsD)
+ − except AttributeError:
+ − return self.push(prefix + suffix, 1)
+ −
+ − def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('end %s\n' % tag)
+ − # match namespaces
+ − if tag.find(':') <> -1:
+ − prefix, suffix = tag.split(':', 1)
+ − else:
+ − prefix, suffix = '', tag
+ − prefix = self.namespacemap.get(prefix, prefix)
+ − if prefix:
+ − prefix = prefix + '_'
+ −
+ − # call special handler (if defined) or default handler
+ − methodname = '_end_' + prefix + suffix
+ − try:
+ − method = getattr(self, methodname)
+ − method()
+ − except AttributeError:
+ − self.pop(prefix + suffix)
+ −
+ − # track inline content
+ − if self.incontent and self.contentparams.has_key('type') and not self.contentparams.get('type', 'xml').endswith('xml'):
+ − # element declared itself as escaped markup, but it isn't really
+ − self.contentparams['type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml'
+ − if self.incontent and self.contentparams.get('type') == 'application/xhtml+xml':
+ − tag = tag.split(':')[-1]
+ − self.handle_data('</%s>' % tag, escape=0)
+ −
+ − # track xml:base and xml:lang going out of scope
+ − if self.basestack:
+ − self.basestack.pop()
+ − if self.basestack and self.basestack[-1]:
+ − self.baseuri = self.basestack[-1]
+ − if self.langstack:
+ − self.langstack.pop()
+ − if self.langstack: # and (self.langstack[-1] is not None):
+ − self.lang = self.langstack[-1]
+ −
+ − def handle_charref(self, ref):
+ − # called for each character reference, e.g. for ' ', ref will be '160'
+ − if not self.elementstack: return
+ − ref = ref.lower()
+ − if ref in ('34', '38', '39', '60', '62', 'x22', 'x26', 'x27', 'x3c', 'x3e'):
+ − text = '&#%s;' % ref
+ − else:
+ − if ref[0] == 'x':
+ − c = int(ref[1:], 16)
+ − else:
+ − c = int(ref)
+ − text = unichr(c).encode('utf-8')
+ − self.elementstack[-1][2].append(text)
+ −
+ − def handle_entityref(self, ref):
+ − # called for each entity reference, e.g. for '©', ref will be 'copy'
+ − if not self.elementstack: return
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering handle_entityref with %s\n' % ref)
+ − if ref in ('lt', 'gt', 'quot', 'amp', 'apos'):
+ − text = '&%s;' % ref
+ − else:
+ − # entity resolution graciously donated by Aaron Swartz
+ − def name2cp(k):
+ − import htmlentitydefs
+ − if hasattr(htmlentitydefs, 'name2codepoint'): # requires Python 2.3
+ − return htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[k]
+ − k = htmlentitydefs.entitydefs[k]
+ − if k.startswith('&#') and k.endswith(';'):
+ − return int(k[2:-1]) # not in latin-1
+ − return ord(k)
+ − try: name2cp(ref)
+ − except KeyError: text = '&%s;' % ref
+ − else: text = unichr(name2cp(ref)).encode('utf-8')
+ − self.elementstack[-1][2].append(text)
+ −
+ − def handle_data(self, text, escape=1):
+ − # called for each block of plain text, i.e. outside of any tag and
+ − # not containing any character or entity references
+ − if not self.elementstack: return
+ − if escape and self.contentparams.get('type') == 'application/xhtml+xml':
+ − text = _xmlescape(text)
+ − self.elementstack[-1][2].append(text)
+ −
+ − def handle_comment(self, text):
+ − # called for each comment, e.g. <!-- insert message here -->
+ − pass
+ −
+ − def handle_pi(self, text):
+ − # called for each processing instruction, e.g. <?instruction>
+ − pass
+ −
+ − def handle_decl(self, text):
+ − pass
+ −
+ − def parse_declaration(self, i):
+ − # override internal declaration handler to handle CDATA blocks
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering parse_declaration\n')
+ − if self.rawdata[i:i+9] == '<![CDATA[':
+ − k = self.rawdata.find(']]>', i)
+ − if k == -1: k = len(self.rawdata)
+ − self.handle_data(_xmlescape(self.rawdata[i+9:k]), 0)
+ − return k+3
+ − else:
+ − k = self.rawdata.find('>', i)
+ − return k+1
+ −
+ − def mapContentType(self, contentType):
+ − contentType = contentType.lower()
+ − if contentType == 'text':
+ − contentType = 'text/plain'
+ − elif contentType == 'html':
+ − contentType = 'text/html'
+ − elif contentType == 'xhtml':
+ − contentType = 'application/xhtml+xml'
+ − return contentType
+ −
+ − def trackNamespace(self, prefix, uri):
+ − loweruri = uri.lower()
+ − if (prefix, loweruri) == (None, '') and not self.version:
+ − self.version = 'rss090'
+ − if loweruri == '' and not self.version:
+ − self.version = 'rss10'
+ − if loweruri == '' and not self.version:
+ − self.version = 'atom10'
+ − if loweruri.find('') <> -1:
+ − # match any namespace
+ − uri = ''
+ − loweruri = uri
+ − if self._matchnamespaces.has_key(loweruri):
+ − self.namespacemap[prefix] = self._matchnamespaces[loweruri]
+ − self.namespacesInUse[self._matchnamespaces[loweruri]] = uri
+ − else:
+ − self.namespacesInUse[prefix or ''] = uri
+ −
+ − def resolveURI(self, uri):
+ − return _urljoin(self.baseuri or '', uri)
+ −
+ − def decodeEntities(self, element, data):
+ − return data
+ −
+ − def push(self, element, expectingText):
+ − self.elementstack.append([element, expectingText, []])
+ −
+ − def pop(self, element, stripWhitespace=1):
+ − if not self.elementstack: return
+ − if self.elementstack[-1][0] != element: return
+ −
+ − element, expectingText, pieces = self.elementstack.pop()
+ − output = ''.join(pieces)
+ − if stripWhitespace:
+ − output = output.strip()
+ − if not expectingText: return output
+ −
+ − # decode base64 content
+ − if base64 and self.contentparams.get('base64', 0):
+ − try:
+ − output = base64.decodestring(output)
+ − except binascii.Error:
+ − pass
+ − except binascii.Incomplete:
+ − pass
+ −
+ − # resolve relative URIs
+ − if (element in self.can_be_relative_uri) and output:
+ − output = self.resolveURI(output)
+ −
+ − # decode entities within embedded markup
+ − if not self.contentparams.get('base64', 0):
+ − output = self.decodeEntities(element, output)
+ −
+ − # remove temporary cruft from contentparams
+ − try:
+ − del self.contentparams['mode']
+ − except KeyError:
+ − pass
+ − try:
+ − del self.contentparams['base64']
+ − except KeyError:
+ − pass
+ −
+ − # resolve relative URIs within embedded markup
+ − if self.mapContentType(self.contentparams.get('type', 'text/html')) in self.html_types:
+ − if element in self.can_contain_relative_uris:
+ − output = _resolveRelativeURIs(output, self.baseuri, self.encoding)
+ −
+ − # sanitize embedded markup
+ − if self.mapContentType(self.contentparams.get('type', 'text/html')) in self.html_types:
+ − if element in self.can_contain_dangerous_markup:
+ − output = _sanitizeHTML(output, self.encoding)
+ −
+ − if self.encoding and type(output) != type(u''):
+ − try:
+ − output = unicode(output, self.encoding)
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ −
+ − # categories/tags/keywords/whatever are handled in _end_category
+ − if element == 'category':
+ − return output
+ −
+ − # store output in appropriate place(s)
+ − if self.inentry and not self.insource:
+ − if element == 'content':
+ − self.entries[-1].setdefault(element, [])
+ − contentparams = copy.deepcopy(self.contentparams)
+ − contentparams['value'] = output
+ − self.entries[-1][element].append(contentparams)
+ − elif element == 'link':
+ − self.entries[-1][element] = output
+ − if output:
+ − self.entries[-1]['links'][-1]['href'] = output
+ − else:
+ − if element == 'description':
+ − element = 'summary'
+ − self.entries[-1][element] = output
+ − if self.incontent:
+ − contentparams = copy.deepcopy(self.contentparams)
+ − contentparams['value'] = output
+ − self.entries[-1][element + '_detail'] = contentparams
+ − elif (self.infeed or self.insource) and (not self.intextinput) and (not self.inimage):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if element == 'description':
+ − element = 'subtitle'
+ − context[element] = output
+ − if element == 'link':
+ − context['links'][-1]['href'] = output
+ − elif self.incontent:
+ − contentparams = copy.deepcopy(self.contentparams)
+ − contentparams['value'] = output
+ − context[element + '_detail'] = contentparams
+ − return output
+ −
+ − def pushContent(self, tag, attrsD, defaultContentType, expectingText):
+ − self.incontent += 1
+ − self.contentparams = FeedParserDict({
+ − 'type': self.mapContentType(attrsD.get('type', defaultContentType)),
+ − 'language': self.lang,
+ − 'base': self.baseuri})
+ − self.contentparams['base64'] = self._isBase64(attrsD, self.contentparams)
+ − self.push(tag, expectingText)
+ −
+ − def popContent(self, tag):
+ − value = self.pop(tag)
+ − self.incontent -= 1
+ − self.contentparams.clear()
+ − return value
+ −
+ − def _mapToStandardPrefix(self, name):
+ − colonpos = name.find(':')
+ − if colonpos <> -1:
+ − prefix = name[:colonpos]
+ − suffix = name[colonpos+1:]
+ − prefix = self.namespacemap.get(prefix, prefix)
+ − name = prefix + ':' + suffix
+ − return name
+ −
+ − def _getAttribute(self, attrsD, name):
+ − return attrsD.get(self._mapToStandardPrefix(name))
+ −
+ − def _isBase64(self, attrsD, contentparams):
+ − if attrsD.get('mode', '') == 'base64':
+ − return 1
+ − if self.contentparams['type'].startswith('text/'):
+ − return 0
+ − if self.contentparams['type'].endswith('+xml'):
+ − return 0
+ − if self.contentparams['type'].endswith('/xml'):
+ − return 0
+ − return 1
+ −
+ − def _itsAnHrefDamnIt(self, attrsD):
+ − href = attrsD.get('url', attrsD.get('uri', attrsD.get('href', None)))
+ − if href:
+ − try:
+ − del attrsD['url']
+ − except KeyError:
+ − pass
+ − try:
+ − del attrsD['uri']
+ − except KeyError:
+ − pass
+ − attrsD['href'] = href
+ − return attrsD
+ −
+ − def _save(self, key, value):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault(key, value)
+ −
+ − def _start_rss(self, attrsD):
+ − versionmap = {'0.91': 'rss091u',
+ − '0.92': 'rss092',
+ − '0.93': 'rss093',
+ − '0.94': 'rss094'}
+ − if not self.version:
+ − attr_version = attrsD.get('version', '')
+ − version = versionmap.get(attr_version)
+ − if version:
+ − self.version = version
+ − elif attr_version.startswith('2.'):
+ − self.version = 'rss20'
+ − else:
+ − self.version = 'rss'
+ −
+ − def _start_dlhottitles(self, attrsD):
+ − self.version = 'hotrss'
+ −
+ − def _start_channel(self, attrsD):
+ − self.infeed = 1
+ − self._cdf_common(attrsD)
+ − _start_feedinfo = _start_channel
+ −
+ − def _cdf_common(self, attrsD):
+ − if attrsD.has_key('lastmod'):
+ − self._start_modified({})
+ − self.elementstack[-1][-1] = attrsD['lastmod']
+ − self._end_modified()
+ − if attrsD.has_key('href'):
+ − self._start_link({})
+ − self.elementstack[-1][-1] = attrsD['href']
+ − self._end_link()
+ −
+ − def _start_feed(self, attrsD):
+ − self.infeed = 1
+ − versionmap = {'0.1': 'atom01',
+ − '0.2': 'atom02',
+ − '0.3': 'atom03'}
+ − if not self.version:
+ − attr_version = attrsD.get('version')
+ − version = versionmap.get(attr_version)
+ − if version:
+ − self.version = version
+ − else:
+ − self.version = 'atom'
+ −
+ − def _end_channel(self):
+ − self.infeed = 0
+ − _end_feed = _end_channel
+ −
+ − def _start_image(self, attrsD):
+ − self.inimage = 1
+ − self.push('image', 0)
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault('image', FeedParserDict())
+ −
+ − def _end_image(self):
+ − self.pop('image')
+ − self.inimage = 0
+ −
+ − def _start_textinput(self, attrsD):
+ − self.intextinput = 1
+ − self.push('textinput', 0)
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault('textinput', FeedParserDict())
+ − _start_textInput = _start_textinput
+ −
+ − def _end_textinput(self):
+ − self.pop('textinput')
+ − self.intextinput = 0
+ − _end_textInput = _end_textinput
+ −
+ − def _start_author(self, attrsD):
+ − self.inauthor = 1
+ − self.push('author', 1)
+ − _start_managingeditor = _start_author
+ − _start_dc_author = _start_author
+ − _start_dc_creator = _start_author
+ − _start_itunes_author = _start_author
+ −
+ − def _end_author(self):
+ − self.pop('author')
+ − self.inauthor = 0
+ − self._sync_author_detail()
+ − _end_managingeditor = _end_author
+ − _end_dc_author = _end_author
+ − _end_dc_creator = _end_author
+ − _end_itunes_author = _end_author
+ −
+ − def _start_itunes_owner(self, attrsD):
+ − self.inpublisher = 1
+ − self.push('publisher', 0)
+ −
+ − def _end_itunes_owner(self):
+ − self.pop('publisher')
+ − self.inpublisher = 0
+ − self._sync_author_detail('publisher')
+ −
+ − def _start_contributor(self, attrsD):
+ − self.incontributor = 1
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault('contributors', [])
+ − context['contributors'].append(FeedParserDict())
+ − self.push('contributor', 0)
+ −
+ − def _end_contributor(self):
+ − self.pop('contributor')
+ − self.incontributor = 0
+ −
+ − def _start_dc_contributor(self, attrsD):
+ − self.incontributor = 1
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault('contributors', [])
+ − context['contributors'].append(FeedParserDict())
+ − self.push('name', 0)
+ −
+ − def _end_dc_contributor(self):
+ − self._end_name()
+ − self.incontributor = 0
+ −
+ − def _start_name(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('name', 0)
+ − _start_itunes_name = _start_name
+ −
+ − def _end_name(self):
+ − value = self.pop('name')
+ − if self.inpublisher:
+ − self._save_author('name', value, 'publisher')
+ − elif self.inauthor:
+ − self._save_author('name', value)
+ − elif self.incontributor:
+ − self._save_contributor('name', value)
+ − elif self.intextinput:
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context['textinput']['name'] = value
+ − _end_itunes_name = _end_name
+ −
+ − def _start_width(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('width', 0)
+ −
+ − def _end_width(self):
+ − value = self.pop('width')
+ − try:
+ − value = int(value)
+ − except:
+ − value = 0
+ − if self.inimage:
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context['image']['width'] = value
+ −
+ − def _start_height(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('height', 0)
+ −
+ − def _end_height(self):
+ − value = self.pop('height')
+ − try:
+ − value = int(value)
+ − except:
+ − value = 0
+ − if self.inimage:
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context['image']['height'] = value
+ −
+ − def _start_url(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('href', 1)
+ − _start_homepage = _start_url
+ − _start_uri = _start_url
+ −
+ − def _end_url(self):
+ − value = self.pop('href')
+ − if self.inauthor:
+ − self._save_author('href', value)
+ − elif self.incontributor:
+ − self._save_contributor('href', value)
+ − elif self.inimage:
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context['image']['href'] = value
+ − elif self.intextinput:
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context['textinput']['link'] = value
+ − _end_homepage = _end_url
+ − _end_uri = _end_url
+ −
+ − def _start_email(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('email', 0)
+ − _start_itunes_email = _start_email
+ −
+ − def _end_email(self):
+ − value = self.pop('email')
+ − if self.inpublisher:
+ − self._save_author('email', value, 'publisher')
+ − elif self.inauthor:
+ − self._save_author('email', value)
+ − elif self.incontributor:
+ − self._save_contributor('email', value)
+ − _end_itunes_email = _end_email
+ −
+ − def _getContext(self):
+ − if self.insource:
+ − context = self.sourcedata
+ − elif self.inentry:
+ − context = self.entries[-1]
+ − else:
+ − context = self.feeddata
+ − return context
+ −
+ − def _save_author(self, key, value, prefix='author'):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault(prefix + '_detail', FeedParserDict())
+ − context[prefix + '_detail'][key] = value
+ − self._sync_author_detail()
+ −
+ − def _save_contributor(self, key, value):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault('contributors', [FeedParserDict()])
+ − context['contributors'][-1][key] = value
+ −
+ − def _sync_author_detail(self, key='author'):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − detail = context.get('%s_detail' % key)
+ − if detail:
+ − name = detail.get('name')
+ − email = detail.get('email')
+ − if name and email:
+ − context[key] = '%s (%s)' % (name, email)
+ − elif name:
+ − context[key] = name
+ − elif email:
+ − context[key] = email
+ − else:
+ − author = context.get(key)
+ − if not author: return
+ − emailmatch ='''(([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.\+]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?))''', author)
+ − if not emailmatch: return
+ − email =
+ − # probably a better way to do the following, but it passes all the tests
+ − author = author.replace(email, '')
+ − author = author.replace('()', '')
+ − author = author.strip()
+ − if author and (author[0] == '('):
+ − author = author[1:]
+ − if author and (author[-1] == ')'):
+ − author = author[:-1]
+ − author = author.strip()
+ − context.setdefault('%s_detail' % key, FeedParserDict())
+ − context['%s_detail' % key]['name'] = author
+ − context['%s_detail' % key]['email'] = email
+ −
+ − def _start_subtitle(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('subtitle', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
+ − _start_tagline = _start_subtitle
+ − _start_itunes_subtitle = _start_subtitle
+ −
+ − def _end_subtitle(self):
+ − self.popContent('subtitle')
+ − _end_tagline = _end_subtitle
+ − _end_itunes_subtitle = _end_subtitle
+ −
+ − def _start_rights(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('rights', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
+ − _start_dc_rights = _start_rights
+ − _start_copyright = _start_rights
+ −
+ − def _end_rights(self):
+ − self.popContent('rights')
+ − _end_dc_rights = _end_rights
+ − _end_copyright = _end_rights
+ −
+ − def _start_item(self, attrsD):
+ − self.entries.append(FeedParserDict())
+ − self.push('item', 0)
+ − self.inentry = 1
+ − self.guidislink = 0
+ − id = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:about')
+ − if id:
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context['id'] = id
+ − self._cdf_common(attrsD)
+ − _start_entry = _start_item
+ − _start_product = _start_item
+ −
+ − def _end_item(self):
+ − self.pop('item')
+ − self.inentry = 0
+ − _end_entry = _end_item
+ −
+ − def _start_dc_language(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('language', 1)
+ − _start_language = _start_dc_language
+ −
+ − def _end_dc_language(self):
+ − self.lang = self.pop('language')
+ − _end_language = _end_dc_language
+ −
+ − def _start_dc_publisher(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('publisher', 1)
+ − _start_webmaster = _start_dc_publisher
+ −
+ − def _end_dc_publisher(self):
+ − self.pop('publisher')
+ − self._sync_author_detail('publisher')
+ − _end_webmaster = _end_dc_publisher
+ −
+ − def _start_published(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('published', 1)
+ − _start_dcterms_issued = _start_published
+ − _start_issued = _start_published
+ −
+ − def _end_published(self):
+ − value = self.pop('published')
+ − self._save('published_parsed', _parse_date(value))
+ − _end_dcterms_issued = _end_published
+ − _end_issued = _end_published
+ −
+ − def _start_updated(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('updated', 1)
+ − _start_modified = _start_updated
+ − _start_dcterms_modified = _start_updated
+ − _start_pubdate = _start_updated
+ − _start_dc_date = _start_updated
+ −
+ − def _end_updated(self):
+ − value = self.pop('updated')
+ − parsed_value = _parse_date(value)
+ − self._save('updated_parsed', parsed_value)
+ − _end_modified = _end_updated
+ − _end_dcterms_modified = _end_updated
+ − _end_pubdate = _end_updated
+ − _end_dc_date = _end_updated
+ −
+ − def _start_created(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('created', 1)
+ − _start_dcterms_created = _start_created
+ −
+ − def _end_created(self):
+ − value = self.pop('created')
+ − self._save('created_parsed', _parse_date(value))
+ − _end_dcterms_created = _end_created
+ −
+ − def _start_expirationdate(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('expired', 1)
+ −
+ − def _end_expirationdate(self):
+ − self._save('expired_parsed', _parse_date(self.pop('expired')))
+ −
+ − def _start_cc_license(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('license', 1)
+ − value = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:resource')
+ − if value:
+ − self.elementstack[-1][2].append(value)
+ − self.pop('license')
+ −
+ − def _start_creativecommons_license(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('license', 1)
+ −
+ − def _end_creativecommons_license(self):
+ − self.pop('license')
+ −
+ − def _addTag(self, term, scheme, label):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − tags = context.setdefault('tags', [])
+ − if (not term) and (not scheme) and (not label): return
+ − value = FeedParserDict({'term': term, 'scheme': scheme, 'label': label})
+ − if value not in tags:
+ − tags.append(FeedParserDict({'term': term, 'scheme': scheme, 'label': label}))
+ −
+ − def _start_category(self, attrsD):
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering _start_category with %s\n' % repr(attrsD))
+ − term = attrsD.get('term')
+ − scheme = attrsD.get('scheme', attrsD.get('domain'))
+ − label = attrsD.get('label')
+ − self._addTag(term, scheme, label)
+ − self.push('category', 1)
+ − _start_dc_subject = _start_category
+ − _start_keywords = _start_category
+ −
+ − def _end_itunes_keywords(self):
+ − for term in self.pop('itunes_keywords').split():
+ − self._addTag(term, '', None)
+ −
+ − def _start_itunes_category(self, attrsD):
+ − self._addTag(attrsD.get('text'), '', None)
+ − self.push('category', 1)
+ −
+ − def _end_category(self):
+ − value = self.pop('category')
+ − if not value: return
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − tags = context['tags']
+ − if value and len(tags) and not tags[-1]['term']:
+ − tags[-1]['term'] = value
+ − else:
+ − self._addTag(value, None, None)
+ − _end_dc_subject = _end_category
+ − _end_keywords = _end_category
+ − _end_itunes_category = _end_category
+ −
+ − def _start_cloud(self, attrsD):
+ − self._getContext()['cloud'] = FeedParserDict(attrsD)
+ −
+ − def _start_link(self, attrsD):
+ − attrsD.setdefault('rel', 'alternate')
+ − attrsD.setdefault('type', 'text/html')
+ − attrsD = self._itsAnHrefDamnIt(attrsD)
+ − if attrsD.has_key('href'):
+ − attrsD['href'] = self.resolveURI(attrsD['href'])
+ − expectingText = self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − context.setdefault('links', [])
+ − context['links'].append(FeedParserDict(attrsD))
+ − if attrsD['rel'] == 'enclosure':
+ − self._start_enclosure(attrsD)
+ − if attrsD.has_key('href'):
+ − expectingText = 0
+ − if (attrsD.get('rel') == 'alternate') and (self.mapContentType(attrsD.get('type')) in self.html_types):
+ − context['link'] = attrsD['href']
+ − else:
+ − self.push('link', expectingText)
+ − _start_producturl = _start_link
+ −
+ − def _end_link(self):
+ − value = self.pop('link')
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if self.intextinput:
+ − context['textinput']['link'] = value
+ − if self.inimage:
+ − context['image']['link'] = value
+ − _end_producturl = _end_link
+ −
+ − def _start_guid(self, attrsD):
+ − self.guidislink = (attrsD.get('ispermalink', 'true') == 'true')
+ − self.push('id', 1)
+ −
+ − def _end_guid(self):
+ − value = self.pop('id')
+ − self._save('guidislink', self.guidislink and not self._getContext().has_key('link'))
+ − if self.guidislink:
+ − # guid acts as link, but only if 'ispermalink' is not present or is 'true',
+ − # and only if the item doesn't already have a link element
+ − self._save('link', value)
+ −
+ − def _start_title(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('title', attrsD, 'text/plain', self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource)
+ − _start_dc_title = _start_title
+ − _start_media_title = _start_title
+ −
+ − def _end_title(self):
+ − value = self.popContent('title')
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if self.intextinput:
+ − context['textinput']['title'] = value
+ − elif self.inimage:
+ − context['image']['title'] = value
+ − _end_dc_title = _end_title
+ − _end_media_title = _end_title
+ −
+ − def _start_description(self, attrsD):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if context.has_key('summary'):
+ − self._summaryKey = 'content'
+ − self._start_content(attrsD)
+ − else:
+ − self.pushContent('description', attrsD, 'text/html', self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource)
+ −
+ − def _start_abstract(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('description', attrsD, 'text/plain', self.infeed or self.inentry or self.insource)
+ −
+ − def _end_description(self):
+ − if self._summaryKey == 'content':
+ − self._end_content()
+ − else:
+ − value = self.popContent('description')
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if self.intextinput:
+ − context['textinput']['description'] = value
+ − elif self.inimage:
+ − context['image']['description'] = value
+ − self._summaryKey = None
+ − _end_abstract = _end_description
+ −
+ − def _start_info(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('info', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
+ − _start_feedburner_browserfriendly = _start_info
+ −
+ − def _end_info(self):
+ − self.popContent('info')
+ − _end_feedburner_browserfriendly = _end_info
+ −
+ − def _start_generator(self, attrsD):
+ − if attrsD:
+ − attrsD = self._itsAnHrefDamnIt(attrsD)
+ − if attrsD.has_key('href'):
+ − attrsD['href'] = self.resolveURI(attrsD['href'])
+ − self._getContext()['generator_detail'] = FeedParserDict(attrsD)
+ − self.push('generator', 1)
+ −
+ − def _end_generator(self):
+ − value = self.pop('generator')
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if context.has_key('generator_detail'):
+ − context['generator_detail']['name'] = value
+ −
+ − def _start_admin_generatoragent(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('generator', 1)
+ − value = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:resource')
+ − if value:
+ − self.elementstack[-1][2].append(value)
+ − self.pop('generator')
+ − self._getContext()['generator_detail'] = FeedParserDict({'href': value})
+ −
+ − def _start_admin_errorreportsto(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('errorreportsto', 1)
+ − value = self._getAttribute(attrsD, 'rdf:resource')
+ − if value:
+ − self.elementstack[-1][2].append(value)
+ − self.pop('errorreportsto')
+ −
+ − def _start_summary(self, attrsD):
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if context.has_key('summary'):
+ − self._summaryKey = 'content'
+ − self._start_content(attrsD)
+ − else:
+ − self._summaryKey = 'summary'
+ − self.pushContent(self._summaryKey, attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
+ − _start_itunes_summary = _start_summary
+ −
+ − def _end_summary(self):
+ − if self._summaryKey == 'content':
+ − self._end_content()
+ − else:
+ − self.popContent(self._summaryKey or 'summary')
+ − self._summaryKey = None
+ − _end_itunes_summary = _end_summary
+ −
+ − def _start_enclosure(self, attrsD):
+ − attrsD = self._itsAnHrefDamnIt(attrsD)
+ − self._getContext().setdefault('enclosures', []).append(FeedParserDict(attrsD))
+ − href = attrsD.get('href')
+ − if href:
+ − context = self._getContext()
+ − if not context.get('id'):
+ − context['id'] = href
+ −
+ − def _start_source(self, attrsD):
+ − self.insource = 1
+ −
+ − def _end_source(self):
+ − self.insource = 0
+ − self._getContext()['source'] = copy.deepcopy(self.sourcedata)
+ − self.sourcedata.clear()
+ −
+ − def _start_content(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'text/plain', 1)
+ − src = attrsD.get('src')
+ − if src:
+ − self.contentparams['src'] = src
+ − self.push('content', 1)
+ −
+ − def _start_prodlink(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'text/html', 1)
+ −
+ − def _start_body(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'application/xhtml+xml', 1)
+ − _start_xhtml_body = _start_body
+ −
+ − def _start_content_encoded(self, attrsD):
+ − self.pushContent('content', attrsD, 'text/html', 1)
+ − _start_fullitem = _start_content_encoded
+ −
+ − def _end_content(self):
+ − copyToDescription = self.mapContentType(self.contentparams.get('type')) in (['text/plain'] + self.html_types)
+ − value = self.popContent('content')
+ − if copyToDescription:
+ − self._save('description', value)
+ − _end_body = _end_content
+ − _end_xhtml_body = _end_content
+ − _end_content_encoded = _end_content
+ − _end_fullitem = _end_content
+ − _end_prodlink = _end_content
+ −
+ − def _start_itunes_image(self, attrsD):
+ − self.push('itunes_image', 0)
+ − self._getContext()['image'] = FeedParserDict({'href': attrsD.get('href')})
+ − _start_itunes_link = _start_itunes_image
+ −
+ − def _end_itunes_block(self):
+ − value = self.pop('itunes_block', 0)
+ − self._getContext()['itunes_block'] = (value == 'yes') and 1 or 0
+ −
+ − def _end_itunes_explicit(self):
+ − value = self.pop('itunes_explicit', 0)
+ − self._getContext()['itunes_explicit'] = (value == 'yes') and 1 or 0
+ −
+ − class _StrictFeedParser(_FeedParserMixin, xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
+ − def __init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding):
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('trying StrictFeedParser\n')
+ − xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self)
+ − _FeedParserMixin.__init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding)
+ − self.bozo = 0
+ − self.exc = None
+ −
+ − def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
+ − self.trackNamespace(prefix, uri)
+ −
+ − def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
+ − namespace, localname = name
+ − lowernamespace = str(namespace or '').lower()
+ − if lowernamespace.find('') <> -1:
+ − # match any namespace
+ − namespace = ''
+ − lowernamespace = namespace
+ − if qname and qname.find(':') > 0:
+ − givenprefix = qname.split(':')[0]
+ − else:
+ − givenprefix = None
+ − prefix = self._matchnamespaces.get(lowernamespace, givenprefix)
+ − if givenprefix and (prefix == None or (prefix == '' and lowernamespace == '')) and not self.namespacesInUse.has_key(givenprefix):
+ − raise UndeclaredNamespace, "'%s' is not associated with a namespace" % givenprefix
+ − if prefix:
+ − localname = prefix + ':' + localname
+ − localname = str(localname).lower()
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('startElementNS: qname = %s, namespace = %s, givenprefix = %s, prefix = %s, attrs = %s, localname = %s\n' % (qname, namespace, givenprefix, prefix, attrs.items(), localname))
+ −
+ − # qname implementation is horribly broken in Python 2.1 (it
+ − # doesn't report any), and slightly broken in Python 2.2 (it
+ − # doesn't report the xml: namespace). So we match up namespaces
+ − # with a known list first, and then possibly override them with
+ − # the qnames the SAX parser gives us (if indeed it gives us any
+ − # at all). Thanks to MatejC for helping me test this and
+ − # tirelessly telling me that it didn't work yet.
+ − attrsD = {}
+ − for (namespace, attrlocalname), attrvalue in attrs._attrs.items():
+ − lowernamespace = (namespace or '').lower()
+ − prefix = self._matchnamespaces.get(lowernamespace, '')
+ − if prefix:
+ − attrlocalname = prefix + ':' + attrlocalname
+ − attrsD[str(attrlocalname).lower()] = attrvalue
+ − for qname in attrs.getQNames():
+ − attrsD[str(qname).lower()] = attrs.getValueByQName(qname)
+ − self.unknown_starttag(localname, attrsD.items())
+ −
+ − def characters(self, text):
+ − self.handle_data(text)
+ −
+ − def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
+ − namespace, localname = name
+ − lowernamespace = str(namespace or '').lower()
+ − if qname and qname.find(':') > 0:
+ − givenprefix = qname.split(':')[0]
+ − else:
+ − givenprefix = ''
+ − prefix = self._matchnamespaces.get(lowernamespace, givenprefix)
+ − if prefix:
+ − localname = prefix + ':' + localname
+ − localname = str(localname).lower()
+ − self.unknown_endtag(localname)
+ −
+ − def error(self, exc):
+ − self.bozo = 1
+ − self.exc = exc
+ −
+ − def fatalError(self, exc):
+ − self.error(exc)
+ − raise exc
+ −
+ − class _BaseHTMLProcessor(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
+ − elements_no_end_tag = ['area', 'base', 'basefont', 'br', 'col', 'frame', 'hr',
+ − 'img', 'input', 'isindex', 'link', 'meta', 'param']
+ −
+ − def __init__(self, encoding):
+ − self.encoding = encoding
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering BaseHTMLProcessor, encoding=%s\n' % self.encoding)
+ − sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self)
+ −
+ − def reset(self):
+ − self.pieces = []
+ − sgmllib.SGMLParser.reset(self)
+ −
+ − def _shorttag_replace(self, match):
+ − tag =
+ − if tag in self.elements_no_end_tag:
+ − return '<' + tag + ' />'
+ − else:
+ − return '<' + tag + '></' + tag + '>'
+ −
+ − def feed(self, data):
+ − data = re.compile(r'<!((?!DOCTYPE|--|\[))', re.IGNORECASE).sub(r'<!\1', data)
+ − #data = re.sub(r'<(\S+?)\s*?/>', self._shorttag_replace, data) # bug [ 1399464 ] Bad regexp for _shorttag_replace
+ − data = re.sub(r'<([^<\s]+?)\s*/>', self._shorttag_replace, data)
+ − data = data.replace(''', "'")
+ − data = data.replace('"', '"')
+ − if self.encoding and type(data) == type(u''):
+ − data = data.encode(self.encoding)
+ − sgmllib.SGMLParser.feed(self, data)
+ −
+ − def normalize_attrs(self, attrs):
+ − # utility method to be called by descendants
+ − attrs = [(k.lower(), v) for k, v in attrs]
+ − attrs = [(k, k in ('rel', 'type') and v.lower() or v) for k, v in attrs]
+ − return attrs
+ −
+ − def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ − # called for each start tag
+ − # attrs is a list of (attr, value) tuples
+ − # e.g. for <pre class='screen'>, tag='pre', attrs=[('class', 'screen')]
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('_BaseHTMLProcessor, unknown_starttag, tag=%s\n' % tag)
+ − uattrs = []
+ − # thanks to Kevin Marks for this breathtaking hack to deal with (valid) high-bit attribute values in UTF-8 feeds
+ − for key, value in attrs:
+ − if type(value) != type(u''):
+ − value = unicode(value, self.encoding)
+ − uattrs.append((unicode(key, self.encoding), value))
+ − strattrs = u''.join([u' %s="%s"' % (key, value) for key, value in uattrs]).encode(self.encoding)
+ − if tag in self.elements_no_end_tag:
+ − self.pieces.append('<%(tag)s%(strattrs)s />' % locals())
+ − else:
+ − self.pieces.append('<%(tag)s%(strattrs)s>' % locals())
+ −
+ − def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
+ − # called for each end tag, e.g. for </pre>, tag will be 'pre'
+ − # Reconstruct the original end tag.
+ − if tag not in self.elements_no_end_tag:
+ − self.pieces.append("</%(tag)s>" % locals())
+ −
+ − def handle_charref(self, ref):
+ − # called for each character reference, e.g. for ' ', ref will be '160'
+ − # Reconstruct the original character reference.
+ − self.pieces.append('&#%(ref)s;' % locals())
+ −
+ − def handle_entityref(self, ref):
+ − # called for each entity reference, e.g. for '©', ref will be 'copy'
+ − # Reconstruct the original entity reference.
+ − self.pieces.append('&%(ref)s;' % locals())
+ −
+ − def handle_data(self, text):
+ − # called for each block of plain text, i.e. outside of any tag and
+ − # not containing any character or entity references
+ − # Store the original text verbatim.
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('_BaseHTMLProcessor, handle_text, text=%s\n' % text)
+ − self.pieces.append(text)
+ −
+ − def handle_comment(self, text):
+ − # called for each HTML comment, e.g. <!-- insert Javascript code here -->
+ − # Reconstruct the original comment.
+ − self.pieces.append('<!--%(text)s-->' % locals())
+ −
+ − def handle_pi(self, text):
+ − # called for each processing instruction, e.g. <?instruction>
+ − # Reconstruct original processing instruction.
+ − self.pieces.append('<?%(text)s>' % locals())
+ −
+ − def handle_decl(self, text):
+ − # called for the DOCTYPE, if present, e.g.
+ − # <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ − # "">
+ − # Reconstruct original DOCTYPE
+ − self.pieces.append('<!%(text)s>' % locals())
+ −
+ − _new_declname_match = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9:]*\s*').match
+ − def _scan_name(self, i, declstartpos):
+ − rawdata = self.rawdata
+ − n = len(rawdata)
+ − if i == n:
+ − return None, -1
+ − m = self._new_declname_match(rawdata, i)
+ − if m:
+ − s =
+ − name = s.strip()
+ − if (i + len(s)) == n:
+ − return None, -1 # end of buffer
+ − return name.lower(), m.end()
+ − else:
+ − self.handle_data(rawdata)
+ − # self.updatepos(declstartpos, i)
+ − return None, -1
+ −
+ − def output(self):
+ − '''Return processed HTML as a single string'''
+ − return ''.join([str(p) for p in self.pieces])
+ −
+ − class _LooseFeedParser(_FeedParserMixin, _BaseHTMLProcessor):
+ − def __init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding):
+ − sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self)
+ − _FeedParserMixin.__init__(self, baseuri, baselang, encoding)
+ −
+ − def decodeEntities(self, element, data):
+ − data = data.replace('<', '<')
+ − data = data.replace('<', '<')
+ − data = data.replace('>', '>')
+ − data = data.replace('>', '>')
+ − data = data.replace('&', '&')
+ − data = data.replace('&', '&')
+ − data = data.replace('"', '"')
+ − data = data.replace('"', '"')
+ − data = data.replace(''', ''')
+ − data = data.replace(''', ''')
+ − if self.contentparams.has_key('type') and not self.contentparams.get('type', 'xml').endswith('xml'):
+ − data = data.replace('<', '<')
+ − data = data.replace('>', '>')
+ − data = data.replace('&', '&')
+ − data = data.replace('"', '"')
+ − data = data.replace(''', "'")
+ − return data
+ −
+ − class _RelativeURIResolver(_BaseHTMLProcessor):
+ − relative_uris = [('a', 'href'),
+ − ('applet', 'codebase'),
+ − ('area', 'href'),
+ − ('blockquote', 'cite'),
+ − ('body', 'background'),
+ − ('del', 'cite'),
+ − ('form', 'action'),
+ − ('frame', 'longdesc'),
+ − ('frame', 'src'),
+ − ('iframe', 'longdesc'),
+ − ('iframe', 'src'),
+ − ('head', 'profile'),
+ − ('img', 'longdesc'),
+ − ('img', 'src'),
+ − ('img', 'usemap'),
+ − ('input', 'src'),
+ − ('input', 'usemap'),
+ − ('ins', 'cite'),
+ − ('link', 'href'),
+ − ('object', 'classid'),
+ − ('object', 'codebase'),
+ − ('object', 'data'),
+ − ('object', 'usemap'),
+ − ('q', 'cite'),
+ − ('script', 'src')]
+ −
+ − def __init__(self, baseuri, encoding):
+ − _BaseHTMLProcessor.__init__(self, encoding)
+ − self.baseuri = baseuri
+ −
+ − def resolveURI(self, uri):
+ − return _urljoin(self.baseuri, uri)
+ −
+ − def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ − attrs = self.normalize_attrs(attrs)
+ − attrs = [(key, ((tag, key) in self.relative_uris) and self.resolveURI(value) or value) for key, value in attrs]
+ − _BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs)
+ −
+ − def _resolveRelativeURIs(htmlSource, baseURI, encoding):
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering _resolveRelativeURIs\n')
+ − p = _RelativeURIResolver(baseURI, encoding)
+ − p.feed(htmlSource)
+ − return p.output()
+ −
+ − class _HTMLSanitizer(_BaseHTMLProcessor):
+ − acceptable_elements = ['a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'area', 'b', 'big',
+ − 'blockquote', 'br', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'col',
+ − 'colgroup', 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'fieldset',
+ − 'font', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hr', 'i', 'img', 'input',
+ − 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'map', 'menu', 'ol', 'optgroup',
+ − 'option', 'p', 'pre', 'q', 's', 'samp', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strike',
+ − 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th',
+ − 'thead', 'tr', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var']
+ −
+ − acceptable_attributes = ['abbr', 'accept', 'accept-charset', 'accesskey',
+ − 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'axis', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing',
+ − 'char', 'charoff', 'charset', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'cols',
+ − 'colspan', 'color', 'compact', 'coords', 'datetime', 'dir', 'disabled',
+ − 'enctype', 'for', 'frame', 'headers', 'height', 'href', 'hreflang', 'hspace',
+ − 'id', 'ismap', 'label', 'lang', 'longdesc', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method',
+ − 'multiple', 'name', 'nohref', 'noshade', 'nowrap', 'prompt', 'readonly',
+ − 'rel', 'rev', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'rules', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size',
+ − 'span', 'src', 'start', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'target', 'title', 'type',
+ − 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'vspace', 'width']
+ −
+ − unacceptable_elements_with_end_tag = ['script', 'applet']
+ −
+ − def reset(self):
+ − _BaseHTMLProcessor.reset(self)
+ − self.unacceptablestack = 0
+ −
+ − def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ − if not tag in self.acceptable_elements:
+ − if tag in self.unacceptable_elements_with_end_tag:
+ − self.unacceptablestack += 1
+ − return
+ − attrs = self.normalize_attrs(attrs)
+ − attrs = [(key, value) for key, value in attrs if key in self.acceptable_attributes]
+ − _BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs)
+ −
+ − def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
+ − if not tag in self.acceptable_elements:
+ − if tag in self.unacceptable_elements_with_end_tag:
+ − self.unacceptablestack -= 1
+ − return
+ − _BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_endtag(self, tag)
+ −
+ − def handle_pi(self, text):
+ − pass
+ −
+ − def handle_decl(self, text):
+ − pass
+ −
+ − def handle_data(self, text):
+ − if not self.unacceptablestack:
+ − _BaseHTMLProcessor.handle_data(self, text)
+ −
+ − def _sanitizeHTML(htmlSource, encoding):
+ − p = _HTMLSanitizer(encoding)
+ − p.feed(htmlSource)
+ − data = p.output()
+ − # loop through list of preferred Tidy interfaces looking for one that's installed,
+ − # then set up a common _tidy function to wrap the interface-specific API.
+ − _tidy = None
+ − for tidy_interface in PREFERRED_TIDY_INTERFACES:
+ − try:
+ − if tidy_interface == "uTidy":
+ − from tidy import parseString as _utidy
+ − def _tidy(data, **kwargs):
+ − return str(_utidy(data, **kwargs))
+ − break
+ − elif tidy_interface == "mxTidy":
+ − from mx.Tidy import Tidy as _mxtidy
+ − def _tidy(data, **kwargs):
+ − nerrors, nwarnings, data, errordata = _mxtidy.tidy(data, **kwargs)
+ − return data
+ − break
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ − if _tidy:
+ − utf8 = type(data) == type(u'')
+ − if utf8:
+ − data = data.encode('utf-8')
+ − data = _tidy(data, output_xhtml=1, numeric_entities=1, wrap=0, char_encoding="utf8")
+ − if utf8:
+ − data = unicode(data, 'utf-8')
+ − if data.count('<body'):
+ − data = data.split('<body', 1)[1]
+ − if data.count('>'):
+ − data = data.split('>', 1)[1]
+ − if data.count('</body'):
+ − data = data.split('</body', 1)[0]
+ − data = data.strip().replace('\r\n', '\n')
+ − return data
+ −
+ − class _FeedURLHandler(urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler, urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler, urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler):
+ − def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
+ − if ((code / 100) == 3) and (code != 304):
+ − return self.http_error_302(req, fp, code, msg, headers)
+ − infourl = urllib.addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
+ − infourl.status = code
+ − return infourl
+ −
+ − def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
+ − if headers.dict.has_key('location'):
+ − infourl = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
+ − else:
+ − infourl = urllib.addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
+ − if not hasattr(infourl, 'status'):
+ − infourl.status = code
+ − return infourl
+ −
+ − def http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
+ − if headers.dict.has_key('location'):
+ − infourl = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
+ − else:
+ − infourl = urllib.addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
+ − if not hasattr(infourl, 'status'):
+ − infourl.status = code
+ − return infourl
+ −
+ − http_error_300 = http_error_302
+ − http_error_303 = http_error_302
+ − http_error_307 = http_error_302
+ −
+ − def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
+ − # Check if
+ − # - server requires digest auth, AND
+ − # - we tried (unsuccessfully) with basic auth, AND
+ − # - we're using Python 2.3.3 or later (digest auth is irreparably broken in earlier versions)
+ − # If all conditions hold, parse authentication information
+ − # out of the Authorization header we sent the first time
+ − # (for the username and password) and the WWW-Authenticate
+ − # header the server sent back (for the realm) and retry
+ − # the request with the appropriate digest auth headers instead.
+ − # This evil genius hack has been brought to you by Aaron Swartz.
+ − host = urlparse.urlparse(req.get_full_url())[1]
+ − try:
+ − assert sys.version.split()[0] >= '2.3.3'
+ − assert base64 != None
+ − user, passw = base64.decodestring(req.headers['Authorization'].split(' ')[1]).split(':')
+ − realm = re.findall('realm="([^"]*)"', headers['WWW-Authenticate'])[0]
+ − self.add_password(realm, host, user, passw)
+ − retry = self.http_error_auth_reqed('www-authenticate', host, req, headers)
+ − self.reset_retry_count()
+ − return retry
+ − except:
+ − return self.http_error_default(req, fp, code, msg, headers)
+ −
+ − def _open_resource(url_file_stream_or_string, etag, modified, agent, referrer, handlers):
+ − """URL, filename, or string --> stream
+ −
+ − This function lets you define parsers that take any input source
+ − (URL, pathname to local or network file, or actual data as a string)
+ − and deal with it in a uniform manner. Returned object is guaranteed
+ − to have all the basic stdio read methods (read, readline, readlines).
+ − Just .close() the object when you're done with it.
+ −
+ − If the etag argument is supplied, it will be used as the value of an
+ − If-None-Match request header.
+ −
+ − If the modified argument is supplied, it must be a tuple of 9 integers
+ − as returned by gmtime() in the standard Python time module. This MUST
+ − be in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The formatted date/time will be used
+ − as the value of an If-Modified-Since request header.
+ −
+ − If the agent argument is supplied, it will be used as the value of a
+ − User-Agent request header.
+ −
+ − If the referrer argument is supplied, it will be used as the value of a
+ − Referer[sic] request header.
+ −
+ − If handlers is supplied, it is a list of handlers used to build a
+ − urllib2 opener.
+ − """
+ −
+ − if hasattr(url_file_stream_or_string, 'read'):
+ − return url_file_stream_or_string
+ −
+ − if url_file_stream_or_string == '-':
+ − return sys.stdin
+ −
+ − if urlparse.urlparse(url_file_stream_or_string)[0] in ('http', 'https', 'ftp'):
+ − if not agent:
+ − agent = USER_AGENT
+ − # test for inline user:password for basic auth
+ − auth = None
+ − if base64:
+ − urltype, rest = urllib.splittype(url_file_stream_or_string)
+ − realhost, rest = urllib.splithost(rest)
+ − if realhost:
+ − user_passwd, realhost = urllib.splituser(realhost)
+ − if user_passwd:
+ − url_file_stream_or_string = '%s://%s%s' % (urltype, realhost, rest)
+ − auth = base64.encodestring(user_passwd).strip()
+ − # try to open with urllib2 (to use optional headers)
+ − request = urllib2.Request(url_file_stream_or_string)
+ − request.add_header('User-Agent', agent)
+ − if etag:
+ − request.add_header('If-None-Match', etag)
+ − if modified:
+ − # format into an RFC 1123-compliant timestamp. We can't use
+ − # time.strftime() since the %a and %b directives can be affected
+ − # by the current locale, but RFC 2616 states that dates must be
+ − # in English.
+ − short_weekdays = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
+ − months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
+ − request.add_header('If-Modified-Since', '%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT' % (short_weekdays[modified[6]], modified[2], months[modified[1] - 1], modified[0], modified[3], modified[4], modified[5]))
+ − if referrer:
+ − request.add_header('Referer', referrer)
+ − if gzip and zlib:
+ − request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip, deflate')
+ − elif gzip:
+ − request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
+ − elif zlib:
+ − request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'deflate')
+ − else:
+ − request.add_header('Accept-encoding', '')
+ − if auth:
+ − request.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % auth)
+ − request.add_header('Accept', ACCEPT_HEADER)
+ − request.add_header('A-IM', 'feed') # RFC 3229 support
+ − opener = apply(urllib2.build_opener, tuple([_FeedURLHandler()] + handlers))
+ − opener.addheaders = [] # RMK - must clear so we only send our custom User-Agent
+ − try:
+ − return
+ − finally:
+ − opener.close() # JohnD
+ −
+ − # try to open with native open function (if url_file_stream_or_string is a filename)
+ − try:
+ − return open(url_file_stream_or_string)
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ −
+ − # treat url_file_stream_or_string as string
+ − return _StringIO(str(url_file_stream_or_string))
+ −
+ − _date_handlers = []
+ − def registerDateHandler(func):
+ − '''Register a date handler function (takes string, returns 9-tuple date in GMT)'''
+ − _date_handlers.insert(0, func)
+ −
+ − # ISO-8601 date parsing routines written by Fazal Majid.
+ − # The ISO 8601 standard is very convoluted and irregular - a full ISO 8601
+ − # parser is beyond the scope of feedparser and would be a worthwhile addition
+ − # to the Python library.
+ − # A single regular expression cannot parse ISO 8601 date formats into groups
+ − # as the standard is highly irregular (for instance is 030104 2003-01-04 or
+ − # 0301-04-01), so we use templates instead.
+ − # Please note the order in templates is significant because we need a
+ − # greedy match.
+ − _iso8601_tmpl = ['YYYY-?MM-?DD', 'YYYY-MM', 'YYYY-?OOO',
+ − 'YY-?MM-?DD', 'YY-?OOO', 'YYYY',
+ − '-YY-?MM', '-OOO', '-YY',
+ − '--MM-?DD', '--MM',
+ − '---DD',
+ − 'CC', '']
+ − _iso8601_re = [
+ − tmpl.replace(
+ − 'YYYY', r'(?P<year>\d{4})').replace(
+ − 'YY', r'(?P<year>\d\d)').replace(
+ − 'MM', r'(?P<month>[01]\d)').replace(
+ − 'DD', r'(?P<day>[0123]\d)').replace(
+ − 'OOO', r'(?P<ordinal>[0123]\d\d)').replace(
+ − 'CC', r'(?P<century>\d\d$)')
+ − + r'(T?(?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<minute>\d{2})'
+ − + r'(:(?P<second>\d{2}))?'
+ − + r'(?P<tz>[+-](?P<tzhour>\d{2})(:(?P<tzmin>\d{2}))?|Z)?)?'
+ − for tmpl in _iso8601_tmpl]
+ − del tmpl
+ − _iso8601_matches = [re.compile(regex).match for regex in _iso8601_re]
+ − del regex
+ − def _parse_date_iso8601(dateString):
+ − '''Parse a variety of ISO-8601-compatible formats like 20040105'''
+ − m = None
+ − for _iso8601_match in _iso8601_matches:
+ − m = _iso8601_match(dateString)
+ − if m: break
+ − if not m: return
+ − if m.span() == (0, 0): return
+ − params = m.groupdict()
+ − ordinal = params.get('ordinal', 0)
+ − if ordinal:
+ − ordinal = int(ordinal)
+ − else:
+ − ordinal = 0
+ − year = params.get('year', '--')
+ − if not year or year == '--':
+ − year = time.gmtime()[0]
+ − elif len(year) == 2:
+ − # ISO 8601 assumes current century, i.e. 93 -> 2093, NOT 1993
+ − year = 100 * int(time.gmtime()[0] / 100) + int(year)
+ − else:
+ − year = int(year)
+ − month = params.get('month', '-')
+ − if not month or month == '-':
+ − # ordinals are NOT normalized by mktime, we simulate them
+ − # by setting month=1, day=ordinal
+ − if ordinal:
+ − month = 1
+ − else:
+ − month = time.gmtime()[1]
+ − month = int(month)
+ − day = params.get('day', 0)
+ − if not day:
+ − # see above
+ − if ordinal:
+ − day = ordinal
+ − elif params.get('century', 0) or \
+ − params.get('year', 0) or params.get('month', 0):
+ − day = 1
+ − else:
+ − day = time.gmtime()[2]
+ − else:
+ − day = int(day)
+ − # special case of the century - is the first year of the 21st century
+ − # 2000 or 2001 ? The debate goes on...
+ − if 'century' in params.keys():
+ − year = (int(params['century']) - 1) * 100 + 1
+ − # in ISO 8601 most fields are optional
+ − for field in ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'tzhour', 'tzmin']:
+ − if not params.get(field, None):
+ − params[field] = 0
+ − hour = int(params.get('hour', 0))
+ − minute = int(params.get('minute', 0))
+ − second = int(params.get('second', 0))
+ − # weekday is normalized by mktime(), we can ignore it
+ − weekday = 0
+ − # daylight savings is complex, but not needed for feedparser's purposes
+ − # as time zones, if specified, include mention of whether it is active
+ − # (e.g. PST vs. PDT, CET). Using -1 is implementation-dependent and
+ − # and most implementations have DST bugs
+ − daylight_savings_flag = 0
+ − tm = [year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday,
+ − ordinal, daylight_savings_flag]
+ − # ISO 8601 time zone adjustments
+ − tz = params.get('tz')
+ − if tz and tz != 'Z':
+ − if tz[0] == '-':
+ − tm[3] += int(params.get('tzhour', 0))
+ − tm[4] += int(params.get('tzmin', 0))
+ − elif tz[0] == '+':
+ − tm[3] -= int(params.get('tzhour', 0))
+ − tm[4] -= int(params.get('tzmin', 0))
+ − else:
+ − return None
+ − # Python's time.mktime() is a wrapper around the ANSI C mktime(3c)
+ − # which is guaranteed to normalize d/m/y/h/m/s.
+ − # Many implementations have bugs, but we'll pretend they don't.
+ − return time.localtime(time.mktime(tm))
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_iso8601)
+ −
+ − # 8-bit date handling routines written by ytrewq1.
+ − _korean_year = u'\ub144' # b3e2 in euc-kr
+ − _korean_month = u'\uc6d4' # bff9 in euc-kr
+ − _korean_day = u'\uc77c' # c0cf in euc-kr
+ − _korean_am = u'\uc624\uc804' # bfc0 c0fc in euc-kr
+ − _korean_pm = u'\uc624\ud6c4' # bfc0 c8c4 in euc-kr
+ −
+ − _korean_onblog_date_re = \
+ − re.compile('(\d{4})%s\s+(\d{2})%s\s+(\d{2})%s\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})' % \
+ − (_korean_year, _korean_month, _korean_day))
+ − _korean_nate_date_re = \
+ − re.compile(u'(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(%s|%s)\s+(\d{,2}):(\d{,2}):(\d{,2})' % \
+ − (_korean_am, _korean_pm))
+ − def _parse_date_onblog(dateString):
+ − '''Parse a string according to the OnBlog 8-bit date format'''
+ − m = _korean_onblog_date_re.match(dateString)
+ − if not m: return
+ − w3dtfdate = '%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)sT%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s%(zonediff)s' % \
+ − {'year':, 'month':, 'day':,\
+ − 'hour':, 'minute':, 'second':,\
+ − 'zonediff': '+09:00'}
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('OnBlog date parsed as: %s\n' % w3dtfdate)
+ − return _parse_date_w3dtf(w3dtfdate)
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_onblog)
+ −
+ − def _parse_date_nate(dateString):
+ − '''Parse a string according to the Nate 8-bit date format'''
+ − m = _korean_nate_date_re.match(dateString)
+ − if not m: return
+ − hour = int(
+ − ampm =
+ − if (ampm == _korean_pm):
+ − hour += 12
+ − hour = str(hour)
+ − if len(hour) == 1:
+ − hour = '0' + hour
+ − w3dtfdate = '%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)sT%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s%(zonediff)s' % \
+ − {'year':, 'month':, 'day':,\
+ − 'hour': hour, 'minute':, 'second':,\
+ − 'zonediff': '+09:00'}
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('Nate date parsed as: %s\n' % w3dtfdate)
+ − return _parse_date_w3dtf(w3dtfdate)
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_nate)
+ −
+ − _mssql_date_re = \
+ − re.compile('(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\.\d+)?')
+ − def _parse_date_mssql(dateString):
+ − '''Parse a string according to the MS SQL date format'''
+ − m = _mssql_date_re.match(dateString)
+ − if not m: return
+ − w3dtfdate = '%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)sT%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s%(zonediff)s' % \
+ − {'year':, 'month':, 'day':,\
+ − 'hour':, 'minute':, 'second':,\
+ − 'zonediff': '+09:00'}
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('MS SQL date parsed as: %s\n' % w3dtfdate)
+ − return _parse_date_w3dtf(w3dtfdate)
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_mssql)
+ −
+ − # Unicode strings for Greek date strings
+ − _greek_months = \
+ − { \
+ − u'\u0399\u03b1\u03bd': u'Jan', # c9e1ed in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u03a6\u03b5\u03b2': u'Feb', # d6e5e2 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039c\u03ac\u03ce': u'Mar', # ccdcfe in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039c\u03b1\u03ce': u'Mar', # cce1fe in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0391\u03c0\u03c1': u'Apr', # c1f0f1 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039c\u03ac\u03b9': u'May', # ccdce9 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039c\u03b1\u03ca': u'May', # cce1fa in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039c\u03b1\u03b9': u'May', # cce1e9 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0399\u03bf\u03cd\u03bd': u'Jun', # c9effded in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0399\u03bf\u03bd': u'Jun', # c9efed in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0399\u03bf\u03cd\u03bb': u'Jul', # c9effdeb in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0399\u03bf\u03bb': u'Jul', # c9f9eb in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0391\u03cd\u03b3': u'Aug', # c1fde3 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0391\u03c5\u03b3': u'Aug', # c1f5e3 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u03a3\u03b5\u03c0': u'Sep', # d3e5f0 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039f\u03ba\u03c4': u'Oct', # cfeaf4 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039d\u03bf\u03ad': u'Nov', # cdefdd in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u039d\u03bf\u03b5': u'Nov', # cdefe5 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0394\u03b5\u03ba': u'Dec', # c4e5ea in iso-8859-7
+ − }
+ −
+ − _greek_wdays = \
+ − { \
+ − u'\u039a\u03c5\u03c1': u'Sun', # caf5f1 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u0394\u03b5\u03c5': u'Mon', # c4e5f5 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u03a4\u03c1\u03b9': u'Tue', # d4f1e9 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u03a4\u03b5\u03c4': u'Wed', # d4e5f4 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u03a0\u03b5\u03bc': u'Thu', # d0e5ec in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1': u'Fri', # d0e1f1 in iso-8859-7
+ − u'\u03a3\u03b1\u03b2': u'Sat', # d3e1e2 in iso-8859-7
+ − }
+ −
+ − _greek_date_format_re = \
+ − re.compile(u'([^,]+),\s+(\d{2})\s+([^\s]+)\s+(\d{4})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+([^\s]+)')
+ −
+ − def _parse_date_greek(dateString):
+ − '''Parse a string according to a Greek 8-bit date format.'''
+ − m = _greek_date_format_re.match(dateString)
+ − if not m: return
+ − try:
+ − wday = _greek_wdays[]
+ − month = _greek_months[]
+ − except:
+ − return
+ − rfc822date = '%(wday)s, %(day)s %(month)s %(year)s %(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s %(zonediff)s' % \
+ − {'wday': wday, 'day':, 'month': month, 'year':,\
+ − 'hour':, 'minute':, 'second':,\
+ − 'zonediff':}
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('Greek date parsed as: %s\n' % rfc822date)
+ − return _parse_date_rfc822(rfc822date)
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_greek)
+ −
+ − # Unicode strings for Hungarian date strings
+ − _hungarian_months = \
+ − { \
+ − u'janu\u00e1r': u'01', # e1 in iso-8859-2
+ − u'febru\u00e1ri': u'02', # e1 in iso-8859-2
+ − u'm\u00e1rcius': u'03', # e1 in iso-8859-2
+ − u'\u00e1prilis': u'04', # e1 in iso-8859-2
+ − u'm\u00e1ujus': u'05', # e1 in iso-8859-2
+ − u'j\u00fanius': u'06', # fa in iso-8859-2
+ − u'j\u00falius': u'07', # fa in iso-8859-2
+ − u'augusztus': u'08',
+ − u'szeptember': u'09',
+ − u'okt\u00f3ber': u'10', # f3 in iso-8859-2
+ − u'november': u'11',
+ − u'december': u'12',
+ − }
+ −
+ − _hungarian_date_format_re = \
+ − re.compile(u'(\d{4})-([^-]+)-(\d{,2})T(\d{,2}):(\d{2})((\+|-)(\d{,2}:\d{2}))')
+ −
+ − def _parse_date_hungarian(dateString):
+ − '''Parse a string according to a Hungarian 8-bit date format.'''
+ − m = _hungarian_date_format_re.match(dateString)
+ − if not m: return
+ − try:
+ − month = _hungarian_months[]
+ − day =
+ − if len(day) == 1:
+ − day = '0' + day
+ − hour =
+ − if len(hour) == 1:
+ − hour = '0' + hour
+ − except:
+ − return
+ − w3dtfdate = '%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)sT%(hour)s:%(minute)s%(zonediff)s' % \
+ − {'year':, 'month': month, 'day': day,\
+ − 'hour': hour, 'minute':,\
+ − 'zonediff':}
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('Hungarian date parsed as: %s\n' % w3dtfdate)
+ − return _parse_date_w3dtf(w3dtfdate)
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_hungarian)
+ −
+ − # W3DTF-style date parsing adapted from PyXML xml.utils.iso8601, written by
+ − # Drake and licensed under the Python license. Removed all range checking
+ − # for month, day, hour, minute, and second, since mktime will normalize
+ − # these later
+ − def _parse_date_w3dtf(dateString):
+ − def __extract_date(m):
+ − year = int('year'))
+ − if year < 100:
+ − year = 100 * int(time.gmtime()[0] / 100) + int(year)
+ − if year < 1000:
+ − return 0, 0, 0
+ − julian ='julian')
+ − if julian:
+ − julian = int(julian)
+ − month = julian / 30 + 1
+ − day = julian % 30 + 1
+ − jday = None
+ − while jday != julian:
+ − t = time.mktime((year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
+ − jday = time.gmtime(t)[-2]
+ − diff = abs(jday - julian)
+ − if jday > julian:
+ − if diff < day:
+ − day = day - diff
+ − else:
+ − month = month - 1
+ − day = 31
+ − elif jday < julian:
+ − if day + diff < 28:
+ − day = day + diff
+ − else:
+ − month = month + 1
+ − return year, month, day
+ − month ='month')
+ − day = 1
+ − if month is None:
+ − month = 1
+ − else:
+ − month = int(month)
+ − day ='day')
+ − if day:
+ − day = int(day)
+ − else:
+ − day = 1
+ − return year, month, day
+ −
+ − def __extract_time(m):
+ − if not m:
+ − return 0, 0, 0
+ − hours ='hours')
+ − if not hours:
+ − return 0, 0, 0
+ − hours = int(hours)
+ − minutes = int('minutes'))
+ − seconds ='seconds')
+ − if seconds:
+ − seconds = int(seconds)
+ − else:
+ − seconds = 0
+ − return hours, minutes, seconds
+ −
+ − def __extract_tzd(m):
+ − '''Return the Time Zone Designator as an offset in seconds from UTC.'''
+ − if not m:
+ − return 0
+ − tzd ='tzd')
+ − if not tzd:
+ − return 0
+ − if tzd == 'Z':
+ − return 0
+ − hours = int('tzdhours'))
+ − minutes ='tzdminutes')
+ − if minutes:
+ − minutes = int(minutes)
+ − else:
+ − minutes = 0
+ − offset = (hours*60 + minutes) * 60
+ − if tzd[0] == '+':
+ − return -offset
+ − return offset
+ −
+ − __date_re = ('(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)'
+ − '(?:(?P<dsep>-|)'
+ − '(?:(?P<julian>\d\d\d)'
+ − '|(?P<month>\d\d)(?:(?P=dsep)(?P<day>\d\d))?))?')
+ − __tzd_re = '(?P<tzd>[-+](?P<tzdhours>\d\d)(?::?(?P<tzdminutes>\d\d))|Z)'
+ − __tzd_rx = re.compile(__tzd_re)
+ − __time_re = ('(?P<hours>\d\d)(?P<tsep>:|)(?P<minutes>\d\d)'
+ − '(?:(?P=tsep)(?P<seconds>\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?))?'
+ − + __tzd_re)
+ − __datetime_re = '%s(?:T%s)?' % (__date_re, __time_re)
+ − __datetime_rx = re.compile(__datetime_re)
+ − m = __datetime_rx.match(dateString)
+ − if (m is None) or ( != dateString): return
+ − gmt = __extract_date(m) + __extract_time(m) + (0, 0, 0)
+ − if gmt[0] == 0: return
+ − return time.gmtime(time.mktime(gmt) + __extract_tzd(m) - time.timezone)
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_w3dtf)
+ −
+ − def _parse_date_rfc822(dateString):
+ − '''Parse an RFC822, RFC1123, RFC2822, or asctime-style date'''
+ − data = dateString.split()
+ − if data[0][-1] in (',', '.') or data[0].lower() in rfc822._daynames:
+ − del data[0]
+ − if len(data) == 4:
+ − s = data[3]
+ − i = s.find('+')
+ − if i > 0:
+ − data[3:] = [s[:i], s[i+1:]]
+ − else:
+ − data.append('')
+ − dateString = " ".join(data)
+ − if len(data) < 5:
+ − dateString += ' 00:00:00 GMT'
+ − tm = rfc822.parsedate_tz(dateString)
+ − if tm:
+ − return time.gmtime(rfc822.mktime_tz(tm))
+ − # defines several time zones, but we define some extra ones.
+ − # 'ET' is equivalent to 'EST', etc.
+ − _additional_timezones = {'AT': -400, 'ET': -500, 'CT': -600, 'MT': -700, 'PT': -800}
+ − rfc822._timezones.update(_additional_timezones)
+ − registerDateHandler(_parse_date_rfc822)
+ −
+ − def _parse_date(dateString):
+ − '''Parses a variety of date formats into a 9-tuple in GMT'''
+ − for handler in _date_handlers:
+ − try:
+ − date9tuple = handler(dateString)
+ − if not date9tuple: continue
+ − if len(date9tuple) != 9:
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('date handler function must return 9-tuple\n')
+ − raise ValueError
+ − map(int, date9tuple)
+ − return date9tuple
+ − except Exception, e:
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('%s raised %s\n' % (handler.__name__, repr(e)))
+ − pass
+ − return None
+ −
+ − def _getCharacterEncoding(http_headers, xml_data):
+ − '''Get the character encoding of the XML document
+ −
+ − http_headers is a dictionary
+ − xml_data is a raw string (not Unicode)
+ −
+ − This is so much trickier than it sounds, it's not even funny.
+ − According to RFC 3023 ('XML Media Types'), if the HTTP Content-Type
+ − is application/xml, application/*+xml,
+ − application/xml-external-parsed-entity, or application/xml-dtd,
+ − the encoding given in the charset parameter of the HTTP Content-Type
+ − takes precedence over the encoding given in the XML prefix within the
+ − document, and defaults to 'utf-8' if neither are specified. But, if
+ − the HTTP Content-Type is text/xml, text/*+xml, or
+ − text/xml-external-parsed-entity, the encoding given in the XML prefix
+ − within the document is ALWAYS IGNORED and only the encoding given in
+ − the charset parameter of the HTTP Content-Type header should be
+ − respected, and it defaults to 'us-ascii' if not specified.
+ −
+ − Furthermore, discussion on the atom-syntax mailing list with the
+ − author of RFC 3023 leads me to the conclusion that any document
+ − served with a Content-Type of text/* and no charset parameter
+ − must be treated as us-ascii. (We now do this.) And also that it
+ − must always be flagged as non-well-formed. (We now do this too.)
+ −
+ − If Content-Type is unspecified (input was local file or non-HTTP source)
+ − or unrecognized (server just got it totally wrong), then go by the
+ − encoding given in the XML prefix of the document and default to
+ − 'iso-8859-1' as per the HTTP specification (RFC 2616).
+ −
+ − Then, assuming we didn't find a character encoding in the HTTP headers
+ − (and the HTTP Content-type allowed us to look in the body), we need
+ − to sniff the first few bytes of the XML data and try to determine
+ − whether the encoding is ASCII-compatible. Section F of the XML
+ − specification shows the way here:
+ −
+ −
+ − If the sniffed encoding is not ASCII-compatible, we need to make it
+ − ASCII compatible so that we can sniff further into the XML declaration
+ − to find the encoding attribute, which will tell us the true encoding.
+ −
+ − Of course, none of this guarantees that we will be able to parse the
+ − feed in the declared character encoding (assuming it was declared
+ − correctly, which many are not). CJKCodecs and iconv_codec help a lot;
+ − you should definitely install them if you can.
+ −
+ − '''
+ −
+ − def _parseHTTPContentType(content_type):
+ − '''takes HTTP Content-Type header and returns (content type, charset)
+ −
+ − If no charset is specified, returns (content type, '')
+ − If no content type is specified, returns ('', '')
+ − Both return parameters are guaranteed to be lowercase strings
+ − '''
+ − content_type = content_type or ''
+ − content_type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_type)
+ − return content_type, params.get('charset', '').replace("'", '')
+ −
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = ''
+ − xml_encoding = ''
+ − true_encoding = ''
+ − http_content_type, http_encoding = _parseHTTPContentType(http_headers.get('content-type'))
+ − # Must sniff for non-ASCII-compatible character encodings before
+ − # searching for XML declaration. This heuristic is defined in
+ − # section F of the XML specification:
+ − #
+ − try:
+ − if xml_data[:4] == '\x4c\x6f\xa7\x94':
+ − # EBCDIC
+ − xml_data = _ebcdic_to_ascii(xml_data)
+ − elif xml_data[:4] == '\x00\x3c\x00\x3f':
+ − # UTF-16BE
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16be'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-16be').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif (len(xml_data) >= 4) and (xml_data[:2] == '\xfe\xff') and (xml_data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+ − # UTF-16BE with BOM
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16be'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data[2:], 'utf-16be').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif xml_data[:4] == '\x3c\x00\x3f\x00':
+ − # UTF-16LE
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16le'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-16le').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif (len(xml_data) >= 4) and (xml_data[:2] == '\xff\xfe') and (xml_data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+ − # UTF-16LE with BOM
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16le'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data[2:], 'utf-16le').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif xml_data[:4] == '\x00\x00\x00\x3c':
+ − # UTF-32BE
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32be'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-32be').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif xml_data[:4] == '\x3c\x00\x00\x00':
+ − # UTF-32LE
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32le'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-32le').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif xml_data[:4] == '\x00\x00\xfe\xff':
+ − # UTF-32BE with BOM
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32be'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data[4:], 'utf-32be').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif xml_data[:4] == '\xff\xfe\x00\x00':
+ − # UTF-32LE with BOM
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32le'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data[4:], 'utf-32le').encode('utf-8')
+ − elif xml_data[:3] == '\xef\xbb\xbf':
+ − # UTF-8 with BOM
+ − sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-8'
+ − xml_data = unicode(xml_data[3:], 'utf-8').encode('utf-8')
+ − else:
+ − # ASCII-compatible
+ − pass
+ − xml_encoding_match = re.compile('^<\?.*encoding=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*\?>').match(xml_data)
+ − except:
+ − xml_encoding_match = None
+ − if xml_encoding_match:
+ − xml_encoding = xml_encoding_match.groups()[0].lower()
+ − if sniffed_xml_encoding and (xml_encoding in ('iso-10646-ucs-2', 'ucs-2', 'csunicode', 'iso-10646-ucs-4', 'ucs-4', 'csucs4', 'utf-16', 'utf-32', 'utf_16', 'utf_32', 'utf16', 'u16')):
+ − xml_encoding = sniffed_xml_encoding
+ − acceptable_content_type = 0
+ − application_content_types = ('application/xml', 'application/xml-dtd', 'application/xml-external-parsed-entity')
+ − text_content_types = ('text/xml', 'text/xml-external-parsed-entity')
+ − if (http_content_type in application_content_types) or \
+ − (http_content_type.startswith('application/') and http_content_type.endswith('+xml')):
+ − acceptable_content_type = 1
+ − true_encoding = http_encoding or xml_encoding or 'utf-8'
+ − elif (http_content_type in text_content_types) or \
+ − (http_content_type.startswith('text/')) and http_content_type.endswith('+xml'):
+ − acceptable_content_type = 1
+ − true_encoding = http_encoding or 'us-ascii'
+ − elif http_content_type.startswith('text/'):
+ − true_encoding = http_encoding or 'us-ascii'
+ − elif http_headers and (not http_headers.has_key('content-type')):
+ − true_encoding = xml_encoding or 'iso-8859-1'
+ − else:
+ − true_encoding = xml_encoding or 'utf-8'
+ − return true_encoding, http_encoding, xml_encoding, sniffed_xml_encoding, acceptable_content_type
+ −
+ − def _toUTF8(data, encoding):
+ − '''Changes an XML data stream on the fly to specify a new encoding
+ −
+ − data is a raw sequence of bytes (not Unicode) that is presumed to be in %encoding already
+ − encoding is a string recognized by encodings.aliases
+ − '''
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('entering _toUTF8, trying encoding %s\n' % encoding)
+ − # strip Byte Order Mark (if present)
+ − if (len(data) >= 4) and (data[:2] == '\xfe\xff') and (data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+ − if _debug:
+ − sys.stderr.write('stripping BOM\n')
+ − if encoding != 'utf-16be':
+ − sys.stderr.write('trying utf-16be instead\n')
+ − encoding = 'utf-16be'
+ − data = data[2:]
+ − elif (len(data) >= 4) and (data[:2] == '\xff\xfe') and (data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+ − if _debug:
+ − sys.stderr.write('stripping BOM\n')
+ − if encoding != 'utf-16le':
+ − sys.stderr.write('trying utf-16le instead\n')
+ − encoding = 'utf-16le'
+ − data = data[2:]
+ − elif data[:3] == '\xef\xbb\xbf':
+ − if _debug:
+ − sys.stderr.write('stripping BOM\n')
+ − if encoding != 'utf-8':
+ − sys.stderr.write('trying utf-8 instead\n')
+ − encoding = 'utf-8'
+ − data = data[3:]
+ − elif data[:4] == '\x00\x00\xfe\xff':
+ − if _debug:
+ − sys.stderr.write('stripping BOM\n')
+ − if encoding != 'utf-32be':
+ − sys.stderr.write('trying utf-32be instead\n')
+ − encoding = 'utf-32be'
+ − data = data[4:]
+ − elif data[:4] == '\xff\xfe\x00\x00':
+ − if _debug:
+ − sys.stderr.write('stripping BOM\n')
+ − if encoding != 'utf-32le':
+ − sys.stderr.write('trying utf-32le instead\n')
+ − encoding = 'utf-32le'
+ − data = data[4:]
+ − newdata = unicode(data, encoding)
+ − if _debug: sys.stderr.write('successfully converted %s data to unicode\n' % encoding)
+ − declmatch = re.compile('^<\?xml[^>]*?>')
+ − newdecl = '''<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>'''
+ − if
+ − newdata = declmatch.sub(newdecl, newdata)
+ − else:
+ − newdata = newdecl + u'\n' + newdata
+ − return newdata.encode('utf-8')
+ −
+ − def _stripDoctype(data):
+ − '''Strips DOCTYPE from XML document, returns (rss_version, stripped_data)
+ −
+ − rss_version may be 'rss091n' or None
+ − stripped_data is the same XML document, minus the DOCTYPE
+ − '''
+ − entity_pattern = re.compile(r'<!ENTITY([^>]*?)>', re.MULTILINE)
+ − data = entity_pattern.sub('', data)
+ − doctype_pattern = re.compile(r'<!DOCTYPE([^>]*?)>', re.MULTILINE)
+ − doctype_results = doctype_pattern.findall(data)
+ − doctype = doctype_results and doctype_results[0] or ''
+ − if doctype.lower().count('netscape'):
+ − version = 'rss091n'
+ − else:
+ − version = None
+ − data = doctype_pattern.sub('', data)
+ − return version, data
+ −
+ − def parse(url_file_stream_or_string, etag=None, modified=None, agent=None, referrer=None, handlers=[]):
+ − '''Parse a feed from a URL, file, stream, or string'''
+ − result = FeedParserDict()
+ − result['feed'] = FeedParserDict()
+ − result['entries'] = []
+ − result['bozo'] = 0
+ − if type(handlers) == types.InstanceType:
+ − handlers = [handlers]
+ − try:
+ − f = _open_resource(url_file_stream_or_string, etag, modified, agent, referrer, handlers)
+ − data =
+ − except Exception, e:
+ − result['bozo'] = 1
+ − result['bozo_exception'] = e
+ − data = ''
+ − f = None
+ −
+ − # if feed is gzip-compressed, decompress it
+ − if f and data and hasattr(f, 'headers'):
+ − if gzip and f.headers.get('content-encoding', '') == 'gzip':
+ − try:
+ − data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=_StringIO(data)).read()
+ − except Exception, e:
+ − # Some feeds claim to be gzipped but they're not, so
+ − # we get garbage. Ideally, we should re-request the
+ − # feed without the 'Accept-encoding: gzip' header,
+ − # but we don't.
+ − result['bozo'] = 1
+ − result['bozo_exception'] = e
+ − data = ''
+ − elif zlib and f.headers.get('content-encoding', '') == 'deflate':
+ − try:
+ − data = zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
+ − except Exception, e:
+ − result['bozo'] = 1
+ − result['bozo_exception'] = e
+ − data = ''
+ −
+ − # save HTTP headers
+ − if hasattr(f, 'info'):
+ − info =
+ − result['etag'] = info.getheader('ETag')
+ − last_modified = info.getheader('Last-Modified')
+ − if last_modified:
+ − result['modified'] = _parse_date(last_modified)
+ − if hasattr(f, 'url'):
+ − result['href'] = f.url
+ − result['status'] = 200
+ − if hasattr(f, 'status'):
+ − result['status'] = f.status
+ − if hasattr(f, 'headers'):
+ − result['headers'] = f.headers.dict
+ − if hasattr(f, 'close'):
+ − f.close()
+ −
+ − # there are four encodings to keep track of:
+ − # - http_encoding is the encoding declared in the Content-Type HTTP header
+ − # - xml_encoding is the encoding declared in the <?xml declaration
+ − # - sniffed_encoding is the encoding sniffed from the first 4 bytes of the XML data
+ − # - result['encoding'] is the actual encoding, as per RFC 3023 and a variety of other conflicting specifications
+ − http_headers = result.get('headers', {})
+ − result['encoding'], http_encoding, xml_encoding, sniffed_xml_encoding, acceptable_content_type = \
+ − _getCharacterEncoding(http_headers, data)
+ − if http_headers and (not acceptable_content_type):
+ − if http_headers.has_key('content-type'):
+ − bozo_message = '%s is not an XML media type' % http_headers['content-type']
+ − else:
+ − bozo_message = 'no Content-type specified'
+ − result['bozo'] = 1
+ − result['bozo_exception'] = NonXMLContentType(bozo_message)
+ −
+ − result['version'], data = _stripDoctype(data)
+ −
+ − baseuri = http_headers.get('content-location', result.get('href'))
+ − baselang = http_headers.get('content-language', None)
+ −
+ − # if server sent 304, we're done
+ − if result.get('status', 0) == 304:
+ − result['version'] = ''
+ − result['debug_message'] = 'The feed has not changed since you last checked, ' + \
+ − 'so the server sent no data. This is a feature, not a bug!'
+ − return result
+ −
+ − # if there was a problem downloading, we're done
+ − if not data:
+ − return result
+ −
+ − # determine character encoding
+ − use_strict_parser = 0
+ − known_encoding = 0
+ − tried_encodings = []
+ − # try: HTTP encoding, declared XML encoding, encoding sniffed from BOM
+ − for proposed_encoding in (result['encoding'], xml_encoding, sniffed_xml_encoding):
+ − if not proposed_encoding: continue
+ − if proposed_encoding in tried_encodings: continue
+ − tried_encodings.append(proposed_encoding)
+ − try:
+ − data = _toUTF8(data, proposed_encoding)
+ − known_encoding = use_strict_parser = 1
+ − break
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ − # if no luck and we have auto-detection library, try that
+ − if (not known_encoding) and chardet:
+ − try:
+ − proposed_encoding = chardet.detect(data)['encoding']
+ − if proposed_encoding and (proposed_encoding not in tried_encodings):
+ − tried_encodings.append(proposed_encoding)
+ − data = _toUTF8(data, proposed_encoding)
+ − known_encoding = use_strict_parser = 1
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ − # if still no luck and we haven't tried utf-8 yet, try that
+ − if (not known_encoding) and ('utf-8' not in tried_encodings):
+ − try:
+ − proposed_encoding = 'utf-8'
+ − tried_encodings.append(proposed_encoding)
+ − data = _toUTF8(data, proposed_encoding)
+ − known_encoding = use_strict_parser = 1
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ − # if still no luck and we haven't tried windows-1252 yet, try that
+ − if (not known_encoding) and ('windows-1252' not in tried_encodings):
+ − try:
+ − proposed_encoding = 'windows-1252'
+ − tried_encodings.append(proposed_encoding)
+ − data = _toUTF8(data, proposed_encoding)
+ − known_encoding = use_strict_parser = 1
+ − except:
+ − pass
+ − # if still no luck, give up
+ − if not known_encoding:
+ − result['bozo'] = 1
+ − result['bozo_exception'] = CharacterEncodingUnknown( \
+ − 'document encoding unknown, I tried ' + \
+ − '%s, %s, utf-8, and windows-1252 but nothing worked' % \
+ − (result['encoding'], xml_encoding))
+ − result['encoding'] = ''
+ − elif proposed_encoding != result['encoding']:
+ − result['bozo'] = 1
+ − result['bozo_exception'] = CharacterEncodingOverride( \
+ − 'documented declared as %s, but parsed as %s' % \
+ − (result['encoding'], proposed_encoding))
+ − result['encoding'] = proposed_encoding
+ −
+ − if not _XML_AVAILABLE:
+ − use_strict_parser = 0
+ − if use_strict_parser:
+ − # initialize the SAX parser
+ − feedparser = _StrictFeedParser(baseuri, baselang, 'utf-8')
+ − saxparser = xml.sax.make_parser(PREFERRED_XML_PARSERS)
+ − saxparser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 1)
+ − saxparser.setContentHandler(feedparser)
+ − saxparser.setErrorHandler(feedparser)
+ − source = xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource()
+ − source.setByteStream(_StringIO(data))
+ − if hasattr(saxparser, '_ns_stack'):
+ − # work around bug in built-in SAX parser (doesn't recognize xml: namespace)
+ − # PyXML doesn't have this problem, and it doesn't have _ns_stack either
+ − saxparser._ns_stack.append({'':'xml'})
+ − try:
+ − saxparser.parse(source)
+ − except Exception, e:
+ − if _debug:
+ − import traceback
+ − traceback.print_stack()
+ − traceback.print_exc()
+ − sys.stderr.write('xml parsing failed\n')
+ − result['bozo'] = 1
+ − result['bozo_exception'] = feedparser.exc or e
+ − use_strict_parser = 0
+ − if not use_strict_parser:
+ − feedparser = _LooseFeedParser(baseuri, baselang, known_encoding and 'utf-8' or '')
+ − feedparser.feed(data)
+ − result['feed'] = feedparser.feeddata
+ − result['entries'] = feedparser.entries
+ − result['version'] = result['version'] or feedparser.version
+ − result['namespaces'] = feedparser.namespacesInUse
+ − return result
+ −
+ − if __name__ == '__main__':
+ − if not sys.argv[1:]:
+ − print __doc__
+ − sys.exit(0)
+ − else:
+ − urls = sys.argv[1:]
+ − zopeCompatibilityHack()
+ − from pprint import pprint
+ − for url in urls:
+ − print url
+ − print
+ − result = parse(url)
+ − pprint(result)
+ − print
+ −
+ − #1.0 - 9/27/2002 - MAP - fixed namespace processing on prefixed RSS 2.0 elements,
+ − # added Simon Fell's test suite
+ − #1.1 - 9/29/2002 - MAP - fixed infinite loop on incomplete CDATA sections
+ − #2.0 - 10/19/2002
+ − # JD - use inchannel to watch out for image and textinput elements which can
+ − # also contain title, link, and description elements
+ − # JD - check for isPermaLink='false' attribute on guid elements
+ − # JD - replaced openAnything with open_resource supporting ETag and
+ − # If-Modified-Since request headers
+ − # JD - parse now accepts etag, modified, agent, and referrer optional
+ − # arguments
+ − # JD - modified parse to return a dictionary instead of a tuple so that any
+ − # etag or modified information can be returned and cached by the caller
+ − #2.0.1 - 10/21/2002 - MAP - changed parse() so that if we don't get anything
+ − # because of etag/modified, return the old etag/modified to the caller to
+ − # indicate why nothing is being returned
+ − #2.0.2 - 10/21/2002 - JB - added the inchannel to the if statement, otherwise its
+ − # useless. Fixes the problem JD was addressing by adding it.
+ − #2.1 - 11/14/2002 - MAP - added gzip support
+ − #2.2 - 1/27/2003 - MAP - added attribute support, admin:generatorAgent.
+ − # start_admingeneratoragent is an example of how to handle elements with
+ − # only attributes, no content.
+ − #2.3 - 6/11/2003 - MAP - added USER_AGENT for default (if caller doesn't specify);
+ − # also, make sure we send the User-Agent even if urllib2 isn't available.
+ − # Match any variation of namespace.
+ − #2.3.1 - 6/12/2003 - MAP - if item has both link and guid, return both as-is.
+ − #2.4 - 7/9/2003 - MAP - added preliminary Pie/Atom/Echo support based on Sam Ruby's
+ − # snapshot of July 1 <>; changed
+ − # project name
+ − #2.5 - 7/25/2003 - MAP - changed to Python license (all contributors agree);
+ − # removed unnecessary urllib code -- urllib2 should always be available anyway;
+ − # return actual url, status, and full HTTP headers (as result['url'],
+ − # result['status'], and result['headers']) if parsing a remote feed over HTTP --
+ − # this should pass all the HTTP tests at <>;
+ − # added the latest namespace-of-the-week for RSS 2.0
+ − #2.5.1 - 7/26/2003 - RMK - clear opener.addheaders so we only send our custom
+ − # User-Agent (otherwise urllib2 sends two, which confuses some servers)
+ − #2.5.2 - 7/28/2003 - MAP - entity-decode inline xml properly; added support for
+ − # inline <xhtml:body> and <xhtml:div> as used in some RSS 2.0 feeds
+ − #2.5.3 - 8/6/2003 - TvdV - patch to track whether we're inside an image or
+ − # textInput, and also to return the character encoding (if specified)
+ − #2.6 - 1/1/2004 - MAP - dc:author support (MarekK); fixed bug tracking
+ − # nested divs within content (JohnD); fixed missing sys import (JohanS);
+ − # fixed regular expression to capture XML character encoding (Andrei);
+ − # added support for Atom 0.3-style links; fixed bug with textInput tracking;
+ − # added support for cloud (MartijnP); added support for multiple
+ − # category/dc:subject (MartijnP); normalize content model: 'description' gets
+ − # description (which can come from description, summary, or full content if no
+ − # description), 'content' gets dict of base/language/type/value (which can come
+ − # from content:encoded, xhtml:body, content, or fullitem);
+ − # fixed bug matching arbitrary Userland namespaces; added xml:base and xml:lang
+ − # tracking; fixed bug tracking unknown tags; fixed bug tracking content when
+ − # <content> element is not in default namespace (like Pocketsoap feed);
+ − # resolve relative URLs in link, guid, docs, url, comments, wfw:comment,
+ − # wfw:commentRSS; resolve relative URLs within embedded HTML markup in
+ − # description, xhtml:body, content, content:encoded, title, subtitle,
+ − # summary, info, tagline, and copyright; added support for pingback and
+ − # trackback namespaces
+ − #2.7 - 1/5/2004 - MAP - really added support for trackback and pingback
+ − # namespaces, as opposed to 2.6 when I said I did but didn't really;
+ − # sanitize HTML markup within some elements; added mxTidy support (if
+ − # installed) to tidy HTML markup within some elements; fixed indentation
+ − # bug in _parse_date (FazalM); use socket.setdefaulttimeout if available
+ − # (FazalM); universal date parsing and normalization (FazalM): 'created', modified',
+ − # 'issued' are parsed into 9-tuple date format and stored in 'created_parsed',
+ − # 'modified_parsed', and 'issued_parsed'; 'date' is duplicated in 'modified'
+ − # and vice-versa; 'date_parsed' is duplicated in 'modified_parsed' and vice-versa
+ − #2.7.1 - 1/9/2004 - MAP - fixed bug handling " and '. fixed memory
+ − # leak not closing url opener (JohnD); added dc:publisher support (MarekK);
+ − # added admin:errorReportsTo support (MarekK); Python 2.1 dict support (MarekK)
+ − #2.7.4 - 1/14/2004 - MAP - added workaround for improperly formed <br/> tags in
+ − # encoded HTML (skadz); fixed unicode handling in normalize_attrs (ChrisL);
+ − # fixed relative URI processing for guid (skadz); added ICBM support; added
+ − # base64 support
+ − #2.7.5 - 1/15/2004 - MAP - added workaround for malformed DOCTYPE (seen on many
+ − # sites); added _debug variable
+ − #2.7.6 - 1/16/2004 - MAP - fixed bug with StringIO importing
+ − #3.0b3 - 1/23/2004 - MAP - parse entire feed with real XML parser (if available);
+ − # added several new supported namespaces; fixed bug tracking naked markup in
+ − # description; added support for enclosure; added support for source; re-added
+ − # support for cloud which got dropped somehow; added support for expirationDate
+ − #3.0b4 - 1/26/2004 - MAP - fixed xml:lang inheritance; fixed multiple bugs tracking
+ − # xml:base URI, one for documents that don't define one explicitly and one for
+ − # documents that define an outer and an inner xml:base that goes out of scope
+ − # before the end of the document
+ − #3.0b5 - 1/26/2004 - MAP - fixed bug parsing multiple links at feed level
+ − #3.0b6 - 1/27/2004 - MAP - added feed type and version detection, result['version']
+ − # will be one of SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.keys() or empty string if unrecognized;
+ − # added support for creativeCommons:license and cc:license; added support for
+ − # full Atom content model in title, tagline, info, copyright, summary; fixed bug
+ − # with gzip encoding (not always telling server we support it when we do)
+ − #3.0b7 - 1/28/2004 - MAP - support Atom-style author element in author_detail
+ − # (dictionary of 'name', 'url', 'email'); map author to author_detail if author
+ − # contains name + email address
+ − #3.0b8 - 1/28/2004 - MAP - added support for contributor
+ − #3.0b9 - 1/29/2004 - MAP - fixed check for presence of dict function; added
+ − # support for summary
+ − #3.0b10 - 1/31/2004 - MAP - incorporated ISO-8601 date parsing routines from
+ − # xml.util.iso8601
+ − #3.0b11 - 2/2/2004 - MAP - added 'rights' to list of elements that can contain
+ − # dangerous markup; fiddled with decodeEntities (not right); liberalized
+ − # date parsing even further
+ − #3.0b12 - 2/6/2004 - MAP - fiddled with decodeEntities (still not right);
+ − # added support to Atom 0.2 subtitle; added support for Atom content model
+ − # in copyright; better sanitizing of dangerous HTML elements with end tags
+ − # (script, frameset)
+ − #3.0b13 - 2/8/2004 - MAP - better handling of empty HTML tags (br, hr, img,
+ − # etc.) in embedded markup, in either HTML or XHTML form (<br>, <br/>, <br />)
+ − #3.0b14 - 2/8/2004 - MAP - fixed CDATA handling in non-wellformed feeds under
+ − # Python 2.1
+ − #3.0b15 - 2/11/2004 - MAP - fixed bug resolving relative links in wfw:commentRSS;
+ − # fixed bug capturing author and contributor URL; fixed bug resolving relative
+ − # links in author and contributor URL; fixed bug resolvin relative links in
+ − # generator URL; added support for recognizing RSS 1.0; passed Simon Fell's
+ − # namespace tests, and included them permanently in the test suite with his
+ − # permission; fixed namespace handling under Python 2.1
+ − #3.0b16 - 2/12/2004 - MAP - fixed support for RSS 0.90 (broken in b15)
+ − #3.0b17 - 2/13/2004 - MAP - determine character encoding as per RFC 3023
+ − #3.0b18 - 2/17/2004 - MAP - always map description to summary_detail (Andrei);
+ − # use libxml2 (if available)
+ − #3.0b19 - 3/15/2004 - MAP - fixed bug exploding author information when author
+ − # name was in parentheses; removed ultra-problematic mxTidy support; patch to
+ − # workaround crash in PyXML/expat when encountering invalid entities
+ − # (MarkMoraes); support for textinput/textInput
+ − #3.0b20 - 4/7/2004 - MAP - added CDF support
+ − #3.0b21 - 4/14/2004 - MAP - added Hot RSS support
+ − #3.0b22 - 4/19/2004 - MAP - changed 'channel' to 'feed', 'item' to 'entries' in
+ − # results dict; changed results dict to allow getting values with results.key
+ − # as well as results[key]; work around embedded illformed HTML with half
+ − # a DOCTYPE; work around malformed Content-Type header; if character encoding
+ − # is wrong, try several common ones before falling back to regexes (if this
+ − # works, bozo_exception is set to CharacterEncodingOverride); fixed character
+ − # encoding issues in BaseHTMLProcessor by tracking encoding and converting
+ − # from Unicode to raw strings before feeding data to sgmllib.SGMLParser;
+ − # convert each value in results to Unicode (if possible), even if using
+ − # regex-based parsing
+ − #3.0b23 - 4/21/2004 - MAP - fixed UnicodeDecodeError for feeds that contain
+ − # high-bit characters in attributes in embedded HTML in description (thanks
+ − # Thijs van de Vossen); moved guid, date, and date_parsed to mapped keys in
+ − # FeedParserDict; tweaked FeedParserDict.has_key to return True if asking
+ − # about a mapped key
+ − #3.0fc1 - 4/23/2004 - MAP - made results.entries[0].links[0] and
+ − # results.entries[0].enclosures[0] into FeedParserDict; fixed typo that could
+ − # cause the same encoding to be tried twice (even if it failed the first time);
+ − # fixed DOCTYPE stripping when DOCTYPE contained entity declarations;
+ − # better textinput and image tracking in illformed RSS 1.0 feeds
+ − #3.0fc2 - 5/10/2004 - MAP - added and passed Sam's amp tests; added and passed
+ − # my blink tag tests
+ − #3.0fc3 - 6/18/2004 - MAP - fixed bug in _changeEncodingDeclaration that
+ − # failed to parse utf-16 encoded feeds; made source into a FeedParserDict;
+ − # duplicate admin:generatorAgent/@rdf:resource in generator_detail.url;
+ − # added support for image; refactored parse() fallback logic to try other
+ − # encodings if SAX parsing fails (previously it would only try other encodings
+ − # if re-encoding failed); remove unichr madness in normalize_attrs now that
+ − # we're properly tracking encoding in and out of BaseHTMLProcessor; set
+ − # feed.language from root-level xml:lang; set from rdf:about;
+ − # send Accept header
+ − #3.0 - 6/21/2004 - MAP - don't try iso-8859-1 (can't distinguish between
+ − # iso-8859-1 and windows-1252 anyway, and most incorrectly marked feeds are
+ − # windows-1252); fixed regression that could cause the same encoding to be
+ − # tried twice (even if it failed the first time)
+ − #3.0.1 - 6/22/2004 - MAP - default to us-ascii for all text/* content types;
+ − # recover from malformed content-type header parameter with no equals sign
+ − # ('text/xml; charset:iso-8859-1')
+ − #3.1 - 6/28/2004 - MAP - added and passed tests for converting HTML entities
+ − # to Unicode equivalents in illformed feeds (aaronsw); added and
+ − # passed tests for converting character entities to Unicode equivalents
+ − # in illformed feeds (aaronsw); test for valid parsers when setting
+ − # XML_AVAILABLE; make version and encoding available when server returns
+ − # a 304; add handlers parameter to pass arbitrary urllib2 handlers (like
+ − # digest auth or proxy support); add code to parse username/password
+ − # out of url and send as basic authentication; expose downloading-related
+ − # exceptions in bozo_exception (aaronsw); added __contains__ method to
+ − # FeedParserDict (aaronsw); added publisher_detail (aaronsw)
+ − #3.2 - 7/3/2004 - MAP - use cjkcodecs and iconv_codec if available; always
+ − # convert feed to UTF-8 before passing to XML parser; completely revamped
+ − # logic for determining character encoding and attempting XML parsing
+ − # (much faster); increased default timeout to 20 seconds; test for presence
+ − # of Location header on redirects; added tests for many alternate character
+ − # encodings; support various EBCDIC encodings; support UTF-16BE and
+ − # UTF16-LE with or without a BOM; support UTF-8 with a BOM; support
+ − # UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE with or without a BOM; fixed crashing bug if no
+ − # XML parsers are available; added support for 'Content-encoding: deflate';
+ − # send blank 'Accept-encoding: ' header if neither gzip nor zlib modules
+ − # are available
+ − #3.3 - 7/15/2004 - MAP - optimize EBCDIC to ASCII conversion; fix obscure
+ − # problem tracking xml:base and xml:lang if element declares it, child
+ − # doesn't, first grandchild redeclares it, and second grandchild doesn't;
+ − # refactored date parsing; defined public registerDateHandler so callers
+ − # can add support for additional date formats at runtime; added support
+ − # for OnBlog, Nate, MSSQL, Greek, and Hungarian dates (ytrewq1); added
+ − # zopeCompatibilityHack() which turns FeedParserDict into a regular
+ − # dictionary, required for Zope compatibility, and also makes command-
+ − # line debugging easier because pprint module formats real dictionaries
+ − # better than dictionary-like objects; added NonXMLContentType exception,
+ − # which is stored in bozo_exception when a feed is served with a non-XML
+ − # media type such as 'text/plain'; respect Content-Language as default
+ − # language if not xml:lang is present; cloud dict is now FeedParserDict;
+ − # generator dict is now FeedParserDict; better tracking of xml:lang,
+ − # including support for xml:lang='' to unset the current language;
+ − # recognize RSS 1.0 feeds even when RSS 1.0 namespace is not the default
+ − # namespace; don't overwrite final status on redirects (scenarios:
+ − # redirecting to a URL that returns 304, redirecting to a URL that
+ − # redirects to another URL with a different type of redirect); add
+ − # support for HTTP 303 redirects
+ − #4.0 - MAP - support for relative URIs in xml:base attribute; fixed
+ − # encoding issue with mxTidy (phopkins); preliminary support for RFC 3229;
+ − # support for Atom 1.0; support for iTunes extensions; new 'tags' for
+ − # categories/keywords/etc. as array of dict
+ − # {'term': term, 'scheme': scheme, 'label': label} to match Atom 1.0
+ − # terminology; parse RFC 822-style dates with no time; lots of other
+ − # bug fixes
+ − #4.1 - MAP - removed socket timeout; added support for chardet library