changeset 109 620f9b141567
child 149 f2e327a7c5de
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/gql/	Tue Aug 26 21:49:54 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""GQL -- the SQL-like interface to the datastore.
+Defines the GQL-based query class, which is a query mechanism
+for the datastore which provides an alternative model for interacting with
+data stored.
+import calendar
+import datetime
+import heapq
+import logging
+import re
+import time
+from google.appengine.api import datastore
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
+from google.appengine.api import users
+LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG - 1
+_EPOCH = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
+def Execute(query_string, *args, **keyword_args):
+  """Execute command to parse and run the query.
+  Calls the query parser code to build a proto-query which is an
+  unbound query. The proto-query is then bound into a real query and
+  executed.
+  Args:
+    query_string: properly formatted GQL query string.
+    args: rest of the positional arguments used to bind numeric references in
+          the query.
+    keyword_args: dictionary-based arguments (for named parameters).
+  Returns:
+    the result of running the query with *args.
+  """
+  app = keyword_args.pop('_app', None)
+  proto_query = GQL(query_string, _app=app)
+  return proto_query.Bind(args, keyword_args).Run()
+class GQL(object):
+  """A GQL interface to the datastore.
+  GQL is a SQL-like language which supports more object-like semantics
+  in a langauge that is familiar to SQL users. The language supported by
+  GQL will change over time, but will start off with fairly simple
+  semantics.
+  - reserved words are case insensitive
+  - names are case sensitive
+  The syntax for SELECT is fairly straightforward:
+  SELECT * FROM <entity>
+    [WHERE <condition> [AND <condition> ...]]
+    [ORDER BY <property> [ASC | DESC] [, <property> [ASC | DESC] ...]]
+    [LIMIT [<offset>,]<count>]
+    [OFFSET <offset>]
+  <condition> := <property> {< | <= | > | >= | = | != | IN} <value>
+  <condition> := <property> {< | <= | > | >= | = | != | IN} CAST(<value>)
+  <condition> := <property> IN (<value>, ...)
+  <condition> := ANCESTOR IS <entity or key>
+  Currently the parser is LL(1) because of the simplicity of the grammer
+  (as it is largely predictive with one token lookahead).
+  The class is implemented using some basic regular expression tokenization
+  to pull out reserved tokens and then the recursive descent parser will act
+  as a builder for the pre-compiled query. This pre-compiled query is then
+  bound to arguments before executing the query.
+  Initially, three parameter passing mechanisms are supported when calling
+  Execute():
+  - Positional parameters
+  Execute('SELECT * FROM Story WHERE Author = :1 AND Date > :2')
+  - Named parameters
+  Execute('SELECT * FROM Story WHERE Author = :author AND Date > :date')
+  - Literals (numbers, and strings)
+  Execute('SELECT * FROM Story WHERE Author = \'James\'')
+  Users are also given the option of doing type conversions to other datastore
+  types (e.g. db.Email, db.GeoPt). The language provides a conversion function
+  which allows the caller to express conversions of both literals and
+  parameters. The current conversion operators are:
+  - GEOPT(float, float)
+  - USER(str)
+  - KEY(kind, id/name[, kind, id/name...])
+  - DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
+  - DATE(year, month, day)
+  - TIME(hour, minute, second)
+  - TIME('HH:MM:SS')
+  We will properly serialize and quote all values.
+  It should also be noted that there are some caveats to the queries that can
+  be expressed in the syntax. The parser will attempt to make these clear as
+  much as possible, but some of the caveats include:
+    - There is no OR operation. In most cases, you should prefer to use IN to
+      express the idea of wanting data matching one of a set of values.
+    - You cannot express inequality operators on multiple different properties
+    - You can only have one != operator per query (related to the previous
+      rule).
+    - The IN and != operators must be used carefully because they can
+      dramatically raise the amount of work done by the datastore. As such,
+      there is a limit on the number of elements you can use in IN statements.
+      This limit is set fairly low. Currently, a max of 30 datastore queries is
+      allowed in a given GQL query. != translates into 2x the number of
+      datastore queries, and IN multiplies by the number of elements in the
+      clause (so having two IN clauses, one with 5 elements, the other with 6
+      will cause 30 queries to occur).
+    - Literals can take the form of basic types or as type-cast literals. On
+      the other hand, literals within lists can currently only take the form of
+      simple types (strings, integers, floats).
+  SELECT * will return an iterable set of entries, but other operations (schema
+  queries, updates, inserts or field selections) will return alternative
+  result types.
+  """
+  TOKENIZE_REGEX = re.compile(r"""
+    (?:'[^'\n\r]*')+|
+    <=|>=|!=|=|<|>|
+    :\w+|
+    ,|
+    \*|
+    -?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|
+    \w+|
+    \(|\)|
+    \S+
+    """, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
+  __ANCESTOR = -1
+  def __init__(self, query_string, _app=None, _auth_domain=None):
+    """Ctor.
+    Parses the input query into the class as a pre-compiled query, allowing
+    for a later call to Bind() to bind arguments as defined in the
+    documentation.
+    Args:
+      query_string: properly formatted GQL query string.
+    Raises:
+      datastore_errors.BadQueryError: if the query is not parsable.
+    """
+    self._entity = ''
+    self.__filters = {}
+    self.__has_ancestor = False
+    self.__orderings = []
+    self.__offset = -1
+    self.__limit = -1
+    self.__hint = ''
+    self.__app = _app
+    self.__auth_domain = _auth_domain
+    self.__symbols = self.TOKENIZE_REGEX.findall(query_string)
+    self.__next_symbol = 0
+    if not self.__Select():
+      raise datastore_errors.BadQueryError(
+          'Unable to parse query')
+    else:
+      pass
+  def Bind(self, args, keyword_args):
+    """Bind the existing query to the argument list.
+    Assumes that the input args are first positional, then a dictionary.
+    So, if the query contains references to :1, :2 and :name, it is assumed
+    that arguments are passed as (:1, :2, dict) where dict contains a mapping
+    [name] -> value.
+    Args:
+      args: the arguments to bind to the object's unbound references.
+      keyword_args: dictionary-based arguments (for named parameters).
+    Raises:
+      datastore_errors.BadArgumentError: when arguments are left unbound
+        (missing from the inputs arguments) or when arguments do not match the
+        expected type.
+    Returns:
+      The bound datastore.Query object. This may take the form of a MultiQuery
+      object if the GQL query will require multiple backend queries to statisfy.
+    """
+    num_args = len(args)
+    input_args = frozenset(xrange(num_args))
+    used_args = set()
+    queries = []
+    enumerated_queries = self.EnumerateQueries(used_args, args, keyword_args)
+    if enumerated_queries:
+      query_count = len(enumerated_queries)
+    else:
+      query_count = 1
+    for i in xrange(query_count):
+      queries.append(datastore.Query(self._entity, _app=self.__app))
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL,
+                'Binding with %i positional args %s and %i keywords %s'
+                , len(args), args, len(keyword_args), keyword_args)
+    for ((identifier, condition), value_list) in self.__filters.iteritems():
+      for (operator, params) in value_list:
+        value = self.__Operate(args, keyword_args, used_args, operator, params)
+        if not self.__IsMultiQuery(condition):
+          for query in queries:
+            self.__AddFilterToQuery(identifier, condition, value, query)
+    unused_args = input_args - used_args
+    if unused_args:
+      unused_values = [unused_arg + 1 for unused_arg in unused_args]
+      raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError('Unused positional arguments %s' %
+                                              unused_values)
+    if enumerated_queries:
+      logging.debug('Multiple Queries Bound: %s' % enumerated_queries)
+      for (query, enumerated_query) in zip(queries, enumerated_queries):
+        query.update(enumerated_query)
+    if self.__orderings:
+      for query in queries:
+        query.Order(*tuple(self.__orderings))
+    if query_count > 1:
+      return MultiQuery(queries, self.__orderings)
+    else:
+      return queries[0]
+  def EnumerateQueries(self, used_args, args, keyword_args):
+    """Create a list of all multi-query filter combinations required.
+    To satisfy multi-query requests ("IN" and "!=" filters), multiple queries
+    may be required. This code will enumerate the power-set of all multi-query
+    filters.
+    Args:
+      used_args: set of used positional parameters (output only variable used in
+        reporting for unused positional args)
+      args: positional arguments referenced by the proto-query in self. This
+        assumes the input is a tuple (and can also be called with a varargs
+        param).
+      keyword_args: dict of keyword arguments referenced by the proto-query in
+        self.
+    Returns:
+      A list of maps [(identifier, condition) -> value] of all queries needed
+      to satisfy the GQL query with the given input arguments.
+    """
+    enumerated_queries = []
+    for ((identifier, condition), value_list) in self.__filters.iteritems():
+      for (operator, params) in value_list:
+        value = self.__Operate(args, keyword_args, used_args, operator, params)
+        self.__AddMultiQuery(identifier, condition, value, enumerated_queries)
+    return enumerated_queries
+  def __CastError(self, operator, values, error_message):
+    """Query building error for type cast operations.
+    Args:
+      operator: the failed cast operation
+      values: value list passed to the cast operator
+      error_message: string to emit as part of the 'Cast Error' string.
+    Raises:
+      BadQueryError and passes on an error message from the caller. Will raise
+      BadQueryError on all calls.
+    """
+    raise datastore_errors.BadQueryError(
+        'Type Cast Error: unable to cast %r with operation %s (%s)' %
+        (values, operator.upper(), error_message))
+  def __CastNop(self, values):
+    """Return values[0] if it exists -- default for most where clauses."""
+    if len(values) != 1:
+      self.__CastError(values, 'nop', 'requires one and only one value')
+    else:
+      return values[0]
+  def __CastList(self, values):
+    """Return the full list of values -- only useful for IN clause."""
+    if values:
+      return values
+    else:
+      return None
+  def __CastKey(self, values):
+    """Cast input values to Key() class using encoded string or tuple list."""
+    if not len(values) % 2:
+      return datastore_types.Key.from_path(_app=self.__app, *values)
+    elif len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0], str):
+      return datastore_types.Key(values[0])
+    else:
+      self.__CastError('KEY', values,
+                       'requires an even number of operands'
+                       'or a single encoded string')
+  def __CastGeoPt(self, values):
+    """Cast input to GeoPt() class using 2 input parameters."""
+    if len(values) != 2:
+      self.__CastError('GEOPT', values, 'requires 2 input parameters')
+    return datastore_types.GeoPt(*values)
+  def __CastUser(self, values):
+    """Cast to User() class using the email address in values[0]."""
+    if len(values) != 1:
+      self.__CastError(values, 'user', 'requires one and only one value')
+    else:
+      return users.User(email=values[0], _auth_domain=self.__auth_domain)
+  def __CastDate(self, values):
+    """Cast date values to DATETIME() class using ISO string or tuple inputs."""
+    try:
+      if len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0], str):
+        time_tuple = time.strptime(values[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
+        return datetime.datetime(*time_tuple[0:6])
+      else:
+        return datetime.datetime(values[0], values[1], values[2], 0, 0, 0)
+    except ValueError, err:
+      self.__CastError('DATE', values, err)
+  def __CastTime(self, values):
+    """Cast time values to DATETIME() class using ISO string or tuple inputs."""
+    try:
+      if len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0], str):
+        time_tuple = time.strptime(values[0], '%H:%M:%S')
+        time_tuple = (1970, 1, 1) + time_tuple[3:]
+        return datetime.datetime(*time_tuple[0:6])
+      else:
+        return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, *values)
+    except ValueError, err:
+      self.__CastError('TIME', values, err)
+  def __CastDatetime(self, values):
+    """Cast values to DATETIME() class using ISO string or tuple inputs."""
+    try:
+      if len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0], str):
+        time_tuple = time.strptime(values[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        return datetime.datetime(*time_tuple[0:6])
+      else:
+        return datetime.datetime(*values)
+    except ValueError, err:
+      self.__CastError('DATETIME', values, err)
+  def __Operate(self, args, keyword_args, used_args, operator, params):
+    """Create a single output value from params using the operator string given.
+    Args:
+      args,keyword_args: arguments passed in for binding purposes (used in
+          binding positional and keyword based arguments).
+      used_args: set of numeric arguments accessed in this call.
+          values are ints representing used zero-based positional arguments.
+          used as an output parameter with new used arguments appended to the
+          list.
+      operator: string representing the operator to use 'nop' just returns
+          the first value from params.
+      params: parameter list to operate on (positional references, named
+          references, or literals).
+    Returns:
+      A value which can be used as part of a GQL filter description (either a
+      list of datastore types -- for use with IN, or a single datastore type --
+      for use with other filters).
+    """
+    if not params:
+      return None
+    param_values = []
+    for param in params:
+      if isinstance(param, Literal):
+        value = param.Get()
+      else:
+        value = self.__GetParam(param, args, keyword_args)
+        if isinstance(param, int):
+          used_args.add(param - 1)
+        logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'found param for bind: %s value: %s',
+                    param, value)
+      param_values.append(value)
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, '%s Operating on values: %s',
+                operator, repr(param_values))
+    if operator in self.__cast_operators:
+      result = self.__cast_operators[operator](self, param_values)
+    else:
+      self.__Error('Operation %s is invalid' % operator)
+    return result
+  def __IsMultiQuery(self, condition):
+    """Return whether or not this condition could require multiple queries."""
+    return condition.lower() in ('in', '!=')
+  def __GetParam(self, reference, args, keyword_args):
+    """Get the specified parameter from the input arguments.
+    Args:
+      reference: id for a filter reference in the filter list (string or
+          number)
+      args: positional args passed in by the user (tuple of arguments, indexed
+          numerically by "reference")
+      keyword_args: dict of keyword based arguments (strings in "reference")
+    Returns:
+      The specified param from the input list.
+    Raises:
+      BadArgumentError if the referenced argument doesn't exist.
+    """
+    num_args = len(args)
+    if isinstance(reference, int):
+      if reference <= num_args:
+        return args[reference - 1]
+      else:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+            'Missing argument for bind, requires argument #%i, '
+            'but only has %i args.' % (reference, num_args))
+    elif isinstance(reference, str):
+      if reference in keyword_args:
+        return keyword_args[reference]
+      else:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+            'Missing named arguments for bind, requires argument %s' %
+            reference)
+    else:
+      assert False, 'Unknown reference %s' % reference
+  def __AddMultiQuery(self, identifier, condition, value, enumerated_queries):
+    """Helper function to add a muti-query to previously enumerated queries.
+    Args:
+      identifier: property being filtered by this condition
+      condition: filter condition (e.g. !=,in)
+      value: value being bound
+      enumerated_queries: in/out list of already bound queries -> expanded list
+        with the full enumeration required to satisfy the condition query
+    Raises:
+      BadArgumentError if the filter is invalid (namely non-list with IN)
+    """
+    def CloneQueries(queries, n):
+      """Do a full copy of the queries and append to the end of the queries.
+      Does an in-place replication of the input list and sorts the result to
+      put copies next to one-another.
+      Args:
+        queries: list of all filters to clone
+        n: number of copies to make
+      Returns:
+        Number of iterations needed to fill the structure
+      """
+      if not enumerated_queries:
+        for i in xrange(n):
+          queries.append({})
+        return 1
+      else:
+        old_size = len(queries)
+        tmp_queries = []
+        for i in xrange(n - 1):
+          [tmp_queries.append(filter_map.copy()) for filter_map in queries]
+        queries.extend(tmp_queries)
+        queries.sort()
+        return old_size
+    if condition == '!=':
+      if len(enumerated_queries) * 2 > self.MAX_ALLOWABLE_QUERIES:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+          'Cannot satisfy query -- too many IN/!= values.')
+      num_iterations = CloneQueries(enumerated_queries, 2)
+      for i in xrange(num_iterations):
+        enumerated_queries[2 * i]['%s <' % identifier] = value
+        enumerated_queries[2 * i + 1]['%s >' % identifier] = value
+    elif condition.lower() == 'in':
+      if not isinstance(value, list):
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError('List expected for "IN" filter')
+      in_list_size = len(value)
+      if len(enumerated_queries) * in_list_size > self.MAX_ALLOWABLE_QUERIES:
+        raise datastore_errors.BadArgumentError(
+          'Cannot satisfy query -- too many IN/!= values.')
+      num_iterations = CloneQueries(enumerated_queries, in_list_size)
+      for clone_num in xrange(num_iterations):
+        for value_num in xrange(len(value)):
+          list_val = value[value_num]
+          query_num = in_list_size * clone_num + value_num
+          filt = '%s =' % identifier
+          enumerated_queries[query_num][filt] = list_val
+  def __AddFilterToQuery(self, identifier, condition, value, query):
+    """Add a filter condition to a query based on the inputs.
+    Args:
+      identifier: name of the property (or self.__ANCESTOR for ancestors)
+      condition: test condition
+      value: test value passed from the caller
+      query: query to add the filter to
+    """
+    if identifier != self.__ANCESTOR:
+      filter_condition = '%s %s' % (identifier, condition)
+      logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Setting filter on "%s" with value "%s"',
+                  filter_condition, value.__class__)
+      datastore._AddOrAppend(query, filter_condition, value)
+    else:
+      logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Setting ancestor query for ancestor %s', value)
+      query.Ancestor(value)
+  def Run(self, *args, **keyword_args):
+    """Runs this query.
+    Similar to datastore.Query.Run.
+    Assumes that limit == -1 or > 0
+    Args:
+      args: arguments used to bind to references in the compiled query object.
+      keyword_args: dictionary-based arguments (for named parameters).
+    Returns:
+      A list of results if a query count limit was passed.
+      A result iterator if no limit was given.
+    """
+    bind_results = self.Bind(args, keyword_args)
+    offset = 0
+    if self.__offset != -1:
+      offset = self.__offset
+    if self.__limit == -1:
+      it = bind_results.Run()
+      try:
+        for i in xrange(offset):
+      except StopIteration:
+        pass
+      return it
+    else:
+      res = bind_results.Get(self.__limit, offset)
+      return res
+  def filters(self):
+    """Return the compiled list of filters."""
+    return self.__filters
+  def hint(self):
+    """Return the datastore hint."""
+    return self.__hint
+  def limit(self):
+    """Return numerical result count limit."""
+    return self.__limit
+  def orderings(self):
+    """Return the result ordering list."""
+    return self.__orderings
+  __iter__ = Run
+  __quoted_string_regex = re.compile(r'((?:\'[^\'\n\r]*\')+)')
+  __ordinal_regex = re.compile(r':(\d+)$')
+  __named_regex = re.compile(r':(\w+)$')
+  __identifier_regex = re.compile(r'(\w+)$')
+  __conditions_regex = re.compile(r'(<=|>=|!=|=|<|>|is|in)$', re.IGNORECASE)
+  __number_regex = re.compile(r'(\d+)$')
+  __cast_regex = re.compile(
+      r'(geopt|user|key|date|time|datetime)$', re.IGNORECASE)
+  __cast_operators = {
+      'geopt': __CastGeoPt,
+      'user': __CastUser,
+      'key': __CastKey,
+      'datetime': __CastDatetime,
+      'date': __CastDate,
+      'time': __CastTime,
+      'list': __CastList,
+      'nop': __CastNop,
+  }
+  def __Error(self, error_message):
+    """Generic query error.
+    Args:
+      error_message: string to emit as part of the 'Parse Error' string.
+    Raises:
+      BadQueryError and passes on an error message from the caller. Will raise
+      BadQueryError on all calls to __Error()
+    """
+    if self.__next_symbol >= len(self.__symbols):
+      raise datastore_errors.BadQueryError(
+          'Parse Error: %s at end of string' % error_message)
+    else:
+      raise datastore_errors.BadQueryError(
+          'Parse Error: %s at symbol %s' %
+          (error_message, self.__symbols[self.__next_symbol]))
+  def __Accept(self, symbol_string):
+    """Advance the symbol and return true iff the next symbol matches input."""
+    if self.__next_symbol < len(self.__symbols):
+      logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, '\t%s', self.__symbols)
+      logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, '\tExpect: %s Got: %s',
+                  symbol_string, self.__symbols[self.__next_symbol].upper())
+      if self.__symbols[self.__next_symbol].upper() == symbol_string:
+        self.__next_symbol += 1
+        return True
+    return False
+  def __Expect(self, symbol_string):
+    """Require that the next symbol matches symbol_string, or emit an error.
+    Args:
+      symbol_string: next symbol expected by the caller
+    Raises:
+      BadQueryError if the next symbol doesn't match the parameter passed in.
+    """
+    if not self.__Accept(symbol_string):
+      self.__Error('Unexpected Symbol: %s' % symbol_string)
+  def __AcceptRegex(self, regex):
+    """Advance and return the symbol if the next symbol matches the regex.
+    Args:
+      regex: the compiled regular expression to attempt acceptance on.
+    Returns:
+      The first group in the expression to allow for convenient access
+      to simple matches. Requires () around some objects in the regex.
+      None if no match is found.
+    """
+    if self.__next_symbol < len(self.__symbols):
+      match_symbol = self.__symbols[self.__next_symbol]
+      logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, '\taccept %s on symbol %s', regex, match_symbol)
+      match = regex.match(match_symbol)
+      if match:
+        self.__next_symbol += 1
+        if match.groups():
+          matched_string =
+        logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, '\taccepted %s', matched_string)
+        return matched_string
+    return None
+  def __AcceptTerminal(self):
+    """Only accept an empty string.
+    Returns:
+      True
+    Raises:
+      BadQueryError if there are unconsumed symbols in the query.
+    """
+    if self.__next_symbol < len(self.__symbols):
+      self.__Error('Expected no additional symbols')
+    return True
+  def __Select(self):
+    """Consume the SELECT clause and everything that follows it.
+    Assumes SELECT * to start.
+    Transitions to a FROM clause.
+    Returns:
+      True if parsing completed okay.
+    """
+    self.__Expect('SELECT')
+    self.__Expect('*')
+    return self.__From()
+  def __From(self):
+    """Consume the FROM clause.
+    Assumes a single well formed entity in the clause.
+    Assumes FROM <Entity Name>
+    Transitions to a WHERE clause.
+    Returns:
+      True if parsing completed okay.
+    """
+    self.__Expect('FROM')
+    entity = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__identifier_regex)
+    if entity:
+      self._entity = entity
+      return self.__Where()
+    else:
+      self.__Error('Identifier Expected')
+      return False
+  def __Where(self):
+    """Consume the WHERE cluase.
+    These can have some recursion because of the AND symbol.
+    Returns:
+      True if parsing the WHERE clause completed correctly, as well as all
+      subsequent clauses
+    """
+    if self.__Accept('WHERE'):
+      return self.__FilterList()
+    return self.__OrderBy()
+  def __FilterList(self):
+    """Consume the filter list (remainder of the WHERE clause)."""
+    identifier = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__identifier_regex)
+    if not identifier:
+      self.__Error('Invalid WHERE Identifier')
+      return False
+    condition = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__conditions_regex)
+    if not condition:
+      self.__Error('Invalid WHERE Condition')
+      return False
+    self.__CheckFilterSyntax(identifier, condition)
+    if not self.__AddSimpleFilter(identifier, condition, self.__Reference()):
+      if not self.__AddSimpleFilter(identifier, condition, self.__Literal()):
+        type_cast = self.__TypeCast()
+        if (not type_cast or
+            not self.__AddProcessedParameterFilter(identifier, condition,
+                                                   *type_cast)):
+          self.__Error('Invalid WHERE condition')
+    if self.__Accept('AND'):
+      return self.__FilterList()
+    return self.__OrderBy()
+  def __GetValueList(self):
+    """Read in a list of parameters from the tokens and return the list.
+    Reads in a set of tokens, but currently only accepts literals, positional
+    parameters, or named parameters. Or empty list if nothing was parsed.
+    Returns:
+      A list of values parsed from the input, with values taking the form of
+      strings (unbound, named reference), integers (unbound, positional
+      reference), or Literal() (bound value usable directly as part of a filter
+      with no additional information).
+    """
+    params = []
+    while True:
+      reference = self.__Reference()
+      if reference:
+        params.append(reference)
+      else:
+        literal = self.__Literal()
+        if literal:
+          params.append(literal)
+        else:
+          self.__Error('Parameter list requires literal or reference parameter')
+      if not self.__Accept(','):
+        break
+    return params
+  def __CheckFilterSyntax(self, identifier, condition):
+    """Check that filter conditions are valid and throw errors if not.
+    Args:
+      identifier: identifier being used in comparison
+      condition: string form of the comparison operator used in the filter
+    """
+    if identifier.lower() == 'ancestor':
+      if condition.lower() == 'is':
+        if self.__has_ancestor:
+          self.__Error('Only one ANCESTOR IS" clause allowed')
+      else:
+        self.__Error('"IS" expected to follow "ANCESTOR"')
+    elif condition.lower() == 'is':
+      self.__Error('"IS" can only be used when comparing against "ANCESTOR"')
+  def __AddProcessedParameterFilter(self, identifier, condition,
+                                    operator, parameters):
+    """Add a filter with post-processing required.
+    Args:
+      identifier: property being compared.
+      condition: comparison operation being used with the property (e.g. !=).
+      operator: operation to perform on the parameters before adding the filter.
+      parameters: list of bound parameters passed to 'operator' before creating
+          the filter. When using the parameters as a pass-through, pass 'nop'
+          into the operator field and the first value will be used unprocessed).
+    Returns:
+      True if the filter was okay to add.
+    """
+    if parameters is None:
+      return False
+    if parameters[0] is None:
+      return False
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Adding Filter %s %s %s',
+                identifier, condition, repr(parameters))
+    filter_rule = (identifier, condition)
+    if identifier.lower() == 'ancestor':
+      self.__has_ancestor = True
+      filter_rule = (self.__ANCESTOR, 'is')
+      assert condition.lower() == 'is'
+    if condition.lower() != 'in' and operator == 'list':
+      sef.__Error('Only IN can process a list of values')
+    self.__filters.setdefault(filter_rule, []).append((operator, parameters))
+    return True
+  def __AddSimpleFilter(self, identifier, condition, parameter):
+    """Add a filter to the query being built (no post-processing on parameter).
+    Args:
+      identifier: identifier being used in comparison
+      condition: string form of the comparison operator used in the filter
+      parameter: ID of the reference being made or a value of type Literal
+    Returns:
+      True if the filter could be added.
+      False otherwise.
+    """
+    return self.__AddProcessedParameterFilter(identifier, condition,
+                                              'nop', [parameter])
+  def __Reference(self):
+    """Consume a parameter reference and return it.
+    Consumes a reference to a positional parameter (:1) or a named parameter
+    (:email). Only consumes a single reference (not lists).
+    Returns:
+      The name of the reference (integer for positional parameters or string
+      for named parameters) to a bind-time parameter.
+    """
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Try Reference')
+    reference = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__ordinal_regex)
+    if reference:
+      return int(reference)
+    else:
+      reference = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__named_regex)
+      if reference:
+        return reference
+    return None
+  def __Literal(self):
+    """Parse literals from our token list.
+    Returns:
+      The parsed literal from the input string (currently either a string,
+      integer, or floating point value).
+    """
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Try Literal')
+    literal = None
+    try:
+      literal = int(self.__symbols[self.__next_symbol])
+    except ValueError:
+      pass
+    else:
+      self.__next_symbol += 1
+    if literal is None:
+      try:
+        literal = float(self.__symbols[self.__next_symbol])
+      except ValueError:
+        pass
+      else:
+        self.__next_symbol += 1
+    if literal is None:
+      literal = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__quoted_string_regex)
+      if literal:
+        literal = literal[1:-1].replace("''", "'")
+    if literal is None:
+      if self.__Accept('TRUE'):
+        literal = True
+      elif self.__Accept('FALSE'):
+        literal = False
+    if literal is not None:
+      return Literal(literal)
+    else:
+      return None
+  def __TypeCast(self):
+    """Check if the next operation is a type-cast and return the cast if so.
+    Casting operators look like simple function calls on their parameters. This
+    code returns the cast operator found and the list of parameters provided by
+    the user to complete the cast operation.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple (cast operator, params) which represents the cast operation
+      requested and the parameters parsed from the cast clause.
+      None - if there is no TypeCast function.
+    """
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Try Type Cast')
+    cast_op = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__cast_regex)
+    if not cast_op:
+      if self.__Accept('('):
+        cast_op = 'list'
+      else:
+        return None
+    else:
+      cast_op = cast_op.lower()
+      self.__Expect('(')
+    params = self.__GetValueList()
+    self.__Expect(')')
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Got casting operator %s with params %s',
+                cast_op, repr(params))
+    return (cast_op, params)
+  def __OrderBy(self):
+    """Consume the ORDER BY clause."""
+    if self.__Accept('ORDER'):
+      self.__Expect('BY')
+      return self.__OrderList()
+    return self.__Limit()
+  def __OrderList(self):
+    """Consume variables and sort order for ORDER BY clause."""
+    identifier = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__identifier_regex)
+    if identifier:
+      if self.__Accept('DESC'):
+        self.__orderings.append((identifier, datastore.Query.DESCENDING))
+      elif self.__Accept('ASC'):
+        self.__orderings.append((identifier, datastore.Query.ASCENDING))
+      else:
+        self.__orderings.append((identifier, datastore.Query.ASCENDING))
+    else:
+      self.__Error('Invalid ORDER BY Property')
+    logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, self.__orderings)
+    if self.__Accept(','):
+      return self.__OrderList()
+    return self.__Limit()
+  def __Limit(self):
+    """Consume the LIMIT clause."""
+    if self.__Accept('LIMIT'):
+      maybe_limit = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__number_regex)
+      if maybe_limit:
+        if self.__Accept(','):
+          self.__offset = int(maybe_limit)
+          if self.__offset < 0:
+            self.__Error('Bad offset in LIMIT Value')
+          else:
+            logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Set offset to %i', self.__offset)
+            maybe_limit = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__number_regex)
+        self.__limit = int(maybe_limit)
+        if self.__limit < 1:
+          self.__Error('Bad Limit in LIMIT Value')
+        else:
+          logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Set limit to %i', self.__limit)
+      else:
+        self.__Error('Non-number limit in LIMIT clause')
+    return self.__Offset()
+  def __Offset(self):
+    """Consume the OFFSET clause."""
+    if self.__Accept('OFFSET'):
+      if self.__offset != -1:
+        self.__Error('Offset already defined in LIMIT clause')
+      offset = self.__AcceptRegex(self.__number_regex)
+      if offset:
+        self.__offset = int(offset)
+        if self.__offset < 0:
+          self.__Error('Bad offset in OFFSET clause')
+        else:
+          logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Set offset to %i', self.__offset)
+      else:
+        self.__Error('Non-number offset in OFFSET clause')
+    return self.__Hint()
+  def __Hint(self):
+    """Consume the HINT clause.
+    Requires one of three options (mirroring the rest of the datastore):
+    Returns:
+      True if the hint clause and later clauses all parsed okay
+    """
+    if self.__Accept('HINT'):
+      if self.__Accept('ORDER_FIRST'):
+        self.__hint = 'ORDER_FIRST'
+      elif self.__Accept('FILTER_FIRST'):
+        self.__hint = 'FILTER_FIRST'
+      elif self.__Accept('ANCESTOR_FIRST'):
+        self.__hint = 'ANCESTOR_FIRST'
+      else:
+        self.__Error('Unknown HINT')
+        return False
+    return self.__AcceptTerminal()
+class Literal(object):
+  """Class for representing literal values in a way unique from unbound params.
+  This is a simple wrapper class around basic types and datastore types.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, value):
+    self.__value = value
+  def Get(self):
+    """Return the value of the literal."""
+    return self.__value
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return 'Literal(%s)' % repr(self.__value)
+class MultiQuery(datastore.Query):
+  """Class representing a GQL query requiring multiple datastore queries.
+  This class is actually a subclass of datastore.Query as it is intended to act
+  like a normal Query object (supporting the same interface).
+  """
+  def __init__(self, bound_queries, orderings):
+    self.__bound_queries = bound_queries
+    self.__orderings = orderings
+  def Get(self, limit, offset=0):
+    """Get results of the query with a limit on the number of results.
+    Args:
+      limit: maximum number of values to return.
+      offset: offset requested -- if nonzero, this will override the offset in
+              the original query
+    Returns:
+      An array of entities with at most "limit" entries (less if the query
+      completes before reading limit values).
+    """
+    count = 1
+    result = []
+    iterator = self.Run()
+    try:
+      for i in xrange(offset):
+        val =
+    except StopIteration:
+      pass
+    try:
+      while count <= limit:
+        val =
+        result.append(val)
+        count += 1
+    except StopIteration:
+      pass
+    return result
+  class SortOrderEntity(object):
+    def __init__(self, entity_iterator, orderings):
+      self.__entity_iterator = entity_iterator
+      self.__entity = None
+      self.__min_max_value_cache = {}
+      try:
+        self.__entity =
+      except StopIteration:
+        pass
+      else:
+        self.__orderings = orderings
+    def __str__(self):
+      return str(self.__entity)
+    def GetEntity(self):
+      return self.__entity
+    def GetNext(self):
+      return MultiQuery.SortOrderEntity(self.__entity_iterator,
+                                        self.__orderings)
+    def CmpProperties(self, that):
+      """Compare two entities and return their relative order.
+      Compares self to that based on the current sort orderings and the
+      key orders between them. Returns negative, 0, or positive depending on
+      whether self is less, equal to, or greater than that. This
+      comparison returns as if all values were to be placed in ascending order
+      (highest value last).  Only uses the sort orderings to compare (ignores
+       keys).
+      Args:
+        self: SortOrderEntity
+        that: SortOrderEntity
+      Returns:
+        Negative if self < that
+        Zero if self == that
+        Positive if self > that
+      """
+      if not self.__entity:
+        return cmp(self.__entity, that.__entity)
+      for (identifier, order) in self.__orderings:
+        value1 = self.__GetValueForId(self, identifier, order)
+        value2 = self.__GetValueForId(that, identifier, order)
+        result = cmp(value1, value2)
+        if order == datastore.Query.DESCENDING:
+          result = -result
+        if result:
+          return result
+      return 0
+    def __GetValueForId(self, sort_order_entity, identifier, sort_order):
+      value = sort_order_entity.__entity[identifier]
+      entity_key = sort_order_entity.__entity.key()
+      if self.__min_max_value_cache.has_key((entity_key, identifier)):
+        value = self.__min_max_value_cache[(entity_key, identifier)]
+      elif isinstance(value, list):
+        if sort_order == datastore.Query.DESCENDING:
+          value = min(value)
+        else:
+          value = max(value)
+        self.__min_max_value_cache[(entity_key, identifier)] = value
+      return value
+    def __cmp__(self, that):
+      """Compare self to that w.r.t. values defined in the sort order.
+      Compare an entity with another, using sort-order first, then the key
+      order to break ties. This can be used in a heap to have faster min-value
+      lookup.
+      Args:
+        that: other entity to compare to
+      Returns:
+        negative: if self is less than that in sort order
+        zero: if self is equal to that in sort order
+        positive: if self is greater than that in sort order
+      """
+      property_compare = self.CmpProperties(that)
+      if property_compare:
+        return property_compare
+      else:
+        return cmp(self.__entity.key(), that.__entity.key())
+  def Run(self):
+    """Return an iterable output with all results in order."""
+    results = []
+    count = 1
+    for bound_query in self.__bound_queries:
+      logging.log(LOG_LEVEL, 'Running query #%i' % count)
+      results.append(bound_query.Run())
+      count += 1
+    def IterateResults(results):
+      """Iterator function to return all results in sorted order.
+      Iterate over the array of results, yielding the next element, in
+      sorted order. This function is destructive (results will be empty
+      when the operation is complete).
+      Args:
+        results: list of result iterators to merge and iterate through
+      Yields:
+        The next result in sorted order.
+      """
+      result_heap = []
+      for result in results:
+        heap_value = MultiQuery.SortOrderEntity(result, self.__orderings)
+        if heap_value.GetEntity():
+          heapq.heappush(result_heap, heap_value)
+      used_keys = set()
+      while result_heap:
+        top_result = heapq.heappop(result_heap)
+        results_to_push = []
+        if top_result.GetEntity().key() not in used_keys:
+          yield top_result.GetEntity()
+        else:
+          pass
+        used_keys.add(top_result.GetEntity().key())
+        results_to_push = []
+        while result_heap:
+          next = heapq.heappop(result_heap)
+          if cmp(top_result, next):
+            results_to_push.append(next)
+            break
+          else:
+            results_to_push.append(next.GetNext())
+        results_to_push.append(top_result.GetNext())
+        for popped_result in results_to_push:
+          if popped_result.GetEntity():
+            heapq.heappush(result_heap, popped_result)
+    return IterateResults(results)