changeset 132 15d89c284106
child 134 1f64d7a4d82d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/site/user/	Fri Sep 12 02:37:15 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Developer views for editing and examining User profiles.
+__authors__ = [
+  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
+  ]
+import re
+import logging
+from google.appengine.api import users
+from django import http
+from django import shortcuts
+from django import newforms as forms
+from soc.logic import out_of_band
+from import id_user
+from soc.views import simple
+from soc.views.helpers import forms_helpers
+from soc.views.helpers import response_helpers
+from soc.views.helpers import template_helpers
+import soc.models.user
+class LookupForm(forms_helpers.DbModelForm):
+  """Django form displayed for a Developer to look up a User.
+  """
+  id = forms.EmailField(required=False)
+  link_name = forms.CharField(required=False)
+  class Meta:
+    model = None
+  def clean_link_name(self):
+    link_name = self.cleaned_data.get('link_name')
+    if not link_name:
+      # link name not supplied (which is OK), so do not try to validate it
+      return None
+    if not id_user.isLinkNameFormatValid(link_name):
+      raise forms.ValidationError('This link name is in wrong format.')
+    return link_name
+  def clean_id(self):
+    email = self.cleaned_data.get('id')
+    if not email:
+      # email not supplied (which is OK), so do not try to convert it
+      return None
+    try:
+      return users.User(email=email)
+    except users.UserNotFoundError:
+      raise forms.ValidationError('Account not found.')
+DEF_SITE_USER_PROFILE_LOOKUP_TMPL = 'soc/site/user/profile/lookup.html'
+def lookup(request, template=DEF_SITE_USER_PROFILE_LOOKUP_TMPL):
+  """View for a Developer to look up a User Model entity.
+  Args:
+    request: the standard django request object
+    template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates)
+      from which to construct the public.html template name (or names)
+  Returns:
+    A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which either contains the form to
+    be filled out, or a redirect to the correct view in the interface.
+  """
+  # create default template context for use with any templates
+  context = response_helpers.getUniversalContext(request)
+  logged_in_id = users.get_current_user()
+  if not logged_in_id:
+    return simple.requestLogin(request, template, context,
+        login_message_fmt='Please <a href="%(sign_in)s">sign in</a>'
+                           ' as a site developer to view this page.')
+  if not id_user.isIdDeveloper(id=logged_in_id):
+    return simple.requestLogin(request, template, context,
+        login_message_fmt='Please <a href="%(sign_out)s">sign out</a>'
+                         ' and <a href="%(sign_in)s">sign in</a>'
+                         ' again as a site developer to view this page.')
+  user = None  # assume that no User entity will be found
+  form = None  # assume blank form needs to be displayed
+  lookup_message = 'Enter information to look up a User.'
+  lookup_error = None  # assume no look-up errors
+  edit_link = None  # assume no User entity found to be edited
+  if request.method == 'POST':
+    form = LookupForm(request.POST)
+    if form.is_valid():
+      form_id = form.cleaned_data.get('id')
+      if form_id:
+        # email provided, so attempt to look up user by email
+        user = id_user.getUserFromId(form_id)
+        if user:
+          lookup_message = 'User found by email.'
+        else:
+          lookup_error = 'User with that email not found.'
+      if not user:
+        # user not found yet, so see if link name was provided
+        linkname = form.cleaned_data.get('link_name')
+        if linkname:
+          # link name provided, so try to look up by link name 
+          user = id_user.getUserFromLinkName(linkname)
+          if user:
+            lookup_message = 'User found by link name.'
+            lookup_error = None  # clear previous error, now that User was found
+          else:
+            if form_id:
+              # email was provided, so look up failure is due to both            
+              lookup_error = 'User with that email or link name not found.'            
+            else:
+              # email was not provided, so look up failure is due to link name            
+              lookup_error = 'User with that link name not found.'            
+    # else: form was not valid
+  # else:  # method == 'GET'
+  if user:
+    # User entity found, so populate form with existing User information            
+    # context['found_user'] = user
+    form = LookupForm(initial={'id':,
+                               'link_name': user.link_name})
+    if request.path.endswith('lookup'):
+      # convert /lookup path into /profile/link_name path
+      edit_link = '%sprofile/%s' % (request.path[:-len('lookup')],
+                                    user.link_name) 
+    # else: URL is not one that was expected, so do not display edit link
+  elif not form:
+    # no pre-populated form was constructed, so show the empty look-up form
+    form = DeveloperForm()
+  context.update({'form': form,
+                  'edit_link': edit_link,
+                  'found_user': user,
+                  'lookup_error': lookup_error,
+                  'lookup_message': lookup_message})
+  return response_helpers.respond(request, template, context)