changeset 474 0bf5af57cef9
parent 385 6d410bf49a82
child 481 94834a1e6c01
--- a/app/soc/models/	Tue Nov 11 19:49:00 2008 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/models/	Tue Nov 11 21:07:38 2008 +0000
@@ -5,38 +5,54 @@
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-"""This module contains the Administrator Model."""
+"""This module contains the Role Model."""
 __authors__ = [
   '"Todd Larsen" <>',
+  '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
+  '"Pawel Solyga" <>',
-import soc.models.person
+import polymodel
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
+from soc.models import countries
+import soc.models.user
-class Role(soc.models.person.Person):
+class Role(polymodel.PolyModel):
   """Information common to Program participation for all Roles.
-  Role is the entity that is created when a Person actually participates
-  in some fashion in a Program.  Person details could *possibly* be collected
+  Some details of a Role are considered "public" information, and nearly
+  all of these are optional (except for given_name, surname, and email).
+  Other details of a Role are kept "private" and are only provided to
+  other Users in roles that "need to know" this information.  How these
+  fields are revealed is usually covered by Program terms of service.
+  Role is the entity that is created when a User actually participates
+  in some fashion in a Program. Role details could *possibly* be collected
   without actual participation (voluntary, opt-in, of course).
-  A Role is a Person's participation in a single Program.  To avoid
+  A Role is a User's participation in a single Program.  To avoid
   duplication of data entry, facilities will be available for selecting
   an existing Role associated with a particular User to be duplicated for
   participation in a new Program.
-  A Person has to have at least one Role in order to be able to create
+  A User has to have at least one Role in order to be able to create
   any Work (such as a Document) on the site.  The easiest-to-obtain Role is
   probably Club Member (though Clubs can set their own membership criteria).
@@ -52,5 +68,209 @@
      WorksRoles model, representing the Work authored by this Role.
      See the WorksRoles model class for details.
-  pass
+  #: A required many:1 relationship that ties (possibly multiple
+  #: entities of) Role details to a unique User. A Role cannot
+  #: exist unassociated from a login identity and credentials. The
+  #: back-reference in the User model is a Query named 'roles'.
+  user = db.ReferenceProperty(reference_class=soc.models.user.User,
+                              required=True, collection_name='roles')
+  #====================================================================
+  #  (public) name information
+  #====================================================================
+  #: Required field storing the parts of the Role's name
+  #: corresponding to the field names; displayed publicly.
+  #: given_name can only be lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because it is
+  #: used, for example, as part of the shipping (mailing) address.
+  given_name = db.StringProperty(required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('First (given) name'))
+  given_name.help_text = ugettext_lazy('lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Required field storing the parts of the Role's name
+  #: corresponding to the field names; displayed publicly.
+  #: Surname can only be lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because it is
+  #: used, for example, as part of the shipping (mailing) address.
+  surname = db.StringProperty(
+      required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Last (family) name'))
+  surname.help_text = ugettext_lazy('lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Optional field used as a display name, such as for awards
+  #: certificates. Should be the entire display name in the format
+  #: the Role would like it displayed (could be surname followed by
+  #: given name in some cultures, for example). Display names can be
+  #: any valid UTF-8 text.
+  display_name = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Display Name'))
+  display_name.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'Optional field used as a display name, such as for awards '
+      'certificates. Should be the entire display name in the format '
+      'the person would like it displayed (could be family name followed '
+      'by given name in some cultures, for example). Display names can be '
+      'any valid UTF-8 text.')
+  #====================================================================
+  #  (public) contact information
+  #====================================================================
+  #: Required field used as the 'public' contact mechanism for the
+  #: Role (as opposed to the email address which is
+  #: kept secret).
+  email = db.EmailProperty(
+      required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Email Address'))
+  #: Optional field storing Instant Messaging network; displayed publicly.
+  im_network = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('IM Network'))
+  im_network.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'examples:')
+  #: Optional field storing Instant Messaging handle; displayed publicly.
+  im_handle = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('IM Handle'))
+  im_handle.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'personal identifier, such as: screen name, IRC nick, user name')
+  #: Optional field storing a home page URL; displayed publicly.
+  home_page = db.LinkProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Home Page URL'))
+  #: Optional field storing a blog URL; displayed publicly.
+  blog = db.LinkProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Blog URL'))
+  #: Optional field storing a URL to an image, expected to be a
+  #: personal photo (or cartoon avatar, perhaps); displayed publicly.
+  photo_url = db.LinkProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Thumbnail Photo URL'))
+  photo_url.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'URL of 64x64 pixel thumbnail image')
+  #: Optional field storing the latitude provided by the Role; displayed
+  #: publicly.
+  latitude = db.FloatProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Latitude'))
+  latitude.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'decimal degrees northerly (N), use minus sign (-) for southerly (S)')
+  #: Optional field storing the longitude provided by the Role; displayed
+  #: publicly.
+  longitude = db.FloatProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Longitude'))
+  longitude.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'decimal degrees easterly (E), use minus sign (-) for westerly (W)')
+  #====================================================================
+  # (private) contact information
+  #====================================================================
+  #: Required field containing residence street address; kept private.
+  #: Residence street address can only be lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because
+  #: it may be used as a shipping address.
+  res_street = db.StringProperty(required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Street address'))
+  res_street.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'street number and name, lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Required field containing residence address city; kept private.
+  #: Residence city can only be lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because it
+  #: may be used as a shipping address.
+  res_city = db.StringProperty(required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('City'))
+  res_city.help_text = ugettext_lazy('lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Required field containing residence address state or province; kept
+  #: private.  Residence state/province can only be lower ASCII, not UTF-8
+  #: text, because it may be used as a shipping address.
+  res_state = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('State/Province'))
+  res_state.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'optional if country/territory does not have states or provinces, '
+      'lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Required field containing residence address country or territory; kept
+  #: private.
+  res_country = db.StringProperty(required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Country/Territory'),
+      choices=countries.COUNTRIES_AND_TERRITORIES)
+  #: Required field containing residence address postal code (ZIP code in
+  #: the United States); kept private.  Residence postal code can only be
+  #: lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because it may be used as a shipping address.
+  res_postalcode = db.StringProperty(required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('ZIP/Postal Code'))
+  res_postalcode.help_text = ugettext_lazy('lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Optional field containing a separate shipping street address; kept
+  #: private.  If shipping address is not present in its entirety, the
+  #: residence address will be used instead.  Shipping street address can only
+  #: be lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because, if supplied, it is used as a
+  #: shipping address.
+  ship_street = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Street address'))
+  ship_street.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'street number and name, lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Optional field containing shipping address city; kept private.
+  #: Shipping city can only be lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because, if
+  #: supplied, it is used as a shipping address.
+  ship_city = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('City'))
+  ship_city.help_text = ugettext_lazy('lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Optional field containing shipping address state or province; kept
+  #: private.  Shipping state/province can only be lower ASCII, not UTF-8
+  #: text, because, if supplied, it is used as a shipping address.
+  ship_state = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('State/Province'))
+  ship_state.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'optional if country/territory does not have states or provinces, '
+      'lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Optional field containing shipping address country or territory; kept
+  #: private.
+  ship_country = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Country/Territory'),
+      choices=countries.COUNTRIES_AND_TERRITORIES)
+  #: Optional field containing shipping address postal code (ZIP code in
+  #: the United States); kept private.  Shipping postal code can only be
+  #: lower ASCII, not UTF-8 text, because, if supplied, it is used as a
+  #: shipping address.
+  ship_postalcode = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('ZIP/Postal Code'))
+  ship_postalcode.help_text = ugettext_lazy('lower ASCII characters only')
+  #: Required field containing a phone number that will be supplied
+  #: to shippers; kept private.
+  phone = db.PhoneNumberProperty(
+      required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Phone Number'))
+  phone.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'include complete international calling number with country code')
+  #====================================================================
+  # (private) personal information
+  #====================================================================
+  #: Required field containing the Role's birthdate (for
+  #: determining Program participation eligibility); kept private.
+  birth_date = db.DateProperty(
+      required=True,
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('Birth Date'))
+  birth_date.help_text = ugettext_lazy(
+      'required for determining program eligibility')
+  #: Optional field indicating choice of t-shirt, from XXS to XXXL;
+  #: kept private.
+  tshirt_size = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('T-shirt Size'),
+      choices=('XXS', 'XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', 'XXL', 'XXXL'))
+  #: Optional field indicating choice of t-shirt fit; kept private.
+  tshirt_style = db.StringProperty(
+      verbose_name=ugettext_lazy('T-shirt Style'),
+      choices=('male', 'female'))
\ No newline at end of file