changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/django/db/models/sql/	Fri Jul 18 18:22:23 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1528 @@
+Create SQL statements for QuerySets.
+The code in here encapsulates all of the SQL construction so that QuerySets
+themselves do not have to (and could be backed by things other than SQL
+databases). The abstraction barrier only works one way: this module has to know
+all about the internals of models in order to get the information it needs.
+from copy import deepcopy
+from django.utils.tree import Node
+from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from django.dispatch import dispatcher
+from django.db import connection
+from django.db.models import signals
+from django.db.models.sql.where import WhereNode, EverythingNode, AND, OR
+from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Count
+from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
+from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
+from datastructures import EmptyResultSet, Empty, MultiJoin
+from constants import *
+    set
+except NameError:
+    from sets import Set as set     # Python 2.3 fallback
+__all__ = ['Query']
+class Query(object):
+    """
+    A single SQL query.
+    """
+    # SQL join types. These are part of the class because their string forms
+    # vary from database to database and can be customised by a subclass.
+    alias_prefix = 'T'
+    query_terms = QUERY_TERMS
+    def __init__(self, model, connection, where=WhereNode):
+        self.model = model
+        self.connection = connection
+        self.alias_refcount = {}
+        self.alias_map = {}     # Maps alias to join information
+        self.table_map = {}     # Maps table names to list of aliases.
+        self.join_map = {}
+        self.rev_join_map = {}  # Reverse of join_map.
+        self.quote_cache = {}
+        self.default_cols = True
+        self.default_ordering = True
+        self.standard_ordering = True
+        self.ordering_aliases = []
+        self.start_meta = None
+        self.select_fields = []
+        self.related_select_fields = []
+        # SQL-related attributes
+ = []
+        self.tables = []    # Aliases in the order they are created.
+        self.where = where()
+        self.where_class = where
+        self.group_by = []
+        self.having = []
+        self.order_by = []
+        self.low_mark, self.high_mark = 0, None  # Used for offset/limit
+        self.distinct = False
+        self.select_related = False
+        self.related_select_cols = []
+        # Arbitrary maximum limit for select_related. Prevents infinite
+        # recursion. Can be changed by the depth parameter to select_related().
+        self.max_depth = 5
+        # These are for extensions. The contents are more or less appended
+        # verbatim to the appropriate clause.
+        self.extra_select = {}  # Maps col_alias -> col_sql.
+        self.extra_select_params = ()
+        self.extra_tables = ()
+        self.extra_where = ()
+        self.extra_params = ()
+        self.extra_order_by = ()
+    def __str__(self):
+        """
+        Returns the query as a string of SQL with the parameter values
+        substituted in.
+        Parameter values won't necessarily be quoted correctly, since that is
+        done by the database interface at execution time.
+        """
+        sql, params = self.as_sql()
+        return sql % params
+    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+        result= self.clone()
+        memo[id(self)] = result
+        return result
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        """
+        Pickling support.
+        """
+        obj_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
+        del obj_dict['connection']
+        return obj_dict
+    def __setstate__(self, obj_dict):
+        """
+        Unpickling support.
+        """
+        self.__dict__.update(obj_dict)
+        # XXX: Need a better solution for this when multi-db stuff is
+        # supported. It's the only class-reference to the module-level
+        # connection variable.
+        self.connection = connection
+    def get_meta(self):
+        """
+        Returns the Options instance (the model._meta) from which to start
+        processing. Normally, this is self.model._meta, but it can change.
+        """
+        if self.start_meta:
+            return self.start_meta
+        return self.model._meta
+    def quote_name_unless_alias(self, name):
+        """
+        A wrapper around connection.ops.quote_name that doesn't quote aliases
+        for table names. This avoids problems with some SQL dialects that treat
+        quoted strings specially (e.g. PostgreSQL).
+        """
+        if name in self.quote_cache:
+            return self.quote_cache[name]
+        if ((name in self.alias_map and name not in self.table_map) or
+                name in self.extra_select):
+            self.quote_cache[name] = name
+            return name
+        r = self.connection.ops.quote_name(name)
+        self.quote_cache[name] = r
+        return r
+    def clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Creates a copy of the current instance. The 'kwargs' parameter can be
+        used by clients to update attributes after copying has taken place.
+        """
+        obj = Empty()
+        obj.__class__ = klass or self.__class__
+        obj.model = self.model
+        obj.connection = self.connection
+        obj.alias_refcount = self.alias_refcount.copy()
+        obj.alias_map = self.alias_map.copy()
+        obj.table_map = self.table_map.copy()
+        obj.join_map = self.join_map.copy()
+        obj.rev_join_map = self.rev_join_map.copy()
+        obj.quote_cache = {}
+        obj.default_cols = self.default_cols
+        obj.default_ordering = self.default_ordering
+        obj.standard_ordering = self.standard_ordering
+        obj.ordering_aliases = []
+        obj.start_meta = self.start_meta
+        obj.select_fields = self.select_fields[:]
+        obj.related_select_fields = self.related_select_fields[:]
+ =[:]
+        obj.tables = self.tables[:]
+        obj.where = deepcopy(self.where)
+        obj.where_class = self.where_class
+        obj.group_by = self.group_by[:]
+        obj.having = self.having[:]
+        obj.order_by = self.order_by[:]
+        obj.low_mark, obj.high_mark = self.low_mark, self.high_mark
+        obj.distinct = self.distinct
+        obj.select_related = self.select_related
+        obj.related_select_cols = []
+        obj.max_depth = self.max_depth
+        obj.extra_select = self.extra_select.copy()
+        obj.extra_select_params = self.extra_select_params
+        obj.extra_tables = self.extra_tables
+        obj.extra_where = self.extra_where
+        obj.extra_params = self.extra_params
+        obj.extra_order_by = self.extra_order_by
+        obj.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+        if hasattr(obj, '_setup_query'):
+            obj._setup_query()
+        return obj
+    def results_iter(self):
+        """
+        Returns an iterator over the results from executing this query.
+        """
+        resolve_columns = hasattr(self, 'resolve_columns')
+        if resolve_columns:
+            if self.select_fields:
+                fields = self.select_fields + self.related_select_fields
+            else:
+                fields = self.model._meta.fields
+        for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
+            for row in rows:
+                if resolve_columns:
+                    row = self.resolve_columns(row, fields)
+                yield row
+    def get_count(self):
+        """
+        Performs a COUNT() query using the current filter constraints.
+        """
+        from subqueries import CountQuery
+        obj = self.clone()
+        obj.clear_ordering(True)
+        obj.clear_limits()
+        obj.select_related = False
+        obj.related_select_cols = []
+        obj.related_select_fields = []
+        if obj.distinct and len( > 1:
+            obj = self.clone(CountQuery, _query=obj, where=self.where_class(),
+                    distinct=False)
+   = []
+            obj.extra_select = {}
+        obj.add_count_column()
+        data = obj.execute_sql(SINGLE)
+        if not data:
+            return 0
+        number = data[0]
+        # Apply offset and limit constraints manually, since using LIMIT/OFFSET
+        # in SQL (in variants that provide them) doesn't change the COUNT
+        # output.
+        number = max(0, number - self.low_mark)
+        if self.high_mark:
+            number = min(number, self.high_mark - self.low_mark)
+        return number
+    def as_sql(self, with_limits=True, with_col_aliases=False):
+        """
+        Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
+        parameters.
+        If 'with_limits' is False, any limit/offset information is not included
+        in the query.
+        """
+        self.pre_sql_setup()
+        out_cols = self.get_columns(with_col_aliases)
+        ordering = self.get_ordering()
+        # This must come after 'select' and 'ordering' -- see docstring of
+        # get_from_clause() for details.
+        from_, f_params = self.get_from_clause()
+        where, w_params = self.where.as_sql(qn=self.quote_name_unless_alias)
+        params = list(self.extra_select_params)
+        result = ['SELECT']
+        if self.distinct:
+            result.append('DISTINCT')
+        result.append(', '.join(out_cols + self.ordering_aliases))
+        result.append('FROM')
+        result.extend(from_)
+        params.extend(f_params)
+        if where:
+            result.append('WHERE %s' % where)
+            params.extend(w_params)
+        if self.extra_where:
+            if not where:
+                result.append('WHERE')
+            else:
+                result.append('AND')
+            result.append(' AND '.join(self.extra_where))
+        if self.group_by:
+            grouping = self.get_grouping()
+            result.append('GROUP BY %s' % ', '.join(grouping))
+        if ordering:
+            result.append('ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(ordering))
+        # FIXME: Pull this out to make life easier for Oracle et al.
+        if with_limits:
+            if self.high_mark:
+                result.append('LIMIT %d' % (self.high_mark - self.low_mark))
+            if self.low_mark:
+                if not self.high_mark:
+                    val = self.connection.ops.no_limit_value()
+                    if val:
+                        result.append('LIMIT %d' % val)
+                result.append('OFFSET %d' % self.low_mark)
+        params.extend(self.extra_params)
+        return ' '.join(result), tuple(params)
+    def combine(self, rhs, connector):
+        """
+        Merge the 'rhs' query into the current one (with any 'rhs' effects
+        being applied *after* (that is, "to the right of") anything in the
+        current query. 'rhs' is not modified during a call to this function.
+        The 'connector' parameter describes how to connect filters from the
+        'rhs' query.
+        """
+        assert self.model == rhs.model, \
+                "Cannot combine queries on two different base models."
+        assert self.can_filter(), \
+                "Cannot combine queries once a slice has been taken."
+        assert self.distinct == rhs.distinct, \
+            "Cannot combine a unique query with a non-unique query."
+        # Work out how to relabel the rhs aliases, if necessary.
+        change_map = {}
+        used = set()
+        conjunction = (connector == AND)
+        first = True
+        for alias in rhs.tables:
+            if not rhs.alias_refcount[alias]:
+                # An unused alias.
+                continue
+            promote = (rhs.alias_map[alias][JOIN_TYPE] == self.LOUTER)
+            new_alias = self.join(rhs.rev_join_map[alias],
+                    (conjunction and not first), used, promote, not conjunction)
+            used.add(new_alias)
+            change_map[alias] = new_alias
+            first = False
+        # So that we don't exclude valid results in an "or" query combination,
+        # the first join that is exclusive to the lhs (self) must be converted
+        # to an outer join.
+        if not conjunction:
+            for alias in self.tables[1:]:
+                if self.alias_refcount[alias] == 1:
+                    self.promote_alias(alias, True)
+                    break
+        # Now relabel a copy of the rhs where-clause and add it to the current
+        # one.
+        if rhs.where:
+            w = deepcopy(rhs.where)
+            w.relabel_aliases(change_map)
+            if not self.where:
+                # Since 'self' matches everything, add an explicit "include
+                # everything" where-constraint so that connections between the
+                # where clauses won't exclude valid results.
+                self.where.add(EverythingNode(), AND)
+        elif self.where:
+            # rhs has an empty where clause.
+            w = self.where_class()
+            w.add(EverythingNode(), AND)
+        else:
+            w = self.where_class()
+        self.where.add(w, connector)
+        # Selection columns and extra extensions are those provided by 'rhs'.
+ = []
+        for col in
+            if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
+      [0], col[0]), col[1]))
+            else:
+                item = deepcopy(col)
+                item.relabel_aliases(change_map)
+        self.select_fields = rhs.select_fields[:]
+        self.extra_select = rhs.extra_select.copy()
+        self.extra_tables = rhs.extra_tables
+        self.extra_where = rhs.extra_where
+        self.extra_params = rhs.extra_params
+        # Ordering uses the 'rhs' ordering, unless it has none, in which case
+        # the current ordering is used.
+        self.order_by = rhs.order_by and rhs.order_by[:] or self.order_by
+        self.extra_order_by = rhs.extra_order_by or self.extra_order_by
+    def pre_sql_setup(self):
+        """
+        Does any necessary class setup immediately prior to producing SQL. This
+        is for things that can't necessarily be done in __init__ because we
+        might not have all the pieces in place at that time.
+        """
+        if not self.tables:
+            self.join((None, self.model._meta.db_table, None, None))
+        if self.select_related and not self.related_select_cols:
+            self.fill_related_selections()
+    def get_columns(self, with_aliases=False):
+        """
+        Return the list of columns to use in the select statement. If no
+        columns have been specified, returns all columns relating to fields in
+        the model.
+        If 'with_aliases' is true, any column names that are duplicated
+        (without the table names) are given unique aliases. This is needed in
+        some cases to avoid ambiguitity with nested queries.
+        """
+        qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
+        qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
+        result = ['(%s) AS %s' % (col, qn2(alias)) for alias, col in self.extra_select.iteritems()]
+        aliases = set(self.extra_select.keys())
+        if with_aliases:
+            col_aliases = aliases.copy()
+        else:
+            col_aliases = set()
+        if
+            for col in
+                if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
+                    r = '%s.%s' % (qn(col[0]), qn(col[1]))
+                    if with_aliases and col[1] in col_aliases:
+                        c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
+                        result.append('%s AS %s' % (r, c_alias))
+                        aliases.add(c_alias)
+                        col_aliases.add(c_alias)
+                    else:
+                        result.append(r)
+                        aliases.add(r)
+                        col_aliases.add(col[1])
+                else:
+                    result.append(col.as_sql(quote_func=qn))
+                    if hasattr(col, 'alias'):
+                        aliases.add(col.alias)
+                        col_aliases.add(col.alias)
+        elif self.default_cols:
+            cols, new_aliases = self.get_default_columns(with_aliases,
+                    col_aliases)
+            result.extend(cols)
+            aliases.update(new_aliases)
+        for table, col in self.related_select_cols:
+            r = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), qn(col))
+            if with_aliases and col in col_aliases:
+                c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
+                result.append('%s AS %s' % (r, c_alias))
+                aliases.add(c_alias)
+                col_aliases.add(c_alias)
+            else:
+                result.append(r)
+                aliases.add(r)
+                col_aliases.add(col)
+        self._select_aliases = aliases
+        return result
+    def get_default_columns(self, with_aliases=False, col_aliases=None):
+        """
+        Computes the default columns for selecting every field in the base
+        model.
+        Returns a list of strings, quoted appropriately for use in SQL
+        directly, as well as a set of aliases used in the select statement.
+        """
+        result = []
+        table_alias = self.tables[0]
+        root_pk =
+        seen = {None: table_alias}
+        qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
+        qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
+        aliases = set()
+        for field, model in self.model._meta.get_fields_with_model():
+            try:
+                alias = seen[model]
+            except KeyError:
+                alias = self.join((table_alias, model._meta.db_table,
+                        root_pk,
+                seen[model] = alias
+            if with_aliases and field.column in col_aliases:
+                c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
+                result.append('%s.%s AS %s' % (qn(alias),
+                    qn2(field.column), c_alias))
+                col_aliases.add(c_alias)
+                aliases.add(c_alias)
+            else:
+                r = '%s.%s' % (qn(alias), qn2(field.column))
+                result.append(r)
+                aliases.add(r)
+                if with_aliases:
+                    col_aliases.add(field.column)
+        return result, aliases
+    def get_from_clause(self):
+        """
+        Returns a list of strings that are joined together to go after the
+        "FROM" part of the query, as well as a list any extra parameters that
+        need to be included. Sub-classes, can override this to create a
+        from-clause via a "select", for example (e.g. CountQuery).
+        This should only be called after any SQL construction methods that
+        might change the tables we need. This means the select columns and
+        ordering must be done first.
+        """
+        result = []
+        qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
+        qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
+        first = True
+        for alias in self.tables:
+            if not self.alias_refcount[alias]:
+                continue
+            try:
+                name, alias, join_type, lhs, lhs_col, col, nullable = self.alias_map[alias]
+            except KeyError:
+                # Extra tables can end up in self.tables, but not in the
+                # alias_map if they aren't in a join. That's OK. We skip them.
+                continue
+            alias_str = (alias != name and ' %s' % alias or '')
+            if join_type and not first:
+                result.append('%s %s%s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s)'
+                        % (join_type, qn(name), alias_str, qn(lhs),
+                           qn2(lhs_col), qn(alias), qn2(col)))
+            else:
+                connector = not first and ', ' or ''
+                result.append('%s%s%s' % (connector, qn(name), alias_str))
+            first = False
+        for t in self.extra_tables:
+            alias, unused = self.table_alias(t)
+            if alias not in self.alias_map:
+                connector = not first and ', ' or ''
+                result.append('%s%s' % (connector, qn(alias)))
+                first = False
+        return result, []
+    def get_grouping(self):
+        """
+        Returns a tuple representing the SQL elements in the "group by" clause.
+        """
+        qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
+        result = []
+        for col in self.group_by:
+            if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
+                result.append('%s.%s' % (qn(col[0]), qn(col[1])))
+            elif hasattr(col, 'as_sql'):
+                result.append(col.as_sql(qn))
+            else:
+                result.append(str(col))
+        return result
+    def get_ordering(self):
+        """
+        Returns list representing the SQL elements in the "order by" clause.
+        Also sets the ordering_aliases attribute on this instance to a list of
+        extra aliases needed in the select.
+        Determining the ordering SQL can change the tables we need to include,
+        so this should be run *before* get_from_clause().
+        """
+        if self.extra_order_by:
+            ordering = self.extra_order_by
+        elif not self.default_ordering:
+            ordering = []
+        else:
+            ordering = self.order_by or self.model._meta.ordering
+        qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
+        qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
+        distinct = self.distinct
+        select_aliases = self._select_aliases
+        result = []
+        ordering_aliases = []
+        if self.standard_ordering:
+            asc, desc = ORDER_DIR['ASC']
+        else:
+            asc, desc = ORDER_DIR['DESC']
+        for field in ordering:
+            if field == '?':
+                result.append(self.connection.ops.random_function_sql())
+                continue
+            if isinstance(field, int):
+                if field < 0:
+                    order = desc
+                    field = -field
+                else:
+                    order = asc
+                result.append('%s %s' % (field, order))
+                continue
+            if '.' in field:
+                # This came in through an extra(order_by=...) addition. Pass it
+                # on verbatim.
+                col, order = get_order_dir(field, asc)
+                table, col = col.split('.', 1)
+                elt = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), col)
+                if not distinct or elt in select_aliases:
+                    result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
+            elif get_order_dir(field)[0] not in self.extra_select:
+                # 'col' is of the form 'field' or 'field1__field2' or
+                # '-field1__field2__field', etc.
+                for table, col, order in self.find_ordering_name(field,
+                        self.model._meta, default_order=asc):
+                    elt = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), qn2(col))
+                    if distinct and elt not in select_aliases:
+                        ordering_aliases.append(elt)
+                    result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
+            else:
+                col, order = get_order_dir(field, asc)
+                elt = qn(col)
+                if distinct and elt not in select_aliases:
+                    ordering_aliases.append(elt)
+                result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
+        self.ordering_aliases = ordering_aliases
+        return result
+    def find_ordering_name(self, name, opts, alias=None, default_order='ASC',
+            already_seen=None):
+        """
+        Returns the table alias (the name might be ambiguous, the alias will
+        not be) and column name for ordering by the given 'name' parameter.
+        The 'name' is of the form 'field1__field2__...__fieldN'.
+        """
+        name, order = get_order_dir(name, default_order)
+        pieces = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
+        if not alias:
+            alias = self.get_initial_alias()
+        field, target, opts, joins, last = self.setup_joins(pieces, opts,
+                alias, False)
+        alias = joins[-1]
+        col = target.column
+        # If we get to this point and the field is a relation to another model,
+        # append the default ordering for that model.
+        if field.rel and len(joins) > 1 and opts.ordering:
+            # Firstly, avoid infinite loops.
+            if not already_seen:
+                already_seen = set()
+            join_tuple = tuple([self.alias_map[j][TABLE_NAME] for j in joins])
+            if join_tuple in already_seen:
+                raise FieldError('Infinite loop caused by ordering.')
+            already_seen.add(join_tuple)
+            results = []
+            for item in opts.ordering:
+                results.extend(self.find_ordering_name(item, opts, alias,
+                        order, already_seen))
+            return results
+        if alias:
+            # We have to do the same "final join" optimisation as in
+            # add_filter, since the final column might not otherwise be part of
+            # the select set (so we can't order on it).
+            join = self.alias_map[alias]
+            if col == join[RHS_JOIN_COL]:
+                self.unref_alias(alias)
+                alias = join[LHS_ALIAS]
+                col = join[LHS_JOIN_COL]
+        return [(alias, col, order)]
+    def table_alias(self, table_name, create=False):
+        """
+        Returns a table alias for the given table_name and whether this is a
+        new alias or not.
+        If 'create' is true, a new alias is always created. Otherwise, the
+        most recently created alias for the table (if one exists) is reused.
+        """
+        current = self.table_map.get(table_name)
+        if not create and current:
+            alias = current[0]
+            self.alias_refcount[alias] += 1
+            return alias, False
+        # Create a new alias for this table.
+        if current:
+            alias = '%s%d' % (self.alias_prefix, len(self.alias_map) + 1)
+            current.append(alias)
+        else:
+            # The first occurence of a table uses the table name directly.
+            alias = table_name
+            self.table_map[alias] = [alias]
+        self.alias_refcount[alias] = 1
+        #self.alias_map[alias] = None
+        self.tables.append(alias)
+        return alias, True
+    def ref_alias(self, alias):
+        """ Increases the reference count for this alias. """
+        self.alias_refcount[alias] += 1
+    def unref_alias(self, alias):
+        """ Decreases the reference count for this alias. """
+        self.alias_refcount[alias] -= 1
+    def promote_alias(self, alias, unconditional=False):
+        """
+        Promotes the join type of an alias to an outer join if it's possible
+        for the join to contain NULL values on the left. If 'unconditional' is
+        False, the join is only promoted if it is nullable, otherwise it is
+        always promoted.
+        """
+        if ((unconditional or self.alias_map[alias][NULLABLE]) and
+                self.alias_map[alias] != self.LOUTER):
+            data = list(self.alias_map[alias])
+            data[JOIN_TYPE] = self.LOUTER
+            self.alias_map[alias] = tuple(data)
+    def change_aliases(self, change_map):
+        """
+        Changes the aliases in change_map (which maps old-alias -> new-alias),
+        relabelling any references to them in select columns and the where
+        clause.
+        """
+        assert set(change_map.keys()).intersection(set(change_map.values())) == set()
+        # 1. Update references in "select" and "where".
+        self.where.relabel_aliases(change_map)
+        for pos, col in enumerate(
+            if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
+      [pos] = (change_map.get(old_alias, old_alias), col[1])
+            else:
+                col.relabel_aliases(change_map)
+        # 2. Rename the alias in the internal table/alias datastructures.
+        for old_alias, new_alias in change_map.iteritems():
+            alias_data = list(self.alias_map[old_alias])
+            alias_data[RHS_ALIAS] = new_alias
+            t = self.rev_join_map[old_alias]
+            data = list(self.join_map[t])
+            data[data.index(old_alias)] = new_alias
+            self.join_map[t] = tuple(data)
+            self.rev_join_map[new_alias] = t
+            del self.rev_join_map[old_alias]
+            self.alias_refcount[new_alias] = self.alias_refcount[old_alias]
+            del self.alias_refcount[old_alias]
+            self.alias_map[new_alias] = tuple(alias_data)
+            del self.alias_map[old_alias]
+            table_aliases = self.table_map[alias_data[TABLE_NAME]]
+            for pos, alias in enumerate(table_aliases):
+                if alias == old_alias:
+                    table_aliases[pos] = new_alias
+                    break
+            for pos, alias in enumerate(self.tables):
+                if alias == old_alias:
+                    self.tables[pos] = new_alias
+                    break
+        # 3. Update any joins that refer to the old alias.
+        for alias, data in self.alias_map.iteritems():
+            lhs = data[LHS_ALIAS]
+            if lhs in change_map:
+                data = list(data)
+                data[LHS_ALIAS] = change_map[lhs]
+                self.alias_map[alias] = tuple(data)
+    def bump_prefix(self, exceptions=()):
+        """
+        Changes the alias prefix to the next letter in the alphabet and
+        relabels all the aliases. Even tables that previously had no alias will
+        get an alias after this call (it's mostly used for nested queries and
+        the outer query will already be using the non-aliased table name).
+        Subclasses who create their own prefix should override this method to
+        produce a similar result (a new prefix and relabelled aliases).
+        The 'exceptions' parameter is a container that holds alias names which
+        should not be changed.
+        """
+        assert ord(self.alias_prefix) < ord('Z')
+        self.alias_prefix = chr(ord(self.alias_prefix) + 1)
+        change_map = {}
+        prefix = self.alias_prefix
+        for pos, alias in enumerate(self.tables):
+            if alias in exceptions:
+                continue
+            new_alias = '%s%d' % (prefix, pos)
+            change_map[alias] = new_alias
+            self.tables[pos] = new_alias
+        self.change_aliases(change_map)
+    def get_initial_alias(self):
+        """
+        Returns the first alias for this query, after increasing its reference
+        count.
+        """
+        if self.tables:
+            alias = self.tables[0]
+            self.ref_alias(alias)
+        else:
+            alias = self.join((None, self.model._meta.db_table, None, None))
+        return alias
+    def count_active_tables(self):
+        """
+        Returns the number of tables in this query with a non-zero reference
+        count.
+        """
+        return len([1 for count in self.alias_refcount.itervalues() if count])
+    def join(self, connection, always_create=False, exclusions=(),
+            promote=False, outer_if_first=False, nullable=False, reuse=None):
+        """
+        Returns an alias for the join in 'connection', either reusing an
+        existing alias for that join or creating a new one. 'connection' is a
+        tuple (lhs, table, lhs_col, col) where 'lhs' is either an existing
+        table alias or a table name. The join correspods to the SQL equivalent
+        of::
+            lhs.lhs_col = table.col
+        If 'always_create' is True and 'reuse' is None, a new alias is always
+        created, regardless of whether one already exists or not. Otherwise
+        'reuse' must be a set and a new join is created unless one of the
+        aliases in `reuse` can be used.
+        If 'exclusions' is specified, it is something satisfying the container
+        protocol ("foo in exclusions" must work) and specifies a list of
+        aliases that should not be returned, even if they satisfy the join.
+        If 'promote' is True, the join type for the alias will be LOUTER (if
+        the alias previously existed, the join type will be promoted from INNER
+        to LOUTER, if necessary).
+        If 'outer_if_first' is True and a new join is created, it will have the
+        LOUTER join type. This is used when joining certain types of querysets
+        and Q-objects together.
+        If 'nullable' is True, the join can potentially involve NULL values and
+        is a candidate for promotion (to "left outer") when combining querysets.
+        """
+        lhs, table, lhs_col, col = connection
+        if lhs in self.alias_map:
+            lhs_table = self.alias_map[lhs][TABLE_NAME]
+        else:
+            lhs_table = lhs
+        if reuse and always_create and table in self.table_map:
+            # Convert the 'reuse' to case to be "exclude everything but the
+            # reusable set for this table".
+            exclusions = set(self.table_map[table]).difference(reuse)
+            always_create = False
+        t_ident = (lhs_table, table, lhs_col, col)
+        if not always_create:
+            for alias in self.join_map.get(t_ident, ()):
+                if alias not in exclusions:
+                    self.ref_alias(alias)
+                    if promote:
+                        self.promote_alias(alias)
+                    return alias
+        # No reuse is possible, so we need a new alias.
+        alias, _ = self.table_alias(table, True)
+        if not lhs:
+            # Not all tables need to be joined to anything. No join type
+            # means the later columns are ignored.
+            join_type = None
+        elif promote or outer_if_first:
+            join_type = self.LOUTER
+        else:
+            join_type = self.INNER
+        join = (table, alias, join_type, lhs, lhs_col, col, nullable)
+        self.alias_map[alias] = join
+        if t_ident in self.join_map:
+            self.join_map[t_ident] += (alias,)
+        else:
+            self.join_map[t_ident] = (alias,)
+        self.rev_join_map[alias] = t_ident
+        return alias
+    def fill_related_selections(self, opts=None, root_alias=None, cur_depth=1,
+            used=None, requested=None, restricted=None):
+        """
+        Fill in the information needed for a select_related query. The current
+        depth is measured as the number of connections away from the root model
+        (for example, cur_depth=1 means we are looking at models with direct
+        connections to the root model).
+        """
+        if not restricted and self.max_depth and cur_depth > self.max_depth:
+            # We've recursed far enough; bail out.
+            return
+        if not opts:
+            opts = self.get_meta()
+            root_alias = self.get_initial_alias()
+            self.related_select_cols = []
+            self.related_select_fields = []
+        if not used:
+            used = set()
+        # Setup for the case when only particular related fields should be
+        # included in the related selection.
+        if requested is None and restricted is not False:
+            if isinstance(self.select_related, dict):
+                requested = self.select_related
+                restricted = True
+            else:
+                restricted = False
+        for f, model in opts.get_fields_with_model():
+            if (not f.rel or (restricted and not in requested) or
+                    (not restricted and f.null) or f.rel.parent_link):
+                continue
+            table =
+            if model:
+                int_opts = opts
+                alias = root_alias
+                for int_model in opts.get_base_chain(model):
+                    lhs_col = int_opts.parents[int_model].column
+                    int_opts = int_model._meta
+                    alias = self.join((alias, int_opts.db_table, lhs_col,
+                  , exclusions=used,
+                            promote=f.null)
+            else:
+                alias = root_alias
+            alias = self.join((alias, table, f.column,
+                    f.rel.get_related_field().column), exclusions=used,
+                    promote=f.null)
+            used.add(alias)
+            self.related_select_cols.extend([(alias, f2.column)
+                    for f2 in])
+            self.related_select_fields.extend(
+            if restricted:
+                next = requested.get(, {})
+            else:
+                next = False
+            self.fill_related_selections(, alias, cur_depth + 1,
+                    used, next, restricted)
+    def add_filter(self, filter_expr, connector=AND, negate=False, trim=False,
+            can_reuse=None):
+        """
+        Add a single filter to the query. The 'filter_expr' is a pair:
+        (filter_string, value). E.g. ('name__contains', 'fred')
+        If 'negate' is True, this is an exclude() filter. It's important to
+        note that this method does not negate anything in the where-clause
+        object when inserting the filter constraints. This is because negated
+        filters often require multiple calls to add_filter() and the negation
+        should only happen once. So the caller is responsible for this (the
+        caller will normally be add_q(), so that as an example).
+        If 'trim' is True, we automatically trim the final join group (used
+        internally when constructing nested queries).
+        If 'can_reuse' is a set, we are processing a component of a
+        multi-component filter (e.g. filter(Q1, Q2)). In this case, 'can_reuse'
+        will be a set of table aliases that can be reused in this filter, even
+        if we would otherwise force the creation of new aliases for a join
+        (needed for nested Q-filters). The set is updated by this method.
+        """
+        arg, value = filter_expr
+        parts = arg.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
+        if not parts:
+            raise FieldError("Cannot parse keyword query %r" % arg)
+        # Work out the lookup type and remove it from 'parts', if necessary.
+        if len(parts) == 1 or parts[-1] not in self.query_terms:
+            lookup_type = 'exact'
+        else:
+            lookup_type = parts.pop()
+        # Interpret '__exact=None' as the sql 'is NULL'; otherwise, reject all
+        # uses of None as a query value.
+        if value is None:
+            if lookup_type != 'exact':
+                raise ValueError("Cannot use None as a query value")
+            lookup_type = 'isnull'
+            value = True
+        elif callable(value):
+            value = value()
+        opts = self.get_meta()
+        alias = self.get_initial_alias()
+        allow_many = trim or not negate
+        try:
+            field, target, opts, join_list, last = self.setup_joins(parts, opts,
+                    alias, True, allow_many, can_reuse=can_reuse)
+        except MultiJoin, e:
+            self.split_exclude(filter_expr, LOOKUP_SEP.join(parts[:e.level]))
+            return
+        final = len(join_list)
+        penultimate = last.pop()
+        if penultimate == final:
+            penultimate = last.pop()
+        if trim and len(join_list) > 1:
+            extra = join_list[penultimate:]
+            join_list = join_list[:penultimate]
+            final = penultimate
+            penultimate = last.pop()
+            col = self.alias_map[extra[0]][LHS_JOIN_COL]
+            for alias in extra:
+                self.unref_alias(alias)
+        else:
+            col = target.column
+        alias = join_list[-1]
+        if final > 1:
+            # An optimization: if the final join is against the same column as
+            # we are comparing against, we can go back one step in the join
+            # chain and compare against the lhs of the join instead. The result
+            # (potentially) involves one less table join.
+            join = self.alias_map[alias]
+            if col == join[RHS_JOIN_COL]:
+                self.unref_alias(alias)
+                alias = join[LHS_ALIAS]
+                col = join[LHS_JOIN_COL]
+                join_list = join_list[:-1]
+                final -= 1
+                if final == penultimate:
+                    penultimate = last.pop()
+        if (lookup_type == 'isnull' and value is True and not negate and
+                final > 1):
+            # If the comparison is against NULL, we need to use a left outer
+            # join when connecting to the previous model. We make that
+            # adjustment here. We don't do this unless needed as it's less
+            # efficient at the database level.
+            self.promote_alias(join_list[penultimate])
+        if connector == OR:
+            # Some joins may need to be promoted when adding a new filter to a
+            # disjunction. We walk the list of new joins and where it diverges
+            # from any previous joins (ref count is 1 in the table list), we
+            # make the new additions (and any existing ones not used in the new
+            # join list) an outer join.
+            join_it = iter(join_list)
+            table_it = iter(self.tables)
+  ,
+            for join in join_it:
+                table =
+                if join == table and self.alias_refcount[join] > 1:
+                    continue
+                self.promote_alias(join)
+                if table != join:
+                    self.promote_alias(table)
+                break
+            for join in join_it:
+                self.promote_alias(join)
+            for table in table_it:
+                # Some of these will have been promoted from the join_list, but
+                # that's harmless.
+                self.promote_alias(table)
+        self.where.add((alias, col, field, lookup_type, value), connector)
+        if negate:
+            for alias in join_list:
+                self.promote_alias(alias)
+            if final > 1 and lookup_type != 'isnull':
+                for alias in join_list:
+                    if self.alias_map[alias] == self.LOUTER:
+                        j_col = self.alias_map[alias][RHS_JOIN_COL]
+                        entry = Node([(alias, j_col, None, 'isnull', True)])
+                        entry.negate()
+                        self.where.add(entry, AND)
+                        break
+        if can_reuse is not None:
+            can_reuse.update(join_list)
+    def add_q(self, q_object, used_aliases=None):
+        """
+        Adds a Q-object to the current filter.
+        Can also be used to add anything that has an 'add_to_query()' method.
+        """
+        if used_aliases is None:
+            used_aliases = set()
+        if hasattr(q_object, 'add_to_query'):
+            # Complex custom objects are responsible for adding themselves.
+            q_object.add_to_query(self, used_aliases)
+            return
+        if self.where and q_object.connector != AND and len(q_object) > 1:
+            self.where.start_subtree(AND)
+            subtree = True
+        else:
+            subtree = False
+        connector = AND
+        for child in q_object.children:
+            if isinstance(child, Node):
+                self.where.start_subtree(connector)
+                self.add_q(child, used_aliases)
+                self.where.end_subtree()
+            else:
+                self.add_filter(child, connector, q_object.negated,
+                        can_reuse=used_aliases)
+            connector = q_object.connector
+        if q_object.negated:
+            self.where.negate()
+        if subtree:
+            self.where.end_subtree()
+    def setup_joins(self, names, opts, alias, dupe_multis, allow_many=True,
+            allow_explicit_fk=False, can_reuse=None):
+        """
+        Compute the necessary table joins for the passage through the fields
+        given in 'names'. 'opts' is the Options class for the current model
+        (which gives the table we are joining to), 'alias' is the alias for the
+        table we are joining to. If dupe_multis is True, any many-to-many or
+        many-to-one joins will always create a new alias (necessary for
+        disjunctive filters).
+        Returns the final field involved in the join, the target database
+        column (used for any 'where' constraint), the final 'opts' value and the
+        list of tables joined.
+        """
+        joins = [alias]
+        last = [0]
+        for pos, name in enumerate(names):
+            last.append(len(joins))
+            if name == 'pk':
+                name =
+            try:
+                field, model, direct, m2m = opts.get_field_by_name(name)
+            except FieldDoesNotExist:
+                for f in opts.fields:
+                    if allow_explicit_fk and name == f.attname:
+                        # XXX: A hack to allow foo_id to work in values() for
+                        # backwards compatibility purposes. If we dropped that
+                        # feature, this could be removed.
+                        field, model, direct, m2m = opts.get_field_by_name(
+                        break
+                else:
+                    names = opts.get_all_field_names()
+                    raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
+                            "Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(names)))
+            if not allow_many and (m2m or not direct):
+                for alias in joins:
+                    self.unref_alias(alias)
+                raise MultiJoin(pos + 1)
+            if model:
+                # The field lives on a base class of the current model.
+                alias_list = []
+                for int_model in opts.get_base_chain(model):
+                    lhs_col = opts.parents[int_model].column
+                    opts = int_model._meta
+                    alias = self.join((alias, opts.db_table, lhs_col,
+                  , exclusions=joins)
+                    joins.append(alias)
+            cached_data = opts._join_cache.get(name)
+            orig_opts = opts
+            if direct:
+                if m2m:
+                    # Many-to-many field defined on the current model.
+                    if cached_data:
+                        (table1, from_col1, to_col1, table2, from_col2,
+                                to_col2, opts, target) = cached_data
+                    else:
+                        table1 = field.m2m_db_table()
+                        from_col1 =
+                        to_col1 = field.m2m_column_name()
+                        opts =
+                        table2 = opts.db_table
+                        from_col2 = field.m2m_reverse_name()
+                        to_col2 =
+                        target =
+                        orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table1, from_col1,
+                                to_col1, table2, from_col2, to_col2, opts,
+                                target)
+                    int_alias = self.join((alias, table1, from_col1, to_col1),
+                            dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
+                    alias = self.join((int_alias, table2, from_col2, to_col2),
+                            dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
+                    joins.extend([int_alias, alias])
+                elif field.rel:
+                    # One-to-one or many-to-one field
+                    if cached_data:
+                        (table, from_col, to_col, opts, target) = cached_data
+                    else:
+                        opts =
+                        target = field.rel.get_related_field()
+                        table = opts.db_table
+                        from_col = field.column
+                        to_col = target.column
+                        orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table, from_col, to_col,
+                                opts, target)
+                    alias = self.join((alias, table, from_col, to_col),
+                            exclusions=joins, nullable=field.null)
+                    joins.append(alias)
+                else:
+                    # Non-relation fields.
+                    target = field
+                    break
+            else:
+                orig_field = field
+                field = field.field
+                if m2m:
+                    # Many-to-many field defined on the target model.
+                    if cached_data:
+                        (table1, from_col1, to_col1, table2, from_col2,
+                                to_col2, opts, target) = cached_data
+                    else:
+                        table1 = field.m2m_db_table()
+                        from_col1 =
+                        to_col1 = field.m2m_reverse_name()
+                        opts = orig_field.opts
+                        table2 = opts.db_table
+                        from_col2 = field.m2m_column_name()
+                        to_col2 =
+                        target =
+                        orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table1, from_col1,
+                                to_col1, table2, from_col2, to_col2, opts,
+                                target)
+                    int_alias = self.join((alias, table1, from_col1, to_col1),
+                            dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
+                    alias = self.join((int_alias, table2, from_col2, to_col2),
+                            dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
+                    joins.extend([int_alias, alias])
+                else:
+                    # One-to-many field (ForeignKey defined on the target model)
+                    if cached_data:
+                        (table, from_col, to_col, opts, target) = cached_data
+                    else:
+                        local_field = opts.get_field_by_name(
+                                field.rel.field_name)[0]
+                        opts = orig_field.opts
+                        table = opts.db_table
+                        from_col = local_field.column
+                        to_col = field.column
+                        target =
+                        orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table, from_col, to_col,
+                                opts, target)
+                    alias = self.join((alias, table, from_col, to_col),
+                            dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
+                    joins.append(alias)
+        if pos != len(names) - 1:
+            raise FieldError("Join on field %r not permitted." % name)
+        return field, target, opts, joins, last
+    def split_exclude(self, filter_expr, prefix):
+        """
+        When doing an exclude against any kind of N-to-many relation, we need
+        to use a subquery. This method constructs the nested query, given the
+        original exclude filter (filter_expr) and the portion up to the first
+        N-to-many relation field.
+        """
+        query = Query(self.model, self.connection)
+        query.add_filter(filter_expr)
+        query.set_start(prefix)
+        query.clear_ordering(True)
+        self.add_filter(('%s__in' % prefix, query), negate=True, trim=True)
+    def set_limits(self, low=None, high=None):
+        """
+        Adjusts the limits on the rows retrieved. We use low/high to set these,
+        as it makes it more Pythonic to read and write. When the SQL query is
+        created, they are converted to the appropriate offset and limit values.
+        Any limits passed in here are applied relative to the existing
+        constraints. So low is added to the current low value and both will be
+        clamped to any existing high value.
+        """
+        if high:
+            if self.high_mark:
+                self.high_mark = min(self.high_mark, self.low_mark + high)
+            else:
+                self.high_mark = self.low_mark + high
+        if low:
+            if self.high_mark:
+                self.low_mark = min(self.high_mark, self.low_mark + low)
+            else:
+                self.low_mark = self.low_mark + low
+    def clear_limits(self):
+        """
+        Clears any existing limits.
+        """
+        self.low_mark, self.high_mark = 0, None
+    def can_filter(self):
+        """
+        Returns True if adding filters to this instance is still possible.
+        Typically, this means no limits or offsets have been put on the results.
+        """
+        return not (self.low_mark or self.high_mark)
+    def add_fields(self, field_names, allow_m2m=True):
+        """
+        Adds the given (model) fields to the select set. The field names are
+        added in the order specified.
+        """
+        alias = self.get_initial_alias()
+        opts = self.get_meta()
+        try:
+            for name in field_names:
+                field, target, u2, joins, u3 = self.setup_joins(
+                        name.split(LOOKUP_SEP), opts, alias, False, allow_m2m,
+                        True)
+                final_alias = joins[-1]
+                col = target.column
+                if len(joins) > 1:
+                    join = self.alias_map[final_alias]
+                    if col == join[RHS_JOIN_COL]:
+                        self.unref_alias(final_alias)
+                        final_alias = join[LHS_ALIAS]
+                        col = join[LHS_JOIN_COL]
+                        joins = joins[:-1]
+                for join in joins[1:]:
+                    # Only nullable aliases are promoted, so we don't end up
+                    # doing unnecessary left outer joins here.
+                    self.promote_alias(join)
+      , col))
+                self.select_fields.append(field)
+        except MultiJoin:
+            raise FieldError("Invalid field name: '%s'" % name)
+        except FieldError:
+            names = opts.get_all_field_names() + self.extra_select.keys()
+            names.sort()
+            raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
+                    "Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(names)))
+    def add_ordering(self, *ordering):
+        """
+        Adds items from the 'ordering' sequence to the query's "order by"
+        clause. These items are either field names (not column names) --
+        possibly with a direction prefix ('-' or '?') -- or ordinals,
+        corresponding to column positions in the 'select' list.
+        If 'ordering' is empty, all ordering is cleared from the query.
+        """
+        errors = []
+        for item in ordering:
+            if not ORDER_PATTERN.match(item):
+                errors.append(item)
+        if errors:
+            raise FieldError('Invalid order_by arguments: %s' % errors)
+        if ordering:
+            self.order_by.extend(ordering)
+        else:
+            self.default_ordering = False
+    def clear_ordering(self, force_empty=False):
+        """
+        Removes any ordering settings. If 'force_empty' is True, there will be
+        no ordering in the resulting query (not even the model's default).
+        """
+        self.order_by = []
+        self.extra_order_by = ()
+        if force_empty:
+            self.default_ordering = False
+    def add_count_column(self):
+        """
+        Converts the query to do count(...) or count(distinct(pk)) in order to
+        get its size.
+        """
+        # TODO: When group_by support is added, this needs to be adjusted so
+        # that it doesn't totally overwrite the select list.
+        if not self.distinct:
+            if not
+                select = Count()
+            else:
+                assert len( == 1, \
+                        "Cannot add count col with multiple cols in 'select': %r" %
+                select = Count([0])
+        else:
+            opts = self.model._meta
+            if not
+                select = Count((self.join((None, opts.db_table, None, None)),
+              , True)
+            else:
+                # Because of SQL portability issues, multi-column, distinct
+                # counts need a sub-query -- see get_count() for details.
+                assert len( == 1, \
+                        "Cannot add count col with multiple cols in 'select'."
+                select = Count([0], True)
+            # Distinct handling is done in Count(), so don't do it at this
+            # level.
+            self.distinct = False
+ = [select]
+        self.select_fields = [None]
+        self.extra_select = {}
+        self.extra_select_params = ()
+    def add_select_related(self, fields):
+        """
+        Sets up the select_related data structure so that we only select
+        certain related models (as opposed to all models, when
+        self.select_related=True).
+        """
+        field_dict = {}
+        for field in fields:
+            d = field_dict
+            for part in field.split(LOOKUP_SEP):
+                d = d.setdefault(part, {})
+        self.select_related = field_dict
+        self.related_select_cols = []
+        self.related_select_fields = []
+    def add_extra(self, select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by):
+        """
+        Adds data to the various extra_* attributes for user-created additions
+        to the query.
+        """
+        if select:
+            # The extra select might be ordered (because it will be accepting
+            # parameters).
+            if (isinstance(select, SortedDict) and
+                    not isinstance(self.extra_select, SortedDict)):
+                self.extra_select = SortedDict(self.extra_select)
+            self.extra_select.update(select)
+        if select_params:
+            self.extra_select_params += tuple(select_params)
+        if where:
+            self.extra_where += tuple(where)
+        if params:
+            self.extra_params += tuple(params)
+        if tables:
+            self.extra_tables += tuple(tables)
+        if order_by:
+            self.extra_order_by = order_by
+    def trim_extra_select(self, names):
+        """
+        Removes any aliases in the extra_select dictionary that aren't in
+        'names'.
+        This is needed if we are selecting certain values that don't incldue
+        all of the extra_select names.
+        """
+        for key in set(self.extra_select).difference(set(names)):
+            del self.extra_select[key]
+    def set_start(self, start):
+        """
+        Sets the table from which to start joining. The start position is
+        specified by the related attribute from the base model. This will
+        automatically set to the select column to be the column linked from the
+        previous table.
+        This method is primarily for internal use and the error checking isn't
+        as friendly as add_filter(). Mostly useful for querying directly
+        against the join table of many-to-many relation in a subquery.
+        """
+        opts = self.model._meta
+        alias = self.get_initial_alias()
+        field, col, opts, joins, last = self.setup_joins(
+                start.split(LOOKUP_SEP), opts, alias, False)
+        alias = joins[last[-1]]
+ = [(alias, self.alias_map[alias][RHS_JOIN_COL])]
+        self.select_fields = [field]
+        self.start_meta = opts
+        # The call to setup_joins add an extra reference to everything in
+        # joins. So we need to unref everything once, and everything prior to
+        # the final join a second time.
+        for alias in joins:
+            self.unref_alias(alias)
+        for alias in joins[:last[-1]]:
+            self.unref_alias(alias)
+    def execute_sql(self, result_type=MULTI):
+        """
+        Run the query against the database and returns the result(s). The
+        return value is a single data item if result_type is SINGLE, or an
+        iterator over the results if the result_type is MULTI.
+        result_type is either MULTI (use fetchmany() to retrieve all rows),
+        SINGLE (only retrieve a single row), or None (no results expected, but
+        the cursor is returned, since it's used by subclasses such as
+        InsertQuery).
+        """
+        try:
+            sql, params = self.as_sql()
+            if not sql:
+                raise EmptyResultSet
+        except EmptyResultSet:
+            if result_type == MULTI:
+                return empty_iter()
+            else:
+                return
+        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
+        cursor.execute(sql, params)
+        if not result_type:
+            return cursor
+        if result_type == SINGLE:
+            if self.ordering_aliases:
+                return cursor.fetchone()[:-len(results.ordering_aliases)]
+            return cursor.fetchone()
+        # The MULTI case.
+        if self.ordering_aliases:
+            return order_modified_iter(cursor, len(self.ordering_aliases),
+                    self.connection.features.empty_fetchmany_value)
+        return iter((lambda: cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)),
+                self.connection.features.empty_fetchmany_value)
+# Use the backend's custom Query class if it defines one. Otherwise, use the
+# default.
+if connection.features.uses_custom_query_class:
+    Query = connection.ops.query_class(Query)
+def get_order_dir(field, default='ASC'):
+    """
+    Returns the field name and direction for an order specification. For
+    example, '-foo' is returned as ('foo', 'DESC').
+    The 'default' param is used to indicate which way no prefix (or a '+'
+    prefix) should sort. The '-' prefix always sorts the opposite way.
+    """
+    dirn = ORDER_DIR[default]
+    if field[0] == '-':
+        return field[1:], dirn[1]
+    return field, dirn[0]
+def empty_iter():
+    """
+    Returns an iterator containing no results.
+    """
+    yield iter([]).next()
+def order_modified_iter(cursor, trim, sentinel):
+    """
+    Yields blocks of rows from a cursor. We use this iterator in the special
+    case when extra output columns have been added to support ordering
+    requirements. We must trim those extra columns before anything else can use
+    the results, since they're only needed to make the SQL valid.
+    """
+    for rows in iter((lambda: cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)),
+            sentinel):
+        yield [r[:-trim] for r in rows]
+def setup_join_cache(sender):
+    """
+    The information needed to join between model fields is something that is
+    invariant over the life of the model, so we cache it in the model's Options
+    class, rather than recomputing it all the time.
+    This method initialises the (empty) cache when the model is created.
+    """
+    sender._meta._join_cache = {}
+dispatcher.connect(setup_join_cache, signal=signals.class_prepared)