changeset 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
equal deleted inserted replaced
322:6641e941ef1e 323:ff1a9aa48cfd
     1 from django.contrib.gis import forms
     2 # Getting the SpatialBackend container and the geographic quoting method.
     3 from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend, gqn
     4 # GeometryProxy, GEOS, and Distance imports.
     5 from django.contrib.gis.db.models.proxy import GeometryProxy
     6 from django.contrib.gis.measure import Distance
     7 # The `get_srid_info` function gets SRID information from the spatial
     8 # reference system table w/o using the ORM.
     9 from django.contrib.gis.models import get_srid_info
    11 #TODO: Flesh out widgets; consider adding support for OGR Geometry proxies.
    12 class GeometryField(SpatialBackend.Field):
    13     "The base GIS field -- maps to the OpenGIS Specification Geometry type."
    15     # The OpenGIS Geometry name.
    16     _geom = 'GEOMETRY'
    18     # Geodetic units.
    19     geodetic_units = ('Decimal Degree', 'degree')
    21     def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, srid=4326, spatial_index=True, dim=2, **kwargs):
    22         """
    23         The initialization function for geometry fields.  Takes the following
    24         as keyword arguments:
    26         srid:
    27          The spatial reference system identifier, an OGC standard.
    28          Defaults to 4326 (WGS84).
    30         spatial_index:
    31          Indicates whether to create a spatial index.  Defaults to True.
    32          Set this instead of 'db_index' for geographic fields since index
    33          creation is different for geometry columns.
    35         dim:
    36          The number of dimensions for this geometry.  Defaults to 2.
    37         """
    39         # Setting the index flag with the value of the `spatial_index` keyword.
    40         self._index = spatial_index
    42         # Setting the SRID and getting the units.  Unit information must be
    43         # easily available in the field instance for distance queries.
    44         self._srid = srid
    45         self._unit, self._unit_name, self._spheroid = get_srid_info(srid)
    47         # Setting the dimension of the geometry field.
    48         self._dim = dim
    50         # Setting the verbose_name keyword argument with the positional
    51         # first parameter, so this works like normal fields.
    52         kwargs['verbose_name'] = verbose_name
    54         super(GeometryField, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Calling the parent initializtion function
    56     ### Routines specific to GeometryField ###
    57     @property
    58     def geodetic(self):
    59         """
    60         Returns true if this field's SRID corresponds with a coordinate
    61         system that uses non-projected units (e.g., latitude/longitude).
    62         """
    63         return self._unit_name in self.geodetic_units
    65     def get_distance(self, dist_val, lookup_type):
    66         """
    67         Returns a distance number in units of the field.  For example, if
    68         `D(km=1)` was passed in and the units of the field were in meters,
    69         then 1000 would be returned.
    70         """
    71         # Getting the distance parameter and any options.
    72         if len(dist_val) == 1: dist, option = dist_val[0], None
    73         else: dist, option = dist_val
    75         if isinstance(dist, Distance):
    76             if self.geodetic:
    77                 # Won't allow Distance objects w/DWithin lookups on PostGIS.
    78                 if SpatialBackend.postgis and lookup_type == 'dwithin':
    79                     raise TypeError('Only numeric values of degree units are allowed on geographic DWithin queries.')
    80                 # Spherical distance calculation parameter should be in meters.
    81                 dist_param = dist.m
    82             else:
    83                 dist_param = getattr(dist, Distance.unit_attname(self._unit_name))
    84         else:
    85             # Assuming the distance is in the units of the field.
    86             dist_param = dist
    88         if SpatialBackend.postgis and self.geodetic and lookup_type != 'dwithin' and option == 'spheroid':
    89             # On PostGIS, by default `ST_distance_sphere` is used; but if the
    90             # accuracy of `ST_distance_spheroid` is needed than the spheroid
    91             # needs to be passed to the SQL stored procedure.
    92             return [gqn(self._spheroid), dist_param]
    93         else:
    94             return [dist_param]
    96     def get_geometry(self, value):
    97         """
    98         Retrieves the geometry, setting the default SRID from the given
    99         lookup parameters.
   100         """
   101         if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
   102             geom = value[0]
   103         else:
   104             geom = value
   106         # When the input is not a GEOS geometry, attempt to construct one
   107         # from the given string input.
   108         if isinstance(geom, SpatialBackend.Geometry):
   109             pass
   110         elif isinstance(geom, basestring):
   111             try:
   112                 geom = SpatialBackend.Geometry(geom)
   113             except SpatialBackend.GeometryException:
   114                 raise ValueError('Could not create geometry from lookup value: %s' % str(value))
   115         else:
   116             raise TypeError('Cannot use parameter of `%s` type as lookup parameter.' % type(value))
   118         # Assigning the SRID value.
   119         geom.srid = self.get_srid(geom)
   121         return geom
   123     def get_srid(self, geom):
   124         """
   125         Returns the default SRID for the given geometry, taking into account
   126         the SRID set for the field.  For example, if the input geometry
   127         has no SRID, then that of the field will be returned.
   128         """
   129         gsrid = geom.srid # SRID of given geometry.
   130         if gsrid is None or self._srid == -1 or (gsrid == -1 and self._srid != -1):
   131             return self._srid
   132         else:
   133             return gsrid
   135     ### Routines overloaded from Field ###
   136     def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
   137         super(GeometryField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)
   139         # Setup for lazy-instantiated Geometry object.
   140         setattr(cls, self.attname, GeometryProxy(SpatialBackend.Geometry, self))
   142     def formfield(self, **kwargs):
   143         defaults = {'form_class' : forms.GeometryField,
   144                     'geom_type' : self._geom,
   145                     'null' : self.null,
   146                     }
   147         defaults.update(kwargs)
   148         return super(GeometryField, self).formfield(**defaults)
   150     def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
   151         """
   152         Returns the spatial WHERE clause and associated parameters for the
   153         given lookup type and value.  The value will be prepared for database
   154         lookup (e.g., spatial transformation SQL will be added if necessary).
   155         """
   156         if lookup_type in SpatialBackend.gis_terms:
   157             # special case for isnull lookup
   158             if lookup_type == 'isnull': return [], []
   160             # Get the geometry with SRID; defaults SRID to that of the field
   161             # if it is None.
   162             geom = self.get_geometry(value)
   164             # Getting the WHERE clause list and the associated params list. The params
   165             # list is populated with the Adaptor wrapping the Geometry for the
   166             # backend.  The WHERE clause list contains the placeholder for the adaptor
   167             # (e.g. any transformation SQL).
   168             where = [self.get_placeholder(geom)]
   169             params = [SpatialBackend.Adaptor(geom)]
   171             if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
   172                 if lookup_type in SpatialBackend.distance_functions:
   173                     # Getting the distance parameter in the units of the field.
   174                     where += self.get_distance(value[1:], lookup_type)
   175                 elif lookup_type in SpatialBackend.limited_where:
   176                     pass
   177                 else:
   178                     # Otherwise, making sure any other parameters are properly quoted.
   179                     where += map(gqn, value[1:])
   180             return where, params
   181         else:
   182             raise TypeError("Field has invalid lookup: %s" % lookup_type)
   184     def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
   185         "Prepares the value for saving in the database."
   186         if value is None:
   187             return None
   188         else:
   189             return SpatialBackend.Adaptor(self.get_geometry(value))
   191 # The OpenGIS Geometry Type Fields
   192 class PointField(GeometryField):
   193     _geom = 'POINT'
   195 class LineStringField(GeometryField):
   196     _geom = 'LINESTRING'
   198 class PolygonField(GeometryField):
   199     _geom = 'POLYGON'
   201 class MultiPointField(GeometryField):
   202     _geom = 'MULTIPOINT'
   204 class MultiLineStringField(GeometryField):
   205     _geom = 'MULTILINESTRING'
   207 class MultiPolygonField(GeometryField):
   208     _geom = 'MULTIPOLYGON'
   210 class GeometryCollectionField(GeometryField):
   211     _geom = 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION'