1 /* Functions for the advlink plugin popup */ |
2 |
3 tinyMCEPopup.requireLangPack(); |
4 |
5 var templates = { |
6 "window.open" : "window.open('${url}','${target}','${options}')" |
7 }; |
8 |
9 function preinit() { |
10 var url; |
11 |
12 if (url = tinyMCEPopup.getParam("external_link_list_url")) |
13 document.write('<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' + tinyMCEPopup.editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url) + '"></script>'); |
14 } |
15 |
16 function changeClass() { |
17 var f = document.forms[0]; |
18 |
19 f.classes.value = getSelectValue(f, 'classlist'); |
20 } |
21 |
22 function init() { |
23 tinyMCEPopup.resizeToInnerSize(); |
24 |
25 var formObj = document.forms[0]; |
26 var inst = tinyMCEPopup.editor; |
27 var elm = inst.selection.getNode(); |
28 var action = "insert"; |
29 var html; |
30 |
31 document.getElementById('hrefbrowsercontainer').innerHTML = getBrowserHTML('hrefbrowser','href','file','advlink'); |
32 document.getElementById('popupurlbrowsercontainer').innerHTML = getBrowserHTML('popupurlbrowser','popupurl','file','advlink'); |
33 document.getElementById('linklisthrefcontainer').innerHTML = getLinkListHTML('linklisthref','href'); |
34 document.getElementById('anchorlistcontainer').innerHTML = getAnchorListHTML('anchorlist','href'); |
35 document.getElementById('targetlistcontainer').innerHTML = getTargetListHTML('targetlist','target'); |
36 |
37 // Link list |
38 html = getLinkListHTML('linklisthref','href'); |
39 if (html == "") |
40 document.getElementById("linklisthrefrow").style.display = 'none'; |
41 else |
42 document.getElementById("linklisthrefcontainer").innerHTML = html; |
43 |
44 // Resize some elements |
45 if (isVisible('hrefbrowser')) |
46 document.getElementById('href').style.width = '260px'; |
47 |
48 if (isVisible('popupurlbrowser')) |
49 document.getElementById('popupurl').style.width = '180px'; |
50 |
51 elm = inst.dom.getParent(elm, "A"); |
52 if (elm != null && elm.nodeName == "A") |
53 action = "update"; |
54 |
55 formObj.insert.value = tinyMCEPopup.getLang(action, 'Insert', true); |
56 |
57 setPopupControlsDisabled(true); |
58 |
59 if (action == "update") { |
60 var href = inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'href'); |
61 var onclick = inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onclick'); |
62 |
63 // Setup form data |
64 setFormValue('href', href); |
65 setFormValue('title', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'title')); |
66 setFormValue('id', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'id')); |
67 setFormValue('style', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, "style")); |
68 setFormValue('rel', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'rel')); |
69 setFormValue('rev', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'rev')); |
70 setFormValue('charset', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'charset')); |
71 setFormValue('hreflang', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'hreflang')); |
72 setFormValue('dir', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'dir')); |
73 setFormValue('lang', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'lang')); |
74 setFormValue('tabindex', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'tabindex', typeof(elm.tabindex) != "undefined" ? elm.tabindex : "")); |
75 setFormValue('accesskey', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'accesskey', typeof(elm.accesskey) != "undefined" ? elm.accesskey : "")); |
76 setFormValue('type', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'type')); |
77 setFormValue('onfocus', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onfocus')); |
78 setFormValue('onblur', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onblur')); |
79 setFormValue('onclick', onclick); |
80 setFormValue('ondblclick', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'ondblclick')); |
81 setFormValue('onmousedown', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmousedown')); |
82 setFormValue('onmouseup', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmouseup')); |
83 setFormValue('onmouseover', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmouseover')); |
84 setFormValue('onmousemove', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmousemove')); |
85 setFormValue('onmouseout', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onmouseout')); |
86 setFormValue('onkeypress', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onkeypress')); |
87 setFormValue('onkeydown', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onkeydown')); |
88 setFormValue('onkeyup', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'onkeyup')); |
89 setFormValue('target', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'target')); |
90 setFormValue('classes', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'class')); |
91 |
92 // Parse onclick data |
93 if (onclick != null && onclick.indexOf('window.open') != -1) |
94 parseWindowOpen(onclick); |
95 else |
96 parseFunction(onclick); |
97 |
98 // Select by the values |
99 selectByValue(formObj, 'dir', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'dir')); |
100 selectByValue(formObj, 'rel', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'rel')); |
101 selectByValue(formObj, 'rev', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'rev')); |
102 selectByValue(formObj, 'linklisthref', href); |
103 |
104 if (href.charAt(0) == '#') |
105 selectByValue(formObj, 'anchorlist', href); |
106 |
107 addClassesToList('classlist', 'advlink_styles'); |
108 |
109 selectByValue(formObj, 'classlist', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'class'), true); |
110 selectByValue(formObj, 'targetlist', inst.dom.getAttrib(elm, 'target'), true); |
111 } else |
112 addClassesToList('classlist', 'advlink_styles'); |
113 } |
114 |
115 function checkPrefix(n) { |
116 if (n.value && Validator.isEmail(n) && !/^\s*mailto:/i.test(n.value) && confirm(tinyMCEPopup.getLang('advlink_dlg.is_email'))) |
117 n.value = 'mailto:' + n.value; |
118 |
119 if (/^\s*www./i.test(n.value) && confirm(tinyMCEPopup.getLang('advlink_dlg.is_external'))) |
120 n.value = 'http://' + n.value; |
121 } |
122 |
123 function setFormValue(name, value) { |
124 document.forms[0].elements[name].value = value; |
125 } |
126 |
127 function parseWindowOpen(onclick) { |
128 var formObj = document.forms[0]; |
129 |
130 // Preprocess center code |
131 if (onclick.indexOf('return false;') != -1) { |
132 formObj.popupreturn.checked = true; |
133 onclick = onclick.replace('return false;', ''); |
134 } else |
135 formObj.popupreturn.checked = false; |
136 |
137 var onClickData = parseLink(onclick); |
138 |
139 if (onClickData != null) { |
140 formObj.ispopup.checked = true; |
141 setPopupControlsDisabled(false); |
142 |
143 var onClickWindowOptions = parseOptions(onClickData['options']); |
144 var url = onClickData['url']; |
145 |
146 formObj.popupname.value = onClickData['target']; |
147 formObj.popupurl.value = url; |
148 formObj.popupwidth.value = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'width'); |
149 formObj.popupheight.value = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'height'); |
150 |
151 formObj.popupleft.value = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'left'); |
152 formObj.popuptop.value = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'top'); |
153 |
154 if (formObj.popupleft.value.indexOf('screen') != -1) |
155 formObj.popupleft.value = "c"; |
156 |
157 if (formObj.popuptop.value.indexOf('screen') != -1) |
158 formObj.popuptop.value = "c"; |
159 |
160 formObj.popuplocation.checked = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'location') == "yes"; |
161 formObj.popupscrollbars.checked = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'scrollbars') == "yes"; |
162 formObj.popupmenubar.checked = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'menubar') == "yes"; |
163 formObj.popupresizable.checked = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'resizable') == "yes"; |
164 formObj.popuptoolbar.checked = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'toolbar') == "yes"; |
165 formObj.popupstatus.checked = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'status') == "yes"; |
166 formObj.popupdependent.checked = getOption(onClickWindowOptions, 'dependent') == "yes"; |
167 |
168 buildOnClick(); |
169 } |
170 } |
171 |
172 function parseFunction(onclick) { |
173 var formObj = document.forms[0]; |
174 var onClickData = parseLink(onclick); |
175 |
176 // TODO: Add stuff here |
177 } |
178 |
179 function getOption(opts, name) { |
180 return typeof(opts[name]) == "undefined" ? "" : opts[name]; |
181 } |
182 |
183 function setPopupControlsDisabled(state) { |
184 var formObj = document.forms[0]; |
185 |
186 formObj.popupname.disabled = state; |
187 formObj.popupurl.disabled = state; |
188 formObj.popupwidth.disabled = state; |
189 formObj.popupheight.disabled = state; |
190 formObj.popupleft.disabled = state; |
191 formObj.popuptop.disabled = state; |
192 formObj.popuplocation.disabled = state; |
193 formObj.popupscrollbars.disabled = state; |
194 formObj.popupmenubar.disabled = state; |
195 formObj.popupresizable.disabled = state; |
196 formObj.popuptoolbar.disabled = state; |
197 formObj.popupstatus.disabled = state; |
198 formObj.popupreturn.disabled = state; |
199 formObj.popupdependent.disabled = state; |
200 |
201 setBrowserDisabled('popupurlbrowser', state); |
202 } |
203 |
204 function parseLink(link) { |
205 link = link.replace(new RegExp(''', 'g'), "'"); |
206 |
207 var fnName = link.replace(new RegExp("\\s*([A-Za-z0-9\.]*)\\s*\\(.*", "gi"), "$1"); |
208 |
209 // Is function name a template function |
210 var template = templates[fnName]; |
211 if (template) { |
212 // Build regexp |
213 var variableNames = template.match(new RegExp("'?\\$\\{[A-Za-z0-9\.]*\\}'?", "gi")); |
214 var regExp = "\\s*[A-Za-z0-9\.]*\\s*\\("; |
215 var replaceStr = ""; |
216 for (var i=0; i<variableNames.length; i++) { |
217 // Is string value |
218 if (variableNames[i].indexOf("'${") != -1) |
219 regExp += "'(.*)'"; |
220 else // Number value |
221 regExp += "([0-9]*)"; |
222 |
223 replaceStr += "$" + (i+1); |
224 |
225 // Cleanup variable name |
226 variableNames[i] = variableNames[i].replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "gi"), ""); |
227 |
228 if (i != variableNames.length-1) { |
229 regExp += "\\s*,\\s*"; |
230 replaceStr += "<delim>"; |
231 } else |
232 regExp += ".*"; |
233 } |
234 |
235 regExp += "\\);?"; |
236 |
237 // Build variable array |
238 var variables = []; |
239 variables["_function"] = fnName; |
240 var variableValues = link.replace(new RegExp(regExp, "gi"), replaceStr).split('<delim>'); |
241 for (var i=0; i<variableNames.length; i++) |
242 variables[variableNames[i]] = variableValues[i]; |
243 |
244 return variables; |
245 } |
246 |
247 return null; |
248 } |
249 |
250 function parseOptions(opts) { |
251 if (opts == null || opts == "") |
252 return []; |
253 |
254 // Cleanup the options |
255 opts = opts.toLowerCase(); |
256 opts = opts.replace(/;/g, ","); |
257 opts = opts.replace(/[^0-9a-z=,]/g, ""); |
258 |
259 var optionChunks = opts.split(','); |
260 var options = []; |
261 |
262 for (var i=0; i<optionChunks.length; i++) { |
263 var parts = optionChunks[i].split('='); |
264 |
265 if (parts.length == 2) |
266 options[parts[0]] = parts[1]; |
267 } |
268 |
269 return options; |
270 } |
271 |
272 function buildOnClick() { |
273 var formObj = document.forms[0]; |
274 |
275 if (!formObj.ispopup.checked) { |
276 formObj.onclick.value = ""; |
277 return; |
278 } |
279 |
280 var onclick = "window.open('"; |
281 var url = formObj.popupurl.value; |
282 |
283 onclick += url + "','"; |
284 onclick += formObj.popupname.value + "','"; |
285 |
286 if (formObj.popuplocation.checked) |
287 onclick += "location=yes,"; |
288 |
289 if (formObj.popupscrollbars.checked) |
290 onclick += "scrollbars=yes,"; |
291 |
292 if (formObj.popupmenubar.checked) |
293 onclick += "menubar=yes,"; |
294 |
295 if (formObj.popupresizable.checked) |
296 onclick += "resizable=yes,"; |
297 |
298 if (formObj.popuptoolbar.checked) |
299 onclick += "toolbar=yes,"; |
300 |
301 if (formObj.popupstatus.checked) |
302 onclick += "status=yes,"; |
303 |
304 if (formObj.popupdependent.checked) |
305 onclick += "dependent=yes,"; |
306 |
307 if (formObj.popupwidth.value != "") |
308 onclick += "width=" + formObj.popupwidth.value + ","; |
309 |
310 if (formObj.popupheight.value != "") |
311 onclick += "height=" + formObj.popupheight.value + ","; |
312 |
313 if (formObj.popupleft.value != "") { |
314 if (formObj.popupleft.value != "c") |
315 onclick += "left=" + formObj.popupleft.value + ","; |
316 else |
317 onclick += "left='+(screen.availWidth/2-" + (formObj.popupwidth.value/2) + ")+',"; |
318 } |
319 |
320 if (formObj.popuptop.value != "") { |
321 if (formObj.popuptop.value != "c") |
322 onclick += "top=" + formObj.popuptop.value + ","; |
323 else |
324 onclick += "top='+(screen.availHeight/2-" + (formObj.popupheight.value/2) + ")+',"; |
325 } |
326 |
327 if (onclick.charAt(onclick.length-1) == ',') |
328 onclick = onclick.substring(0, onclick.length-1); |
329 |
330 onclick += "');"; |
331 |
332 if (formObj.popupreturn.checked) |
333 onclick += "return false;"; |
334 |
335 // tinyMCE.debug(onclick); |
336 |
337 formObj.onclick.value = onclick; |
338 |
339 if (formObj.href.value == "") |
340 formObj.href.value = url; |
341 } |
342 |
343 function setAttrib(elm, attrib, value) { |
344 var formObj = document.forms[0]; |
345 var valueElm = formObj.elements[attrib.toLowerCase()]; |
346 var dom = tinyMCEPopup.editor.dom; |
347 |
348 if (typeof(value) == "undefined" || value == null) { |
349 value = ""; |
350 |
351 if (valueElm) |
352 value = valueElm.value; |
353 } |
354 |
355 // Clean up the style |
356 if (attrib == 'style') |
357 value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value)); |
358 |
359 dom.setAttrib(elm, attrib, value); |
360 } |
361 |
362 function getAnchorListHTML(id, target) { |
363 var inst = tinyMCEPopup.editor; |
364 var nodes = inst.dom.select('a.mceItemAnchor,img.mceItemAnchor'), name, i; |
365 var html = ""; |
366 |
367 html += '<select id="' + id + '" name="' + id + '" class="mceAnchorList" o2nfocus="tinyMCE.addSelectAccessibility(event, this, window);" onchange="this.form.' + target + '.value='; |
368 html += 'this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">'; |
369 html += '<option value="">---</option>'; |
370 |
371 for (i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) { |
372 if ((name = inst.dom.getAttrib(nodes[i], "name")) != "") |
373 html += '<option value="#' + name + '">' + name + '</option>'; |
374 } |
375 |
376 html += '</select>'; |
377 |
378 return html; |
379 } |
380 |
381 function insertAction() { |
382 var inst = tinyMCEPopup.editor; |
383 var elm, elementArray, i; |
384 |
385 elm = inst.selection.getNode(); |
386 checkPrefix(document.forms[0].href); |
387 |
388 elm = inst.dom.getParent(elm, "A"); |
389 |
390 // Remove element if there is no href |
391 if (!document.forms[0].href.value) { |
392 tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("mceBeginUndoLevel"); |
393 i = inst.selection.getBookmark(); |
394 inst.dom.remove(elm, 1); |
395 inst.selection.moveToBookmark(i); |
396 tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("mceEndUndoLevel"); |
397 tinyMCEPopup.close(); |
398 return; |
399 } |
400 |
401 tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("mceBeginUndoLevel"); |
402 |
403 // Create new anchor elements |
404 if (elm == null) { |
405 tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("CreateLink", false, "#mce_temp_url#", {skip_undo : 1}); |
406 |
407 elementArray = tinymce.grep(inst.dom.select("a"), function(n) {return inst.dom.getAttrib(n, 'href') == '#mce_temp_url#';}); |
408 for (i=0; i<elementArray.length; i++) |
409 setAllAttribs(elm = elementArray[i]); |
410 } else |
411 setAllAttribs(elm); |
412 |
413 // Don't move caret if selection was image |
414 if (elm.childNodes.length != 1 || elm.firstChild.nodeName != 'IMG') { |
415 inst.focus(); |
416 inst.selection.select(elm); |
417 inst.selection.collapse(0); |
418 tinyMCEPopup.storeSelection(); |
419 } |
420 |
421 tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("mceEndUndoLevel"); |
422 tinyMCEPopup.close(); |
423 } |
424 |
425 function setAllAttribs(elm) { |
426 var formObj = document.forms[0]; |
427 var href = formObj.href.value; |
428 var target = getSelectValue(formObj, 'targetlist'); |
429 |
430 setAttrib(elm, 'href', href); |
431 setAttrib(elm, 'title'); |
432 setAttrib(elm, 'target', target == '_self' ? '' : target); |
433 setAttrib(elm, 'id'); |
434 setAttrib(elm, 'style'); |
435 setAttrib(elm, 'class', getSelectValue(formObj, 'classlist')); |
436 setAttrib(elm, 'rel'); |
437 setAttrib(elm, 'rev'); |
438 setAttrib(elm, 'charset'); |
439 setAttrib(elm, 'hreflang'); |
440 setAttrib(elm, 'dir'); |
441 setAttrib(elm, 'lang'); |
442 setAttrib(elm, 'tabindex'); |
443 setAttrib(elm, 'accesskey'); |
444 setAttrib(elm, 'type'); |
445 setAttrib(elm, 'onfocus'); |
446 setAttrib(elm, 'onblur'); |
447 setAttrib(elm, 'onclick'); |
448 setAttrib(elm, 'ondblclick'); |
449 setAttrib(elm, 'onmousedown'); |
450 setAttrib(elm, 'onmouseup'); |
451 setAttrib(elm, 'onmouseover'); |
452 setAttrib(elm, 'onmousemove'); |
453 setAttrib(elm, 'onmouseout'); |
454 setAttrib(elm, 'onkeypress'); |
455 setAttrib(elm, 'onkeydown'); |
456 setAttrib(elm, 'onkeyup'); |
457 |
458 // Refresh in old MSIE |
459 if (tinyMCE.isMSIE5) |
460 elm.outerHTML = elm.outerHTML; |
461 } |
462 |
463 function getSelectValue(form_obj, field_name) { |
464 var elm = form_obj.elements[field_name]; |
465 |
466 if (!elm || elm.options == null || elm.selectedIndex == -1) |
467 return ""; |
468 |
469 return elm.options[elm.selectedIndex].value; |
470 } |
471 |
472 function getLinkListHTML(elm_id, target_form_element, onchange_func) { |
473 if (typeof(tinyMCELinkList) == "undefined" || tinyMCELinkList.length == 0) |
474 return ""; |
475 |
476 var html = ""; |
477 |
478 html += '<select id="' + elm_id + '" name="' + elm_id + '"'; |
479 html += ' class="mceLinkList" onfoc2us="tinyMCE.addSelectAccessibility(event, this, window);" onchange="this.form.' + target_form_element + '.value='; |
480 html += 'this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'; |
481 |
482 if (typeof(onchange_func) != "undefined") |
483 html += onchange_func + '(\'' + target_form_element + '\',this.options[this.selectedIndex].text,this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);'; |
484 |
485 html += '"><option value="">---</option>'; |
486 |
487 for (var i=0; i<tinyMCELinkList.length; i++) |
488 html += '<option value="' + tinyMCELinkList[i][1] + '">' + tinyMCELinkList[i][0] + '</option>'; |
489 |
490 html += '</select>'; |
491 |
492 return html; |
493 |
494 // tinyMCE.debug('-- image list start --', html, '-- image list end --'); |
495 } |
496 |
497 function getTargetListHTML(elm_id, target_form_element) { |
498 var targets = tinyMCEPopup.getParam('theme_advanced_link_targets', '').split(';'); |
499 var html = ''; |
500 |
501 html += '<select id="' + elm_id + '" name="' + elm_id + '" onf2ocus="tinyMCE.addSelectAccessibility(event, this, window);" onchange="this.form.' + target_form_element + '.value='; |
502 html += 'this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">'; |
503 html += '<option value="_self">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('advlink_dlg.target_same') + '</option>'; |
504 html += '<option value="_blank">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('advlink_dlg.target_blank') + ' (_blank)</option>'; |
505 html += '<option value="_parent">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('advlink_dlg.target_parent') + ' (_parent)</option>'; |
506 html += '<option value="_top">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('advlink_dlg.target_top') + ' (_top)</option>'; |
507 |
508 for (var i=0; i<targets.length; i++) { |
509 var key, value; |
510 |
511 if (targets[i] == "") |
512 continue; |
513 |
514 key = targets[i].split('=')[0]; |
515 value = targets[i].split('=')[1]; |
516 |
517 html += '<option value="' + key + '">' + value + ' (' + key + ')</option>'; |
518 } |
519 |
520 html += '</select>'; |
521 |
522 return html; |
523 } |
524 |
525 // While loading |
526 preinit(); |
527 tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(init); |