changeset 54 03e267d67478
child 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
equal deleted inserted replaced
53:57b4279d8c4e 54:03e267d67478
     1 """
     2 Create SQL statements for QuerySets.
     4 The code in here encapsulates all of the SQL construction so that QuerySets
     5 themselves do not have to (and could be backed by things other than SQL
     6 databases). The abstraction barrier only works one way: this module has to know
     7 all about the internals of models in order to get the information it needs.
     8 """
    10 from copy import deepcopy
    12 from django.utils.tree import Node
    13 from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
    14 from django.dispatch import dispatcher
    15 from django.db import connection
    16 from django.db.models import signals
    17 from django.db.models.sql.where import WhereNode, EverythingNode, AND, OR
    18 from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Count
    19 from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
    20 from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
    21 from datastructures import EmptyResultSet, Empty, MultiJoin
    22 from constants import *
    24 try:
    25     set
    26 except NameError:
    27     from sets import Set as set     # Python 2.3 fallback
    29 __all__ = ['Query']
    31 class Query(object):
    32     """
    33     A single SQL query.
    34     """
    35     # SQL join types. These are part of the class because their string forms
    36     # vary from database to database and can be customised by a subclass.
    37     INNER = 'INNER JOIN'
    40     alias_prefix = 'T'
    41     query_terms = QUERY_TERMS
    43     def __init__(self, model, connection, where=WhereNode):
    44         self.model = model
    45         self.connection = connection
    46         self.alias_refcount = {}
    47         self.alias_map = {}     # Maps alias to join information
    48         self.table_map = {}     # Maps table names to list of aliases.
    49         self.join_map = {}
    50         self.rev_join_map = {}  # Reverse of join_map.
    51         self.quote_cache = {}
    52         self.default_cols = True
    53         self.default_ordering = True
    54         self.standard_ordering = True
    55         self.ordering_aliases = []
    56         self.start_meta = None
    57         self.select_fields = []
    58         self.related_select_fields = []
    60         # SQL-related attributes
    61 = []
    62         self.tables = []    # Aliases in the order they are created.
    63         self.where = where()
    64         self.where_class = where
    65         self.group_by = []
    66         self.having = []
    67         self.order_by = []
    68         self.low_mark, self.high_mark = 0, None  # Used for offset/limit
    69         self.distinct = False
    70         self.select_related = False
    71         self.related_select_cols = []
    73         # Arbitrary maximum limit for select_related. Prevents infinite
    74         # recursion. Can be changed by the depth parameter to select_related().
    75         self.max_depth = 5
    77         # These are for extensions. The contents are more or less appended
    78         # verbatim to the appropriate clause.
    79         self.extra_select = {}  # Maps col_alias -> col_sql.
    80         self.extra_select_params = ()
    81         self.extra_tables = ()
    82         self.extra_where = ()
    83         self.extra_params = ()
    84         self.extra_order_by = ()
    86     def __str__(self):
    87         """
    88         Returns the query as a string of SQL with the parameter values
    89         substituted in.
    91         Parameter values won't necessarily be quoted correctly, since that is
    92         done by the database interface at execution time.
    93         """
    94         sql, params = self.as_sql()
    95         return sql % params
    97     def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
    98         result= self.clone()
    99         memo[id(self)] = result
   100         return result
   102     def __getstate__(self):
   103         """
   104         Pickling support.
   105         """
   106         obj_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
   107         del obj_dict['connection']
   108         return obj_dict
   110     def __setstate__(self, obj_dict):
   111         """
   112         Unpickling support.
   113         """
   114         self.__dict__.update(obj_dict)
   115         # XXX: Need a better solution for this when multi-db stuff is
   116         # supported. It's the only class-reference to the module-level
   117         # connection variable.
   118         self.connection = connection
   120     def get_meta(self):
   121         """
   122         Returns the Options instance (the model._meta) from which to start
   123         processing. Normally, this is self.model._meta, but it can change.
   124         """
   125         if self.start_meta:
   126             return self.start_meta
   127         return self.model._meta
   129     def quote_name_unless_alias(self, name):
   130         """
   131         A wrapper around connection.ops.quote_name that doesn't quote aliases
   132         for table names. This avoids problems with some SQL dialects that treat
   133         quoted strings specially (e.g. PostgreSQL).
   134         """
   135         if name in self.quote_cache:
   136             return self.quote_cache[name]
   137         if ((name in self.alias_map and name not in self.table_map) or
   138                 name in self.extra_select):
   139             self.quote_cache[name] = name
   140             return name
   141         r = self.connection.ops.quote_name(name)
   142         self.quote_cache[name] = r
   143         return r
   145     def clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
   146         """
   147         Creates a copy of the current instance. The 'kwargs' parameter can be
   148         used by clients to update attributes after copying has taken place.
   149         """
   150         obj = Empty()
   151         obj.__class__ = klass or self.__class__
   152         obj.model = self.model
   153         obj.connection = self.connection
   154         obj.alias_refcount = self.alias_refcount.copy()
   155         obj.alias_map = self.alias_map.copy()
   156         obj.table_map = self.table_map.copy()
   157         obj.join_map = self.join_map.copy()
   158         obj.rev_join_map = self.rev_join_map.copy()
   159         obj.quote_cache = {}
   160         obj.default_cols = self.default_cols
   161         obj.default_ordering = self.default_ordering
   162         obj.standard_ordering = self.standard_ordering
   163         obj.ordering_aliases = []
   164         obj.start_meta = self.start_meta
   165         obj.select_fields = self.select_fields[:]
   166         obj.related_select_fields = self.related_select_fields[:]
   167 =[:]
   168         obj.tables = self.tables[:]
   169         obj.where = deepcopy(self.where)
   170         obj.where_class = self.where_class
   171         obj.group_by = self.group_by[:]
   172         obj.having = self.having[:]
   173         obj.order_by = self.order_by[:]
   174         obj.low_mark, obj.high_mark = self.low_mark, self.high_mark
   175         obj.distinct = self.distinct
   176         obj.select_related = self.select_related
   177         obj.related_select_cols = []
   178         obj.max_depth = self.max_depth
   179         obj.extra_select = self.extra_select.copy()
   180         obj.extra_select_params = self.extra_select_params
   181         obj.extra_tables = self.extra_tables
   182         obj.extra_where = self.extra_where
   183         obj.extra_params = self.extra_params
   184         obj.extra_order_by = self.extra_order_by
   185         obj.__dict__.update(kwargs)
   186         if hasattr(obj, '_setup_query'):
   187             obj._setup_query()
   188         return obj
   190     def results_iter(self):
   191         """
   192         Returns an iterator over the results from executing this query.
   193         """
   194         resolve_columns = hasattr(self, 'resolve_columns')
   195         if resolve_columns:
   196             if self.select_fields:
   197                 fields = self.select_fields + self.related_select_fields
   198             else:
   199                 fields = self.model._meta.fields
   200         for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
   201             for row in rows:
   202                 if resolve_columns:
   203                     row = self.resolve_columns(row, fields)
   204                 yield row
   206     def get_count(self):
   207         """
   208         Performs a COUNT() query using the current filter constraints.
   209         """
   210         from subqueries import CountQuery
   211         obj = self.clone()
   212         obj.clear_ordering(True)
   213         obj.clear_limits()
   214         obj.select_related = False
   215         obj.related_select_cols = []
   216         obj.related_select_fields = []
   217         if obj.distinct and len( > 1:
   218             obj = self.clone(CountQuery, _query=obj, where=self.where_class(),
   219                     distinct=False)
   220    = []
   221             obj.extra_select = {}
   222         obj.add_count_column()
   223         data = obj.execute_sql(SINGLE)
   224         if not data:
   225             return 0
   226         number = data[0]
   228         # Apply offset and limit constraints manually, since using LIMIT/OFFSET
   229         # in SQL (in variants that provide them) doesn't change the COUNT
   230         # output.
   231         number = max(0, number - self.low_mark)
   232         if self.high_mark:
   233             number = min(number, self.high_mark - self.low_mark)
   235         return number
   237     def as_sql(self, with_limits=True, with_col_aliases=False):
   238         """
   239         Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
   240         parameters.
   242         If 'with_limits' is False, any limit/offset information is not included
   243         in the query.
   244         """
   245         self.pre_sql_setup()
   246         out_cols = self.get_columns(with_col_aliases)
   247         ordering = self.get_ordering()
   249         # This must come after 'select' and 'ordering' -- see docstring of
   250         # get_from_clause() for details.
   251         from_, f_params = self.get_from_clause()
   253         where, w_params = self.where.as_sql(qn=self.quote_name_unless_alias)
   254         params = list(self.extra_select_params)
   256         result = ['SELECT']
   257         if self.distinct:
   258             result.append('DISTINCT')
   259         result.append(', '.join(out_cols + self.ordering_aliases))
   261         result.append('FROM')
   262         result.extend(from_)
   263         params.extend(f_params)
   265         if where:
   266             result.append('WHERE %s' % where)
   267             params.extend(w_params)
   268         if self.extra_where:
   269             if not where:
   270                 result.append('WHERE')
   271             else:
   272                 result.append('AND')
   273             result.append(' AND '.join(self.extra_where))
   275         if self.group_by:
   276             grouping = self.get_grouping()
   277             result.append('GROUP BY %s' % ', '.join(grouping))
   279         if ordering:
   280             result.append('ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(ordering))
   282         # FIXME: Pull this out to make life easier for Oracle et al.
   283         if with_limits:
   284             if self.high_mark:
   285                 result.append('LIMIT %d' % (self.high_mark - self.low_mark))
   286             if self.low_mark:
   287                 if not self.high_mark:
   288                     val = self.connection.ops.no_limit_value()
   289                     if val:
   290                         result.append('LIMIT %d' % val)
   291                 result.append('OFFSET %d' % self.low_mark)
   293         params.extend(self.extra_params)
   294         return ' '.join(result), tuple(params)
   296     def combine(self, rhs, connector):
   297         """
   298         Merge the 'rhs' query into the current one (with any 'rhs' effects
   299         being applied *after* (that is, "to the right of") anything in the
   300         current query. 'rhs' is not modified during a call to this function.
   302         The 'connector' parameter describes how to connect filters from the
   303         'rhs' query.
   304         """
   305         assert self.model == rhs.model, \
   306                 "Cannot combine queries on two different base models."
   307         assert self.can_filter(), \
   308                 "Cannot combine queries once a slice has been taken."
   309         assert self.distinct == rhs.distinct, \
   310             "Cannot combine a unique query with a non-unique query."
   312         # Work out how to relabel the rhs aliases, if necessary.
   313         change_map = {}
   314         used = set()
   315         conjunction = (connector == AND)
   316         first = True
   317         for alias in rhs.tables:
   318             if not rhs.alias_refcount[alias]:
   319                 # An unused alias.
   320                 continue
   321             promote = (rhs.alias_map[alias][JOIN_TYPE] == self.LOUTER)
   322             new_alias = self.join(rhs.rev_join_map[alias],
   323                     (conjunction and not first), used, promote, not conjunction)
   324             used.add(new_alias)
   325             change_map[alias] = new_alias
   326             first = False
   328         # So that we don't exclude valid results in an "or" query combination,
   329         # the first join that is exclusive to the lhs (self) must be converted
   330         # to an outer join.
   331         if not conjunction:
   332             for alias in self.tables[1:]:
   333                 if self.alias_refcount[alias] == 1:
   334                     self.promote_alias(alias, True)
   335                     break
   337         # Now relabel a copy of the rhs where-clause and add it to the current
   338         # one.
   339         if rhs.where:
   340             w = deepcopy(rhs.where)
   341             w.relabel_aliases(change_map)
   342             if not self.where:
   343                 # Since 'self' matches everything, add an explicit "include
   344                 # everything" where-constraint so that connections between the
   345                 # where clauses won't exclude valid results.
   346                 self.where.add(EverythingNode(), AND)
   347         elif self.where:
   348             # rhs has an empty where clause.
   349             w = self.where_class()
   350             w.add(EverythingNode(), AND)
   351         else:
   352             w = self.where_class()
   353         self.where.add(w, connector)
   355         # Selection columns and extra extensions are those provided by 'rhs'.
   356 = []
   357         for col in
   358             if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
   359       [0], col[0]), col[1]))
   360             else:
   361                 item = deepcopy(col)
   362                 item.relabel_aliases(change_map)
   364         self.select_fields = rhs.select_fields[:]
   365         self.extra_select = rhs.extra_select.copy()
   366         self.extra_tables = rhs.extra_tables
   367         self.extra_where = rhs.extra_where
   368         self.extra_params = rhs.extra_params
   370         # Ordering uses the 'rhs' ordering, unless it has none, in which case
   371         # the current ordering is used.
   372         self.order_by = rhs.order_by and rhs.order_by[:] or self.order_by
   373         self.extra_order_by = rhs.extra_order_by or self.extra_order_by
   375     def pre_sql_setup(self):
   376         """
   377         Does any necessary class setup immediately prior to producing SQL. This
   378         is for things that can't necessarily be done in __init__ because we
   379         might not have all the pieces in place at that time.
   380         """
   381         if not self.tables:
   382             self.join((None, self.model._meta.db_table, None, None))
   383         if self.select_related and not self.related_select_cols:
   384             self.fill_related_selections()
   386     def get_columns(self, with_aliases=False):
   387         """
   388         Return the list of columns to use in the select statement. If no
   389         columns have been specified, returns all columns relating to fields in
   390         the model.
   392         If 'with_aliases' is true, any column names that are duplicated
   393         (without the table names) are given unique aliases. This is needed in
   394         some cases to avoid ambiguitity with nested queries.
   395         """
   396         qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
   397         qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
   398         result = ['(%s) AS %s' % (col, qn2(alias)) for alias, col in self.extra_select.iteritems()]
   399         aliases = set(self.extra_select.keys())
   400         if with_aliases:
   401             col_aliases = aliases.copy()
   402         else:
   403             col_aliases = set()
   404         if
   405             for col in
   406                 if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
   407                     r = '%s.%s' % (qn(col[0]), qn(col[1]))
   408                     if with_aliases and col[1] in col_aliases:
   409                         c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
   410                         result.append('%s AS %s' % (r, c_alias))
   411                         aliases.add(c_alias)
   412                         col_aliases.add(c_alias)
   413                     else:
   414                         result.append(r)
   415                         aliases.add(r)
   416                         col_aliases.add(col[1])
   417                 else:
   418                     result.append(col.as_sql(quote_func=qn))
   419                     if hasattr(col, 'alias'):
   420                         aliases.add(col.alias)
   421                         col_aliases.add(col.alias)
   422         elif self.default_cols:
   423             cols, new_aliases = self.get_default_columns(with_aliases,
   424                     col_aliases)
   425             result.extend(cols)
   426             aliases.update(new_aliases)
   427         for table, col in self.related_select_cols:
   428             r = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), qn(col))
   429             if with_aliases and col in col_aliases:
   430                 c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
   431                 result.append('%s AS %s' % (r, c_alias))
   432                 aliases.add(c_alias)
   433                 col_aliases.add(c_alias)
   434             else:
   435                 result.append(r)
   436                 aliases.add(r)
   437                 col_aliases.add(col)
   439         self._select_aliases = aliases
   440         return result
   442     def get_default_columns(self, with_aliases=False, col_aliases=None):
   443         """
   444         Computes the default columns for selecting every field in the base
   445         model.
   447         Returns a list of strings, quoted appropriately for use in SQL
   448         directly, as well as a set of aliases used in the select statement.
   449         """
   450         result = []
   451         table_alias = self.tables[0]
   452         root_pk =
   453         seen = {None: table_alias}
   454         qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
   455         qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
   456         aliases = set()
   457         for field, model in self.model._meta.get_fields_with_model():
   458             try:
   459                 alias = seen[model]
   460             except KeyError:
   461                 alias = self.join((table_alias, model._meta.db_table,
   462                         root_pk,
   463                 seen[model] = alias
   464             if with_aliases and field.column in col_aliases:
   465                 c_alias = 'Col%d' % len(col_aliases)
   466                 result.append('%s.%s AS %s' % (qn(alias),
   467                     qn2(field.column), c_alias))
   468                 col_aliases.add(c_alias)
   469                 aliases.add(c_alias)
   470             else:
   471                 r = '%s.%s' % (qn(alias), qn2(field.column))
   472                 result.append(r)
   473                 aliases.add(r)
   474                 if with_aliases:
   475                     col_aliases.add(field.column)
   476         return result, aliases
   478     def get_from_clause(self):
   479         """
   480         Returns a list of strings that are joined together to go after the
   481         "FROM" part of the query, as well as a list any extra parameters that
   482         need to be included. Sub-classes, can override this to create a
   483         from-clause via a "select", for example (e.g. CountQuery).
   485         This should only be called after any SQL construction methods that
   486         might change the tables we need. This means the select columns and
   487         ordering must be done first.
   488         """
   489         result = []
   490         qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
   491         qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
   492         first = True
   493         for alias in self.tables:
   494             if not self.alias_refcount[alias]:
   495                 continue
   496             try:
   497                 name, alias, join_type, lhs, lhs_col, col, nullable = self.alias_map[alias]
   498             except KeyError:
   499                 # Extra tables can end up in self.tables, but not in the
   500                 # alias_map if they aren't in a join. That's OK. We skip them.
   501                 continue
   502             alias_str = (alias != name and ' %s' % alias or '')
   503             if join_type and not first:
   504                 result.append('%s %s%s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s)'
   505                         % (join_type, qn(name), alias_str, qn(lhs),
   506                            qn2(lhs_col), qn(alias), qn2(col)))
   507             else:
   508                 connector = not first and ', ' or ''
   509                 result.append('%s%s%s' % (connector, qn(name), alias_str))
   510             first = False
   511         for t in self.extra_tables:
   512             alias, unused = self.table_alias(t)
   513             if alias not in self.alias_map:
   514                 connector = not first and ', ' or ''
   515                 result.append('%s%s' % (connector, qn(alias)))
   516                 first = False
   517         return result, []
   519     def get_grouping(self):
   520         """
   521         Returns a tuple representing the SQL elements in the "group by" clause.
   522         """
   523         qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
   524         result = []
   525         for col in self.group_by:
   526             if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
   527                 result.append('%s.%s' % (qn(col[0]), qn(col[1])))
   528             elif hasattr(col, 'as_sql'):
   529                 result.append(col.as_sql(qn))
   530             else:
   531                 result.append(str(col))
   532         return result
   534     def get_ordering(self):
   535         """
   536         Returns list representing the SQL elements in the "order by" clause.
   537         Also sets the ordering_aliases attribute on this instance to a list of
   538         extra aliases needed in the select.
   540         Determining the ordering SQL can change the tables we need to include,
   541         so this should be run *before* get_from_clause().
   542         """
   543         if self.extra_order_by:
   544             ordering = self.extra_order_by
   545         elif not self.default_ordering:
   546             ordering = []
   547         else:
   548             ordering = self.order_by or self.model._meta.ordering
   549         qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
   550         qn2 = self.connection.ops.quote_name
   551         distinct = self.distinct
   552         select_aliases = self._select_aliases
   553         result = []
   554         ordering_aliases = []
   555         if self.standard_ordering:
   556             asc, desc = ORDER_DIR['ASC']
   557         else:
   558             asc, desc = ORDER_DIR['DESC']
   559         for field in ordering:
   560             if field == '?':
   561                 result.append(self.connection.ops.random_function_sql())
   562                 continue
   563             if isinstance(field, int):
   564                 if field < 0:
   565                     order = desc
   566                     field = -field
   567                 else:
   568                     order = asc
   569                 result.append('%s %s' % (field, order))
   570                 continue
   571             if '.' in field:
   572                 # This came in through an extra(order_by=...) addition. Pass it
   573                 # on verbatim.
   574                 col, order = get_order_dir(field, asc)
   575                 table, col = col.split('.', 1)
   576                 elt = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), col)
   577                 if not distinct or elt in select_aliases:
   578                     result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
   579             elif get_order_dir(field)[0] not in self.extra_select:
   580                 # 'col' is of the form 'field' or 'field1__field2' or
   581                 # '-field1__field2__field', etc.
   582                 for table, col, order in self.find_ordering_name(field,
   583                         self.model._meta, default_order=asc):
   584                     elt = '%s.%s' % (qn(table), qn2(col))
   585                     if distinct and elt not in select_aliases:
   586                         ordering_aliases.append(elt)
   587                     result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
   588             else:
   589                 col, order = get_order_dir(field, asc)
   590                 elt = qn(col)
   591                 if distinct and elt not in select_aliases:
   592                     ordering_aliases.append(elt)
   593                 result.append('%s %s' % (elt, order))
   594         self.ordering_aliases = ordering_aliases
   595         return result
   597     def find_ordering_name(self, name, opts, alias=None, default_order='ASC',
   598             already_seen=None):
   599         """
   600         Returns the table alias (the name might be ambiguous, the alias will
   601         not be) and column name for ordering by the given 'name' parameter.
   602         The 'name' is of the form 'field1__field2__...__fieldN'.
   603         """
   604         name, order = get_order_dir(name, default_order)
   605         pieces = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
   606         if not alias:
   607             alias = self.get_initial_alias()
   608         field, target, opts, joins, last = self.setup_joins(pieces, opts,
   609                 alias, False)
   610         alias = joins[-1]
   611         col = target.column
   613         # If we get to this point and the field is a relation to another model,
   614         # append the default ordering for that model.
   615         if field.rel and len(joins) > 1 and opts.ordering:
   616             # Firstly, avoid infinite loops.
   617             if not already_seen:
   618                 already_seen = set()
   619             join_tuple = tuple([self.alias_map[j][TABLE_NAME] for j in joins])
   620             if join_tuple in already_seen:
   621                 raise FieldError('Infinite loop caused by ordering.')
   622             already_seen.add(join_tuple)
   624             results = []
   625             for item in opts.ordering:
   626                 results.extend(self.find_ordering_name(item, opts, alias,
   627                         order, already_seen))
   628             return results
   630         if alias:
   631             # We have to do the same "final join" optimisation as in
   632             # add_filter, since the final column might not otherwise be part of
   633             # the select set (so we can't order on it).
   634             join = self.alias_map[alias]
   635             if col == join[RHS_JOIN_COL]:
   636                 self.unref_alias(alias)
   637                 alias = join[LHS_ALIAS]
   638                 col = join[LHS_JOIN_COL]
   639         return [(alias, col, order)]
   641     def table_alias(self, table_name, create=False):
   642         """
   643         Returns a table alias for the given table_name and whether this is a
   644         new alias or not.
   646         If 'create' is true, a new alias is always created. Otherwise, the
   647         most recently created alias for the table (if one exists) is reused.
   648         """
   649         current = self.table_map.get(table_name)
   650         if not create and current:
   651             alias = current[0]
   652             self.alias_refcount[alias] += 1
   653             return alias, False
   655         # Create a new alias for this table.
   656         if current:
   657             alias = '%s%d' % (self.alias_prefix, len(self.alias_map) + 1)
   658             current.append(alias)
   659         else:
   660             # The first occurence of a table uses the table name directly.
   661             alias = table_name
   662             self.table_map[alias] = [alias]
   663         self.alias_refcount[alias] = 1
   664         #self.alias_map[alias] = None
   665         self.tables.append(alias)
   666         return alias, True
   668     def ref_alias(self, alias):
   669         """ Increases the reference count for this alias. """
   670         self.alias_refcount[alias] += 1
   672     def unref_alias(self, alias):
   673         """ Decreases the reference count for this alias. """
   674         self.alias_refcount[alias] -= 1
   676     def promote_alias(self, alias, unconditional=False):
   677         """
   678         Promotes the join type of an alias to an outer join if it's possible
   679         for the join to contain NULL values on the left. If 'unconditional' is
   680         False, the join is only promoted if it is nullable, otherwise it is
   681         always promoted.
   682         """
   683         if ((unconditional or self.alias_map[alias][NULLABLE]) and
   684                 self.alias_map[alias] != self.LOUTER):
   685             data = list(self.alias_map[alias])
   686             data[JOIN_TYPE] = self.LOUTER
   687             self.alias_map[alias] = tuple(data)
   689     def change_aliases(self, change_map):
   690         """
   691         Changes the aliases in change_map (which maps old-alias -> new-alias),
   692         relabelling any references to them in select columns and the where
   693         clause.
   694         """
   695         assert set(change_map.keys()).intersection(set(change_map.values())) == set()
   697         # 1. Update references in "select" and "where".
   698         self.where.relabel_aliases(change_map)
   699         for pos, col in enumerate(
   700             if isinstance(col, (list, tuple)):
   701       [pos] = (change_map.get(old_alias, old_alias), col[1])
   702             else:
   703                 col.relabel_aliases(change_map)
   705         # 2. Rename the alias in the internal table/alias datastructures.
   706         for old_alias, new_alias in change_map.iteritems():
   707             alias_data = list(self.alias_map[old_alias])
   708             alias_data[RHS_ALIAS] = new_alias
   710             t = self.rev_join_map[old_alias]
   711             data = list(self.join_map[t])
   712             data[data.index(old_alias)] = new_alias
   713             self.join_map[t] = tuple(data)
   714             self.rev_join_map[new_alias] = t
   715             del self.rev_join_map[old_alias]
   716             self.alias_refcount[new_alias] = self.alias_refcount[old_alias]
   717             del self.alias_refcount[old_alias]
   718             self.alias_map[new_alias] = tuple(alias_data)
   719             del self.alias_map[old_alias]
   721             table_aliases = self.table_map[alias_data[TABLE_NAME]]
   722             for pos, alias in enumerate(table_aliases):
   723                 if alias == old_alias:
   724                     table_aliases[pos] = new_alias
   725                     break
   726             for pos, alias in enumerate(self.tables):
   727                 if alias == old_alias:
   728                     self.tables[pos] = new_alias
   729                     break
   731         # 3. Update any joins that refer to the old alias.
   732         for alias, data in self.alias_map.iteritems():
   733             lhs = data[LHS_ALIAS]
   734             if lhs in change_map:
   735                 data = list(data)
   736                 data[LHS_ALIAS] = change_map[lhs]
   737                 self.alias_map[alias] = tuple(data)
   739     def bump_prefix(self, exceptions=()):
   740         """
   741         Changes the alias prefix to the next letter in the alphabet and
   742         relabels all the aliases. Even tables that previously had no alias will
   743         get an alias after this call (it's mostly used for nested queries and
   744         the outer query will already be using the non-aliased table name).
   746         Subclasses who create their own prefix should override this method to
   747         produce a similar result (a new prefix and relabelled aliases).
   749         The 'exceptions' parameter is a container that holds alias names which
   750         should not be changed.
   751         """
   752         assert ord(self.alias_prefix) < ord('Z')
   753         self.alias_prefix = chr(ord(self.alias_prefix) + 1)
   754         change_map = {}
   755         prefix = self.alias_prefix
   756         for pos, alias in enumerate(self.tables):
   757             if alias in exceptions:
   758                 continue
   759             new_alias = '%s%d' % (prefix, pos)
   760             change_map[alias] = new_alias
   761             self.tables[pos] = new_alias
   762         self.change_aliases(change_map)
   764     def get_initial_alias(self):
   765         """
   766         Returns the first alias for this query, after increasing its reference
   767         count.
   768         """
   769         if self.tables:
   770             alias = self.tables[0]
   771             self.ref_alias(alias)
   772         else:
   773             alias = self.join((None, self.model._meta.db_table, None, None))
   774         return alias
   776     def count_active_tables(self):
   777         """
   778         Returns the number of tables in this query with a non-zero reference
   779         count.
   780         """
   781         return len([1 for count in self.alias_refcount.itervalues() if count])
   783     def join(self, connection, always_create=False, exclusions=(),
   784             promote=False, outer_if_first=False, nullable=False, reuse=None):
   785         """
   786         Returns an alias for the join in 'connection', either reusing an
   787         existing alias for that join or creating a new one. 'connection' is a
   788         tuple (lhs, table, lhs_col, col) where 'lhs' is either an existing
   789         table alias or a table name. The join correspods to the SQL equivalent
   790         of::
   792             lhs.lhs_col = table.col
   794         If 'always_create' is True and 'reuse' is None, a new alias is always
   795         created, regardless of whether one already exists or not. Otherwise
   796         'reuse' must be a set and a new join is created unless one of the
   797         aliases in `reuse` can be used.
   799         If 'exclusions' is specified, it is something satisfying the container
   800         protocol ("foo in exclusions" must work) and specifies a list of
   801         aliases that should not be returned, even if they satisfy the join.
   803         If 'promote' is True, the join type for the alias will be LOUTER (if
   804         the alias previously existed, the join type will be promoted from INNER
   805         to LOUTER, if necessary).
   807         If 'outer_if_first' is True and a new join is created, it will have the
   808         LOUTER join type. This is used when joining certain types of querysets
   809         and Q-objects together.
   811         If 'nullable' is True, the join can potentially involve NULL values and
   812         is a candidate for promotion (to "left outer") when combining querysets.
   813         """
   814         lhs, table, lhs_col, col = connection
   815         if lhs in self.alias_map:
   816             lhs_table = self.alias_map[lhs][TABLE_NAME]
   817         else:
   818             lhs_table = lhs
   820         if reuse and always_create and table in self.table_map:
   821             # Convert the 'reuse' to case to be "exclude everything but the
   822             # reusable set for this table".
   823             exclusions = set(self.table_map[table]).difference(reuse)
   824             always_create = False
   825         t_ident = (lhs_table, table, lhs_col, col)
   826         if not always_create:
   827             for alias in self.join_map.get(t_ident, ()):
   828                 if alias not in exclusions:
   829                     self.ref_alias(alias)
   830                     if promote:
   831                         self.promote_alias(alias)
   832                     return alias
   834         # No reuse is possible, so we need a new alias.
   835         alias, _ = self.table_alias(table, True)
   836         if not lhs:
   837             # Not all tables need to be joined to anything. No join type
   838             # means the later columns are ignored.
   839             join_type = None
   840         elif promote or outer_if_first:
   841             join_type = self.LOUTER
   842         else:
   843             join_type = self.INNER
   844         join = (table, alias, join_type, lhs, lhs_col, col, nullable)
   845         self.alias_map[alias] = join
   846         if t_ident in self.join_map:
   847             self.join_map[t_ident] += (alias,)
   848         else:
   849             self.join_map[t_ident] = (alias,)
   850         self.rev_join_map[alias] = t_ident
   851         return alias
   853     def fill_related_selections(self, opts=None, root_alias=None, cur_depth=1,
   854             used=None, requested=None, restricted=None):
   855         """
   856         Fill in the information needed for a select_related query. The current
   857         depth is measured as the number of connections away from the root model
   858         (for example, cur_depth=1 means we are looking at models with direct
   859         connections to the root model).
   860         """
   861         if not restricted and self.max_depth and cur_depth > self.max_depth:
   862             # We've recursed far enough; bail out.
   863             return
   864         if not opts:
   865             opts = self.get_meta()
   866             root_alias = self.get_initial_alias()
   867             self.related_select_cols = []
   868             self.related_select_fields = []
   869         if not used:
   870             used = set()
   872         # Setup for the case when only particular related fields should be
   873         # included in the related selection.
   874         if requested is None and restricted is not False:
   875             if isinstance(self.select_related, dict):
   876                 requested = self.select_related
   877                 restricted = True
   878             else:
   879                 restricted = False
   881         for f, model in opts.get_fields_with_model():
   882             if (not f.rel or (restricted and not in requested) or
   883                     (not restricted and f.null) or f.rel.parent_link):
   884                 continue
   885             table =
   886             if model:
   887                 int_opts = opts
   888                 alias = root_alias
   889                 for int_model in opts.get_base_chain(model):
   890                     lhs_col = int_opts.parents[int_model].column
   891                     int_opts = int_model._meta
   892                     alias = self.join((alias, int_opts.db_table, lhs_col,
   893                   , exclusions=used,
   894                             promote=f.null)
   895             else:
   896                 alias = root_alias
   897             alias = self.join((alias, table, f.column,
   898                     f.rel.get_related_field().column), exclusions=used,
   899                     promote=f.null)
   900             used.add(alias)
   901             self.related_select_cols.extend([(alias, f2.column)
   902                     for f2 in])
   903             self.related_select_fields.extend(
   904             if restricted:
   905                 next = requested.get(, {})
   906             else:
   907                 next = False
   908             self.fill_related_selections(, alias, cur_depth + 1,
   909                     used, next, restricted)
   911     def add_filter(self, filter_expr, connector=AND, negate=False, trim=False,
   912             can_reuse=None):
   913         """
   914         Add a single filter to the query. The 'filter_expr' is a pair:
   915         (filter_string, value). E.g. ('name__contains', 'fred')
   917         If 'negate' is True, this is an exclude() filter. It's important to
   918         note that this method does not negate anything in the where-clause
   919         object when inserting the filter constraints. This is because negated
   920         filters often require multiple calls to add_filter() and the negation
   921         should only happen once. So the caller is responsible for this (the
   922         caller will normally be add_q(), so that as an example).
   924         If 'trim' is True, we automatically trim the final join group (used
   925         internally when constructing nested queries).
   927         If 'can_reuse' is a set, we are processing a component of a
   928         multi-component filter (e.g. filter(Q1, Q2)). In this case, 'can_reuse'
   929         will be a set of table aliases that can be reused in this filter, even
   930         if we would otherwise force the creation of new aliases for a join
   931         (needed for nested Q-filters). The set is updated by this method.
   932         """
   933         arg, value = filter_expr
   934         parts = arg.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
   935         if not parts:
   936             raise FieldError("Cannot parse keyword query %r" % arg)
   938         # Work out the lookup type and remove it from 'parts', if necessary.
   939         if len(parts) == 1 or parts[-1] not in self.query_terms:
   940             lookup_type = 'exact'
   941         else:
   942             lookup_type = parts.pop()
   944         # Interpret '__exact=None' as the sql 'is NULL'; otherwise, reject all
   945         # uses of None as a query value.
   946         if value is None:
   947             if lookup_type != 'exact':
   948                 raise ValueError("Cannot use None as a query value")
   949             lookup_type = 'isnull'
   950             value = True
   951         elif callable(value):
   952             value = value()
   954         opts = self.get_meta()
   955         alias = self.get_initial_alias()
   956         allow_many = trim or not negate
   958         try:
   959             field, target, opts, join_list, last = self.setup_joins(parts, opts,
   960                     alias, True, allow_many, can_reuse=can_reuse)
   961         except MultiJoin, e:
   962             self.split_exclude(filter_expr, LOOKUP_SEP.join(parts[:e.level]))
   963             return
   964         final = len(join_list)
   965         penultimate = last.pop()
   966         if penultimate == final:
   967             penultimate = last.pop()
   968         if trim and len(join_list) > 1:
   969             extra = join_list[penultimate:]
   970             join_list = join_list[:penultimate]
   971             final = penultimate
   972             penultimate = last.pop()
   973             col = self.alias_map[extra[0]][LHS_JOIN_COL]
   974             for alias in extra:
   975                 self.unref_alias(alias)
   976         else:
   977             col = target.column
   978         alias = join_list[-1]
   980         if final > 1:
   981             # An optimization: if the final join is against the same column as
   982             # we are comparing against, we can go back one step in the join
   983             # chain and compare against the lhs of the join instead. The result
   984             # (potentially) involves one less table join.
   985             join = self.alias_map[alias]
   986             if col == join[RHS_JOIN_COL]:
   987                 self.unref_alias(alias)
   988                 alias = join[LHS_ALIAS]
   989                 col = join[LHS_JOIN_COL]
   990                 join_list = join_list[:-1]
   991                 final -= 1
   992                 if final == penultimate:
   993                     penultimate = last.pop()
   995         if (lookup_type == 'isnull' and value is True and not negate and
   996                 final > 1):
   997             # If the comparison is against NULL, we need to use a left outer
   998             # join when connecting to the previous model. We make that
   999             # adjustment here. We don't do this unless needed as it's less
  1000             # efficient at the database level.
  1001             self.promote_alias(join_list[penultimate])
  1003         if connector == OR:
  1004             # Some joins may need to be promoted when adding a new filter to a
  1005             # disjunction. We walk the list of new joins and where it diverges
  1006             # from any previous joins (ref count is 1 in the table list), we
  1007             # make the new additions (and any existing ones not used in the new
  1008             # join list) an outer join.
  1009             join_it = iter(join_list)
  1010             table_it = iter(self.tables)
  1011   ,
  1012             for join in join_it:
  1013                 table =
  1014                 if join == table and self.alias_refcount[join] > 1:
  1015                     continue
  1016                 self.promote_alias(join)
  1017                 if table != join:
  1018                     self.promote_alias(table)
  1019                 break
  1020             for join in join_it:
  1021                 self.promote_alias(join)
  1022             for table in table_it:
  1023                 # Some of these will have been promoted from the join_list, but
  1024                 # that's harmless.
  1025                 self.promote_alias(table)
  1027         self.where.add((alias, col, field, lookup_type, value), connector)
  1028         if negate:
  1029             for alias in join_list:
  1030                 self.promote_alias(alias)
  1031             if final > 1 and lookup_type != 'isnull':
  1032                 for alias in join_list:
  1033                     if self.alias_map[alias] == self.LOUTER:
  1034                         j_col = self.alias_map[alias][RHS_JOIN_COL]
  1035                         entry = Node([(alias, j_col, None, 'isnull', True)])
  1036                         entry.negate()
  1037                         self.where.add(entry, AND)
  1038                         break
  1039         if can_reuse is not None:
  1040             can_reuse.update(join_list)
  1042     def add_q(self, q_object, used_aliases=None):
  1043         """
  1044         Adds a Q-object to the current filter.
  1046         Can also be used to add anything that has an 'add_to_query()' method.
  1047         """
  1048         if used_aliases is None:
  1049             used_aliases = set()
  1050         if hasattr(q_object, 'add_to_query'):
  1051             # Complex custom objects are responsible for adding themselves.
  1052             q_object.add_to_query(self, used_aliases)
  1053             return
  1055         if self.where and q_object.connector != AND and len(q_object) > 1:
  1056             self.where.start_subtree(AND)
  1057             subtree = True
  1058         else:
  1059             subtree = False
  1060         connector = AND
  1061         for child in q_object.children:
  1062             if isinstance(child, Node):
  1063                 self.where.start_subtree(connector)
  1064                 self.add_q(child, used_aliases)
  1065                 self.where.end_subtree()
  1066             else:
  1067                 self.add_filter(child, connector, q_object.negated,
  1068                         can_reuse=used_aliases)
  1069             connector = q_object.connector
  1070         if q_object.negated:
  1071             self.where.negate()
  1072         if subtree:
  1073             self.where.end_subtree()
  1075     def setup_joins(self, names, opts, alias, dupe_multis, allow_many=True,
  1076             allow_explicit_fk=False, can_reuse=None):
  1077         """
  1078         Compute the necessary table joins for the passage through the fields
  1079         given in 'names'. 'opts' is the Options class for the current model
  1080         (which gives the table we are joining to), 'alias' is the alias for the
  1081         table we are joining to. If dupe_multis is True, any many-to-many or
  1082         many-to-one joins will always create a new alias (necessary for
  1083         disjunctive filters).
  1085         Returns the final field involved in the join, the target database
  1086         column (used for any 'where' constraint), the final 'opts' value and the
  1087         list of tables joined.
  1088         """
  1089         joins = [alias]
  1090         last = [0]
  1091         for pos, name in enumerate(names):
  1092             last.append(len(joins))
  1093             if name == 'pk':
  1094                 name =
  1096             try:
  1097                 field, model, direct, m2m = opts.get_field_by_name(name)
  1098             except FieldDoesNotExist:
  1099                 for f in opts.fields:
  1100                     if allow_explicit_fk and name == f.attname:
  1101                         # XXX: A hack to allow foo_id to work in values() for
  1102                         # backwards compatibility purposes. If we dropped that
  1103                         # feature, this could be removed.
  1104                         field, model, direct, m2m = opts.get_field_by_name(
  1105                         break
  1106                 else:
  1107                     names = opts.get_all_field_names()
  1108                     raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
  1109                             "Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(names)))
  1110             if not allow_many and (m2m or not direct):
  1111                 for alias in joins:
  1112                     self.unref_alias(alias)
  1113                 raise MultiJoin(pos + 1)
  1114             if model:
  1115                 # The field lives on a base class of the current model.
  1116                 alias_list = []
  1117                 for int_model in opts.get_base_chain(model):
  1118                     lhs_col = opts.parents[int_model].column
  1119                     opts = int_model._meta
  1120                     alias = self.join((alias, opts.db_table, lhs_col,
  1121                   , exclusions=joins)
  1122                     joins.append(alias)
  1123             cached_data = opts._join_cache.get(name)
  1124             orig_opts = opts
  1126             if direct:
  1127                 if m2m:
  1128                     # Many-to-many field defined on the current model.
  1129                     if cached_data:
  1130                         (table1, from_col1, to_col1, table2, from_col2,
  1131                                 to_col2, opts, target) = cached_data
  1132                     else:
  1133                         table1 = field.m2m_db_table()
  1134                         from_col1 =
  1135                         to_col1 = field.m2m_column_name()
  1136                         opts =
  1137                         table2 = opts.db_table
  1138                         from_col2 = field.m2m_reverse_name()
  1139                         to_col2 =
  1140                         target =
  1141                         orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table1, from_col1,
  1142                                 to_col1, table2, from_col2, to_col2, opts,
  1143                                 target)
  1145                     int_alias = self.join((alias, table1, from_col1, to_col1),
  1146                             dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
  1147                     alias = self.join((int_alias, table2, from_col2, to_col2),
  1148                             dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
  1149                     joins.extend([int_alias, alias])
  1150                 elif field.rel:
  1151                     # One-to-one or many-to-one field
  1152                     if cached_data:
  1153                         (table, from_col, to_col, opts, target) = cached_data
  1154                     else:
  1155                         opts =
  1156                         target = field.rel.get_related_field()
  1157                         table = opts.db_table
  1158                         from_col = field.column
  1159                         to_col = target.column
  1160                         orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table, from_col, to_col,
  1161                                 opts, target)
  1163                     alias = self.join((alias, table, from_col, to_col),
  1164                             exclusions=joins, nullable=field.null)
  1165                     joins.append(alias)
  1166                 else:
  1167                     # Non-relation fields.
  1168                     target = field
  1169                     break
  1170             else:
  1171                 orig_field = field
  1172                 field = field.field
  1173                 if m2m:
  1174                     # Many-to-many field defined on the target model.
  1175                     if cached_data:
  1176                         (table1, from_col1, to_col1, table2, from_col2,
  1177                                 to_col2, opts, target) = cached_data
  1178                     else:
  1179                         table1 = field.m2m_db_table()
  1180                         from_col1 =
  1181                         to_col1 = field.m2m_reverse_name()
  1182                         opts = orig_field.opts
  1183                         table2 = opts.db_table
  1184                         from_col2 = field.m2m_column_name()
  1185                         to_col2 =
  1186                         target =
  1187                         orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table1, from_col1,
  1188                                 to_col1, table2, from_col2, to_col2, opts,
  1189                                 target)
  1191                     int_alias = self.join((alias, table1, from_col1, to_col1),
  1192                             dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
  1193                     alias = self.join((int_alias, table2, from_col2, to_col2),
  1194                             dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
  1195                     joins.extend([int_alias, alias])
  1196                 else:
  1197                     # One-to-many field (ForeignKey defined on the target model)
  1198                     if cached_data:
  1199                         (table, from_col, to_col, opts, target) = cached_data
  1200                     else:
  1201                         local_field = opts.get_field_by_name(
  1202                                 field.rel.field_name)[0]
  1203                         opts = orig_field.opts
  1204                         table = opts.db_table
  1205                         from_col = local_field.column
  1206                         to_col = field.column
  1207                         target =
  1208                         orig_opts._join_cache[name] = (table, from_col, to_col,
  1209                                 opts, target)
  1211                     alias = self.join((alias, table, from_col, to_col),
  1212                             dupe_multis, joins, nullable=True, reuse=can_reuse)
  1213                     joins.append(alias)
  1215         if pos != len(names) - 1:
  1216             raise FieldError("Join on field %r not permitted." % name)
  1218         return field, target, opts, joins, last
  1220     def split_exclude(self, filter_expr, prefix):
  1221         """
  1222         When doing an exclude against any kind of N-to-many relation, we need
  1223         to use a subquery. This method constructs the nested query, given the
  1224         original exclude filter (filter_expr) and the portion up to the first
  1225         N-to-many relation field.
  1226         """
  1227         query = Query(self.model, self.connection)
  1228         query.add_filter(filter_expr)
  1229         query.set_start(prefix)
  1230         query.clear_ordering(True)
  1231         self.add_filter(('%s__in' % prefix, query), negate=True, trim=True)
  1233     def set_limits(self, low=None, high=None):
  1234         """
  1235         Adjusts the limits on the rows retrieved. We use low/high to set these,
  1236         as it makes it more Pythonic to read and write. When the SQL query is
  1237         created, they are converted to the appropriate offset and limit values.
  1239         Any limits passed in here are applied relative to the existing
  1240         constraints. So low is added to the current low value and both will be
  1241         clamped to any existing high value.
  1242         """
  1243         if high:
  1244             if self.high_mark:
  1245                 self.high_mark = min(self.high_mark, self.low_mark + high)
  1246             else:
  1247                 self.high_mark = self.low_mark + high
  1248         if low:
  1249             if self.high_mark:
  1250                 self.low_mark = min(self.high_mark, self.low_mark + low)
  1251             else:
  1252                 self.low_mark = self.low_mark + low
  1254     def clear_limits(self):
  1255         """
  1256         Clears any existing limits.
  1257         """
  1258         self.low_mark, self.high_mark = 0, None
  1260     def can_filter(self):
  1261         """
  1262         Returns True if adding filters to this instance is still possible.
  1264         Typically, this means no limits or offsets have been put on the results.
  1265         """
  1266         return not (self.low_mark or self.high_mark)
  1268     def add_fields(self, field_names, allow_m2m=True):
  1269         """
  1270         Adds the given (model) fields to the select set. The field names are
  1271         added in the order specified.
  1272         """
  1273         alias = self.get_initial_alias()
  1274         opts = self.get_meta()
  1275         try:
  1276             for name in field_names:
  1277                 field, target, u2, joins, u3 = self.setup_joins(
  1278                         name.split(LOOKUP_SEP), opts, alias, False, allow_m2m,
  1279                         True)
  1280                 final_alias = joins[-1]
  1281                 col = target.column
  1282                 if len(joins) > 1:
  1283                     join = self.alias_map[final_alias]
  1284                     if col == join[RHS_JOIN_COL]:
  1285                         self.unref_alias(final_alias)
  1286                         final_alias = join[LHS_ALIAS]
  1287                         col = join[LHS_JOIN_COL]
  1288                         joins = joins[:-1]
  1289                 for join in joins[1:]:
  1290                     # Only nullable aliases are promoted, so we don't end up
  1291                     # doing unnecessary left outer joins here.
  1292                     self.promote_alias(join)
  1293       , col))
  1294                 self.select_fields.append(field)
  1295         except MultiJoin:
  1296             raise FieldError("Invalid field name: '%s'" % name)
  1297         except FieldError:
  1298             names = opts.get_all_field_names() + self.extra_select.keys()
  1299             names.sort()
  1300             raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
  1301                     "Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(names)))
  1303     def add_ordering(self, *ordering):
  1304         """
  1305         Adds items from the 'ordering' sequence to the query's "order by"
  1306         clause. These items are either field names (not column names) --
  1307         possibly with a direction prefix ('-' or '?') -- or ordinals,
  1308         corresponding to column positions in the 'select' list.
  1310         If 'ordering' is empty, all ordering is cleared from the query.
  1311         """
  1312         errors = []
  1313         for item in ordering:
  1314             if not ORDER_PATTERN.match(item):
  1315                 errors.append(item)
  1316         if errors:
  1317             raise FieldError('Invalid order_by arguments: %s' % errors)
  1318         if ordering:
  1319             self.order_by.extend(ordering)
  1320         else:
  1321             self.default_ordering = False
  1323     def clear_ordering(self, force_empty=False):
  1324         """
  1325         Removes any ordering settings. If 'force_empty' is True, there will be
  1326         no ordering in the resulting query (not even the model's default).
  1327         """
  1328         self.order_by = []
  1329         self.extra_order_by = ()
  1330         if force_empty:
  1331             self.default_ordering = False
  1333     def add_count_column(self):
  1334         """
  1335         Converts the query to do count(...) or count(distinct(pk)) in order to
  1336         get its size.
  1337         """
  1338         # TODO: When group_by support is added, this needs to be adjusted so
  1339         # that it doesn't totally overwrite the select list.
  1340         if not self.distinct:
  1341             if not
  1342                 select = Count()
  1343             else:
  1344                 assert len( == 1, \
  1345                         "Cannot add count col with multiple cols in 'select': %r" %
  1346                 select = Count([0])
  1347         else:
  1348             opts = self.model._meta
  1349             if not
  1350                 select = Count((self.join((None, opts.db_table, None, None)),
  1351               , True)
  1352             else:
  1353                 # Because of SQL portability issues, multi-column, distinct
  1354                 # counts need a sub-query -- see get_count() for details.
  1355                 assert len( == 1, \
  1356                         "Cannot add count col with multiple cols in 'select'."
  1357                 select = Count([0], True)
  1359             # Distinct handling is done in Count(), so don't do it at this
  1360             # level.
  1361             self.distinct = False
  1362 = [select]
  1363         self.select_fields = [None]
  1364         self.extra_select = {}
  1365         self.extra_select_params = ()
  1367     def add_select_related(self, fields):
  1368         """
  1369         Sets up the select_related data structure so that we only select
  1370         certain related models (as opposed to all models, when
  1371         self.select_related=True).
  1372         """
  1373         field_dict = {}
  1374         for field in fields:
  1375             d = field_dict
  1376             for part in field.split(LOOKUP_SEP):
  1377                 d = d.setdefault(part, {})
  1378         self.select_related = field_dict
  1379         self.related_select_cols = []
  1380         self.related_select_fields = []
  1382     def add_extra(self, select, select_params, where, params, tables, order_by):
  1383         """
  1384         Adds data to the various extra_* attributes for user-created additions
  1385         to the query.
  1386         """
  1387         if select:
  1388             # The extra select might be ordered (because it will be accepting
  1389             # parameters).
  1390             if (isinstance(select, SortedDict) and
  1391                     not isinstance(self.extra_select, SortedDict)):
  1392                 self.extra_select = SortedDict(self.extra_select)
  1393             self.extra_select.update(select)
  1394         if select_params:
  1395             self.extra_select_params += tuple(select_params)
  1396         if where:
  1397             self.extra_where += tuple(where)
  1398         if params:
  1399             self.extra_params += tuple(params)
  1400         if tables:
  1401             self.extra_tables += tuple(tables)
  1402         if order_by:
  1403             self.extra_order_by = order_by
  1405     def trim_extra_select(self, names):
  1406         """
  1407         Removes any aliases in the extra_select dictionary that aren't in
  1408         'names'.
  1410         This is needed if we are selecting certain values that don't incldue
  1411         all of the extra_select names.
  1412         """
  1413         for key in set(self.extra_select).difference(set(names)):
  1414             del self.extra_select[key]
  1416     def set_start(self, start):
  1417         """
  1418         Sets the table from which to start joining. The start position is
  1419         specified by the related attribute from the base model. This will
  1420         automatically set to the select column to be the column linked from the
  1421         previous table.
  1423         This method is primarily for internal use and the error checking isn't
  1424         as friendly as add_filter(). Mostly useful for querying directly
  1425         against the join table of many-to-many relation in a subquery.
  1426         """
  1427         opts = self.model._meta
  1428         alias = self.get_initial_alias()
  1429         field, col, opts, joins, last = self.setup_joins(
  1430                 start.split(LOOKUP_SEP), opts, alias, False)
  1431         alias = joins[last[-1]]
  1432 = [(alias, self.alias_map[alias][RHS_JOIN_COL])]
  1433         self.select_fields = [field]
  1434         self.start_meta = opts
  1436         # The call to setup_joins add an extra reference to everything in
  1437         # joins. So we need to unref everything once, and everything prior to
  1438         # the final join a second time.
  1439         for alias in joins:
  1440             self.unref_alias(alias)
  1441         for alias in joins[:last[-1]]:
  1442             self.unref_alias(alias)
  1444     def execute_sql(self, result_type=MULTI):
  1445         """
  1446         Run the query against the database and returns the result(s). The
  1447         return value is a single data item if result_type is SINGLE, or an
  1448         iterator over the results if the result_type is MULTI.
  1450         result_type is either MULTI (use fetchmany() to retrieve all rows),
  1451         SINGLE (only retrieve a single row), or None (no results expected, but
  1452         the cursor is returned, since it's used by subclasses such as
  1453         InsertQuery).
  1454         """
  1455         try:
  1456             sql, params = self.as_sql()
  1457             if not sql:
  1458                 raise EmptyResultSet
  1459         except EmptyResultSet:
  1460             if result_type == MULTI:
  1461                 return empty_iter()
  1462             else:
  1463                 return
  1465         cursor = self.connection.cursor()
  1466         cursor.execute(sql, params)
  1468         if not result_type:
  1469             return cursor
  1470         if result_type == SINGLE:
  1471             if self.ordering_aliases:
  1472                 return cursor.fetchone()[:-len(results.ordering_aliases)]
  1473             return cursor.fetchone()
  1475         # The MULTI case.
  1476         if self.ordering_aliases:
  1477             return order_modified_iter(cursor, len(self.ordering_aliases),
  1478                     self.connection.features.empty_fetchmany_value)
  1479         return iter((lambda: cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)),
  1480                 self.connection.features.empty_fetchmany_value)
  1482 # Use the backend's custom Query class if it defines one. Otherwise, use the
  1483 # default.
  1484 if connection.features.uses_custom_query_class:
  1485     Query = connection.ops.query_class(Query)
  1487 def get_order_dir(field, default='ASC'):
  1488     """
  1489     Returns the field name and direction for an order specification. For
  1490     example, '-foo' is returned as ('foo', 'DESC').
  1492     The 'default' param is used to indicate which way no prefix (or a '+'
  1493     prefix) should sort. The '-' prefix always sorts the opposite way.
  1494     """
  1495     dirn = ORDER_DIR[default]
  1496     if field[0] == '-':
  1497         return field[1:], dirn[1]
  1498     return field, dirn[0]
  1500 def empty_iter():
  1501     """
  1502     Returns an iterator containing no results.
  1503     """
  1504     yield iter([]).next()
  1506 def order_modified_iter(cursor, trim, sentinel):
  1507     """
  1508     Yields blocks of rows from a cursor. We use this iterator in the special
  1509     case when extra output columns have been added to support ordering
  1510     requirements. We must trim those extra columns before anything else can use
  1511     the results, since they're only needed to make the SQL valid.
  1512     """
  1513     for rows in iter((lambda: cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)),
  1514             sentinel):
  1515         yield [r[:-trim] for r in rows]
  1517 def setup_join_cache(sender):
  1518     """
  1519     The information needed to join between model fields is something that is
  1520     invariant over the life of the model, so we cache it in the model's Options
  1521     class, rather than recomputing it all the time.
  1523     This method initialises the (empty) cache when the model is created.
  1524     """
  1525     sender._meta._join_cache = {}
  1527 dispatcher.connect(setup_join_cache, signal=signals.class_prepared)