added the required changes in open_quiz view. the design is now final and ready for use
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block script %}
<script language="javascript">
var time_left = {{question.time_limit}};
function dec_counter (){
time_left -= 1;
if (time_left) {
document.getElementById("time_left").innerHTML = "Time left: " + time_left + " secs";
setTimeout("dec_counter()", 1000);
else {
function dopost (){
// setTimeout("dec_counter()", 1000);
{% endblock %}
{% block onload %} onload="dec_counter()" {% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{{question.description|linebreaksbr}} <br />
{% if question.code %}
<br />
{% endif %}
<br />
Answer:<br />
<form action="" method="post" id="queform">
{% if options %}
{% for option in options %}
<input name="answer" type="radio" value="{{option}}" > {{option}} <br />
{% endfor %}
<br />
{% else %}
<textarea name="answer" rows="10" cols="40"></textarea><br />
{% endif %}
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<h2 id="time_left"> Time left: {{question.time_limit}} secs</h2>
{% endblock %}