2010-04-14 amit Changed the list of chapter according to the actuall SEES course. default tip
2010-04-13 amit Added latex tutorials
2010-04-13 amit Some changes to add unicode support
2010-04-12 amit copyright info added
2010-04-12 amit Module plans taken out
2010-04-12 amit Some small changes ... bug fixes
2010-04-11 amit Library for docbook conversion taken from docutils sandbox ... patches done on it by me
2010-04-11 amit changes reflect the change in rst2docbook.py
2010-04-11 amit Using Docutils for the conversion instead of regex
2010-03-10 amit Some more changes to soup is made in final html also comment.html has been changed so the links don't appear
2010-03-09 amit Changed the algorithm for getting the titles ... Also added the ability to navigate to the next chapters
2010-03-04 amit Made changes so that the files so that files above chapter 10 do not come twice also changed the name so that any chapter beyond 9 is listed in the end
2010-03-02 amit Added hgignore and deleted the html files as they do not need to be tracked by hg now
2010-03-02 amit Changed paths dependent on repo location to be taken from the script also changed how the soup is printed
2010-03-01 amit Added change names to do required changes in names such that we get the chapter names beyond 10 in proper list
2010-02-28 amit Bug fix in myrst .. so that it does not fail at not finding a file
2010-02-28 amit Some bug fixing
2010-02-28 amit Testing
2010-02-28 amit Testing
2010-02-28 amit Testing
2010-02-28 amit some really stupid mistakes corrected
2010-02-28 amit Solving some especially with p_list.py
2010-02-26 amit Commiting a simple hook to do the auto build job
2010-02-26 amit Test
2010-02-25 amit Changes in Path
2010-02-25 amit Making changes for an automatic build so writing paths according to server
2010-02-24 amit Testing
2010-02-24 amit Started on final changes to the build scripts so that we can start with totally automatic builds
2010-02-23 amit Bug fixes and added a script for changes in final html
2010-02-23 amit New build of html solving some of the bugs
2010-02-22 amit Some changes after the horrible problem of writing the same ch9 on all the html pages
2010-02-22 amit some problems with sqlite database
2010-02-22 amit testing .. I am really confused about how to handle the change of repos from /home/amit to /home/hg
2010-02-22 amit Testing
2010-02-22 amit Solving problems related to sys.path
2010-02-22 amit Testing
2010-02-22 amit Testing
2010-02-22 amit Some bug fixes
2010-02-22 amit Testing
2010-02-22 amit Testing
2010-02-21 amit Testing
2010-02-21 amit testing
2010-02-21 amit Testing
2010-02-21 amit testing
2010-02-21 amit Testing urls part something there...
2010-02-21 amit Testing
2010-02-21 amit some changes to urls.py just testing
2010-02-21 amit Added /index because only / does not seem to work
2010-02-21 amit sorted the problem related to paths
2010-02-13 amit tags added
2010-02-13 amit Some more tags added
2010-02-13 amit Changes in path of some of the files ...
2010-02-11 amit Virtual enviroment for SEES-hacks added ...
2010-02-05 amit Added some new html files that failed earlier during change from rst
2010-01-25 amit The first commit of all the required files for the review app
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