changeset 94 87e77aa18610
parent 93 e86755df35da
child 95 f94e0cd9a862
--- a/project/kiwipycon/registration/	Thu Apr 01 11:59:35 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from django import forms
-from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from .models import SIZE_CHOICES
-from .models import Registration
-from .models import Wifi
-from project.kiwipycon.sponsor.models import Sponsor
-class RegistrationSubmitForm(forms.Form):
-    """PyCon registration form
-    """
-    tshirt = forms.ChoiceField(choices=SIZE_CHOICES, required=True,
-        label=u'T-shirt size', help_text=u'Yes, we all get a t-shirt!')
-#    beverage = forms.CharField(required=True, label=u'Beverage',
-#        help_text=u'Your beverage of choice - coffee, tea etc',
-#        max_length=255,
-#        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'50'}))
-#    diet = forms.CharField(required=False, label=u'Dietary',
-#        help_text=u'Special dietary requirements - vegetarian etc',
-#        max_length=255,
-#        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'50'}))
-    organisation = forms.CharField(required=True, label=u'Organisation',
-        help_text=u'The primary organisation that you are a member of.',
-        max_length=255,
-        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'50'}))
-    occupation = forms.CharField(required=True, label=u'Occupation',
-        help_text=u'Title of your occupation',
-        max_length=255,
-        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'50'}))
-    city = forms.CharField(required=True, label=u'City',
-        help_text=u'City of residence',
-        max_length=255,
-        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'50'}))
-    postcode = forms.CharField(required=False, label=u'Postcode',
-        help_text=u'This field is optional',
-        max_length=10,
-        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'10'}))
-    allow_contact = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Contact',
-        help_text=u'May organizers of contact you after the event?')
-    conference = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Conference',
-        help_text=u"""Do you intend to attend the SciPy conference?  
-        Note: Only conference has an registration fee of Rs.200 which you will
-        pay on the spot.""")
-    tutorial = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Tutorial',
-        help_text=u'Do you intend to attend the tutorials?')
-    sprint = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Sprint',
-        help_text=u'Do you intend to attend the sprints?')
-#    party = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Pre-con party',
-#        help_text=u'Do you intend to attend the pre-conference party on Friday?')
-#    discount = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Student/Unwaged?',
-#        help_text=u'You will be required to present your Community Services '\
-#                'Card or Student ID on arrival.')
-#    sponsor = forms.CharField(required=False, label=u'Sponsor code',
-#        help_text=u'If attending as a sponsor please enter your sponsor code.',
-#        max_length=50,
-#        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'20'}))
-    def demographic_fields(self):
-        return (self['organisation'],
-                self['occupation'],
-                self['city'],
-                self['postcode'])
-    def personal_fields(self):
-        return (self['tshirt'],
-                self['conference'],
-                self['tutorial'],
-                self['sprint'],
-                self['allow_contact'])
-#    def other_fields(self):
-#        return (self['sponsor'],)
-#    def clean_sponsor(self):
-#        """Validates that the entered sponsor code is valid and within limits
-#        of allowed guests
-#        """
-#        sponsorcode = self.cleaned_data.get("sponsor")
-#        if sponsorcode:
-#            try:
-#                sponsor = Sponsor.objects.get(slug=sponsorcode)
-#            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
-#                raise forms.ValidationError(
-#                    u"The sponsor code you entered is not valid.")
-#            if sponsor:
-#                guests = sponsor.guests
-#                if guests == 0:
-#                    raise forms.ValidationError(
-#                        u"The sponsor code you entered is not valid.")
-#                count = Registration.objects.filter(
-#                            sponsor=sponsorcode).count()
-#                if count >= guests:
-#                    raise forms.ValidationError(
-#                    u"That sponsor has reached limit of guests.")
-#        return sponsorcode
-class RegistrationEditForm(RegistrationSubmitForm):
-    id = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
-    sponsor = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput)
-class WifiForm(forms.ModelForm):
-    """PyCon wifi form
-    """
-    def save(self, user):
-        wifi = Wifi(user=user, wifi=self.cleaned_data['wifi'])
-        return wifi
-    class Meta:
-        model = Wifi
-        fields = ('wifi',)
-PC = (
-        ('all', 'all'),
-        ('paid', 'paid'),
-        ('not paid', 'not paid')
-        )
-HC = (
-        ('all', 'all'),
-        ('party', 'party'),
-        ('no party', 'no party')
-        )
-AC = (
-        ('all', 'all'),
-        ('0', '0'),
-        ('10', '10'),
-        ('20', '20'),
-        ('40', '40'),
-        )
-OC = (
-        ('email', 'email'),
-        ('amount', 'amount'),
-        )
-IC = (
-        ('Name', 'name'),
-        ('Email', 'email'),
-        ('Amount', 'amount'),
-        ('Organisation', 'organisation'),
-        ('Conference', 'conference'),
-        ('Tutorial', 'tutorial'),
-        ('Sprint', 'sprint'),
-        ('T-size', 'tshirt'),
-        )
-SC = (
-    ('all', 'all'),
-    ('S', 'S'),
-    ('M', 'M'),
-    ('L', 'L'),
-    ('XL', 'XL'),
-    )
-class RegistrationAdminSelectForm(forms.Form):
-    """
-    Used to make selection for csv download
-    """
-    by_payment = forms.ChoiceField(choices=PC, required=False,
-        label=u'By payment')
-    by_amount = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=AC, required=False,
-        label=u'By amount')
-    by_party = forms.ChoiceField(choices=HC, required=False,
-        label=u'by party')
-    by_tshirt = forms.ChoiceField(choices=SC, required=False,
-        label=u'by tshirt size')
-    order_by = forms.ChoiceField(choices=OC, required=False,
-        label=u'order results')
-    include = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=IC, required=False,
-        label=u'Include fields')